portfolio investmentapp是什么意思思

investment portfolio
[in'vestm?nt p?:t'f??li:???]
[?n'v?stm?nt p?rt'foli?o]
1. Short-term securities can also be held as part of an investment portfolio.
2. Egypt wants to diversify its trade and investment portfolio.
3. In my view, real - estate belongs in every diversified investment portfolio.
照我看, 房地产在每一个分散化投资组合中都应该占有一席.
4. We develop and manage GIA products and investment portfolio.
5. I'm up the pole in researching a new investment portfolio.
1. 投资组合
会计词汇E ... investment plan 投资计划 investment portfolio 投资组合 investment promotion 促进投资.
- 基于2579个网页
2. 投资证券组合
investment pool 联合投资组织investment portfolio 投资证券组合investment portfolio 证券清单
- 基于65个网页
3. 投资计划
The return of this investment portfolio is fairly satisfying ., 这投资计划的回报还算令人满意.
- 基于10个网页
4. 投资总额
中投公司:China Investment Corp.投资总额:investment portfolio寄宿学校:boarding school
- 基于10个网页
1. 证券投资
常用词汇 - 路透金融词典 ... 资产组合( Portfolio) 证券投资( Portfolio Investment) 投资组合经理( Portfolio Manager).
- 基于948个网页
2. 有价证券投资
halleyuna_新浪博客 ... Investment portfolio 投资总额 Portfolio investment 有价证券投资 Economic recession 经济萧条.
- 基于270个网页
1. 一揽子投资管理
...investment per unit capacity 单位生产能力投资investment portfolio selection 一揽子投资管理investment portfolio 投资组合
- 基于55个网页
1. 组合证券投资者
...portfolio foreign investment 国外证券组合投资portfolio invester 组合证券投资者portfolio investment 组合证券投资
- 基于36个网页
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investment portfolio
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所属部门:Retail Products
下属人数: 0人
Scope Of Role:The job purpose of a Investment Advisor is to support the growth of SCB’s AUM in investment products by (i) providing direct advisory services to customers on portfolio construction
(ii) ensuring SCB offers a differentiated, best-in-class, consistent advisory proposition across customer segments. This will primarily involve providing professional expert advice to customers using the SCB advisory process for asset allocation, portfolio construction and portfolio review based on the full understanding of the customer's financial position, objectives, risk tolerance and other circumstances (but not including tax status). The Investment Advisor also acts as a subject matter expert to customers/frontline staff on holistic view of the market, and support s CB wealth strategy in providing to higher value customers a higher level of customer service, and growing recurring income faster than the transaction-based income. In addition, the Investment Advisor also provides: (i) RM Briefing - Provide assigned RMs/branches/Hubs with market updates and guidance on investment strategies (in line with the house views) as well as updates on changes to investment advisory processes. The Investment Counsellor aims to ensure their assigned RMs/branches/Hubs are up to date at all times with market developments and changes to advisory processes (ii) RM Coaching - Engage RMs proactively in discussions about advisory process, product and idea generation by interacting closely with the RMs, customers and product partners (Funds or CBMS teams). Conduct diagnostic activities with RMs. The Investment Counsellor aims to ensure RMs are fully skilled to provide product and portfolio advice to their customers. (iii) Product and Service Briefing – Explain product and service features and propose book building ideas to RMs based on product characteristics and documents, the House View, accumulated feedback, market trends and news flow. Also provide market information such as new issue announcements and updates, new product presentation commentary to Priority RMs and TSOs. The Investment Counsellor aims to ensure RMs are fully up to date with all products. (iv) Client Wealth Seminar Presentation – Prepare and present client wealth seminars, answer all Q&As, with the purpose of generating new leads for RMs by giving customers new ideas from the seminars. Note that whilst this role involves direct contact with customers, the relationship management responsibilities remain with the customer’s designated Relationship Manager.Key Responsibilities/Challenges: Portfolio/Investment Construction and Review for Assigned Customers - Partner with 8-12 relationship managers RMs and act as an investment advisor to assigned customers of those RMs. [For IAs
Priority Banking, we would seek to provide this portfolio review service to at least the top 25% of Priority customers - as a guideline customers with combined Deposits+WM AUM of \$200k & above.] - Grow AUM of customers through investment advisory services, by proposing customer-specific portfolio solutions that will drive net growth in customer portfolios. - Provide investment consultation in the customers’ best interests using the SCB advisory process, rather than focussing on the sale of specific products. - Help the customer to achieve his or her objectives, in the context of the customer's current needs/circumstances, in compliance with all regulatory and bank requirements and with the highest professional standards. - Maintain frequent and timely communication with customers either with the involvement of the RM or (if agreed with the RM) individually to: -
actively and periodically review portfolios with customers
assist customers to rebalance their portfolios to adapt to changes in valuations of asset classes, personal circumstances and the financial environment, and share tactical investment ideas with customers - Provide expert advice to customers on - asset allocation - ensuring that customer Portfolios follows an advisory approach and asset allo balance between asset allocation and thematic plays and risk management - retirement planning – considering distribution options, investment alternatives and coordination wi -
estate planning – implementing strategies for wealth transfer - Ensure that customer portfolios follow an advisory approach and asset allo this will mean maintaining a balance between asset allocation and thematic plays and risk management. - Align portfolios with house views, and continuously update oneself on market trends and SCB investment research, Briefings - Based on materials issued by Group and Country Investment Advisory and Strategy teams, provide market briefings for RMs/branches/Hubs - Based on materials issued by Group and Country Wealth Management teams, provide updates on investment advisory process changes to RMs Portfolio/Investment Diagnostics to Assigned RMs - Conduct one-on-one diagnostic reviews with each assigned RM on his/her portfolio at least [once a month], to: - Align customer portfolios with their investment objectives , and aligning portfolios with house views - Balance asset allocation and thematic plays Coaching of Assigned RMs - Through one-on-one sessions with RMs and by attending customer meetings with RMs, provide coaching to RMs on: - Market developments: How to communicate market developments to customers and identify how customer portfolios should be realigned - Advisory process: How to assess customer goals, needs, risk profiling, asset allocation using the SCB advisory process and Finantix system - Feature/new product/solutions: How to describe new products and services to customers and fit into their portfolio Product and Service Briefing to Assigned RMs - Brief the RMs in new product and service launches guided by the Product teams and Investment and Advisory Services (IAS) team.
- - Work with product teams to prepare new product launches to present to RMs including developing approaches for using new products within the SCB advisory process
Wealth Seminars - Coordinate and deliver wealth seminars for customers in the role of investment expert - Contribute to internal Investment Strategy forums Compliance and Control - Aware of all policies and procedures issued in relation to advisory services, money laundering prevention and treating customers fairly. - Ensure ongoing compliance with policies and procedures Selection Criteria: Fundamental - Investment Advisor: Bachelors Degree with 4 - 8 years in Investment Consulting either within a bank (G6 or G57or equivalent), insurance company or independent financial advisory firm - Senior Investment Advisor: Bachelors Degree with minimum 10 years in Investment Consulting either within a bank (B4 or equivalent), insurance company or independent financial advisory firm Functional - Superior knowledge of investment products and financial markets - Possess diverse investment and market experience in order to offer a concise and consolidated interpretation of market events so as to give the appropriate recommendation and guidance to customers Personal - Outstanding ability to provide leadership, guidance and inspiration to the customers, RMs and other partners - Strong sense of self motivation and discipline in execution - Excellent communication and negotiation skills with the ability to influence outcomes - Ability to network with internal and external business stakeholders.
语言要求:英语 + 普通话
Standard Chartered is a leading international banking group. It has operated for over 150 years in some of the world's most dynamic markets and earns around 90 per cent of its income and profits in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. This geographic focus and commitment to developing deep relationships with clients and customers has driven the Bank's growth in recent years. Standard Chartered PLC is listed on the London, Hong Kong stock exchanges as well as the Bombay and National Stock Exchanges in India.With 1,700 offices in 70 markets, the Group offers exciting and challenging international career opportunities for its 85,000 staff. It is committed to building a sustainable business over the long term and is trusted worldwide for upholding high standards of corporate governance, social responsibility, environmental protection and employee diversity. Standard Chartered's heritage and values are expressed in its brand promise, 'Here for good'.In China, the Bank set up its first branch in Shanghai in 1858 and has remained in operation throughout the past 150 years. Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited is one of the first foreign banks to locally incorporate in China in April 2007. This demonstrates the Bank's commitment to the China market, and its leading position as a foreign bank in the banking industry. Standard Chartered has one of the largest foreign bank networks in China – with 25 branches, 77 sub-branches and 1 Village Bank.In 2011, Standard Chartered China received many awards and honors, including "The most progressive branch for SME services 2011" by CBRC, "Best Public Welfare and Charity Contribution Award for Year 2011" and "Best Practice of Social Responsibility Award for Year 2011" from China Banking Association, "Outstanding Contribution Award" from China Bank Association Foreign Bank Working Committee, "CSR Award 2011" from China Business News, "Best Case Study Award 2011" from 21st Century Business Herald, "Best RMB Cross-Border Settlement Bank"
and Trade Finance, "Prominent Competence Bank on SME Service Award" from China Business and "2011 Most Respected Bank & Best Retail Bank Award" from Money Week.关于渣打银行渣打是一家国际领先的银行集团。集团在全球一些最有活力的市场上已经营超过150年,其90%以上的营运收入和利润来自亚洲,非洲和中东市场。集团选择性地投入市场以及坚持发展与客户深厚关系的承诺推动银行在近年来取得强劲增长。渣打集团有限公司除在伦敦及香港的交易所上市外,还在印度的孟买以及印度国家证券交易所上市。渣打集团在70个国家设有1,700多个分支机构,为超过85,000名员工提供多彩并富有挑战性的全球化事业发展机会。集团致力于建设具长效的可持续业务,并通过坚持高水平的公司管治、履行社会责任、实践环境保护及员工多样化等行动赢得了世界的信任。渣打的文化传承和企业价值都在其品牌承诺 "一心做好,始终如一(Here for good)"中得到充分体现。渣打银行在中国自1858年在上海开设首家分行以来,在华经营从未间断。2007年4月,渣打银行(中国)有限公司成为第一批本地法人银行之一。这充分显示了渣打对中国市场的承诺。目前,渣打银行在全国拥有25家分行、77家支行和1家村镇银行。2011年以来,渣打中国赢得中国领先行业机构和权威媒体颁发的众多奖项和荣誉,其中包括中国银行业协会颁发的"社会责任最佳公益慈善贡献奖"和"最佳社会责任实践案例奖"、中国银行业协会颁发的"外资银行工作委员会卓越贡献奖"、中国银监会授予渣打银行上海分行的"2011年度全国小微企业金融服务先进单位"荣誉称号、中国贸易金融网与《贸易金融杂志》联合授予的"最佳跨境人民币结算银行"、《中国经营报》颁发的"卓越竞争力中小企业服务银行奖"以及《理财周报》授予的"中国最受尊敬银行暨最佳零售银行"。
Investment Advisor
域名: www.纯粹危险(Pure Risk),全球华人保险学习网,保险培训,保险顾问,保险行销,保险增员,保险新闻,保险公司,保险成功,保险助手,保险世界,保险天地,...
纯粹风险(Pure Risk)是一种只有损失机会的风险。例如,一个人购买了一辆汽车后,就会面临着汽车遭受损失和给他人人身、财产带来损害的损失可能性,结...
纯风险(Pure Risk):是一种实际损失,顶多只能因损失获得保险理赔,对业主本身和保险公司都是输家。
为何需要了解风险管理 ...
动态风险(Dynamic Risk)
纯损风险(Pure Risk)
投机风险(Speculative Risk) ...
This paper defines the pure risk as a kind of probable loss in the portfolio investment.
Even if non-client pure risk-taking businesses were banned, that number was still relatively small.
First of all, this paper discusses risk of S&T policymaking, which includes risk source, information risk, and pure risk.
In Florida, upscale insurer PURE Risk Management raised premiums 11% this year.
But my best guess is that someone on that risk free arbitrage desk moved from risk free pure arbitrage into very definitely not risk free time arbitrage, or speculation as we should call it, then the market moved against his bet.
Reckoning how much of a risk is hardly a pure science, but it's sufficient to say there's a little bit more of a risk of something very unlikely happening.
- 来自原声例句
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foreign direct investment (fdi)是什么意思
中文翻译外国直接投资:&&&&adj. 1.外国的;外交的。 2.外国来[产]的;外省 ...:&&&&adj. 1.笔直的,一直线的;正面的。 2.直接的。 ...:&&&&n. 1.投资;投资额;(时间、资本等的)投入;投入资金 ...
例句与用法1.One is by discouraging foreign direct investment ( fdi )一个是外商直接投资( fdi )的减少。 2.But , the real action appears to be in foreign direct investment ( fdi )然而,真正的行动似乎在外国直接投资方面。 3.Hong kong is the largest source of foreign direct investment ( fdi ) in china香港是中国内地外商直接投资的最大来源地。 4.Utilizing foreign direct investment ( fdi ) is an important part of china ' s opening - up policy利用外商直接投资,是我国对外开放基本国策的一个重要组成部分。 5.Foreign direct investment ( fdi ) is becoming one of the most heated topics in the field of economic research摘要外商直接投资已经成为当代经济学研究的热点之一。 6.The present situation and trend require innovation in absorbing foreign direct investment ( fdi )基于我国吸收和利用国际直接投资的现状及发展趋势,应创新fdi引进思路。 7.Mncs engage in foreign direct investment ( fdi ) ? that is , investment in one country by citizens of another country跨国公司从事海外直接投资,即投资由一国公民投到另一国。 8.Foreign direct investment ( fdi ) act as a more and more vital role in world economics development国际直接投资( foreigndirectinvestment )在世界经济发展中起到越来越重要的作用。 9.Foreign direct investment ( fdi ) is one of the important factors which caused the problem of industial structure这两个问题尤其是三大产业结构偏差的问题,与外商直接投资结构的特点有关。 10.China has attracted a total of over $ 400 billion of foreign direct investment ( fdi ) , most of it in the last six years中国吸引到总额超过4000亿美元的外国直接投资,其中大部份是在过去六年。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇当前位置: &
foreign direct and portfolio investment是什么意思
中文翻译外国直接和有价证券投资:&&&&adj. 1.外国的;外交的。 2.外国来[产]的;外省 ...:&&&&adj. 1.笔直的,一直线的;正面的。 2.直接的。 ...:&&&&短语和例子 dance and delight = de ...:&&&&n. (pl. portfolios) 1.纸夹;文件夹 ...:&&&&n. 1.投资;投资额;(时间、资本等的)投入;投入资金 ...
例句与用法1.There is a perception that foreign direct and portfolio investment is always a good thing to have海外投资一般认为海外直接及组合投资总是好的。


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