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Not Enough Storage是什么意思?使用iPhone时提示Not Enough Storage要如何处理?
&Not Enough Storage。This iphone cannot be backed up because there is not enough iCoud storage available。You can manage your storage in Settings。&一连串英语出来,但自己又不知道是什么意思,这是&iphone用户在使用手机会出现的情况。下面,小编就来给大家讲解下Not Enough Storage是什么意思?遇到弹窗Not Enough Storage该怎么办?
Not Enough Storage什么意思:
遇到Not Enough Storage该怎么办?
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政府有后台Wardi Bania and Christopel Paino
March 31, 2015
A forest area in Morowali, Central Sulawesi, that has been cleared by a mining company. Photo: Christopher Paino
As a pair of Chinese-controlled mining companies proceed with plans to construct nickel smelters in Indonesia's Central Sulawesi province, in line with a national edict to increase in-country mineral processing capacity, locals fear the factories will only intensify environmental degradation from the same firms' mining operations.
Andika, a local environmental activist and mining researcher, said the smelters will harm the livelihoods of fishermen who have worked for generations in Tomori and Tolo Bays.
"The smelters will cause changes in the landscape and marine ecosystems that fishermen depend on," he said. "In fact, the area has great potential as a fishery. It's full of red snapper and grouper."
He added that an economic calculation should be done to see whether the community would be better off receiving fishing gear and more income from fishing instead of increasing its dependence on mining.
"Ecologically, building smelters in Tomori and Tolo Bays will certainly have a harmful impact," he said. "Even if technical arguments from specialists and experts deny it."
Google Earth image of the Ganda Ganda area
One of the companies, Central Omega Resources, has subsidiaries with permits to mine 6,620 hectares in the area. Rahim Kamal, secretary of Ganda-Ganda village, the site of Central Omega's smelter, said the mines were harming the environment.
"Damage is happening everywhere," he said. "At the site in Lambolo (in Ganda-Ganda) there has been severe destruction. In every meeting with the company I always remind them about these conditions."
Central Omega's smelter will process lateritic nickel ore into nickel pig iron for export to China and Taiwan. The company is ultimately a holding of the Chinese government's China National Gold.
Ratna, a public relations officer for one of Central Omega's subsidiaries, said the company had done everything the law required of it to go ahead with the smelter.
The other company, Transon Bumindo Resources, will build a smelter in Towara Pantai village.
Mahmud Ibrahim, head of North Morowali regency's Energy and Mineral Resources Office, called for the companies to pay attention to the people in their vicinities.
Produced in English by Philip Jacobson.
Wardi Bania and Christopel Paino. "Perusahaan Nikel Datang, Nasib Nelayan Morowali Utara Terancam." Mongabay Indonesia. 25 March 2015.
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Wardi Bania and Christopel Paino (March 31, 2015).
Chinese-backed smelter plan causes concern among Sulawesi fishermen.
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