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> 石女图片,石女是什么意思?求解
& 石女,很多都无法理解石女是怎么回事?那么石女到底是什么呢?下面来看看长沙仁爱妇产医院医生的讲解。
  长 沙仁爱医院医生介绍:正常的情况下女性朋友在尿道口的下方有一个阴道口,如果处女膜上有许多的小孔便成为筛状处女膜,如果没有就成为处女膜闭锁了,这就是 石女的症状。许多少女到了该来月经的年龄而月经迟迟不来时,到医院检查,才知道是&石女&。出现石女的症状的女性朋友不要惊慌,出现这种严重的情况一定要 及时就医检查和治疗。
  假石女则属于处女膜闭锁(或肥大)或者阴道横膈,指阴道及其他生殖器官发育良好,仅因为阴道或处女膜的异常情况而造成的阴茎无法进入。另外,一些 形似女性的石头也称为石女。
  石女会表现为原发性闭经,结婚之后不可以进行性生活,也不会有生育的能力。有少数女性会有子宫发育正常,在青春期之后还会有经血的潴留,症状和处女膜 闭锁差不多。进行检查的时候,能够发现外阴接近正常但是没有阴道,肛诊摸不到子宫或者是可以摸到一个比较小的始基子宫或者幼稚子宫。如果子宫正常,还会有 经血 的潴留,盆腔还会可能有包块存在。
  医生指出,先天性无阴道的石女,临床上都是使用压迫扩张法和阴道成形术矫治。压迫扩张法是指在相当于阴道外口的浅窝处,使用光滑的钝头木制圆棒 施加机械性压力,使浅窝深达7-8厘米,一般是每日压迫2次,每次20分钟,约经3个月左右。但是这种方法一般不主张,由于时间长,效果不佳,已基本淘 汰。临床上一般是使用阴道成形术进行矫治,这是目前常用的方法。术后不影响性生活以及生育功能。
&& 长沙仁爱妇产医院是湖南省女性主题医院,红羽毛意外怀孕援助中心。我们的服务特色:;电话预约;随时就诊,不必等候;尊重患者并对您的隐私保密;家庭式关爱,为星城女性健康保驾护航。长沙仁爱妇产医院推荐女性健康关爱行动:40项妇科检查全免,微管可视无痛人流术880套餐优惠价,双腔减压可视无痛人流1180元套餐优惠价,了解活动详情,可通过以下方式直接联系长沙仁爱妇产医院:
,27载杏林岁月,专业始终如一 忆往昔,仁爱人风雨兼程,奋勇开拓,坚守医疗行业的社会责任; 看今朝,仁爱人不断引进国际最前沿的医疗技术,聘请知名专家…
以下为英国电影分级制度 ??“U”级:普通级——适合所有观众。在此级节目中只能偶尔使用“damn”(该死)、hell”(见鬼、混蛋)这类轻微的咒骂语言,极少使用其他温和的咒骂语言; ??“Uc级:特别适合儿童观看; ??“PG”级:家长指导级; ??“12”级:适合12岁以上是成人观看; ??“15”级:适合15岁以上是成人观看; ??“18”级:适合18岁以上是成人观看。
英国电影分级 有12、15、18级,指适合相应年龄的人观看。
这个FSK 16 数字是指什么。
明白了,fsk 16 是德国的分级规定。
是分级的标志,一下是截自豆瓣 翼的分级介绍,比较全了。
一般电影可以分为下面这些类型: 剧情Drama 喜剧Comedy 爱情Romance 动作Action 惊悚Thriller 犯罪Crime 恐怖Horror 冒险Adventure 家庭Family 纪录片Documentary 动画Animation 奇幻Fantasy 科幻Sci-Fi 悬疑Mystery 战争War 短片Short 歌舞Musical 西部Western 传记Biography 历史History 音乐Music 古装Ancient-Costume 运动Sport 戏曲Opera 武侠Martial-Arts 神秘Mystery 黑色电影Film-Noir 儿童Kids 成人Adult 舞台艺术Stage-ArtReality-TV 脱口秀Talk-Show 情色Erotica
世界上的电影究竟有多少种?这是个简单又复杂的问题。以我们作观众的人来看,可以简单到只有“故事片”和“纪录片”之分就行了。但是对于卖电影的人,也就是电影发行商来说,名堂就多了。我们常常会在电影院门口看到把某某影片标为“动作片”、“警匪片”、“文艺片”等等,以招徕观众。我们看得多了,也自然就照这个样子把电影分起类来,按各种类型的片子来选自己的喜好,比如男的爱选动作片,女的爱选文艺片。 其实不是专门研究电影的,没必要把每部影片都细划,统称为类型片就好。
中国大陆 中国大陆一直没有实行电影分级制度,虽然已经多次有人提出应该建立这样一套机制,但是直到现在仍然没有动静。中国对电影的审查实际上则是通过对电影中某些镜头的删减以达到让所有年龄观众都可以观赏的目的。
台湾 台湾电影分级制度 在台湾,中华民国新闻局依据电影片分级处理办法第二条将经检查核定准演之电影片分为下列四级,有行政命令效力: 限制级(简称“限”级):未满18岁之人不得观赏。 辅导级(简称“辅”级):未满12岁之儿童不得观赏,12岁以上18岁未满之少年需父母或师长注意辅导观赏。 保护级(简称“护”级):未满6岁之儿童不得观赏,6岁以上12岁未满之儿童须父母、师长或成年亲友陪伴辅导观赏。 普遍级(简称“普”级):一般观众皆可观赏。 早期电影不多时,仅分为限制级及普遍级,后来电影数量增加时,增加辅导级,而保护级是民国八十三年(1994年)4月最后增加的级别。1999年中华民国新闻局依据电视节目分级处理办法实行的电视节目分级也是以此方式作为分级。2004年新闻局发布的出版品及录影节目带分级办法也用类似方式分级。
香港 香港电影分级制度将电影分成四级: 第Ⅰ级:适合任何年龄的人观看; 第Ⅱ级:儿童不宜观看;其中: 第ⅡA级:儿童不宜——在内容和处理手法上不适合儿童观看;影片可能使用轻微不良用语和少量裸体、性暴力及恐怖内容,建议有家长指导; 第ⅡB级:青少年及儿童不宜——观众应预期影片内容不适合成分的程度较第ⅡA级强烈;强烈建议家长给予指导;影片可能有一些粗卑用语及性相关的主语词;可含蓄地描述性行为及在情欲场面中出现裸体;影片可能有中度的暴力及恐怖内容; 第Ⅲ级:只准18岁(含)以上年龄的人观看。 其中I、II级是劝告性质,但严格执行III级年龄限制。
日本 日本电影分级制度用四级制: 一般:不限年龄。 PG-12:12歳未满(小学生以下)建议成人伴随观赏。 R-15:15歳未满(中学生以下)禁止入场。 R-18:18歳未满禁止入场。
韩国 韩国电影划分为5个等级: 全民皆宜、 12 适合12岁以上观众观看、 15 适合15岁以上观众观看、 18 适合18岁以上观众观看、 限制放映。
新加坡 G 适宜所有年龄层观赏。 PG 需家长或年龄较大的亲友从旁协助指导。 NC16 16岁以下禁止购买与入场。《拯救雷恩大兵》因包含太多粗俗语言而于1998年成为第一部列入这一级的电影。 M18 18岁以下禁止购买与入场。 R21 21岁以下禁止入场。 分级制度近年来也应用在市场上销售的电影光碟中。R21电影依然不能在商店里销售。
印度 U — Universal: Suitable for all ages U/A — Universal with adult/parent guidance. Some material may be unsuitable for children under 12. A — Adult: Can be viewed only by those above 18 S — Special: A very rare designation for special cases
菲律宾 G(P) - General patronage PG-13 - Parental guidance for children under 13 R (deprecated) - Strictly for persons over 18 (until early 2000s when the rating was split into two brackets) R-13 - Strictly for children over 13 R-18 - Strictly for persons over 18 X - Not for public viewing
泰国 P - Promotional, film is educational and viewing is encouraged for all Thai people. G - Suitable for general audiences. Under 13 - Viewers under age 13 not admitted. Under 15 - Viewers under age 15 not admitted. Under 18 - Viewers under age 18 not admitted. Under 20 - Viewers under age 20 not admitted.
马来西亚 马来西亚的电影分成以下5个级别: U - 适合任何年龄的人士观看。 18SG - 18岁以下禁止观看,含有暴力、血腥、恐怖镜头。 18SX - 18岁以下禁止观看,含有性爱镜头(非裸露)。 18PA - 18岁以下禁止观看,含有政治、宗教性质电影。 18PL - 18岁以下禁止观看,含有两个或以上性质的综合电影。 注: 以上的电影制度也用于电视节目。 马来西亚电检局删剪的电影镜头实例: 血腥暴力镜头,包括不间断的打斗。 裸露及做爱镜头。 男女主角在雨中唱歌跳舞,然后激情撕开衣服或湿透下露出乳房、乳头等私人部份。 法国式接吻、男女之间光着身体湿吻。洋人可以有接吻镜头,因为这是他们的文化,亚洲人不可以有接吻镜头,因为这不是东方文化。 向上摇摆手臂比中指。 展现兽性的镜头。 女性拉开一个男人的拉链。 女性交叉坐。 无论是有性暗示的声音或性爱时的呻吟,就算不见画面,依然必须被剪。 触及宗教、种族敏感地带的对白和镜头。 所有淫秽、猥亵的话语,不论是英文、马来文、中文等任何语言都不可“出声” 严格看待一些时尚节目,一些暴露身体部份的画面会修剪。 有猪的镜头不可出现。 非回教徒用回教问候语的画面不可出现。 电检局有列出50个不能“出声”的粗口词语,不过一些词语官员会研究它在电影中的含义再做决定,例如中文电影出现的“食蕉”和“呷蕉”需要确定在电影中是不是真正指水果的意思而非性暗示。另外,“问候”母亲、家人的粗口以及“打飞机”等字眼也不能出现。一些与性及身体部份有关的字眼也不可以出现,包括马来话的“ANAK HARAM”“HARAM JADAH ”“ANAK SUNDAL”。电检局删剪的纪录片镜头实例:动物交配 土人展示乳房(女性)及私人器官。 全身裸露的土人。 与性爱有关的镜头和对白。 医药纪录片展示女性及男性的私人器官。 正面女性生子的镜头。 女性喂母乳的近镜头
伊朗 伊朗的电影审查制度分为四个步骤: 第一,剧本必须通过审查。 第二,申报演员和剧组人员名单,申请拍摄许可。 第三,完成后的样片送审,来决定影片的命运,通过,要修改还是被禁。 最后,导演制片人申报银幕许可,影片被分为A,B,C三级以决定电影的发行渠道和宣传方式。 伊朗的电影分级是与欧美电影分级不同的,它与电影内容无关,A,B,C的级数是电影质量的分级。因而A级电影可以在官方的电视台上发布广告,在最好的院线最佳时间上映。C级则被禁止在电视上播广告,也只有较差的,少量有限的影院在非高峰时间播放。所以通过多层的审查,电影法律决定了影片的内容及市场。
美国 美国的MPAA,它的全称为“The Motion Picture Association of America ”即“美国电影协会”,总部设在加利福利(Encino,California )。这个组织成立于1922年,最初是作为电影工业的一个交易组织而出现的。如今它涉足的领域不仅有在影院上映的电影,还有电视`家庭摄影(home video)以及未来有可能会出现的其他传送系统领域。 MPAA在洛杉玑和华盛顿为它的成员服务。它的委员会的主要成员由也是MPAA的会员的美国最大的七家电影和电视传媒巨头的主席和总裁共同担任。他们是: .迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney C) .索尼声像(Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc.;) .Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.; .派拉蒙公司(Paramount Pictures C) .21世纪福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.); .环球影像(Universal Studios, Inc) .华纳兄弟(Warner Bros. ) 美国电影协会(MPAA)制定的非官方的影视作品分级制度如下: G级(GENERAL AUDIENCES All ages admitted):大众级,所有年龄均可观看。该级别的电影内容可以被父母接受,影片没有裸体、性爱场面,吸毒和暴力场面非常少。对话也是日常生活中可以经常接触到的; PG级(PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED Some material may not be suitable for children):普通辅导级,一些内容可能不适合儿童观看,有些镜头可能产生不适感,建议在父母的陪伴下观看。该级别的电影基本没有性爱、吸毒和裸体场面,即使有时间也很短,此外,恐怖和暴力场面不会超出适度的范围; PG-13级(PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13):特别辅导级,不适于13岁以下儿童,13岁以下儿童尤其要有父母陪同观看,一些内容对儿童很不适宜。该级别的电影没有粗野的持续暴力镜头,一般没有裸体镜头,有时会有吸毒镜头和脏话; R级(RESTRICTED Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian):限制级,17岁以下必须由父母或者监护陪伴才能观看。该级别的影片包含成人内容,里面有较多的性爱、暴力、吸毒等场面和脏话; NC-17级(NO ONE 17 AND UNDER ADMITTED):17岁或者以下不可观看,该级别的影片被定为成人影片,未成年人坚决被禁止观看。影片中有清楚的性爱场面,大量的吸毒或暴力镜头以及脏话等。 另补充几种特殊的分级:NR 或 U:NR是属于未经定级的电影,而U是针对1968年以前的电影定的级。 M,X 或 P:这一级中的电影基本上不适合在大院线里公映,都属于限制类的。
英国 英国电影分级制度 “U”级:普通级——适合所有观众。在此级节目中只能偶尔使用“damn”(该死)、“hell”(见鬼、混蛋)这类轻微的咒骂语言,极少使用其他温和的咒骂语言; “Uc”级:特别适合儿童观看; “PG”级:家长指导级; “12”级:适合12岁以上及成人观看; “15”级:适合15岁以上及成人观看; “18”级:适合18岁以上及成人观看; “R18”级:限制公映。
法国 法国电影分级尺度对于各种内容不同的影片以及片花,分级如下: 普通级:作品适合所有观众 12岁以下级:12岁以下观众禁止 16岁以下级:16岁以下观众禁止 18岁以下级:18岁以下观众禁止。根据法国日法令,该分级适用于那些带有“真实性爱场面和极端暴力场面、但其拍摄方式及处理主题的态度不合法” 的X级作品。[2] 以上各项标准在分级时,均可根据部分影片特定内容将带给观众的信息,附带敬告信息。这些敬告信息必需在影片上映的影院公共场所公开张贴或公布。色情电影参与分级截止于1980年,法国文化部根据日法案第12条,禁止了色情电影(即X级电影)在公开院线上映和发行,色情电影最后一次X级分级是在1996年。
德国 Ohne Altersbeschr?nkung (FSK 0): no age restriction Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren (FSK 6): no children under 6 years admitted Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren (FSK 12): children 12 or older admitted, children between 6 and 11 only when accompanied by parent or legal guardian Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren (FSK 16): children 16 or older admitted Keine Jugendfreigabe (FSK 18): "no youth admitted", only adults. May also be referred to as FSK 18. This rating was previously called "Nicht freigegeben unter 18 Jahren."
爱尔兰 G - 'General' - Suitable for viewing by anyone. Examples: Shrek the Third, Artic Tale PG - 'Parental Guidance' - Parental guidance is recommended for children under the age of 12. Examples: The Simpsons Movie, Oceans 13, Stardust 12A - 'Parent supervision required for children under 12' - A person over 18 years of age must accompany a child under the age of 12 when seeing a film theatrically. This is very similar to the 12A certificate that the BBFC introduced in August 2002. Examples: Transformers, Hot Rod, Lions for Lambs and Beowulf 15A - 'Parent supervision required for children under 15' - A much stronger warning that, although the film may be unsuitable for a child under the age of 15 watching alone, a child with an adult may be admitted to the film's screening. Live Free or Die Hard, Norbit, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, A Mighty Heart, and Daywatch 16 - Films classified in this category are considered to be suitable for persons of sixteen or over. Children under this age cannot be admitted to screenings. Violent content and depiction of violence may be stronger than in films designated 15A. This certificate was made after a 15A rating was given to Bad Santa. Examples: The Brave One, Grindhouse, Mr. Brooks, and Good Luck Chuck 18 - 'Adults only' - The film is suitable only for adults. A person under this age will not be admitted. 9 Songs in October 2004 became the first film featuring explicit sex scenes to receive a certificate. Examples: Alpha Dog, Saw IV and Halloween
荷兰 Unrestricted: AL Suitable for all ages (in Dutch: Alle Leeftijden). 6 Not recommended for children younger than 6 years. Replaced the older MG6, where parental guidance was recommended for viewers younger than 6 years. 9 Not recommended for children younger than 9 years. Currently a non-standard rating, expected to become a standard rating in the course of 2008. First used for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban because of very frightening elements. Also used for De Scheepsjongens van Bontekoe. 12 Not recommended for children younger than 12 broadcasting is not allowed before 20:00. Restricted: 16 Not suitable for children younger than 16 hence, according to Wetboek van Strafrecht art. 240A, it is forbidden to admit such a person to a screening, or rent out, sell, or give the movie (DVD, video, computer file, etc.) broadcasting is not allowed before 22:00.
捷克 U - 适合所有观众 12 - 适合12岁以上观众 15 - 适合15岁以上观众 18 - 适合18岁以上观众
罗马尼亚 Romanian CNC rating system. A.G. Audien?? general?. (General audience.) I.C.-14 Interzis copiilor sub 14 ani. (Not for children under 14 years of age.) I.M.-18 Interzis minorilor sub 18 ani. (Not for children under 18 years of age.) XXX Interzis proiec?iei cu public. (Not for the public to see) Pornography only.
比利时 KT/EA - 大众级 (Kinderen Toegelaten/Enfants Admis, Children Admitted) - 适合所有观众 KNT/ENA - 儿童不宜观影 (Kinderen Niet Toegelaten/Enfants Non Admis,Children Not Admitted) - 禁止16岁以下儿童观影
芬兰 芬兰电影分级委员会制定了如下电影分级体制: “S, K-3” - 适合所有观众观看 “K-7”- 适合7岁以上观众观看 “K-11”- 适合11岁以上观众观看 “K-13”- 适合13岁以上观众观看 “K-15”- 适合15岁以上观众观看(原来是K-16,即适合16岁以上观众观看) “K-18”- 适合18岁以上观众观看 “KK”- 禁片(出现诸如儿童色情、暴力等犯罪镜头) 在有成年人陪同的情况下,比分级制度所要求年龄在2岁以内的观众仍然可以进场观看。但本条款不适用于分级为18的电影。 只有针对少数关注(即18岁以下观众)的影片必须参加分级审查,对于其它影片,反应前进行通知就可以了。然而分级委员会仍然有审查意思含有违法或不适宜放映内容的影片。 “KK”禁片(kokonaan kielletty)表明禁止在芬兰上映的影片.
丹麦 丹麦青少年儿童媒体委员会(Media Council for Children and Young People) 使用以下的分级体系。 A 适合所有人群观看。 7 适合7岁以上所有人群观看,不建议7岁以下儿童观看。 11 只允许11岁以上人群观看。 15 只允许15岁以上人群观看。 只要在成年人(18岁以上)的陪同下,7岁以上的青少年也可以观看所有影片。因此,家长有责任确保自己的孩子不去看暴力及色情影片。 虽然影片并不需要经过该媒体委员会的评级,但不管这些影片是否含有敏感内容,在公映时必须标明*15(允许15岁以上人群观看)。
瑞典 The following categories are used by the SBB: Btl Barntill?ten (Children allowed) Suitable for all ages (Unusual example: Borat was given this rating in Sweden while the US gave it an R) 7 years 7 ?r is deemed non-harming for children of at least 7 years of age. Younger children are not admitted unless accompanied by an adult 18 or older, may include drug use. (Unusual examples: South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Brokeback Mountain and Little Miss Sunshine were given this rating in Sweden while the US gave them an R) 11 years 11 ?r is deemed non-harming for children of at least 11 years of age. Children of at least 7 years of age are admitted if accompanied by an adult 18 or older, may include mild drug use, mild depiction of sexual activity. 15 years 15 ?r states that no one under 15 years of age is admitted, may include strong drug use, depiction of strong sexual activity. This also
however, it is not shown at ordinary cinemas. There are common unofficial ratings used by television channels, rental shops and adult cinemas to hinder persons below the age of 18 years to be exposed to pornography, such as Barnf?rbjuden ("prohibited for minors"), 18 ?r ("18 years") and Vuxenfilm ("movies for adults"). Prohibited F?rbjuden If considered to be brutalising, films can be banned from public display, these films include scenes of prolonged or intrusive graphic violence, or sexual violence and constraint (examples: Hard Boiled, Man Bites Dog or Pierre Woodman's The Castings). There is a possible gap between what the boards puts its prohibited stamp on and what's considered illegal due to its content, making some prohibited films possible to obtain for private use or to be seen by members of closed societies at cinemas.
挪威 Movies are rated using the following classifications: A (all ages) 7 11 15 18
冰岛 L: Suitable for all 7: Passed only for children 7 and over 12: Passed only for children 12 and over 16: Passed only for children 16 and over 18: Passed only for persons 18 and over
瑞士 0 - Universal. Suitable for all 7 - No one under the age of 7 admitted 10 - No one under the age of 10 admitted 12 - No one under the age of 12 admitted 14 - No one under the age of 14 admitted 16 - No one under the age of 16 admitted 18 - No one under the age of 18 admitted Switzerland is composed of 26 cantons, each with their own ratings. The entries above are for the cantons of Vaud and Geneva.
奥地利电影分为如下几级: 大众级(Freigegeben für alle Altersstufen):对观众无年龄限制 建议6岁以上观众观看(Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren):不建议6岁以下儿童观看 建议10岁以上观众观看(Freigegeben ab 10 Jahren):不建议10岁以下儿童观看 建议12岁以上观众观看(Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren):不建议12岁以下儿童观看 建议14岁以上观众观看(Freigegeben ab 14 Jahren):不建议14岁以下儿童观看 建议16岁以上观众观看(Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren):不建议16岁以下儿童观看
希腊 K - 影片无暴力、毒品和色情内容,适合所有观众观看。 K-13 - 影片可能包含一定暴力内容,适合13岁以上人群观看。 K-17 - 影片可能包含一定暴力、毒品和色情内容,适合17岁以上人群观看。观众需要出示身份证证明其年龄达到17岁,才能在希腊电影院看K-17级电影或者租/买DVD。
匈牙利 12 - 12岁以下儿童需要家长陪同观看。 16 - 不适合16岁以下青少年观看。 18 - 不适合18岁以下青少年观看。
西班牙 Attitudes toward Film censorship in Spain are unusual due to the adverse affect of dictatorship and heavy censorship until 1975 under General Francisco Franco. Therefore most Spanish citizens are against censorship of any kind and prefer personal responsibility and liberalism, thus very few people show serious respect for certification of films. For example, Cinemas in Spain never ask for identification. All - Suitable for all audiences Especialmente Recomendada para la Infancia - Especially suitable for infancy 7 - Suitable for audiences 7 and over 13 - Suitable for audiences 13 and over 18 - Suitable for audiences 18 and over Película X - Pornographic movie[5]
葡萄牙 M/4 For children of age 4 and above. Content with this rating should be of short duration and easy to understand and it should not provoke fear and/or collide with the sense of fantasy of this age. M/6 For children of age 6 and above. M/12 For children of age 12 and above. This rating is for content that due to its length and complexity, can provoke in younger viewers fatigue and psychiatric trauma. Younger viewers must be accompanied by an adult. M/16 For children of age 16 and above. This rating is for content that explores, in excessive terms, aspects of sexuality, physical and psychic violence. Younger viewers must be accompanied by an adult. M/18 For persons of age 18 and above. This rating is for content of explicit sexual nature and/or that explores pathological forms of physical and psychic violence. Younger viewers must be accompanied by an adult, although if they are too young, the person responsible for admission into movie theaters can deny entrance.
南非 A - This is a program that does not contain any obscenity, and is suitable for family viewing. PG - Children under the age of 12 may watch this film, but must be accompanied by an adult. This program contains an adult related theme, which might include very mild language, violence and sexual innuendo. 10 - This rating is rarely used - but there have been instances where the Board needed a gap rating between PG and 13. 13 - Children under the age of 13 are prohibited from watching this film. This program contains mild language, violence and sexual innuendo. 16 - Children under the age of 16 are prohibited from watching this film. It contains moderate violence, language, and some sexual situations. R18 - Children under the age of 18 are prohibited from watching this film. It contains extreme violence, language and/or graphic sexual content. (The R18 rating does not refer to pornography - as this is banned on television and cinema by the Film and Publication Board) X18 - this is reserved for films of an extreme sexual nature (pornography). X18 films may be distributed only in the form of video/DVD and in a controlled environment (eg. Adult Shops). No public viewing of this film may take place. X18 films may not be broadcast on television or in cinemas. (The X18 rating does not refer to child or animal pornography - as this is totally banned and illegal in South Africa)
澳大利亚 E - 不需分级(Exempt from classification)。此类影片不可以含有限制级内容。 G - 大众级 (General)。无过激镜头。 PG - 建议在父母陪同下观看(Parental guidance recommended),内容比较温和。 M - 建议仅成人观看(Recommended for mature audiences),有中等程度过激镜头。 MA15+ - 限制级,不适合15岁以下儿童观看(Not suitable for persons under 15),会涉及到不适于儿童观看的暴力、恐怖、色情等内容。 R18+ - 限制级,仅限18岁及18岁以上成人观看(Restricted to adults 18 years and over),会涉及到不适于儿童观看的暴力、恐怖、色情等内容。。 X18+ - 限制级,仅限18岁及18岁以上成人观看(Restricted to adults 18 years and over)。这是对色情影片的评级。 RC - 拒绝评级。禁止在澳大利亚销售或放映。
新西兰 Unrestricted films: E Exempt from classification (Normally only given to documenatires) G Suitable for all. PG Parental guidance recommended for young children. M13 Suitable for children 13 or over, although young children can go and see it. This rating is not used anymore, although some older films still have that rating. M M Suitable for children 16 years or older, although children younger can view it. Restricted films: R13 Restricted to children 13 or over. R15 Restricted to children 15 or over. R16 Restricted to children 16 or over. Different to the M. R18 Restricted to 18 or Over. R Restricted to people 16 years or over. The only exception is where the underage patron has parental consent to view the movie.
墨西哥 AA Informative-only rating: Specially suited for the interests of children under 7. No (or minimum) violence, no drug nor sexual content (may include affective and friendly scenes) under this rating. (e.g., cartoons). A Informative-only rating: General Audience. Suited for all audience, but not in the special interest of children under 7. Minimum or no violence, sexual or drug use content. Suited for children under 12. B Informative-only rating: For children 12 or over. Parental guidance suggested. Minimum and specifically motivated non extreme violence, may contain suggestive sexual conducts, but non-explicit content. Nudity might be present, but not in an erotic or degrading way. Drug use is present, but not during consumption. And drugs are treated with negative consequences. Dirty language might be present, but not extreme verbal violence. B-15 Informative-only rating: For children 15 or over. More explicit content than B rating, but no extreme violence, explicit sexual and drug conducts, and non extreme verbal violence. Drug use must is not be propitiated. C Restrictive rating: For adults over 18. High degree of violence (including cruelty), explicit sex, drug use and addictive content. Language is needed for the narrative purposes. D Restrictive rating: Adult-only movies. Commonly known as X-rated. Most or unique content is: explicit sex, profanity or high degree of violence.
哥伦比亚 哥伦比亚文化部(Ministry of Culture)于日出台了最新的电影分级体系。 分级标准为: T: 适合所有观众观看。T是"Todos"首字母,意思是“全部”。 7: 适合7岁以上(含7岁)人群观看。 12: 适合12岁以上(含12岁)人群观看。 14:适合14岁以上(含14岁)人群观看。 18:适合18岁以上(含18岁)人群观看。 X:色情影片。
智利 电影分级委员会(Consejo de Calificación Cinematográfica) 使用如下分级规则: TE (Todo Espectador) - For all audiences 14 - Inappropriate for children under 14 18 - Suitable for people aged 18 and over. Children under 18 may be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18. 细分范围(子范畴) 18/S - Suitable for people aged 18 and over with sexually explicit content. This indication signifies that the film essentially contains scenes of real and explicit sexual activity. Replaces the old X rating. 18/V - Suitable for people aged 18 and over with extreme violence
阿根廷 电影放映咨询委员会(Comisión Asesora de Exhibición Cinematográfica) 下属的电影与影像艺术机构 (Instituto de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales, INCAA)使用下面的分级体系: ATP: 适合所有观众观看 13: 适合13岁以上(含13岁)人群观看 16: 适合16岁以上(含16岁)人群观看 18: 适合18岁以上(含18岁)人群观看 X: 有暴露色情镜头
加拿大 加拿大电影分级原则目前在魁北克省,电影及录像带的分级是根据“映片法案”(Motion Picture Act)及“映片法规”(Motion Picture Regulations)予以规范。 魁北克以外的加拿大地区 所划分的级别可分为三大类: 一、无条件容许何年龄人士观看: “普通”级(General)——适合所有年龄人士观看。 “家长指导”级(Parental Guidance)——容许所有年龄人士观看,但主题及内容不一定适合所有儿童,宜在家长指导下观看。 二、有条件容许儿童青少年观看: “十四·陪看”级(14 Accompaniment)——任何十四岁以下的观众必须在成人陪伴下才能观看;并向家长提出警示:映片可能包含暴力、粗俗语言或性爱相关内容。 “十八·陪看”级(18 Accompaniment)——任何十八岁以下的观众必须在成人陪伴下才能观看;并向家长强烈提出警示:映片可能包含显而易见的暴力、频密的粗俗语言、性爱行为或可怖内容。 三、绝对不容许儿童及青少年观看: “限制”级(Restricted)——只容许十八岁或以上人士观看。映片可能包含显而易见的性爱或暴力内容;但分级当局对这一类映片仍有正面看法,认为可能在艺术、历史、政治、教育或科学等方面具有一定价值。 “成人”级(Adult)——只容许十八岁或以上人士观看。映片可能包含显而易见的性爱或暴力内容;分级当局对此并无表达正面看法,但认为尚可为社会大众所容忍 在魁北克省,魁北克电影局(Régie du Cinéma)负责电影分级。 G. (Visa général) -- May be viewed, rented or purchased by persons of all ages. 13+. (13 ans+) -- May be viewed, rented or purchased by children 13 years of age or over. Children 12 years of age and under may be admitted to a public showing of the film but only if accompanied by an adult aged 16 or older. 16+. (16 ans+) -- May be viewed, rented or purchased by children 16 years of age or over. 18+. (18 ans+) -- May be viewed, rented or purchased by persons 18 years of age or over


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