everyday things沪港通是什么意思思

n. 起动机(发射架,发起者,调度员)
As a starter, our foreign friend began asking the names of everyday things.
He's a fast starter.
Of the five starters in the race only three finished.
起跑时有五 个, 只有三个跑完全程.
What would you like as a starter?
名词 starter:
an electric motor for starting an engine
同义词:starter motor, starting motor
a contestant who is in the game at the beginning
the official who signals the beginning of a race or competition
any new participant in some activity
同义词:newcomer, fledgling, fledgeling, neophyte, freshman, newbie, entrant
food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course)
同义词:appetizer, appetiser
a hand tool consisting of a rotating shaft with parallel handle
a culture containing yeast or bacteria that is used to start the process of fermentation or souring in making butter or cheese or dough
Starter   软件类型:国外软件 / 系统工具   运行环境:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/   软件介绍   启动项目+当前进程+系统服务三合一管理器,内置的网页报告特性很好用,解决系统问题需要向好友求助时,发个 html文件总比口头描述要便捷,也可直接使用其内置的搜索引擎获取所需关键词的相应信息。   启动项目管理提供给用户每个项目的加载方式详细信息,让你在添加/删除/编辑它们时可以了解特定的项目是通过何种方式实现开机自启的,比如向注册表的某个位置写入了某段信息或向INI中插入了某个命令等;当前进程管理允许用户实时调整任意进程的优先级及获取特定模块的加载信息等;而系统服务管理提供了比 Windows自身相对强大的处理特性,比如直接删除某个服务及高级分组管理等等。
start是表示1开始,着手;以`````为起点;出发 2引起,发生,发动 3创办;(UP)开设 4惊奇,吃惊。比如1开始:from~~~to finish自始至终|gei sb,a ~~~~帮助某人一臂之力。加er就表示发动装置;起跑者;赛跑中的发号员;(用餐时的)第一道菜
2. (赛跑时的)发令员;起动装置
3. 开胃菜;第一道菜
starter:意思的相关知识The Design of Everyday Things _正版电子书在线阅读_百度阅读
The Design of Everyday Things
The Design of Everyday Things
Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. The fault, argues this ingenious-even liberating-book, lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology. The problems range from ambiguous and hidden controls to arbitrary relationships between controls and functions, coupled with a lack of feedback or other assistance and unreasonable demands on memorization. The Design of Everyday Things shows that good, usable design is possible. The rules are simple: make things visible, exploit natural relationships that couple function and control, and make intelligent use of constraints. The goal: guide the user effortlessly to the right action on the right control at the right time. In this entertaining and insightful analysis, cognitive scientist Donald A. Norman hails excellence of design as the most important key to regaining the competitive edge in influencing consumer behavior. Now fully expanded and updated, with a new introduction by the author, The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how-and why-some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them.
"This book changed the field of design. As the pace of technological change accelerates, the principles in this book are increasingly important. The new examples and ideas about design and product development make it essential reading."--Patrick Whitney, Dean, Institute of Design, and Steelcase/Robert C. Pew Professor of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology"Twenty-five years ago "The Design of Everyday Things" was instrumental in orienting my approach to design. With this latest revised and expanded edition, Don Norman has given me a host of new ideas to explore as well as reminding me of the fundamental principles of great and meaningful design. Part operating manual for designers and part manifesto on the power of designing for people, "The Design of Everyday Things" is even more relevant today than it was when first published."--Tim Brown, CEO, IDEO, and author of "Change by Design""Norman enlightened me when I was a student of psychology decades ago and he continues to inspire me as a professor of design. His new book underpins all essential aspects of interaction design, the mother of human creation. It equips designers to make the world a safer, more pleasant and more exciting place. The cumulated insights and wisdom of the cross-disciplinary genius Donald Norman are a must for designers and a joy for those who are interested in artifacts and people."--Cees de Bont, Dean, School of Design, and Chair Professor of Industrial Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Donald A. Norman is co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, an executive consulting firm that helps companies produce human-centered products and services. He is Breed Professor of Design Emeritus at Northwestern University and Professor Emeritus at the University of California, San Diego, where he was founding chair of the Department of Cognitive Science and chair of the Department of Psychology. He has served as Vice President of Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group, and his many books include Emotional Design, The Design of Future Things, and most recently, Living with Complexity.
帮助平台入驻They painted things of importance in everyday life-the various species of animal and plant life they hunted and gathered in their own country.
They painted things of importance in everyday life-the various species of animal and plant life they hunted and gathered in their own country.的海词问答与网友补充:
唐·諾曼(:Donald Arthur Norman,日-)英文常簡稱為Don Norman,中文有時也譯為唐納·諾曼或唐纳德·诺曼,是美國,等設計領域的著名學者,也是(Nielsen Norman Group)的創辦人和顧問,他同時也是美國知名作家,以書籍《設計&日常生活》聞名於和領域,並曾被《》雜誌評選為世紀最有影響力的設計師之一。。
在哈佛任教四年之後,諾曼搬到美國西岸,在擔任心理學系的助理教授。諾曼在這個時期開始交叉應用自己過去的學術經驗,將電機理論應用,混和了數學心理學的諸多實驗,開展了這一門新興學科。並在加大聖地牙哥分校成立了認知科學系。1973年,諾曼與人工智能專家(Roger Schank),艾倫·柯林斯(Allan Collins)等人一同創辦了認知科學研究所與(Cognitive Science Society),開展了後世關於認知科學的學術交流序曲。
諾曼隨後將認知科學的領域,帶往了認知工程的方向,並成為該領域的主要引導者。他在《自動數據處理》期刊()上發表的文章〈Unix的難題〉(The Trouble with Unix)使他在電腦領域引起了廣大的注目。也使他跨出學術圈,與業界開始對話。並開始服務不同領域的需求。年之間,諾曼活躍於學界,商界的多項諮詢工作,客戶從(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)、、情報技術中心、、企業與等非常多樣。
1993年,諾曼辭去大學教職,進入公司,一開始負責架構蘋果電腦公司的使用者經驗,他掛名為「用户体验架构师」(User Experience architect)是當時非常罕見的職稱,並於1995年初成為了蘋果的先進技術副總裁。1998年,諾曼離開蘋果之後,曾短暫的進入公司工作,但不到一年的時間,就離開惠普,並與()共同創業,兩人成立了後世知名的尼爾森諾曼集團,獨立提供關於使用者經驗的研究諮詢顧問服務。
諾曼創業之後,也再次回到學界,成為的電腦教授。並同時兼任該校西格設計學院(Segal Design Institute)指導長。2009年到2011年間,他曾擔任韓國科學技術院的客座教授,2010年從西北大學正式退休之後,諾曼轉任數家企業的顧問,包括Ness Computing,UICO, Inc以及reQall。
諾曼曾獲得許多獎項,包括1995年獲得的名譽學位。1999年《Upside》雜誌提名他入圍全球100大精英(Elite 100)。2001年他入選美國(ACM)的,並獲得了特殊設計溝通領域裡的終身成就獎:里格獎(Rigo Award of Special Interest Group on Design of Communication)。2006年,他獲得電腦與認知科學領域的(Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science)。該年,他也獲得荷蘭頒發名譽博士學位。
1985年,學術論文Direct manipulation interface 和EL哈欽斯,JD Hollan合著。收錄在The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication
1986年,User Centered System Design: New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction,與斯蒂芬·德雷珀(Stephen W. Draper)合著。CRC出版社出版。
1988年,The Design of Everyday Things
1992年,Turn signals are the facial expressions of automobiles
1993年,Things That Make Us Smart
1998年,The Invisible Computer
2004年,Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things
2007年,The Design of Future Things
繁體中文版:《設計未來生活-善體人意的機器,還是不受控制的麻煩》 卓耀宗翻譯。遠流出版。日。。
2010年,Living with Complexity
1972年 《心理學簡介:人類資訊運作過程》與Peter H. Lindsay合著。
1977年 《記憶與注意》 (Memory and attention)
1982年 《學習與記憶》 (Learning and memory)
Norman, Donald. . .
Norman, Donald. The trouble with UNIX: The user interface is horrid. 《自動數據處理》期刊, 27, No. 12, 第139-150頁.
. UPSIDE magazine. .
. Laureate Database. The Franklin Institute Awards. .
"Human Information Processing: An Introduction to Psychology by Peter H. Lindsay, Donald A. Norman Author(s) of Review: Gregg C. Oden, Lola L. Lopes The American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 110, No. 4 (Winter, 1997), pp. 635-641 : at JSTOR, an online journal archive made available to researchers through participating libraries and institutions. Subscription."


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