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出门在外也不愁Be prepared. Before you attempt to kickflip, you should probably be pretty comfortable on a skateboard.
You should be familiar with all the parts on a skateboard, have decent
and know .
You can practice your kickflip while rolling or stationary - it really depends on personal preference.
Extremely important to have learnt before you even attempt to practice Kickflips: Ollie, Frontside 180, Backside 180, Pop-shuvit, and Frontside Pop-shuvit. Successfully learning these tricks will have increased your board control significantly for much faster progression when learning the Kickflip.
Some people find it easier to learn while rolling, while others prefer to get their technique down in a stationary position first.
Get the right foot position. The first thing you need to look at is your foot placement:
Your front foot should be placed just behind the bolts on your board, pointing slightly towards the front at a 45 degree angle.
The ball of your back foot should be perched on the tail of your board.
Don't hunch forwards, keeping your shoulders in line with your board.
Ollie. Hopefully you already know how to ollie, but just to recap:
Bend your front knee and put all of your weight on the ball of your back foot.
This causes the front of the board to lift, while the back pops off the ground and then bounces up.
Try to ollie as high as you can, as this will give you more time to complete the kickflip.
Use your front foot to flick the board. While you're in the air, slide your front foot towards the front heel-side edge of the board. Kick your leg out, flicking the edge of your deck with your baby toe. This is what gives it its spin.
This move is a little tricky, so make sure you understand it fully before you try it. Make sure you are kicking your leg outwards and upwards, not downwards. Otherwise your foot will end up beneath the board and you won't be able to land properly.
Don't kick too hard either, otherwise you'll send your board spinning away from you. Also be sure to jump high enough so that your back foot also comes off the board (though not as high as the front foot).
Catch the skateboard with your back foot, then your front. Once the skateboard has completed a full rotation in the air, catch it with your back foot and slam it towards the ground. Once your back foot hits the board, your front foot should follow suit.
In order to figure out when your skateboard has completed a full rotation, you will need to keep your eyes on it as you jump, which can be tricky. Do your best to get the timing right, and land with your feet over the bolts on the front and back of your deck.
Another important point to remember is to try to keep your shoulders level (as opposed to having one higher than the other) and facing in the direction you're going. This will help you to keep your balance as you land your flip.
Bend your knees as you land. As your board hits the ground, bend your knees in order to absorb the shock.
This will also help you to maintain control of the skateboard.
If you're practicing your kickflip while rolling, just continue on, trying your best to look cool.
Practice, practice practice. Kickflips are the most difficult of the basic tricks, so it can take a while to get them down perfectly. Don't let yourself get frustrated - just keep practicing until you get it right.
Do a double kickflip. A double kickflip is when the board flips over twice in the air before you land. It involves the same technique as a regular ollie, you just need to flick the board a little harder and faster. You can also try for a triple kickflip, where the board flips over three times before landing.
Do a varial kickflip. A varial kickflip is a combination of a kickflip and and a shove-it, where the board spins around 180 degrees as it flips. You can achieve the shove-it rotation by popping the board on the toe side of the tail, then flicking the nose with your front foot to achieve the flip.
Do a kickflip body varial. A kickflip body varial involves the skater switching their position mid-air, instead of the board. With this particular trick, the skater flips their body 180 degrees frontside, then lands in a switch stance.
Do a kickflip indy. With a kickflip indy, you do a kickflip, flicking the board a little further out than you normally would, and grab the board in your hand before you land. You need to be rolling pretty fast and jumping high for this one.
Do a kickflip underflip. The kickflip underflip is a very advanced trick which takes lots of practice to master. After the board has completed one rotation during a kickflip, you use the top of your toe to flick the board so it spins in the opposite direction.
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Keep calm and try hard. Mastering the kickflip requires a lot of ded don't be put off if you don't succeed first time!
No one foot position is universal for kickflips, try adjusting how much your heels hang off the board, where you place your front foot, and the angle that you point your toes.
If you flick the board incorrectly, it could spin vertically instead of horizontally and end up hitting you in the groin. This is known as "credit carding" and is pretty unpleasant, so make sure to get your technique right.
Skate shoes (optional)
pads (optional)
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Becomean Author!Probability: Independent Events
Probability: Independent Events
Life is full of random events!
You need to get a &feel& for them to be a smart and successful person.
The toss of a coin, throwing
lottery draws are all examples of
random events.
Sometimes an event can affect the next event.
Example: taking colored marbles from a bag: as you take each marble there are less marbles left in the bag, so the probabilities change.
We call those Dependent Events, because what happens depends on what happened before (learn more about this at ).
But otherwise they are Independent Events ...
Independent Events
Independent Events are not affected by previous events.
This is an important idea!
A coin does not &know&
it came up heads before ...
.... each toss of a coin is a perfect isolated thing.
Example: You toss a coin and it comes up &Heads& three times ... what is the chance that the next toss will also be a &Head&?
The chance is simply ½ (or 0.5) just like ANY toss of the coin.
What it did in the past will not affect the current toss!
Some people think &it is overdue for a Tail&, but really truly the next toss of the coin is totally independent of any previous tosses.
Saying &a Tail is due&, or &just one more go, my luck is due&
is called The Gambler's Fallacy
Of course your luck may change, because each toss of the coin has an equal chance.
Probability of Independent Events
&Probability& (or
&Chance&) is how likely something is to happen.
So how do we calculate probability?
Probability of an event happening =
Number of ways it can happen
Total number of outcomes
Example: what is the probability of getting a &Head& when tossing a coin?
Number of ways it can happen: 1 (Head)
Total number of outcomes: 2 (Head and Tail)
So the probability = &
Example: what is the probability of getting a &5& or &6& when rolling a die?
Number of ways it can happen: 2 (&5& and
Total number of outcomes: 6 (&1&,
&4&, &5& and
So the probability = &
& = 0.333...
Ways of Showing Probability
goes from 0 (imposssible) to 1 (certain):
It is often shown as a decimal or fraction.
Example: the probability of getting a &Head& when tossing a coin:
As a decimal:
As a fraction:
As a percentage: 50%
Or sometimes like this:
Two or More Events
We can calculate the chances of two or more independent events by multiplying the chances.
Example: Probability of 3 Heads in a Row
For each toss of a coin a &Head& has a probability of 0.5:
And so the chance of getting 3 Heads in a row is 0.125
So each toss of a coin
has a ½ chance of being Heads, but lots of Heads in a row is unlikely.
Example: Why is it
unlikely to get, say, 7 heads in a row, when
each toss of a coin
has a ½ chance of being Heads?
Because we are asking two different questions:
Question 1:
What is the probability of 7 heads in a row?
Answer: ½&½&½&½&½&½&½ = 0.0078125 (less than 1%).
Question 2:
Given that we have just got 6 heads in a row, what is the probability
that the next toss is also a head?
Answer: ½, as the previous tosses don't affect the next toss.
You can have a play with the
to see how lots of independent effects can still have a pattern.
We use &P& to mean &Probability Of&,
So, for Independent Events:
P(A and B) = P(A) & P(B)
Probability of A and B equals the probability of A times the probability of B
Example: your friend invites you to a
movie, saying it starts some time on the weekend between 4 in the afternoon and midnight, but won't say more.
What are the chances it starts on Saturday between 6 and 8 at night?
Day: there are two days on the weekend, so P(Saturday) = 0.5
Time: between 4 and midnight is 8 hours, but you want between 6 and 8 which is only 2 hours:
P(Your&Time) = 2/8 = 0.25
P(Saturday and Your&Time)
= P(Saturday) & P(Your&Time)
= 0.5 & 0.25
Or a 12.5% Chance
(Note: we could ALSO have worked out that you wanted 2 hours out of a total possible
16 hours, which is 2/16 = 0.125. Both methods work here.)
Another Example
Imagine there are two groups:
A member of each group gets randomly chosen for the winners circle,
then one of those gets randomly chosen to get the big money prize:
What is your chance of winnning the big prize?
there is a 1/5 chance of going to the winners circle
and a 1/2 chance of winning the big prize
So you have a 1/5 chance followed by a 1/2 chance ... which makes a 1/10 chance overall:
calculate using decimals (1/5 is 0.2, and 1/2 is 0.5):
0.2 x 0.5 = 0.1
So your chance of winning the big money is 0.1 (which is the same as 1/10).
Many &Coincidences& are, in fact,
you are in a room with 30 people, and find that Zach and Anna
celebrate their birthday on the same day.
Would you say &wow, how strange&, or &that seems reasonable, with so many people here&.
In fact there is a 70% chance that would happen ... so it is likely.
Why is the chance so high?
Because you are comparing everyone to everyone else (not just one to many).
And with 30 people that is 435 comparisons
to find out more.)
Did you ever say something the same as someone else, at the same time too?
Wow, how amazing!
But you were probably sharing an experience (movie, journey, whatever) and so your thoughts would be similar.
And there are only so many ways of saying something ...
... so it is like the card game &Snap!& ...
... if you speak enough words together, they will eventually match up.
So, maybe not so amazing, just simple chance at work.
Can you think of other cases where a &coincidence& was simply a likely thing?
Probability is: (Number of ways it can happen) / (Total number of outcomes)
Dependent Events (such as removing marbles from a bag) are affected by previous events
Independent events (such as a coin toss) are not affected by previous events
We can calculate the probability of 2 or more Independent events by multiplying
Not all coincidences are really unlikely (when you think about them).}


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