pensive face是什么意思?

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不管是听到声音,还是看到名字Kieran Scragg ,你肯定都会认为主唱是个女孩。Kieran Scragg 有着美妙、松弛的唱腔,听起来有种干净,遥远,空旷的感觉。我也是后来才知道主唱原来是个BOY。然而非常可惜的是,这支英伦乐队在2003年发行了《The Picture Show》这张专辑之后,便在2004年解散了,而主唱兼吉他手Kieran Scragg 又加入了另一支名为IKO的英国乐队,唯一不变的是Kieran Scragg一贯松弛、慵懒的唱腔。而《The Picture Show》这张专辑无论从旋律还是歌词上说,都是非常值得聆听。发行时间2003年唱片公司Fantastic Plastic
Kieran Scragg:Guitar,Vocals
Helen Hawthron:Violin
Neil Reed:Piano,Keyboards,String Arrangements,Organ (Hammond),Glockenspiel,Arranger,Strings
Joel Scragg :Bass
Ella Lewis :Percussion,Drums《The Picture Show》
专辑类型: Britpop/Indie Rock
唱片公司:Fantastic Plastic
01. Sparkle Me
02. Casino
03. Sunlight
04. A Guide to Happiness
05. The Day She Fell to Earth
06. Who Stole the Weekend
07. Barricade
08. Coward
10. Buy Her Flowers
11. Ocean Blue
12. Hideaway
建议在VeryCD下载The Buffseeds, a U.K. indie-rock band, are only just entering the music scene. But their full-length debut &Picture Show& is a very pretty album. Kieran Scragg's falsetto can be a bit distracting, but what comes after is a light, pensive little mix of rock and ballads.
A rhythm comes into the album from the very start: It opens with the sparkling, airy pop of &Sparkle Me.& It's laid-back, but soars every now and then, on the back of a beautiful keyboard melody. On the other hand, &Casino& is gloom-rock, still soaring and exquisitely multilayered, given a few extra shoves with the echoing bass.
After that, the Buffseeds alternate between midtempo rock songs and ethereal pop ditties, both written to bittersweet lyrics about love, loss and loneliness. The latter sound a bit like Turin Brakes mixed with a bit of Mandalay. At times it sounds like Scragg is torn between wanting to be Thom Yorke and Billy Corgan -- the music is more like Radiohead, but when the music swells he lets rip like Corgan when he's really into the music.
That vague confusion is the only thing that keeps the Buffseeds' debut from being really outstanding. It needs a bit more musical complexity and passion -- THEN it will be really good. As it is, the midtempo rockers don't quite measure up to the airy, swirling Hammond ballads. They're pretty good and bittersweetly beautiful, but they're not quite there yet.
Kieran Scragg sounds completely androgynous here -- he may be the first singer I have heard with gender-bending vocals. Sometimes he sounds like a fey man, sometimes like a woman. It suits the shoegazer pop better than it does the rock songs, where he sounds like the music is going too fast for him to follow.
When the Buffseeds solidify their sound, then they will probably be an excellent band. Their debut is a pretty, airy pop collection, and if the wrinkles were ironed out it would be outright beautiful.
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收藏 查看&Ulli Bogershausen本词条缺少概述,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!国&&&&籍德国出生日期1954年
Ulli Bogershausen于1954年出生于德国,拥有40年琴龄的他虽然
除了要不断的训练自己对于音乐的感受,还需要加上丰富的内涵,如此才能创作出令人满意的作品,Ulli就是如此有才华的一位「吉他魔术师」。连续15年被德国媒体誉为 “Magician of 6 and 12 strings”的 Ulli Bogershausen以他无懈可击的技巧振启了德国木吉他演奏的视野,他的专辑同时在台湾及全球13个国家发行。1.Kiss From A Rose
2.Wake Me Up When September Ends
3.More Than Words
4.Wonderful Tonight
5.Christmas Lullaby
6.Right Here Waiting
8.I Believe I Can Fly
9.Unbreak My Heart
10.Das Loch In Der Banane
11.Classical Gas语言:音乐
出版日期:2001年出神入化的技术性吉它弹奏无处不在,ULLI示范级SHOW QUALI演绎16首最喜爱、最精彩的发烧曲目,旋律动听,每个弹、拔、扫、拍等高超技艺令人拍案叫绝!以当今世上最完美的录音制式泡制,摄人音响效果令发烧友喜出望外,音场的深阔度、空气感、乐器的动态及高低频段等,全具有发烧友梦寐以求的超值顶班级数,在任何CD机播放聆听,均能享受到吉它音乐的最高录音层闪,SACD吉它皇——当之无愧!01. Pass the Buck
02. Pensive
04. Esware schon gewesen
05. The South Wind
06. Sheebag and Shemore
07. Le Lendemain de la Fete
08. Elenor Plunkett
09. Fruhling, Sommer, Herbst
10. Chromatic Fantasy
11. Little Waltz
12. Children's Song
13. Nowhere Man
14. Norwegian Wood
15. Eleanor Rigby
16. Ganz bestimmt vielleichtUlli的吉它音乐最过人之处就是他以内敛而温柔的触弦以及水晶般剔透的音色,能变化出浓郁的情感洪流,或是忧伤的旋律细纹,跳脱了俗世中对於速度及技巧的盲目追求。我个人觉得他独特的音乐诠释方式在众多西方Fingerstyle演奏家中很少见的,他的音乐细致而优雅,尤其在音色控制和音乐的掌控性方面更是十分出色,使他表现出来的音乐拥有极强的感染力,就像用一把吉它向听众细说他的故事,不论是抒情的浪漫小品,或是节奏明快的乐曲,他都能以一把吉它控制得浑洒自如,难怪有「欧洲钢弦吉它教父」之称。对我来说,听Ulli的音乐不难发现他的音乐是很「古典」的,Ulli的温柔音乐触感便从小在中提练出来,在他手上,音乐既不失Fingerstyle音乐的柔和空间感,也不失古典音乐的丰富的内涵,对听众来说真是双重享受。另外Ulli的音乐还有一个特点,就是他能够常常清楚表达两条以上的旋律线,而每条旋律线都是独立而明确,再配合延音形造空间感,配合起来就像在吉它上演奏出一队弦乐队的效果。
Personal Favourites, the product of German guitar master Ulli B?gershausen, is one of, if not the, only solo acoustic guitar finger-style recording to date. Andreas Torkler, the highly-reputed sound engineer for Sonopress of Germany, directed and mastered the session which featured 24-bit DSD recording technology. DSD's simplified mechanism for recording and playback results in a frequency response of over 100 KHz and a dynamic range of over 120db across the audible frequency range. For this recording, Ulli B?egershausen chose some of his finest originals composed for solo guitar and mixed them with arrangements of world famous tunes like Lennon/McCartney's &Nowhere Man& and &Norwegian Wood,& or some fine arrangements of well-known and very melodic Irish traditional music.
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