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&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& mission statement:
&Even in your darkest hour, I do not abandon you.&
Natural Healing Including
. Dr. Martin Seligman says in his book,
Helplessness (& 1975 and 1992),
&Depression is the common cold of psychopathology and has touched the lives
of us all.& If you have trouble understanding
the following,
then get someone else to read this and explain it to you. If you have 5 of the 9 below for over 2 weeks, it could be depression.
1. Depressed mood
2. Loss of interest in usual activities
3. Loss of appetite
4. Insomnia
5. Psychomotor retardation (slow thought or movement)
6 .Loss of energy
7. Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
8. Diminished ability to think and poor concentration
9. Suicidal thought or actionThis is from
the DSM-III-R (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric
Association, third edition, revised). It is the official bible of this
Originally this
webpage was going to be about physical problems but many people on forums
were asking for help with depression. Some were complaining
about their anti-depressants and looking for natural depression treatment or depression
self help. Others had depression, bipolar (manic depression), anxiety (panic)
attacks and did not want to be on medications (drugs).
There are 3 types of depression according to Dr
Martin Seligman in his national bestseller book, Learned Optimism (& 1990).&
See his cure for depression below. He was president of the American Psychological Association and is director of
the Positive Psychology Network that studies how everyone can be happier. He has
literally written the book (college textbook) on modern psychology. See
for more on what they have learned about everyone feeling
extremely happy. The medical way to treat depression is with drugs that take a
while to work or electro-shock therapy (electro-convulsive therapy-- ECT) that works lightning
fast. Good psychotherapy (talking) can help you but bad therapy can make you
There is bipolar
depression that has people feeling manic and depression. There is normal
depression that everyone experiences at times. Then there is unipolar
depression when it is a clinical (medical) depression. Dr Seligman says that there
is a shallow difference between the last two and he feels that the last 2 are
identical. This means that the doctor gets to decide to label you clinically
depressed or not. Then if he does, you can be depressed about it (that is why he
created Positive Psychology) and tell everyone you know that you are depressed.
In metaphysics they found that whatever you focus on tends to expand.News
The psychiatrist and author, , says that a study comparing Zoloft and exercise on depression,
showed that after 12 weeks (3 months), they were equal at helping depression.
After 10 months, exercise was much more effective than Zoloft at helping
depression. I could not find it on the internet so I do not have a link to it.
But the above link to Dr. Amen is very impressive. He has the best selling book,
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (see
bottom of page).Recent
News: TARPON SPRINGS, Fla., Feb. 8 /PRNewswire/
-- Antidepressant medications which increase serotonin neurotransmitter levels
[like Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft] can depress dopamine levels. Decreasing dopamine
level can increase depression, impulsivity and suicide risk in depressed
A study from the American
Journal of Public Health found that people who drink 20 ounces of soda
daily are three times more likely to be depressed and anxious, compared with
those who drink less.German Scientists Say Smokers More Prone to Suicide.
A recently published study by the Max
Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich claims that there is a connection between tobacco and
suicide. The scientists in charge of the study said that none of the participants had a history of clinical depression or of
alcohol or drug abuse. Non-smokers had a rate of 15%.&Occasional smokers--
20%. Heavy smokers-- 30%. See .
If you want to be happy and not depressed,
then stop being a drug addict. Misery and suffering is the way to teach them
that that is a bad idea. This includes smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol and
taking medications. Doing these thing will cause you untold misery. I guarantee
it. See chapter below on alcohol and drugs. Andrew L. Rubman, ND, associate
professor of clinical medicine, says that caffeine in coffee is a drug. Rapid
withdrawal can cause headaches, restlessness and irritability. So people with
depression should avoid that.
Kevin Trudeau
says in his best selling book, Natural
Cures They Do Not Want You to Know About, &All
illnesses and diseases are cause (1) too many toxins in the
(2) nutrit (3) electromag (4)
mental and/or emotional distress.& &The most effective way to cure and
prevent disease is by getting the toxins out.& &One very powerful
cleanse is, of course, fasting.& &Drugs
only suppress symptoms, and they cause disease because they are toxic.&
In More Natural Cures
Revealed, Kevin
Trudeau says &The facts are clear, drugs, both
prescription and non-prescription, do not make you healthier, they make you
sicker. Drug companies are not interested in your health. Drug companies only
want you to buy and use more drugs. If you want to cure yourself of any disease
you have and remain healthy, you must eliminate all non-prescription and
prescription drugs.&
Kevin Trudeau says in Natural
Cures, &In the Natural Cures book I talk about
the fact that the sun does not cause skin cancer. The sun is needed for life. If
you do not spend time in the sun you will be sick. The sun is vital for health,
longevity and to be disease free....Without sunlight you develop diseases
including depression, lack of energy, poor sleep, poor digestion, weight gain,
arthritis, constipation, bad breath, body odor, cancer, high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, diabetes, ADD, stress, headaches, susceptibility to colds,
flus and viral infections, PMS, male erectile dysfunction, loss of sexual desire
in women, infertility anxiety and more.& Sunbathing can brighten your mood,
help you relax, make you look better and help you lose weight if you need to.
Leo Galland, MD, director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine in NYC, says that exposure of the
unblocked eye to sunlight causes the pineal gland in the brain to make less melatonin. "This hormone,
which may cause symptoms of depression, is produced at increased levels in the dark."
The National Mental Health Association reports that when the days are shorter and darker, the production of melatonin
I just heard Linda Hamilton talking
on TV. She is an actress and the star of the Terminator movies. She said that she
battled with bipolar for years but got over it with nutrition and exercise. She
added that exercise is so important. So make sure to read this whole page since
most of it is about nutrition/diet and exercise like the MD talking about the
fastest growing exercise-- yoga.
Scientists have identified many parasites
that live in the human body. They get their nourishment from you and deposit
their waste in you. Their waste will not kill you, but can make you bipolar,
depressed and have suicidal feelings. A guy who helps people get rid of
parasites told how a guy called him and asked what he was doing to his wife. He
asked what was wrong.& The guy said that his wife was on the toilet and her
intestines came out of her rectum. So the parasite killer went to their house to see
this for himself.When he got
there the wife was on the toilet and she had 2 tapeworms hanging out of her
rectum, one large and one small. There is also candida albicans. It is not a
parasite, but a fungus that lives in everyone's colon. The good bacteria
(pro-biotics) keep it from overgrowing. But if someone uses birth control pills
or antibiotics then there can be an overgrowth of candida causing many problems
including depression. Fasting is the most effective way to
kill unwanted parasites, bacteria,
viruses and fungi. The diet
below does the same but takes much longer.Most Dramatic Healing
That I have Ever Come Across
The following is an uplifting
story about a minister,
Pastor Alvin Tallant.
A Yahoo Search for him shows 8 websites with
more information on his healing, where his church is located, etc. As a
teenager he was allergic to mold, dust and pollen. In his mid-forties he
had 12 surgeries over a 3 year period.
On 12/2/94 he had his
gallbladder removed. In the recovery room his blood pressure dropped to
60/40. They had severed an artery during the operation. He had to spend
the next 5 days in SICU. He had 7 surgeries on his nose and sinuses, 3
surgeries on his left foot (which resulted in a bone infection), 5 surgeries
on his throat for sleep apnea, surgery on both wrists and ankles for broken
bones and cysts and 5 procedures over a 3 year period to crush kidney stones.
He was diagnosed as being bipolar (manic depression) and had received
treatment for
depression many times. In 1996 he had a nervous
breakdown and his psychiatrist said that he would be on heavy medication
the rest of his life.
In 2004 he was taking
a drug for allergies, a drug for anxiety disorder and 3 drugs for
depression. He was diagnosed with anemia and leukopenia (extremely
low number of white blood cells in the blood). He had polyps removed from
his colon and esophagus. His immune system was shot and his body was shutting
down. He had 3 skin cancers removed from his face. In early summer 2004
his dermatologist started him on Efudex, chemotherapy in cream form that
he used all over his face and head that he was supposed to use for the
rest of his life. He was told to stay out of the sun.
Then he switched to a
Hallelujah Acres lifestyle. This includes drinking distilled water, juicing,
getting lots of sunshine, plenty of sleep, fresh air and exercise. But the most significant
part is the diet. It is an 85% raw vegan diet and at the end of the day
15% cooked healthy vegan foods as a reward for eating raw all day.
supplement this diet with vitamin B-12 supplements and flaxseed oil to provide omega-3
fatty acids.
Note that Americans do not get enough
omega-3s. This has been used with success to treat many people with
The book, Nutrition
Almanac (4th edition 1996-- over 2.5 million sold) says &If a
person is tired, irritable, nervous, depressed, or even suicidal, suspect a
vitamin B deficiency.& The above people take a whole food supplement of
alfalfa grass (which are in greens drinks-- see page on superior nutrition).
This contains an abundance of B vitamins except vitamin B-12. The vitamin B-12
supplement is
grown on bacteria or mold unlike other vitamins and minerals that are made with
(or extracted with) chemicals.
After a year of this,
his health was restored and he had gotten off all medications. His allergies
were gone. He no longer had headaches and he had more energy than he had
had in years and his depression and anxiety attacks and anxiety
disorder was gone. He had spent many days in the sun while boating, water-skiing,
walking and hiking. The dermatologist said that he no longer needed any
treatments in September 2004. Also he lost 28 pounds. See below for more
on depression.
Another story is about
Sheri Daniel, married to Dennis. She was severely depressed, obese,
suffered from migraine headaches, high blood pressure, depression, fibromyalgia,
diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and had recurring problems with a pinched
nerve in her neck. She was bitter, angry, unforgiving, self-loathing and,
at times, suicidal. The above lifestyle got rid of these problems. Suicide
is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Actually if a part of a person
continues to exist after their body dies, then it is not a solution and they may
even feel worse. Socrates felt that the existence
of an immortal soul was of main importance in life.
They avoid alcohol, coffee,
tea, cocoa, soft drinks and drinks with artificial ingredients, dairy,
canned or sweetened fruits and non-organic dried fruit, roasted or salted
nuts and seeds (only raw), hydrogenated oils, refined table salt (only
small amounts of Celtic light gray sea salt), soups containing dairy products,
canned vegetables with added preservatives, vegetables fried in oil. Also
all sweeteners except raw, unfiltered honey, rice syrup, unsulphured molasses,
stevia, carob, pure maple syrup and date sugar (use very sparingly).
Vegan means no animal
foods. But meat eating animals only eat fresh killed prey since they love
the taste of blood. People like raw fruits and vegetables but not raw meat.
So this diet (vegan) includes fruits, vegetables, grains (healthy vegan
means whole grains), nuts, seeds, beans and mushrooms. For raw they sprout
grains and beans. Also try to get things organically grown, like everything
in Russia, since those pesticides are not good for your brain.
In the book, Formula
For Long Life, by
Morris Krok (& 1967), "For psychology to be
of any value, a study of the effects which different foods have on the
mind are essential. For example when alcohol is taken in excess we will
become drunk no matter how much mental control we may exert." He practiced
yoga and promoted a diet of mostly fruit with some vegetables, nuts, seeds
and mushrooms. The above diet can cure an overgrowth of Candida Albicans which
is a bacteria that occurs normally in the colon. An overgrowth of it can cause
many health problems including depression. This is very common since the use of
birth control pills and antibiotics can cause this overgrowth to happen.
The Mayo Clinic website says: &Exercise has long been touted as a way to maintain physical fitness and help prevent high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. A growing volume of research shows that exercise can also help improve symptoms of certain mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety. Exercise may also help prevent a relapse after treatment for depression or anxiety.&
Research suggests that it may take at least 30 minutes of exercise a day for at least three to five days a week to significantly improve depression symptoms. But smaller amounts of activity--
as little as 10 to 15 minutes at a time-- can improve mood in the short term. "Small bouts of exercise may be a great way to get started if it's initially too hard to do more," Dr. Vickers-Douglas says.&
Just how exercise reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety isn't fully understood. Some evidence suggests that exercise raises the levels of certain mood-enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain. Exercise may also boost feel-good endorphins, release muscle tension, help you sleep better, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It also increases body temperature, which may have calming effects. All of these changes in your mind and body can improve such symptoms as sadness, anxiety, irritability, stress, fatigue, anger, self-doubt and hopelessness.&
Psychological Cure for
&First I will explain
the history behind this. This is part of the cure-- understanding the way your
mind works. This comes from a lot of research done by Dr.
Seligman and is explained in his book, Learned
Optimism. The back of this book says &LEARNED
OPTIMISM...offer(s) a program that anyone can use to conquer
depression....&--Kirkus Reveiws. See
above for more about him. He uses the word optimism but it is not positive
thinking. It is a very specific thing that he developed. He also wrote a book
called Helplessness.&In
the laboratory, he was able to create a state of learned helplessness with
people and animals. They would be given a bad stimulus to the animals like an
electric shock at regular intervals. One group could learn to do something to
stop it. The other group would get it no matter what they did. The 2nd group
could be given new experiments and learn a new way to stop the stimulus. The
first group would give up trying to do something to stop it. Then they were put
in a new situation, where they could easily learn to stop it. But they would not
even try.They had learned to be
helpless. This state had 8 of the 9 signs of depression as mentioned above. It
did not have the last one about suicidal thoughts since the stimulus given to
humans were mild. Learned helplessness &follows from the belief that
whatever you do doesn't& matter.& In these experiments some of the
animals and humans could not be taught helplessness. They would always keep
trying. This lead to the research on explanatory styles. This &is the
manner in which you habitually explain to yourself why events happen.&The
National Institute of Mental Health
spent millions of dollars on testing that shows that this therapy works on .
This book says How you think about your problems, including depression itself,
will either relieve depression or aggravate it. A failure or defeat can teach
you that you are now helpless, but learned helplessness will produce only
momentary symptoms of depression-- unless you have a pessimistic explanatory
style. if you do, then failure and defeat can throw you into a full-blown
depression. On the other hand, if your explanatory style is optimistic, your
depression will be halted.
One way of explaining events is
if they are temporary or permanent. The latter is like saying &this kind of
thing always happens.& An example of the former is like saying &I was
not feeling well that day.& The pessimistic style explains bad events as if
they are permanent. The optimistic style explains bad events as if they are
temporary. The optimist also explains good things as if they are permanent. The
pessimist explains good events as if they are temporary.Another
way of explaining things is if they are specific or pervasive. The pessimist
will explain a car accident as everything in their life is a wreck. The optimist
will explain it like &I need to get my car fixed and will be without a car
for a few days.& Also the optimist will tend to explain it as it being the other
guy's fault. The pessimist will say it his his fault. This one is not as
important as the other two, but this style is better for one's self esteem. But
I think that it only matters with people who have a lack of self-esteem.&Also
another factor that contributes to depression is rumination. This is spending a
lot of time thinking about something. When some people lose a job, they will
perform an action like going to a game or go out looking for another job. Others
will try to analyze why they lost their job which is rumination. So this shows
that it is important to do something, especially something constructive. What I
like to do in this type of situation is go through extra clutter that I have and
throw away what I no longer need.He
explains the treatment for this as ABC: Adversity,
Belief and Consequences. Here is his example. Adversity:
My husband was supposed to give the kids their bath and put them to bed, but
when I got home from my meeting they were all glued to the TV. Belief:
Why can't he do what I asked him? Is it such a hard thing to give them their
bath and put them to bed? Now I am going to look like the heavy when I break up
their little party. Consequences: I was
really angry with Jack and started yelling without first giving him a chance to
explain. I walked into the room and snapped off the set without even a
&hello& first. I looked like the heavy. A temporary treatment is to
distract yourself from this thinking by doing something else.&You
can dispute what you are thinking with your belief with evidence,
alternatives, implications and usefulness. Search for evidence
that shows that your belief is wrong like maybe there was a special show on TV
for kids. Usually an event has more than one cause but the pessimist will only
consider the worst one-- the most permanent, pervasive and personal one. The
book, Helplessness, saysHow do you think about the causes of the
tragedies, small and large, that befall you? Some people, the ones who give up
so easily, habitually say of their tragedies, &It's my fault, it's going
to last forever, it's going to undermine everything I do.& Others, those
who resist giving in to tragedy, say, &It was caused by circumstances, it
will fade quickly anyway, and besides, there's much more to life.&
alternatives look for all the possible contributing
causes like maybe Jack had a bad headache. With implications
you are decatastrophizing. Are the implications really as bad as you make them
out to be. With usefulness your belief may be true
but is it useful to you right now to think that way. Maybe Jack is irresponsible
but does that mean that life as we know it will cease to exist or maybe it is
better to accept that that is how Jack is but you can still be nice to your
husband and kids right now. To start &during the next 5 events you face,
listen closely for your beliefs, observe the consequences
and dispute your beliefs vigorously.& To see
this book, look at the bottom of this page. It has many more examples.This
is my addition to the above. For your self-esteem try to complete anything you
start. If you start things and do not finish them, it gets you to start feeling
like you cannot complete anything. Start a simple project like washing the
bathtub and then make sure to complete it. This shows you that you can start
something and finish it making your quality of life better. Also for self esteem
see my webpage on FINDING HAPPINESS. I feel that
whatever happens, life is giving you a chance to become happier since that is
the purpose of life.
One good way to help you think about things in a better way
is by watching certain movies. Here are movies that I suggest you watch to help
improve how you look at things. The Matrix, Back to the Future (1985)
(shows how a little change now can make a big difference later), Mumford,
Groundhog Day
(1993)(keeps repeating the same day until he learns to get it
right), Whale Rider, Forrest Gump (1994), Uptown Girls, Billy
Jack (1971), Trial of Billy Jack (1974), The Mission (1986), The Saint
(1997), Maverick (1994) lots of fun with Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster and James
Garner, Rocky (1976) and sequels, Mary Poppins (1964), The Sound of Music
(1965), Gandhi (1982), The Da Vinci Code, National Treasure, Doctor Detroit (1983), The Graduate (1967), Ten Commandments
(1956), Superman 1 and 2, Superman Returns (2006), National Treasure: Book of
Secrets (2007), ET: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Sleepless in Seattle (1993),
The Karate Kid (1984) and sequels, X Men and sequels, The Fifth Element (1997),
The Jewel of the Nile (1985), The Cutting Edge (1992), Only You (1994), Z
(1963), The Shadow, 13 going on 30, Top Gun (1986), Contact (1997), Star Wars
and Sequels, Harry Potter movies, Independence Day (1996), Die Hard and Sequels,
Home Alone (1990), Dark City (1998), Pretty Woman (1990), An Officer and A
Gentleman (1982), Jerry McGuire (1996), Erin Brokevich (2000), Far and Away
(1992), Stargate (1994), You've Got Mail (1998), The Da Vinci Code (2006), Raiders of
the Lost Ark (1981)and sequels, Ghostbusters (1984) and sequel, Gotcha (1985),
The Shawshank Redemption (1994), The Gladiator (2000), The Chronicles of Narnia
(2005) and sequels, Mummy and sequels, Men in Black (1997) and sequel, Wild Wild
West, The Disorderly Orderly (1964) and The Family Jewels (1965).
Quick Cure for Depression
Here is something from Dr McDougall (M.D.)
&You can try it and see if it works. Let me know if it works or not. A
single night of total or partial sleep deprivation, called &wake
therapy,& induces rapid and dramatic improvement of mood in about 60% of
all depressed patients, independent of the kind of depression the person
suffers.& Also from Dr McDougall: &Carbohydrates from your diet raise serotonin levels naturally, and as a result, they effectively act like a natural tranquilizer, relieving depression, and improving
High carbohydrate intakes have been found to improve the moods of people, particularly athletes, who are known to eat very high-carbohydrate, near-vegetarian,
Notice again the similarity of activity with the popular antidepressant medications discussed above (SSRI)--
they work by raising serotonin levels-- something that would be unnecessary if people followed a high-carbohydrate diet.
High carbohydrate intakes have been found to improve the moods of people, particularly athletes, who are known to eat very high-carbohydrate, near-vegetarian,
Mental Issues Like
Depression, Anxiety (Panic) Attacks and Bipolar or Manic Depressive
you can check with your doctor to make sure that you do not have a brain
tumor or something. Then you can check this with your doctor. The psychotropic
drugs used for depression like Prozac are only approved of by the FDA for
only 6 months of use and no more. Yet they have people on them for years.
All drugs have side effects. Vioxx (a medication approved of by the FDA)
killed a lot more Americans than the terrorists did on 9/11.
sure that you read everything above this on this page about the minister
with anxiety, bipolar and depression.& Also if you smoke cigarettes,
you should stop. It is very addictive and your body does not want someone
with a strong addiction to be happy. Over time you run low on nicotine,
like someplace you cannot smoke, you feel an ever increasing pain until
you can get it again. Same with coffee addiction. Fasting is an easy way
to quit addictions. It is good for depression self help and helping the
symptoms of depression, panic or anxiety disorder, anxiety attacks, panic
attacks, bipolar and manic depression.
the above diet excludes things that are very bad for people with depression
like refined sugar, refined wheat, white rice (these are not whole grains),
junk food, meat, heavily processed food, coffee and alcohol. If you don't
want to have an extreme diet like the above you can still change your diet
so it is closer to that one. Brown rice is a very healthy cooked food.
Health food stores have whole grain breads better than whole wheat like
ones with 7 whole grains.
and meditation are very relaxing and reduce stress . Make sure to read
the page &Finding Happiness.& As mentioned on the home page, people
who eat mostly raw food, learn a whole new way of preparing food. They
make raw (fake) pasta, pizza, bread, ice cream, cakes and burgers. They
whip and freeze bananas to make ice cream. On the "links" page there is
a link to the biggest list of raw food recipes.
read in a magazine that a woman had bad anxiety and depression. She was
taking meds for them. She learned yoga and it helped her so much that she
got off the medications and even became a yoga teacher. THURSDAY, June 7, 2007
(Health Day News) -- Yoga's postures, controlled breathing and meditation may
work together to help ease brains plagued by anxiety or depression, a new study
shows. Brain scans of yoga practitioners showed a healthy boost in levels of the
neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) immediately after a one-hour yoga
session. Low brain levels of GABA are associated with anxiety and depression,
the researchers said. Actress Jennifer
Aniston says &Yoga calms me down. It gives me energy and
focus.& She also does meditation.
Here are some quotes about yoga by Timothy
McCall M.D. from his book, Yoga as Medicine: The
Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing (?(C) 2007) [See this book at
bottom of page]. &I've gained muscle, lost fat and become a lot more
flexible.& &What's become more important to me is the mental peace
that has come....& &Stepping out of the crazy, fast-paced world to pay
close attention to what's happening right then and there puts me in touch with a
calm place deep inside me-- deep inside all of us.& &Yoga
[includes postures and meditation] is not a panacea [cure-all], but it is
powerful medicine indeed for body, mind and spirit.& Dr McCall is a
board-certified specialist in internal medicine who started doing yoga in middle
age. The cover of this book says &Read this to find out why we teach our
patients yoga-- Mehmet Oz, M.D.,
author of YOU: The Owners Manual.&
B. Schachter M.D. is board certified in psychiatry.
He got his Bachelors and medical degree from Columbia (one of the ancient
8 Ivy League colleges including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell and University
of Pennsylvania). He was president of the American College for Advancement
of Medicine from 1989 to 1991. He wrote a book called What
Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Depression about
healing depression naturally. See the link to it at the bottom of this
page. This book is over 400 pages and copyright
Here is the diet that book says is a healthful anti-depression diet.
he says the only sweeteners you can have are the exact same ones mentioned
above except he does not mention carob which is more of a chocolate substitute.
He says that you can eat organic fruits and vegetables either raw or lightly
steamed. Juicing of them is also suggested. Also you can eat whole grains,
beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, fish and shellfish.
can also eat eggs and dairy or non-dairy items like soy, rice and almond
milk. If you do eat meat, it should ONLY be organic meat. You should avoid
sugar, white flour, white rice, alcohol, caffeine, hydrogenated oils, foods
with chemical food additives, artificial sweeteners like saccharine, aspartame
and sucralose. These last 2 are also called Equal and Nutrasweet. They are
no-calories sweeteners and in all diet products including diet soda. Avoid tap water, fluoridated water and water with chlorine.
He says that a carbon filter cannot take out fluorine but a reverse osmosis
filter can. See my page on pure water. This diet is easier than the one
above so you can try it first and if it does not work, you know who to
blame. Then you can try a diet that is closer to the one above this one.
see the page on fasting.& Alan Cott,
M.D. (on fasting page) is a psychiatrist and
used fasting on his patients. He learned about it from the doctor in charge
of the fasting unit (with 88 beds) of the Moscow Psychiatric Hospital.
The idea with fasting and raw food is to reduce the amount of toxins in
your body, which makes almost all health problems much better. Besides
the diet the other things mentioned above are important like sunshine and
exercise. The "home" and "vegetarian" pages tell more on why sunlight is
good for you, not bad for you, if the story above is not enough for you.
Fuhrman, M.D. says in his book (link to it at bottom of page on fasting)
"There are hundreds of journal articles in the medical literature documenting
the value of fasting in improving the function of the entire body including
brain [cites studies]. Fasting has been repeatedly observed to alleviate
neurosis, anxiety and depression." He has all patients, after the fast,
switch to a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables (plenty of greens), whole
grains, beans, nuts, seeds and for those who can't give up animal products,
4 oz of animal foods every other day.
Yuri Nicolayev, of the Moscow Psychiatric
Hospital, fasted more than 10,000 mentally ill patients who had failed
to improve on all other treatment programs. He reported on the use of scientific,
therapeutic fasting to successfully treat over 10,000 patients, all suffering
from neuropsychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and various neuroses,
concluding: "The hunger treatment [as Soviet psychiatrists term fasting]
gives the entire nervous system and the brain a rest. The body is also
cleansed of poisons, and the tissues and the various glands are renovated."
The follow-up diets included fermented milk products like yogurt but excluded
meat, eggs and fish. Half of them maintained their improved condition (and
had maximum benefits 2 or 3 months later) but relapses occurred with those
who added protein foods from animal sources back into their diet.
Gabriel Cousins, MD, says &I often
observe in the fasting participants that by four days of fasting, concentration
seems to improve, creative thinking expands, depression
lifts, insomnia stops, anxieties fade, the
mind becomes more tranquil and a natural joy begins to appear. It is my
hypothesis that when the physical toxins are cleared from the brain cells,
mind-brain function automatically and significantly improves and spiritual
capacities expands.& Sleeping while on a fast is very rejuvenating. Fasting
saves you money, while the item below costs you money.&While
you do need to take some time to decide on a course and do something for
your problems, it will make you much worse to constantly dwell and think
about your problem. Instead you should take some time to help others (strangers)
and think about how to help them with their problems. Make sure to click
on () and read that to understand the importance of how helping
others, helps yourself.
engage yourself in activities that require focus or concentration like
reading instead of just thinking. Sometimes people have to wait a long
time for something and many do nothing but this causes them to regret more
and more having to wait. My family and I adored reading. I only read non-fiction
but I also love movies which are mostly fiction. You can read about anything
you have an interest to learn more about. Who does not have an interest
in being happier or more calm and peaceful. Links
page has 3rd link, Helpguide, with expert advice on mental issues like
sleeping and eating disorders.
is another quick story. Preston Ruether is bipolar. While in a mental institution
they had him do jewelry making for occupational therapy. He found it to
be very relaxing and when he got out, offered to work for free for jewelry
makers to learn how to do it. No one would hire him. He kept working at
it and got better and better at it. He came up with something much better
than anything else. His jewelry was selling like crazy. Women would see
them and want them. Then people wanted to know how they could make jewelry
the way he did. Then he put up a website on how to do it. Now the guy makes
a really huge income from it. Patty Duke is bipolar
and wrote a book about it, A Brilliant Madness. See the link to
it at the bottom of this page. Make sure to read the story below. It has
more about mental health.
The bestselling book,
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for
the True Self
(& 1981) by
Alice Miller
says &What is described as depression and experienced as emptiness,
futility, fear of impoverishment, and loneliness can often be recognized as the
tragedy of the loss of the self, from which many suffer in our society.&
Alice Miller
has achieved worldwide recognition for her work on the causes and effects of
childhood traumas.
Washington Post Book World
says about this book &A book that patients prescribe...the therapists are
reading it because their patients are recommending it.& For help with
finding your true self, see
Alcohol and Drugs
the effects on physical health, alcohol is a legal drug. It used to be an
illegal drug. It makes people less relaxed and so more stressed out and less
happy. Drugs cause a slingshot effect. You get a long term effect to the
opposite of the short term effect. This is due to homeostasis. My 1,900 page
Mosby Medical Dictionary defines homeostasis as: &[Gk, homoios + stasis,
standing still] a relative constancy in the internal environment of the body,
naturally maintained by the adaptive responses that promote healthy survival.
Various sensing, feedback, and control mechanisms function to effect this steady
Whatever effect the drug has on the body, the body produces an opposite effect
to balance it out. If you have no trouble getting to sleep, then take sleeping
pills every night for a week and then try to get to sleep without them. So
whatever pleasurable effect the alcohol has temporarily, it has the opposite
effect on you permanently. This is the same with all drugs. You can take drugs
to make you high, but then the body produces an opposite effect on you. If you
do things like exercise, yoga and meditation then your body produces its own
chemicals to make you feel good.
Social Anxiety
This is normal and common in today's society. For hundreds of
thousands of years, people lived in villages. It was like a big family. That is
why there is the saying, &it takes a village to raise a child.& People
took care of each other and shared things so there was no idea of stealing.If
they met with another village to trade or celebrate and have done this many
times, they felt relaxed with them. If it was a tribe that they never
encountered before (strangers), then they had to be very cautious since the
other tribe may kill them. They may be there to rape and pillage (the act of
looting [stealing] especially in a war).Some people live in
small towns where everyone knows each other like where Avril Lavigne grew up (Napanee,
Canada). But most Americans live in big cities or suburbs, where most people are
strangers. So this environment creates a lot of stress for the person. But this
should motivate you to find ways to relax and de-stress (like yoga) and things
that will make you a more relaxed person. See webpage about finding happiness
and enlightenment. You can become a very relaxed person who feels perfect peace.
It is only then can you be extremely happy.
Anxiety and Panic
is information on panic disorder (anxiety
disorder) and anxiety attacks (). Depression and anxiety usually go
Eckhart Tolle says in The
Power of Now (page 50): &Unease, anxiety, tension, stress,
worry-- all forms of fear-- are caused by too much future, and not enough
presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all
forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.&
Story About Crohn's
Jordan Rubin
wrote a book, Patient Heal Thyself, about a crises he went through. He
grew up eating a very healthy diet. In college he had a bad diet and a
lot of stress. He developed lots of health problems including Crohn's disease.
It was so bad that he almost died. He would have diarrhea many times at
night so he could not sleep more than a couple of hours at a time. As soon
as I read this, I knew the cure for this. His father (a chiropractor) spent
about $150,000 on natural health treatments. He went to 70 health practitioners
in 7 countries including MDs, immunologists, homeopaths and herbalists.
He visited Dr Robert Atkins and Barry Sears PhD. He contacted Jeffrey Bland
PhD. He went to a hospital in Germany where they gave him opium to slow
down peristalsis so he would not need to go to the bathroom as much. Apparently
none of them knew how to stop peristalsis. None of the above could help
Ask your doctor
if he knows of a way to stop peristalsis so the guy could sleep all night.
Probably they will tell you that it cannot be done. Normally the intestines
will do these muscular contractions 24/7 without ever getting a break or
rest. Then go and explain to a little kid how when you eat there is waste.
The intestines then need to get rid of this waste. So how do you stop the
need to get rid of this waste? Maybe this kid will come up with the answer.
Just stop eating. Just by fasting the digestive system (including the intestines)
can take a vacation. Americans overwork their digestive systems. When you
are vomiting or have diarrhea or you have a loss of appetite, it is your
body telling you to stop eating. Also when you are upset your digestive
system shuts down so do not eat at that time.
Dr Rubin (he became
an NMD) eventually got better and did develop supplements with a dozen
different pro-biotics (beneficial bacteria for the intestines). See the
first page of the HEALTH FOOD STORE link below to see one of his products.
It is a greens drink called Garden of Life (company name) Perfect Food.
It contains the probiotics plus green superfoods that are great for health--
much better than vitamin/mineral supplements. He was cured of this incurable
disease before he wrote the above book. It made no mention of fasting.
I wrote him about fasting. Now he is on The Paula White show. They promote
a package which includes his new book and her book on fasting. I just heard
Dr Rubin say on TV (November 2006) that fasting is "a miracle of God."
He also said that to be healthier (especially mentally) people should avoid
bad emotions and especially unforgivingness. He said that 10% to 25% of
Christians are on anti-depressants and they take away one's creative ability.
I was at one site
that talked about feeling good by helping others. My page about being happy
talks about that. Then it had a page about post traumatic stress disorder in war
vets. One very close friend opened up during one meeting that he???d raped a
prisoner and then stuck a knife into her heart as he climaxed. Another friend
who was a sharpshooter, who had the lead shot in an ambush (meaning he was with
a group of sharpshooters and they could fire only after he???d taken the first
each one choosing separate targets) waited till just the right moment to
take his shot. A group of women and a few young men were moving mortar shells,
RPG ammunition, and a variety of weapons along a trail.He
waited for just the right moment to fire. One woman who carried two shells in
each arm had a baby on her back. She turned her back toward this soldier and he
fired, killing her through her baby. He???d stuffed the event away 30 years ago,
found himself in jail, drinking, fighting, and not ever knowing why. He???d lost
his job and wound up at the VA hospital. And then one day, his repressed memory
came back and it tore him to shreds. He said that if he had been at home he
would have blown his head off without a thought. Later, he admitted, he felt
good getting it out, but, like most of us, he regretted not getting it out
"Books are the
quietest and most constant of friends and the most patient of teachers."
--Charles W. Eliot "The man who does not read good books has no advantage
over the man who can't read them." --Mark Twain
Herbs With Antidepressant
is a list of herbs with antidepressant phytochemicals. Out of all 18 (top
11 listed here), St John's Wort is not listed showing that science is different
than marketing. They are listed in order of the plants with the highest
total concentration of antidepressant chemicals which are listed in parts
per million and number of different antidepressant chemicals. This list
comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) website by world's
leading botanist, Dr James Duke.
above also lists these plants (foods or herbs) that do not have the highest
concentration of antidepressant chemicals (all around 200,000 ppm), but
that have the highest amount of different ones: carrot 12 antidepressant
phytochemicals, tomato 11, cabbage 10, orange 10, grape 10, grapefruit
9, apple 9, avocado 9, potatoes 9 and garlic 8. In botany there
is no difference between an edible plant, herb or food. There is a book
called Potatoes Not Prozac where the author suggests eating a potato
with fat after dinner. Cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil is a healthy
fat. A potato with olive oil has more calories than a plain potato, but is less
fattening, since the fat slows down the calories going into your& blood
(glycemic load research).& Also olive oil is one of the fats that help you
be thin (see Home page for the research on that).
&&&&& Name of Plant&
&&&& P. P. M.
Number of Chemicals
&&&&&&& parsnip root
&&&&&&& 1,324,000
& camu camu fruit
&&& 2 (see link above)
evening primrose leaf
&&&&&&&& acerola fruit
&&&&&&&&& lettuce leaf
&&&&&&&& pigweed leaf
&&&&&&& purslane herb
&&&& lambsquarter leaf
&&&&&&&&& endive leaf
&&&&&&& bok choy leaf
&&&&&&&& oregano leaf
Copyright 2006 by Chuck Bluestein
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weight loss, pain relief, anti-aging, men and women's health and stop smoking.
HealthGood sell successful and popular herbal products such as Thyromine,
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low prices on Formula 9, Hydroxycut, Zetacap, Endothil, Trimspa, Relacore,
Hoodia and more.
The Jocolat
food bars are all raw (except the chocolate) and have healthy ingredients. They
taste just like brownies.}


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