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求翻译! 如下.Never before in the history of humanity have there been a time as this when the whole world seems to be realizing finally, the very intent and purpose for creation - collaboration. The stiff competition that often characterized the industrial age is gradually gi_百度作业帮
求翻译! 如下.Never before in the history of humanity have there been a time as this when the whole world seems to be realizing finally, the very intent and purpose for creation - collaboration. The stiff competition that often characterized the industrial age is gradually giving way to this new age where passion thrives and information rules. Businesses are beginning to awaken to the fact that unless there's something SIGNIFICANTLY unusual about their business, there's no way they are going to remain relevant. It is increasingly becoming obvious, that the businesses that will thrive in this new age are those who are consistently willing to touch a heart before asking for a hand - being helpful.No longer will the market tolerate businesses that are out to get before giving, no longer will the market tolerate businesses that are not different and making a difference, no longer will the market tolerate businesses that are not unique and being useful, no longer will the market tolerate businesses that don't stand for something, no longer will the market tolerate businesses that are not contributing to the success of their customers.In this new age, the law of exchan 'to get, you must first give' is the standard on which every business that aspires to grow must be built. Every site I visit is now giving away something, mostly an eBook in exchange for my email. Everyone is sharing something, whether it's a link on Twitter, a video on YouTube or a picture on FaceBook. The whole world seems to be in the business of helping someone. To thrive in this new age, being Helpful must become your new business model. Woven under the very fabric of your business must be a strong desire to help. Your business must be built on the principle of helping someone accomplish a particular goal or objective as a result of coming in contact with the product or service your business offers.
You will probably look that way when we're married
She became known all over the country, as I was running out of the door.
McCarty gave me much more than a scholarship. But I found a regular scholarship would consider me not acceptable by one point on the entrance exams.又劳了 . Now I know there are good people in the world who do good things, but if anything came up they&#39, the phone rang. The next day.
What you have not heard is how McCarty&#39. She&#39, I came across the story in the paper about McCarty and her generous gift,000, she gave away $150.Then to everyone&#39, and I had my heard set on going to USM;s great surprise, to her surprise, I went to their office.She didn'm 19 and the first student who received a McCarty Scholarship. One day, after she retired, and a scholarship was the only way Is an 88year-old woman in Mississippi who had worked for over 75 years as a washer. She taught me aboud call, and she had inspired me to give back when I can,000-almost all of her savings - to the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) for a scholarship fund for African -American students who need money support, and they told me I had been chosen to receive the first McCarty St earn much, and they told me there was noney for me at present, she went to the bank and discovered. I&#39. Finally I plan to add to her scholarship fund. A few days later. I felt pleased.
I was a hardworking student, but she was a good manager of her little money. I stopped to pick it up, that her montly saving had grown to over $150You may have heard of Osceola McCarty. She worked her whole life and gave to others.
One Ss gift affected my life
但奖学金是我可以上学的唯一方法。她激励我当我有能力时去回馈社会,是第一个收到 McCarty的奖学金的学生,我的首要目标就是进USM。她工作了一生但都奉献给他人或许你曾听说过Osceola McCarty。她虽然挣得钱不多。
你可能听说过奥西奥拉·麦卡蒂。她是一个88year-old女人在密西西比州谁当了75年多的洗衣机。她赚的不多,但她的确是个好经理,她点钱。有一天,当她退休后,她去银行发现,令她吃惊的是,她每月节省了超过$ 150000.then大家吃惊的是,她把她所有的积蓄150000-almost美元——南密西西比大学(音乐)的奖学金基金给非洲裔美国学生需要金钱的支持。她成了有名的全国。你们没有听说过的是多么麦卡蒂的礼物影响了我的生活。我的19和第一的学生谁收到麦卡蒂奖学金。我是一个勤奋的学生,而且我听说要去理。但我找到了一个固定的奖学金会认为我是不可接受的一点在入学考试,和奖学金是唯一的方法我可以参加。一个星期日,我在报纸上读到这个故事,麦卡蒂和她大方的礼物。第二天,我去他们的办公室,并告诉我他们没有的钱现在对我来说,但如果他们会打电话来。几天后,当我跑出去,电话铃响了。我停下来捡起来,他们说我被选为接收第一麦卡蒂奖学金。我感到高兴。麦克给了我更多的奖学金。她教我关于给予的礼物。现在我知道世界上有很多做好事的好人。她在她的整个生命,给别人,而她鼓励我给我什么时候可以。最后我决定为她的奖学金基金。
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英语翻译求翻译Y= ((x^5-x^ (1/3)) /3)成英文如the nth power of x,x to the power of n
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t work hard at other times, you will have a little contradiction. Pure angelAA, the pure good to see the outside world,再次祈祷你讲如何打开心扉&#47,但是今年你可能会心满意足&#47,你会感觉有一点矛盾:纯洁的天使 Pure in terms of friendship, it&#39;心灵 以及纯洁的美好去观看外面的世界都是无用的/s eye:项链,如果你在其它时候不努力工作, but this year you may go desires of the heart. L幸运物, if you didn&#39;s no use to pray again how you can open your mind&#39, crystal吉祥物&#47! 关于友谊方面的纯洁:如愿以偿/称心如意;都是徒劳的.


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