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一段英语情景作文60-70字左右 开头结尾已经给出
上周初三同学进行了一次体检,结果发现同学们的视力下降。请你用英语向全班同学报告原因。并提出倡议:爱护我们的眼睛,养成好的读书习惯。要求:写出所给要点,不必逐字翻译。要用所给提示语,做到语句连贯。poorer and poorer
become shortsighted
reading habit Boys and girls:
Most of us paid little attention to protecting our eyesight.So the examination report is very good______________________________________________________I really hope all of us are well,Many thanks
According to the outcome of this examination,it has warned us that it is high time that we should protect our eyes.Several factors may contributing to poor eyesight.the first factor is ou reading habit..We should aviod reading
in dim light.Secondly,we are supposed to do eye exercise carefully to prevent us becoming shortsighted.what is more,computers and Tv will make our eye sight become poorer and poorer,and we should limit our time for surfing the internet and watching Tv.
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16:32:15 | By: 13孔晓明 ]
& Secondly, Most important of all, Finally
& Secondly, Thirdly
Beijing. What should the volunteers do and what should they not do?
China joined in a national student sports program. Eleven million students in Jiangsu took an active part in this program.
It's very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city.Now I
Jiang Cheng is lying in the Yangtze River.Its scenery was very beautiful and climate is so warmfuland many people live in pleasant surroundings.
However,the city surrounded with lots of factories.A lot of people are busy in making many money,but the cities’ environment become more and more worse.Following the economy developed quickly ,so people set up many buildings near the city.The settlement is home to nearly million people many of whom left their village homes for a better life in the city.Because of the environment improved.More and more cars were drived in the road and the air became the worst.People throwed rubbish into the river.This showed how much we depanded on water to live,but there’s a lot we can do to lower the number.In any case,You can even help to keep our water supply chean by recycling betteres instead of throwing them away.
The local government should management in time,appealed to people in the life style begin.So,we should protect our earth created our wonderful furture.
First,Jiang Cheng is near the Yangze River.So this scenery is very beautiful ,and it is very suitable for living .At the same time,it often attracks a lot of travellers.
For promoting the economic development,the government also make lots of contributions to it.For example,at this years,the economic development is very quick.And settled up many new factories,houses and roads.
However,there is no denying that air pollution is an extremely serious problem.For example,the river and air is polluted.So the government should take strong actions to deal with this problems.
At last but not least,we should follow the government footsteps.We should systemtic methods of science and we should try our best to protect the environment.
My hometown is alongside the Chang Jiang River,which is often called the mother River.Here ,you see the beautiful scenery and a variety of fish.It’s a very idenlly place to live in,If you live in it,you would have a feeling that it comforte for our lives,amd you will love here.
In the past few years,the economy develop is very fast.You can see the skyscraper when you walk in the street.Yhe government of Jiangcheng also built many factories,house and streets.With the increase of economy .There are also some questionswe should slove,for example the air and water pollution.There are lots of peoplein the city,some of them have the car belong to themselves.So if they want go out ,they would drive the car,which made the traffic jam,Those are big question about the city.
In my opinion,on the ine hand,the city’s develop is very important.On the other hands,protect the air and water as important as develop .So when we develop the city we also should protect the environment.
Jiangcheng has always been famous for its fantastic natural scenery.There are have many a place of interest in there.Millions of traveller from all over the world come here every year,and most of people like here very much.
Jiangcheng is one of the best countries int the China to live in .Now ,Jiangcheng’s population of more than 15 million people live in here.
As a modern,dynamic city,Jiangcheng sets up many settlement,house and road.
Although Jiangcheng is very popular,but it has also some questions.on the one hand,the water and air was pollution,on the other hand the traffic is very crowing.face the questions,I have some thinks.such as built sonme underground in the center of city,and make an action plan for preventing traffic accidentsIt is important for we to protect natural environment
With the development of technolodgy,I believe that Jiangcheng’s tommorow will be better.
It sets up near the Chang Jiang River.There are many trees and flowers here.A great deal of travellers come from all over the country to visit my hometown.It is an idea place to live in.
Great changes have taken place in my hometown in recently years.Many factories and tall buildings to wering up wards.You can go shopping with your friends in the shopping mall.In the afternoon,you can do exercises and chat with friend int the garden.There are many restaurants open all day,you can eat delicious food any time.
However,air pollution and water pollution are seriously .The factory sends out poisonous gases,which badly pollute the air around us.
I think development is important .But we should protect the environment too.Now ,more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is and fight against pollution.
Jiang Cheng is located in the Yangtse River alongside.Its scenery is so beautiful and its climate is so plaeasant that many people live here.
In the area,many new factories have been built.So the economic development quickly.However,the factory put waste water into the river and people throw rubbish into it,which lead to water and air pollution become more and more serious.Many cars through the country every day,which cause traffic jam.
As a result ,For one thing,we should increase people’s awareness of protecting water and exchangeing air quality.For another thing,it’s necessary to forbid factories releasing nast water into the river.
What’s more,we can develop tourism,which will attrack home and abroad tourists,promoting the development of economic.
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今天咱的合作真愉快,走,买瓶怡宝请你。。老板多少钱。1块。 我给。哎我给就行了。别抢啊,说好了我请你的。说什么请不请的,来,老板娘,收着,我给就行了。 尼玛逼看不起老子是不,都说我请了,草,早看你不爽了,草泥马。啥,你骂我,卧槽尼玛。 我也草泥马。 卧槽尼玛隔壁。 卧槽泥巴。 妈蛋老子L死你。 妈的我还会输你啊。 哎哟我擦还敢还手。。
上传: 文凤霞 &&&&更新时间: 21:07:01
& 八年级英语作文范文 作文一 新型猪流感目前仍在蔓延。不仅变得凶猛,而且扩大到了全球。防范猪流感不仅仅是政府的责任,而更应人人有责。假设你是学生会主席,请根据以下要点写一篇怎样防治猪流感的文章,号召同学们从自己做起,为防治猪流感贡献自己的一份力量: 1. 养成良好的生活习惯:(写三个方面以上) 2. 公共场所 3. 什么情况下看医生 要求:1.词数90左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不算入总数。 2.可以适当发挥,要求条理清楚,语意连贯,字迹工整。 & dear friends,
a serious disease called swine flu hit the countries all over the world. many people died because of it. now i will tell everybody how to protect ourselves from swine flu.
firstly, have some good living habits. for example, often wash your hands especially after you cough. then have enough sleep everyday. remember to do sports after class in order to have a strong body. always keep all the doors and windows in classrooms open and the rooms clean. secondly, , don&t always go to the public places which are full of people. finally, &please go to see a doctor at once if you have a fever, have a cough, feel tired, or don&t feel like eating anything. don&t forget to report it to the school.by doing these things we can reduce the chances of catching swine flu. i believe that our efforts will make our lives healthier !
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & 作文二 假如你是daniel, 最近受到美国笔有kitty 写给你的一封信,请根据来信内容写回信。 dear daniel, i haven&t heard from you for a long time , how are you ? i&m happy at school and i can enjoy my hobbies after school. you know i like music very much, so at weekend i take dancing lessons and study how to dance. i can also play the piano. maybe next timei can play it for you.&&& what&s your hobby? do you think hobbies are important for us students? please write to me soon. &best wishes, &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& yours &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& kitty. dear kitty, i&m very happy to receive your letter. you ask me about my hobby. now let me tell you something about it. my hobby is a little special . it is collecting train tickets. why? because i like traveling very much. i think i can learn about people, places and history by traveling. so i often go traveling during my holiday. i keep all the train tickets. it&s interesting. i think hobbies are very useful to us. they make us grow a person and help us learn new skills. best wishes &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& yours daniel & & 作文三 根据提示用英语描述自己最好的朋友: name: joe brown. birthday:. hobbies: basketball and& table tennis. favorite subject: maths , english : && &i have many friends and joe brown is my best friend. he come from england. he was born on february , 15th ,1994. he like playing basketball and& table tennis. he studies hard, he likes maths and english very much. when i need help, i will ask him for help.& he often helps me with my english. in fact, we can learn from each other and help each other. i think that friends are important to me. they make me feel happy and warm. i&m happy to have a &&&&&&&&& good friend . & & & & & & 作文四 & 下面是你们学校广播站的中午广播内容, 请你用英文想大家做个简单的介绍.(70字) &
latest news 
sports news
hello, everyone, let me introduce our program. tony presents news programs and he reads the latest news from half past eleven to eleven-forty. the music program comes next.& daming does it for us for twenty minutes. then betty gives us some information about sports. it&s my favorite one. finally kate tells interesting stories for half an hour.& you can choose your favorite program. i hope you will enjoy our school radio shows. & 作文五 互联网如今已是校园里的热门话题了,很多同学上网学习, 下载资料等。但也有同学是在聊天、打游戏。 就此问题,你校广播站准备设立一期节目,让同学们畅说欲言,谈谈互联网。设想你也想成为其中的一名参与者,请用英语写一篇大约70字的短文,谈谈自己的看法 now the internet is getting more and more important. with the help of the internet, i& can download some information, send e-mails , enjoy music and do some reading online. so it useful in our life. it can bring us enjoyment and success .it can develop our interest and make us grow as a person. && however(然而), some students play games or chat on the internet. they spend more time playing games. it is bad for them . so i think we should use the internet in a good way & 作文六 电视机几乎已经进入了每个家庭,并且已成为人们生活中一个非常重要的部分, 有些人认为可以帮助孩子们了解世界, 但是另外一些人认为它有坏处, 因为电视中有关犯罪的节目太多了, 而我的看法是&.. television has come to nearly every family now. it is a very important part in people&s life. some people think it is good to watch tv. because it can help the children learn more about the world. but some people think it is bad for children to watch, because there are too many programs about crimes on tv. in my opinion we should watch good tv programs and we shouldn&t spend too much time on tv. we should watch tv in a good way. &作文七 & cherry是lilly的一个朋友, 她最近很苦恼, 因为她太痴迷于电脑游戏, 学习成绩下降了,父母对她也有意见。她写信给lily,让lily步帮她解决这个问题。请你以lily的名义给她提供一些建议。 & dear cherry, & i&m happy to hear from you. i know many young people like playing computer games , as a result they have little time to study. i don&t think you are right. you have made your parents angry. you should have a good talk with them and tell them your mistakes. you should also ask them to help you spend more time doing something useful for your study. if you work hard, they will be pleased you. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&yours &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&l:ily. & 作文八 &同学们在生活中会遇到很多不愉快的事, 自己也会存在许多问题。那么我们应该怎样去做呢?我们应该学会对自己微笑,充满自信,战胜自己。学校要举办& learn to smile& 英文演讲比赛,请你结合自己的事例,写一篇演讲稿。 hi, every! & i think smile is important in our life. in our life there is something unhappy. and there are many& difficulties. for example, you don&t pass the test, or someone can&t understand you.& these things can make you unhappy. then what will you do? why not learn to smile? you can do it better next time. we should also learn to smile to others. smile is the best language sometimes. learn to smile to yourself and learn to smile to others. thanks. &作文九 &&& 第29届奥运会在北京激情演绎完美落幕。谁是你心目中最喜爱的奥运英雄? 是一人独得八枚金牌的菲尔普斯;还是。。。。;或是因伤退赛的刘翔? 请你为学校校刊的英文习作园地写一篇约稿。 题目为&my favorite olympic hero& & &in my heart, the real olympic hero is still liu xiang. he is the first chinese to win the track and field competition at the olympic games. he trained hard so that he hurt himself because he wanted to win for chinese people. though he couldn&t win the beijing olympic games, he tried his best. we chinese people are proud of such a wonderful olympic hero. &


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