barrier island市盈率是什么意思思

&&&barrier island 在 矿业工程 分类中
&&&&Depositional characteristics observed in outcrops and cores indicate that cross bedded sandstones and rippled and bioturbated sandstones are reservoir factes and are interpreted as sand-bar (sometimes tidal channel)and sand-sheet deposits in a barrier island complex.
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The Spiro Sandstone is a rock unit,20-25 m thick, that consists of about equal amounts of limestones and sandstones in the South Hartshorne Gas Field,southeastern Oklahoma.Six lithofacies have been recognized.Depositional characteristics observed in outcrops and cores indicate that cross bedded sandstones and rippled and bioturbated sandstones are reservoir factes and are interpreted as sand-bar (sometimes tidal channel)and sand-sheet deposits in a barrier island complex. Three diagenetic events... &&&&&&&&&&&&斯普罗(Spiro)储层是美国俄克拉荷马州匹兹堡县哈桑(Hartshorne)南部气田的一个厚20~25m的岩石地层单元,由大致等量的灰岩和砂岩构成。已鉴别出6种岩石相,储集相为交错层砂岩与波状和生物扰动砂岩,被解释为障壁岛组合中的沙坝(时为潮道)沉积和砂席沉积。在研究区内,3种成岩事件(压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用)严重影响着斯普罗砂岩的储集性能;压实作用和随之而来的压溶作用,在减少原生孔隙度力面的影响主要发生在灰岩和合大量碳酸盐颗粒的砂岩中。该区可见5种胶结物(石英、力解石、含铁白云石、铁由云石和沥青),其中方解石胶结物最丰富并对孔隙度的影响最大。这些胶结物中的两相液态包裹体的均一化温度和熔化温度表明,方解石胶结物形成于深度为1500~1800m的NaCl-H2O系统中,盐度为8%~20%;含铁白云石和铁白云石胶结物形成于深度为2500~3000m的NaCl-MgCl2-H2O系统中,盐度为10%~20%;次生加大石英可能生成于3800m或更深处。方解石胶结物溶蚀所产生的次生孔隙是主要的储集空间。&&&&&&&& In the studied area, sedimentary environments evoluted with time, mainly barrier island-lagoon-carbonate platform environments in Benxi and Taiyuan stage, delta systems in early Shanxi stage, meandering river systems in late Shanxi to Shiqianfeng stage. The peat forming environments evoluted with time too. In Benxi and Taiyuan stage, they were unstable and confined lagoon peat flat, barrier island peat flat, wide lagoon peat flat, middle stable wide lagoon peat flat, carbonate platfo... &&&&&&&&&&&&淄博地区本溪期—石千峰期沉积环境经历了障壁岛—泻湖—台地环境,三角洲环境,曲流河环境体系的演替。相应的泥炭形成环境有不稳定的局限泻湖泥炭坪,较开阔泻湖泥炭坪,中等稳定的开阔泻湖泥炭坪,三角洲平原分流河道两侧的泥炭沼泽,洪泛平原上的泥炭沼泽。成煤植物上,本溪期以Cordaites,Lepidodendrales,Neuropteris为主,太原期华夏植物群发展,Lepidodendron,Cordaites继续发育,真蕨纲和种子蕨纲占越来越重要的地位。山西期以Odontopterissp.,Annulariaorientalis,Pecopterisorientalis,P.norini为主。自煤系形成至今,本区经历了海西印支期的普遍沉降埋藏、燕山期的普遍抬升局部断陷、喜山期的剥蚀、新构造运动期的差异沉降等阶段。古构造、古气候对本区成煤环境有重要的控制作用。&&&&&&&& The six fundamental conditions of the coal reservoir and its caprock assemblages with some regular occurrence in space
time exist in China. The sealing capability of the shallow sea and barrier island system to coal reservoir is relatively high, that of the shallow sea and plane coast system becomes mostly poor, that of the littoral delta system is commonly good, that of the fluvial system is relatively good if the sedimentary unit is complete or very poor if the coal reservoir is directly over... &&&&&&&&&&&&沉积作用通过聚煤特征、含煤岩系的岩性、岩相组成及其空间组合在一定程度上控制着煤层气的保存条件 ,我国存在具有一定时空展布规律的 6种煤储层 /盖层基本条件 :浅海 -障壁海岸体系对煤储层的封盖能力较强 ;浅海 -无障壁海岸体系多数导致对煤层气的封盖能力变差 ;近海三角洲体系的封盖沉积条件一般较好 ;河流体系如果沉积单元结构完整则封盖条件较好 ,若煤储层直接顶板为河道相或决口扇相粗 -中粒砂岩则对煤层气的保存十分不利 ;湖泊体系对煤储层的封盖能力较强 ;冲积扇体系的封盖能力总体上极差。沉积体系与煤层气储盖特征以及煤储层含气性之间的这种耦合关系 ,不仅在华南、华北聚煤区呈现出区域展布规律 ,而且对于特定矿区煤储层含气量分布具有控制作用 ,是煤储层含气性预测的重要参考依据。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社游人涌入垃圾问题太头疼 Great Barrier Island发呼吁
 日期: 09:11:11 阅读: 来源:
图片来源:网络&&& 天维网12月20日综合报道 假期即将到来,居民出游的热潮也即将到来,而Great Barrier Island则向来是备受游客和游艇爱好者们青睐的出游地。不过,大批游客涌入,却留下大量垃圾,这样的状况,令当地居民不堪其扰。近日,Great Barrier Island居民就发出呼吁,希望游客能在离岛时将垃圾处理好或是带走。&&& 届时,Great Barrier Island将在主要的交通枢纽置放垃圾桶,负责收纳含塑料、铝、玻璃、纸张和纸板在内的可回收垃圾。&&& Great Barrier Island固体垃圾经理Ian Stupple表示,这些可回收垃圾将需要从岛上被运往奥克兰进行处理,而这笔费用,将由奥克兰的纳税人们支付。“而游客遗留下来的不可回收垃圾将被运往当地的垃圾填埋场。如果游客能够将垃圾进行正确分类,并在可能的情况下自己将垃圾带离,将会大有帮助。”&&& 而对于那些游艇爱好者们来说,将于12月20日至2月5日之间在Fitzroy Harbour港口停泊的一条驳船将成为他们的“最佳选择”,游艇爱好者们可以将少量混杂的垃圾运送至驳船之上。&&& 需要注意的是,在高峰时段,游客丢弃垃圾的数量很有可能会被限制,因此,游客需要配合不同垃圾收集地的相关规定。&&& 据预计,在即将到来2周圣诞假期内,将有约700艘船此驶往Great Barrier Island,此外,在整个夏季,都会有大量游客开船、搭乘渡轮或是飞机前往岛上度假,而这无疑将为当地公共服务和社会资源带来巨大压力。&&&
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纽惠康是天维网旗下唯一的购物网站,我们的宗旨是利用我们的品牌优势,以最优惠的价格为您提供新西兰最优质的健康产品。请访问Barrier Island Education Center
The Barrier Island Sanctuary Management and Education Center (Barrier Island Center) is an educational center is located in the heart of the Archie Carr Refuge, a major nesting site for sea turtles. Through a partnership with the Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands Program (EELS), the Sea Turtle Conservancy manages and conducts the educational programs offered at the Barrier Island Center.
Purchasing a commemorative plaque that will be displayed at the BIC overlooking the ocean.
Learn about our Summer Camp and Guided Sea Turtle Watches
Educate the community and visitors at the BIC.()
In North America, sea turtles primarily nest from North Carolina through Florida, with over 90% occurring in Florida. Within that range is the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, a 20.5-mile section of shoreline between Melbourne Beach and Wabasso, along Florida's east central coast. Since its establishment by Congress in 1989, the Carr Refuge, named after STC's founding scientific director, has been a major success. The stretch of beach within the Refuge boundary is home to the most important sea turtle nesting habitat in the United States. More loggerheads nest within the Carr Refuge than anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere. In addition, over the past several years there has been a significant increase in both green turtle and leatherback nesting. Protection of these beaches is essential to the survival and recovery of these three species.
Displays and Activities in the BICSTC has led efforts to increase awareness and support for the Carr Refuge by distributing educational materials, generating media attention about the Refuge, conducting guided sea turtle walks and giving presentations to local groups and schools. While these efforts have been effective, STC's ability to sustain broad outreach programs in the Carr Refuge has been limited without a permanent educational facility located within the Refuge itself. The new Barrier Island Center will greatly improve outreach capabilities in the area.
As the Carr Refuge has demonstrated, people can live and play on important sea turtle nesting beaches without significantly affecting nesting success. But it requires a well informed public that is committed to behaving in a manner that doesn't harm nesting turtles or their nests. As the human population on Brevard County's coast continues to grow, STC and the Barrier Island Center will play an increasingly important role Displays and Activities in the BIC in protecting the fragile barrier island and its globally important sea turtle nesting beaches.
The Barrier Island Center is a focal point for the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge and the associated barrier island by providing exhibit space, a presentation hall, a small research library and ongoing educational programs that promote stewardship of the area's fragile natural resources. The Barrier Island Center hosts visiting school groups from throughout Brevard County, as well as local residents and tourists. The facility, its gift shop and its exhibits are open to the public.
The Barrier Island Center would not have been possible without the generous support of the Richard K. Mellon Foundation. The Mellon Foundation purchased the abandoned "Chuck's Steakhouse" and donated the parcel to Brevard County for the purpose of building and operating an educational facility. The County also owns two adjacent parcels stretching across the narrow barrier island梖rom the Indian River Lagoon to the Atlantic Ocean. The proximity of these adjacent public lands will allow visitors a unique interpretive hiking trail that weaves through a cross section of all the barrier island habitats.
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