
The success and achievements of the Faculty and the various alumni who attended the event were but one of the many things shared at the Dinner.
参与该活动的全体教职员工和众多校友所取得的丰功伟绩只是晚宴上分享的众多事情之一。修改版:在晚宴上,许多事情得到了分享。例如,参与活动的全体教职员工和众多校友所取得的丰功伟绩。but:只, 仅仅
例句:He's but a boy.
翻译成“仅是” 参加了这一活动(事件)的教师和校友们的成功和成就仅是在晚餐时分享的很多事情之一。
翻译的时候为什么要把“The success and achievements of the Faculty and the various alumni ”的顺序颠倒过来?说成教师和校友们的成功和成就
这是由of这个词决定的,一般情况下,of后面的是of前面内容的定语。 a book of mine我的书,而不能说成是“书我的”,
翻译的时候为什么要把“The success and achievements of the Faculty and the various alumni ”的顺序颠倒过来?说成教师和校友们的成功和成就
其实把这种关系简单一下就好理解和把握了。A OF B1,如果A是表示‘量’的单位词,就是A 修饰 B。例如:a group of people“一群人”, two-thirds of population“三分之二的人口”, this kind of materia“这种材料”.2,如果A 与 B是一种部分与整体的关系,或从属关系,就是B 修饰A 。例如:some of the developing countries“发展中国家的一些(一些发展中的国家)”,the industry of China“中国的工业”。
1. The verb " dance " is regular, but the verb " be " is not.
动词 dance 的变化是规则的, 但be的变化是不规则的.
2. Instead of complaining about what's wrong, be grateful for what's right.
来自金山词霸 每日一句
3. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.
来自金山词霸 每日一句
4. What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple?
5. Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough.
as/that was
1. 如过去所称
former Sex Pistol John Lydon (Rotten, as was).
the be-all and end-all
1. (非正式)(活动或生活方式的)根本特点;要旨
be oneself
1. 表现得自然
been (或 been and gone) and——
1. (非正式)[表惊讶或恼火]竟然
they've been and carted Mum off to hospital.
1. “伴随,降临”释义下的同义词
2. “停留,停驻”释义下的同义词
3. “发生”释义下的同义词
4. “存在,存活”释义下的同义词
5. “居住”释义下的同义词
: 通常指可观察到的或众所周知的存在现象。
: 指某时某地确存在的事物或现象,多与there连用。
: 多指有生命的东西的存在。指无生命事物时,强调可联想起生命的那些特点。
In spoken English, forms of be are often shortened, for example ‘I am’ is shortened to ‘I'm’ and ‘was not’ is shortened to ‘wasn't’.在英语口语中,be经常使用缩合形式。如,I am 略作 I'm, was not 略作 wasn't。
(和现在分词连用构成动词的进行式) You use be with a present participle to form the continuous tenses of verbs.&
be going to→see:
【语法信息】:AUX -ing
This is happening in every school throughout the country...
She didn't
always think carefully about what she was doing...
Pratt & Whitney has announced that it will be making further job reductions...
(和过去分词连用构成被动语态) You use be with a past participle to form the passive voice.&
【语法信息】:AUX -ed
Forensic experts were called in...
Her husband was killed in a car crash...
The cost of electricity from coal-fired stations is expected to fall...
(和不定式连用表示将来的安排或确定会发生的事情) You use be with an infinitive to indicate that something is planned to happen, that it will definitely happen, or that it must happen.&
be about to→see:
【语法信息】:AUX to-inf
The talks are to begin tomorrow...
It was to be Johnson's first meeting with the board in nearly a month...
You must take the whole project more seriously if you are to succeed...
(和不定式连用表示在某种情况下会发生什么事,应该怎样做或应该由谁来做) You use be with an infinitive to say or ask what should happen or be done in a particular situation, how it should happen, or who should do it.&
【语法信息】:AUX to-inf
What am I to do without him?...
Who is to say which of them had more power?...
What is to be done?...
(was和were和不定式连用,表示说话时间之后发生的事) You use was and were with an infinitive to talk about something that happened later than the time you are discussing, and was not planned or certain at that time.&
【语法信息】:AUX to-inf
Then he received a phone call that was to change his life...
A few hours later he was to prove it.
(表示可见到、可听到、可发现等) You can say that something is to be seen, heard, or found in a particular place to mean that people can see it, hear it, or find it in that place.&
【语法信息】:AUX -ed
Little traffic was to be seen on the streets...
They are to be found all over the world.
In spoken English, forms of be are often shortened, for example ‘I am’ is shortened to ‘I'm’ and ‘was not’ is shortened to ‘wasn't’.在英语口语中,be经常使用缩合形式。如,I am 略作 I'm, was not 略作 wasn't。
(用于提供与主语相关的信息) You use be to introduce more information about the subject, such as its identity, nature, qualities, or position.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V adj
【语法信息】:V prep/adv
She's my mother...
This is Elizabeth Blunt, BBC, West Africa...
He is a very attractive man...
(以it作主语,用来进行描述或作出判断) You use be, with 'it' as the subject, in clauses where you are describing something or giving your judgment of a situation.&
【语法信息】:it V adj
【语法信息】:it V adj to-inf
【语法信息】:it V adj that
【语法信息】:it V adj -ing
【语法信息】:it V n that
【语法信息】:it V n -ing
【语法信息】:it V n to-inf
【语法信息】:it V prep to-inf
It was too chilly for swimming...
Sometimes it is necessary to say no...
It is likely that investors will face losses...
(与非人称代词there连用构成there is和there are表示存在或发生) You use be with the impersonal pronoun 'there' in expressions like there is and there are to say that something exists or happens.&
【语法信息】:there V n
Clearly there is a problem here...
There are very few cars on this street...
There was nothing new in the letter...
(表示主语和从句和其他从句结构之间的某种联系) You use be as a link between a subject and a clause and in certain other clause structures, as shown below.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V to-inf
【语法信息】:V -ing
【语法信息】:V wh
【语法信息】:V that
【语法信息】:V as if
It was me she didn't like, not what I represented...
What the media should not do is to exploit people's natural fears...
Our greatest problem is convincing them...
(用在如the thing is和the point is这样的结构中,引导表示陈述或提出观点的从句) You use be in expressions like the thing is and the point is to introduce a clause in which you make a statement or give your opinion.&
【语法信息】:V cl
The fact is, the players gave everything they had...
T the problem is it doesn't
go far enough.
(用在如to be fair, to be honest或to be serious 这样的结构中表示尽量) You use be in expressions like to be fair ,to be honest, or to be serious to introduce an additional statement or opinion, and to indicate that you are trying to be fair, honest, or serious.&
【语法信息】:V adj
She's always noticed. But then, to be honest, Ghislaine likes being noticed...
It enabled students to devote more time to their studies, or to be more accurate, more time to relaxation.
(有时用来代替现在时态中be的几个常规形式,尤用于whether后) The form 'be' is used occasionally instead of the normal forms of the present tense, especially after 'whether'.&
【语法信息】:be n
The chemical agent, whether it be mustard gas or nerve gas, can be absorbed by the skin.
存在 If something is, it exists.&
【STYLE标签】:mainly FORMAL or LITERARY 主正式或文
It hurt so badly he wished to cease to be.
...to be or not to be.
保持真我;按自己的方式行事;显常态 To be yourself means to behave in the way that is right and natural for you and your personality.&
【语法信息】:V pron-refl
She'd learnt to be herself and to stand up for her convictions.
非常;极为 If someone or something is, for example, as happy as can be or as quiet as could be, they are extremely happy or extremely quiet.&
【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR
如果不是…的话;如果没有…的话 If you talk about what would happen if it wasn't for someone or something, you mean that they are the only thing that is preventing it from happening.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
I could happily move back into a flat if it wasn't
for the fact that I'd miss my garden...
If it hadn't been for her your father would be alive today.
尽管那样;即便如此 You say 'Be that as it may' when you want to move onto another subject or go further with the discussion, without deciding whether what has just been said is right or wrong.&
'Is he still just as fat?' — 'I wouldn't know,' continued her mother, ignoring the interruption, 'and be that as it may, he has made a fortune.'
身体不舒服;身体不适 If you say that you are not yourself, you mean you are not feeling well.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
She is not herself. She came near to a breakdown.
1. [be v-ing]构成进行式
They are[were] dancing.
2. [be v-ed]构成被动语态
The thief was caught.
3. [be to-v]表示必要、打算、可能性、假设等或用来表示将来安排
You are to report to the police.
4. 用于反意疑问句
5. 在被动语态或进行时中代替重复的动词完整形式)
6. (表示必须或应该)
7. (表示后来发生的事)
8. (表示不会或没有发生时用)
9. (表述条件)
1. 用来表示某人或某物即主语本身; 用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质
Today is Friday.
There is nobody to direct the workers.
Her work is to take care of the children.
2. (提供名称或信息时用)
3. (描述情况或表达想法)
4. (用于表达时间)
5. (用于表达时间)
6. (表示所用的材料)
7. (表示某物所属)
8. 花费;值
9. 等于;等同
10. (表示对某人的重要性)
1. 在, 存在,有
Whatever is, is right.
2. 不受干扰
If the baby's sleeping, let her be.
婴儿如果睡着了, 就让她睡吧。
3. 前往;造访;访问
4. 来自;是(某地的)人
5. 位于;在(某处)
6. (在某时或某地)发生
7. 留在(某地);逗留
8. 活着,生存
9. 举行;发生,产生
10. 降落到,降到头上;属(于)
May good fortune be with you.
(copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun);
"John is rich"
"This is not a good answer"
"The president of the company is John Smith"
"This is my house"
3. occupy a cert
"Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"
"What is behind this behavior?"
4. have an existence,
"Is there a God?"
5. happen, occur,
"I this was during the visit to my parents' house"
"There were two hundred people at his funeral"
"There was a lot of noise in the kitchen"
6. be identi
"One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!"
"This money is my only income"
"The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"
"These constitute my entire belonging"
"The children made up the chorus"
"This sum represents my entire income for a year"
"These few men comprise his entire army"
8. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in
"He is a herpetologist"
"She is our resident philosopher"
9. represent, as of
"Derek Jacobi was Hamlet"
"I may be an hour"
11. have life,
"Our great leader is no more"
"My grandfather lived until the end of war"
12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used onl
"let her be"
"These shoes cost $100"
base excess
below elbow
beveled edge
bilingual education
binding edge
black enterprise
七年级英语单词表 ... 17. then adv. 那时;然后 18. be v. 是(表存在、状态等) 19. rock n. 摇滚乐.
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2. 铍(Beryllium)
铍铜含铍(Be)的铜合金;特点:高的强度、硬度、弹性、耐磨性;高的导电性、导热性、耐寒性;无铁磁性T1纯铜T2纯铜T3纯铜TU0 …
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电脑发音:be 被 , 激烈 , 具备 , 全然 , 是 , 系 , 有 , 预定 , 在做 , 装饰lack 不足 , 短 , 缺 , 缺乏 , 缺少 , 缺少... , 少 , 无.
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4. 比利时(Belgium)
中国知识产权杂志知识产权商标版权专利 ... BD 孟加拉 BE 比利时 BG 保加利亚.
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一年后,他到马达加斯加一个叫做诺西贝(Nosy Be)的小岛,进行一趟研究之旅。「我在那里遇到法国科学家普兰提(Raphael Plant…
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1. 家庭教师
家庭教师(Befree) 会员评比:
贩售日期: 剧情简介: 正在东京都内念某间女子大学外文科系的大学一年级学生「小舞」,这回可 …
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英语美文,英语美文欣赏,英语美... ... Clear Your Mental Space 清理心灵的空间 Be Happy 快乐 The Goodness of life 生命的美好.
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新概念第四册单词总汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... being 存在 cosmic being 宇宙人 aging 老化.
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not be caught dead
1. 非常不愿意让别人看见或发现(却无可奈何地被人看见或发现)
I wouldn't be caught dead in that dress.
adj &adv .
1. 非常容易,轻而易举
The thing's as easy as can be.
I’ll be damned. (=I’ll be dipped! I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!)
1. (表示惊奇或决心的感叹语)
Well,I'll be damned!
I'll be a monkey's uncle if you put that over on me!
简介 BE同时还是魔兽系列游戏中血精灵的缩写(Blood Elf) 别称:辛多雷 组成:血精灵、辛多雷 语言: 萨拉斯语血精灵历史 血精灵曾经是暗夜精灵的一部分。 一万年前,暗夜精灵就在古卡里姆多大陆上生活了,他们依靠位于大陆中心的永恒之井——一个充满魔法能量的井获得了强大的魔法能量。但是他们却在女王艾撒拉和手下的高等精灵的领导下无节制的使用着魔法能量,终于引来了燃烧军团的入侵。在那次可怕的大爆炸后,永恒之井毁灭了
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
book[ buk ]n.书, 书籍, 卷, 篇, 帐簿, 名册, 工作簿v.登记, 预订, 控告
a book---名词,书指圣经,可兰经the book---电话本books---帐本make/keep/open a book on sth接受赌注a bookworm 书迷,读死书的人a book report读后感,读书报告a bookkeeper薄记员a bookstore书店a book report读书会a bookcase/shelf书柜like a book--非常了解(throw the book at sb---警告某人...否则...by the book---按原则办事be in sb's good/bad books得到某人的好感(不好感)bring sb to
books for sth---要求某人对某事做出解释cook the books---做假帐take a leaf out of sb's book--模仿某人to book---动词,预定,
n. 书v. 登记,预订例句与用法: 1. That student lost his book yesterday.
2. He was booked on a charge of speeding.
3. You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.
4. He's always careful to do things by the book.
5. He was booked by the referee for foul play.
6. We're booked on the next flight.
7. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper.
把文章写在练习簿里, 不要写在草稿纸上.
8. We've booked you in at the Plaza for two nights.
1. 书,书本,书籍;著作;报章杂志She has written several books on the subject.她已经写了几部有关这方面的书了。2. 本子;簿册;支票簿3. 帐册;名册[P][K]His name is no longer on our books.他的名字从我们的名册上勾销了。4. (长篇作品的)卷,篇,部5. (轻松音乐剧的)歌词;(戏剧的)脚本6. 课业;功课[the P]7. 赌注登录[P]vt.1. 预订;预雇;预约Mary has booked a flight from New York to London.玛丽已预订了从纽约到伦敦的飞机票。2. (警方)将...登记入册以作指控之用The cop booked John on a charge of speeding.警察指控约翰超速驾驶。3. 登记4. 为...登录赌注vi.1. 预订2. 【英】(旅客)登记住入旅馆
以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
book常用的意思有:1. 作为名词书,卷;帐簿(本)2. 作为动词登记、预订你看上下文确定吧
n. 书 v. 登记,预订 例句与用法: 1. That student lost his book yesterday. 那个学生昨天丢了书。 2. He was booked on a charge of speeding. 他因超速开车而被记录在案。 3. You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show. 你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。 4. He's always careful to do things by the book. 他总是小心翼翼地按规章办事。 5. He was booked by the referee for foul play. 他因为动作犯规而被裁判记下姓名。 6. We're booked on the next flight. 我们预订了下一班的机票. 7. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper. 把文章写在练习簿里, 不要写在草稿纸上. 8. We've booked you in at the Plaza for two nights. 我们为你在普拉扎旅馆预订了两夜的房间. 仅供参考!!!!!!-.-
[buk]n.书, 书籍, 卷, 篇, 帐簿, 名册, 工作簿v.登记, 预订, 控告古英国人把文字刻在beech(山毛榉)的树皮上,由此产生了book(书)这个词。
book[buk]n.书, 书籍, 卷, 篇, 帐簿, 名册, 工作簿v.登记, 预订, 控告bookbookAHD:[b‹k] D.J.[buk]K.K.[b&k]n.Abbr. bk., b.(名词)缩写 bk., b.A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.书,书本:一叠沿一边固定起来并装订在两张保护性的封面之间的书写的、印刷的或空白纸张A printed or written literary work.文学书:一本印刷的或书写的文学作品A main division of a larger printed or written work:部,章节:较大的印刷的或书写著作的一大分部:a book of the Old Testament.旧约的一个章节A volume in which financial or business transactions are recorded.簿册:记录金融或商业交易的册子books Financial or business records considered as a group:books 帐目:被当作一个整体的金融或商业记录:checked the expenditures on the books.查对帐目上的支出情况A libretto.歌词,剧本The script of a play.剧本Book The Bible.Book 圣经A set of prescribed standards or rules on which decisions are based:制度:一套规定好的用以作为决策基础的标准或准则:runs the company by the book.根据制度经营公司Something regarded as a source of knowledge or understanding.知识之库:被认作知识或智力来源的东西The total amount of experience, knowledge, understanding, and skill that can be used in solving a problem or performing a task:知识总库:经验、知识、理解力和技巧等可用来解决问题或现实任务的东西的总和:We used every trick in the book to finish the project on schedule.我们用尽了书上每个技巧以完成预定表上的计划A packet of like or similar items bound together:一包:放在一起的相象或相同的东西:a book of matches.一包火柴A record of bets placed on a race.登录赌注:压在赛马上的赌注记录Games The number of card tricks needed before any tricks can have scoring value, as the first six tricks taken by the declaring side in bridge.【游戏】 完成约定的牌墩数:在获得有记分价值的牌墩前应完成的牌墩数,比如打桥牌时叫方认下的前六墩n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:书面:经常用来修饰另一个名词: book learning.书面报告:书本知识v.tr.(及物动词)booked, book.ing, booksTo list or register in or as if in a book.登记,注册:在表中或好象在表中登录下来或列举出来To record charges against (a person) on a police blotter.作控告笔录:在警察记事簿上记录(对某人的)指控To arrange for (tickets or lodgings, for example) reserve.预订:事先安排(如票或住宿等);预订To hire or engage:约定:雇佣或约定:The manager booked a magic show for Saturday night.那个经理预定了一场星期六晚上的魔术表演To allocate time for.为…安排出时间bring to bookTo demand call to account.要求作出解释;要求作出说明in one's bookIn one's opinion:认为:根据某人的看法:In my book they both are wrong.在我看来他们俩都错了like a bookT completely:透彻地;全面地:I know my child like a book.我完全了解我的孩子one for the booksA noteworthy act or occurrence.不寻常的事:一件值得记住的行动或事件throw the book atTo make all possible charges against (a lawbreaker, for example).对(被告)作出所有可能的指控To reprimand or punish severely.严厉申斥:严厉指责或惩罚Middle English bok 中古英语 bok from Old English b½c * see bh³go- 源自 古英语 b½c *参见 bh³go- book“ern.(名词)book, bespeak, engage, reserveThe central meaning shared by these verbs is “to cause something to be set aside, as for one's use or possession, in advance”: 这些动词共有的中心意思为“事先预留以便使用或拥有”:wi 预定旅馆房间; 订货;engaged a box
为歌剧节预定个包厢;reserving a table at a restaurant. 在餐厅订张桌子 book古英国人把文字刻在beech(山毛榉)的树皮上,由此产生了book(书)这个词
. 书 v. 登记,预订 例句与用法: 1. That student lost his book yesterday. 那个学生昨天丢了书。 2. He was booked on a charge of speeding. 他因超速开车而被记录在案。 3. You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show. 你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。 4. He's always careful to do things by the book. 他总是小心翼翼地按规章办事。 5. He was booked by the referee for foul play. 他因为动作犯规而被裁判记下姓名。 6. We're booked on the next flight. 我们预订了下一班的机票. 7. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper. 把文章写在练习簿里, 不要写在草稿纸上. 8. We've booked you in at the Plaza for two nights. 我们为你在普拉扎旅馆预订了两夜的房间. 回答者:Emmashao - 魔导师 十级 6-19 17:43书本或预定位置的意思 回答者:rubii - 高级魔法师 六级 6-19 17:431. 书,书本,书籍;著作;报章杂志 She has written several books on the subject. 她已经写了几部有关这方面的书了。 2. 本子;簿册;支票簿 3. 帐册;名册[P][K] His name is no longer on our books. 他的名字从我们的名册上勾销了。 4. (长篇作品的)卷,篇,部 5. (轻松音乐剧的)歌词;(戏剧的)脚本 6. 课业;功课[the P] 7. 赌注登录[P] vt. 1. 预订;预雇;预约 Mary has booked a flight from New York to London. 玛丽已预订了从纽约到伦敦的飞机票。 2. (警方)将...登记入册以作指控之用 The cop booked John on a charge of speeding. 警察指控约翰超速驾驶。 3. 登记 4. 为...登录赌注 vi. 1. 预订 2. 【英】(旅客)登记住入旅馆
你是不是想问“博客”: boke blog booke ?book[buk]n.书籍, 卷、篇, 帐簿, 名册, 工作簿v.登记, 预订, 控告
1:Book做名词时 A:有书,书本,书籍:著作:报章杂志的意思 例如:She has written several books on the subject. (她已经写了几部有关这方面的书) B:有本子,帐簿,支票簿的意思 C:有帐册,名册 例如:His name is no longer on our books 他的名字从我们的名册上勾消了.D:(长篇作品的)卷,篇,部.E:装订成书本形的同类物品.F:(轻松音乐剧的)歌词. G:课业,功课
2:及物动词时 A:预订,预约. B:登记 3:不及物动词时 A预订 (英)登记住入酒店
拜托,上面几位的长篇大论没必要吧!book最初就是“书”的意思啊,是名词,后面也可加其他名词,比如“书店”就是book shop/store根据语境也可译为“练习本,帐册”等等,很简单啊book用作动词是“预定”的意思。订票book a ticket订房book a room订桌book a table其实没什么难的
book[buk]n.书, 书籍, 卷, 篇, 帐簿, 名册, 工作簿v.登记, 预订, 控告bookbookAHD:[b‹k] D.J.[buk]K.K.[b&k]n.Abbr. bk., b.(名词)缩写 bk., b.A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.书,书本:一叠沿一边固定起来并装订在两张保护性的封面之间的书写的、印刷的或空白纸张A printed or written literary work.文学书:一本印刷的或书写的文学作品A main division of a larger printed or written work:部,章节:较大的印刷的或书写著作的一大分部:a book of the Old Testament.旧约的一个章节A volume in which financial or business transactions are recorded.簿册:记录金融或商业交易的册子books Financial or business records considered as a group:books 帐目:被当作一个整体的金融或商业记录:checked the expenditures on the books.查对帐目上的支出情况A libretto.歌词,剧本The script of a play.剧本Book The Bible.Book 圣经A set of prescribed standards or rules on which decisions are based:制度:一套规定好的用以作为决策基础的标准或准则:runs the company by the book.根据制度经营公司Something regarded as a source of knowledge or understanding.知识之库:被认作知识或智力来源的东西The total amount of experience, knowledge, understanding, and skill that can be used in solving a problem or performing a task:知识总库:经验、知识、理解力和技巧等可用来解决问题或现实任务的东西的总和:We used every trick in the book to finish the project on schedule.我们用尽了书上每个技巧以完成预定表上的计划A packet of like or similar items bound together:一包:放在一起的相象或相同的东西:a book of matches.一包火柴A record of bets placed on a race.登录赌注:压在赛马上的赌注记录Games The number of card tricks needed before any tricks can have scoring value, as the first six tricks taken by the declaring side in bridge.【游戏】 完成约定的牌墩数:在获得有记分价值的牌墩前应完成的牌墩数,比如打桥牌时叫方认下的前六墩n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:书面:经常用来修饰另一个名词: book learning.书面报告:书本知识v.tr.(及物动词)booked, book.ing, booksTo list or register in or as if in a book.登记,注册:在表中或好象在表中登录下来或列举出来To record charges against (a person) on a police blotter.作控告笔录:在警察记事簿上记录(对某人的)指控To arrange for (tickets or lodgings, for example) reserve.预订:事先安排(如票或住宿等);预订To hire or engage:约定:雇佣或约定:The manager booked a magic show for Saturday night.那个经理预定了一场星期六晚上的魔术表演To allocate time for.为…安排出时间bring to bookTo demand call to account.要求作出解释;要求作出说明in one's bookIn one's opinion:认为:根据某人的看法:In my book they both are wrong.在我看来他们俩都错了like a bookT completely:透彻地;全面地:I know my child like a book.我完全了解我的孩子one for the booksA noteworthy act or occurrence.不寻常的事:一件值得记住的行动或事件throw the book atTo make all possible charges against (a lawbreaker, for example).对(被告)作出所有可能的指控To reprimand or punish severely.严厉申斥:严厉指责或惩罚Middle English bok 中古英语 bok from Old English b½c * see bh³go- 源自 古英语 b½c *参见 bh³go- book“ern.(名词)book, bespeak, engage, reserveThe central meaning shared by these verbs is “to cause something to be set aside, as for one's use or possession, in advance”: 这些动词共有的中心意思为“事先预留以便使用或拥有”:wi 预定旅馆房间; 订货;engaged a box
为歌剧节预定个包厢;reserving a table at a restaurant. 在餐厅订张桌子 book古英国人把文字刻在beech(山毛榉)的树皮上,由此产生了book(书)这个词
今天算是长见识了问这个问题的回答全面到象是自己编的的happylpc 觉得你 你的分多的没处花了吧哈
书预定I have booked in a room for you.是英文
最常用的解释n. 书 v. 登记,预订
书记住 “不可 输”:)


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