under evaluation by refereesapec是什么意思思

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Match fixing: 3 referees arrested
By TANG YUE (China Daily)
BEIJING: Three Chinese soccer referees, including the renowned "golden whistle" Lu Jun, have been arrested on charges of accepting bribes in the domestic league, soccer chief Wei Di has affirmed.
"I can only confirm that Lu Jun, Zhou Weixin and Huang Junjie have been arrested, but the police wouldn't tell me the details," Wei told Soccer News.
Related readings:     "I was really shocked and hurt when Lu's name cropped up in the scandal. He is undoubtedly a first-rate referee in terms of working ability, but his morals are a far cry from his 'golden whistle' reputation," Wei said.
Lu, 51, who has umpired more than 200 matches in the domestic league between 1991 and 2005, was named the "best referee" in the the league's first decade.
Lu became the first Chinese to supervise World Cup games when he umpired two matches of the 2002 edition in the Republic of Korea and Japan. He has also been conferred with the "Referee of the Year" award by the Asian Football Confederation twice.
Zhou, another former referee in the domestic league, was handed an eight-match suspension due to a misjudgment in 2004, after which he called it a day.
Huang, the only one of the three who was still active, was nominated for the "best referee" award for last season's Chinese Super League.
Insiders believe the arrest of the three celebrated referees is an indication that the police have solid evidence of their involvement in match fixing.
"We don't know what sentences they will get But we can see these referees must have contributed to the problem of match fixing and manipulation," Wei said.
The sentence for State servants who are found guilty of accepting bribes of more than 100,000 yuan ($14,705) is a minimum of 10 years up to death, according to Chinese law.
In 2002, referee Gong Jianping was sentenced to 10 years behind bars for taking 370,000 yuan in bribes as a public employee.
Wei said the scandal has forced the organizers of the league to change the system for selecting referees and reinforce its supervision.
"We will adopt a new mechanism to improve our management. No leader of the Chinese Football Association, including me, can decide which referee to use," he said.
According to Wei, under the new regulation, the complete list of referees will be published before the season and will be open to evaluation by the clubs.
Wei also said the new season, which kicks off on Mar 27, will have 20 percent new referees.under evaluation by referees是什么意思_百度知道
under evaluation by referees是什么意思
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湖南师范大学体育学院,座落于湖南师范大学南院,地处湖南省会长沙,东望碧波粼粼的湘江,西倚钟灵毓秀的岳麓山,是湖南体育教育人才培养的摇篮。随着湖南师范大学已通过国家"211工程"部门预审,立项,进入全国重点建设的百所大学的行列,成为了国家重点批次录取的院校,师大体育学院迎来了更加发展与开拓的契机。 今天的湖南师大体育学院,成立于1939年的前湖南国立师范学院,化雏形于1956年的长沙师专体育科,壮声于1959年湖南体育学院,定格局于1961年的湖南师院体育系,立现名于1997年湖南师大体育系。六十多年的沧桑,饱含着一代又一代人的艰辛与奉献,矗立着一座又一座的里程碑。 现在,师大体育学院教职工134人,其中专任教师106。具有教授16名,副教授45人,有博士学历的教师10名。国际级技巧裁判1名,国际级乒乓球裁判1名,国家排协级裁判1名;国家级裁判1名,国家级足球裁判2 名,国家级体操裁判2名;教育部全国高校体育教学指导委员会委员1名。 体院教师先后承担了国家自然科学基金课题1项,国家社科基金课题4项,国家部委课题16项;承担省级课题22项,主编本科通用教材8册、专科专著29部套,发表论文586篇。学院还获科研鉴定成果8项,科研奖成果16项。 体育学院现有七个教研室:体育人文社会学教研室、运动人体科学教研室、球类一教研室 、球类二教研室、田径教研室、武术教研室、体操教研室、一个教学部:大学公共体育教学部。 六个实验室:运动解剖实验室、运动生理实验室、运动生化实验室、运动心理实验室、生物力学实验室、体育保健实验室。 学院建有标准田径场,五十米八泳道十米跳台游泳池,110米跑道全塑胶的田径馆、球类体操综合馆、武术房、乒乓球房、舞蹈房及篮球房等场馆设施和一百多万元的教学科研仪器设备,可以满足各层次学生教学、实验、科研的需要。 加强纵向和横向的联系,学院下了一定的工夫,作出了有效的努力。目前,学院在全省设立了集教学、科研、实习于一体的十所实验学校。由体育学院牵头,成立了湖南省体育专业工作委员会,旨在加强各兄弟院校的教学。科研、管理的合作、交流与研讨。学院特别聘请了省内外一些高等院校的知名学者、教授担任兼职教授。 体育学院有在校学生1300余人,硕士研究生及同等学历硕士研究生100余人。学院设有两系四个专业:体育教育系、运动训练系、运动人体科学专业、体育新闻专业。三个硕士学位授予点:运动人体科学、体育教学训练学和体育人文社会学。 学院在立足大学本科教育的基础上,还兼容大专生和突出硕士研究生教育,把人才的培养聚焦于社会需要和产业需求,将培养目标实用化、多样化、系列化;实施了从运动医务监督与护理、业余运动队和专业运动队运动员及教练员、中学体育教师到大专院校体育教师、高级体育科研人员等多用途、多层次人才培养的教学手段与方法。学院注重学生的全面发展,注重专业技术、技能和素质的提高。在历届的全省大学生运动会上,体院学生获得了 一百多枚金牌;97年、99年的全国高师体育专业基本功大赛中,荣获团体一等奖各二等奖。学院组建了舞龙队、舞狮队和管乐队。舞龙队在全省大众体育运动会、全国舞龙精英赛、锦标赛乃至国际舞龙邀请赛中均获得好成绩,被定为国家A级龙队。学院学生的运动技术水平在全省同类学校名列前茅。 在保证全日制教学质量和技能培养的前提下,体育学院在成人继续教育方面也实现了全方位、多层次、系列化办学规模,设置了函授大专、函授本科和函授研究生班;开通了自考大专、自考本科的长短线班,开办了夜大大专班。 与时俱进,任重道远。"211工程"的启动给湖南师范大学带来了无限的前景和希望,也给湖南师范体育学院带来了无穷的生机和活力。今天,体育学院已具备了设立博士点的有利基础,相信在全院教职工的积极创造、奋力进取的努力下,不远的明天将获得博士学位的授予权。湖南师大体育学院诚挚地欢迎学者同仁来院执教、交流,热忱地欢迎莘莘学子来院学习、深造!  Physical Education College of Hunan Normal UniversityFounded in 1938, Hunan Normal University is located in Changsha , a famous historical city. This university boasts both the beauty of natural environment and the eminence of humanism. As one of the national “211 Project” key universities, it offers a full range of disciplines : literature, history, law, science, technology, medicine, agriculture , management, education, economy and military science. It has 22 subordinate colleges, 60 departments, 47 research institutions /centers, 8 national academic researching and talents cultivating bases, 2 national key disciplines, 12 provincial key disciplines and 7 key disciplines subsidized by the “211 project”. At present, the university has a doctorate station of the first grade discipline. Doctor" s degree can be granted for 28 disciples, master " s degree, 95 disciplines. It has more than 900 professors and associate professors, over 20,000 full time undergraduates and postgraduates. As one of the 22 colleges in Hunan Normal University , Physical Education College is located in the southern camps of the university. Bordered on the east by the clear blue Xiang River and nestling in the shadows of Mt Yuelu on the west, she is the cradle of Hunan"s physical education and sport training talents, key base for teachers training of national physical education, China"s (Hunan) Dragon and Lion Sport Club formally authorized by Chinese Dragon and Lion Sport Association of the State Sport General Administration. With long history and long living teaching ethics Physical Education College of Hunan Normal University took its shape as National Teachers" College of Hunan in 1939. In 1956 it took its form as P.E Department of Changsha Teachers" College. It developed rapidly in 1959 as Hunan P.E College .In 1961, it was named as P.E Department of Hunan Teachers" College. In 1997, it was called P.E College of Hunan Normal University . Milestones have been erected after more than 60 years" bitterness and contribution. With groups of elites and outstanding achievements At present, P.E College has 138 teachers, including 111 full-time teachers, 15 professors. 51 associate professors and 5 teachers with doctorate degree. Among the full-time teachers, there is one international skill referee, one international trampoline referee, one international table tennis referee, one international dragon and lion sport referee, one national volley-ball association referee, two national volley-ball referees, two national football referees, two national gymnastics referees, three national track and field referees, one national tennis referee, one national dragon and lion referee, one nation and one member in National College Physical Teaching Supervision Committee of the Ministry of Education. Some pains, some gains In the past years, the staff of our college has undertaken 12 national projects , 32 provincial and ministerial projects, has edited 21 volumes of general teaching material for undergraduates, has published more than l0 special works , and has participated in editing 29 special works, has issued over 600 papers in national and provincial periodicals, has issued 4 papers on international P.E academic paper reporting meetings. More over, our college has achieved 8 identified scientific research results, 16 scientific research results. With full construction and solid foundation Now, our college has two departments : P.E department and sport training department. Seven teaching and research sections : physical humanistic sociology 、 sport body science 、 balls I 、 balls Ⅱ、 track and field 、 martial arts and gymnastics. One comprehensive laboratory : sport body basic laboratory. In our college, there is a standard full-plastic ground track field, a 50-metre indoor swimming pool with 8 tracks and 10-metre jumping planks, a 110-metre full plastic track and field hall, a balls and gymnastics comprehensive hall, a martial arts hall, a table tennis hall, a dancing hall, a basketball hall. The teaching and research instruments worth more than 1,000,000 Yuan, which can satisfy the demands of teaching, experiment and research. At present, our college has purchased more than 10 mu land, the province and the university will allot over 20,000,000 yuan for the establishment of a full-functional stadium. Our college has made effective efforts in strengthening transverse and lengthways relationship. By now, the college has established 10 experimental schools throughout Hunan Province and these schools are all of the combined functions of teaching, researching and practicing. Led by our college, P.E Working Committee of Hunan Province has been founded, its aim is to strengthen the cooperation, communication and research among fellow colleges and institutes. Especially, our college has employed many famous scholars and professors in and out Hunan Province as part-time professors. Multi-dimension developing, Aims high and new Our college has more than 1400 full-time students, including 53 postgraduates and more than 100 postgraduates with the same learning ability. The college has 2 departments and 4 specialties : Physical Education Department 、 Exercise Training Department 、 Sports Human Body Science and Sports News. We grant master degrees to postgraduates majoring in sports human body science, physical education, and physical humanistic sociology. Besides basing on undergraduates educating, our college takes on the education of special students and emphasizes postgraduates" education, focuses talents-education on the demands of society and needs of sport industry. Education goals have been made practical, versatile and seriate. Multi-functional and multi-range teaching methods from exercise medical monitoring, special sports teams , Athletes and coaches, middle school P.E teachers to university college P.E teachers, senior sport research staff have been enforced. We emphasize the students" full-development and their improvement in special techniques, skills and ability. Their sport techniques are of the best among the schools of the same field in our province. Our athletes have won more than 100 golden medals in the Undergraduates" Sports Meetings of Hunan Province. Our students won the first and the second prize in 1997"s and 1999"s National Higher School Teachers" Basic Ability Contests. A dragon team, a lion team and an orchestra hare been established. The dragon team did well in the Provincial Community Sports Meeting, the National Dragon Elites Contest, the National Dragon Championship, even in the International Dragon Invitational Tournament. It has been appointed as grade-A dragon team of China . On behalf of China , dispatched by the State Sport General Administration, in December, 2002, our dragon team participated in the second International Dragon and Lion championship held in Malaysia and won the second prize. In July, 2003, our college was authorized as Dragon and Lion Club of China ( Hunan )by the Dragon and Lion Association of the State Sport General Administration. Under the premise of guaranteeing the quality of full-time education and skills-educating, our adult education and continuing education have been modernized. Courses for students taught by correspondence and self-teaching have been offered. Advancing with the times, our college still has a long way to go. The launch of “211 project” has brought immense prospect and hope to Hunan Normal University , and has brought infinite vigor and vitality to our college. Today, our college has had the advantage of establishing doctor station. With the painstaking efforts of our staff, we firmly believe we are bound to win the authority of awarding doctorate degrees. We earnestly welcome scholars and professors to teach and communicate in our college, and we earnestly welcome students to study and further their study in our college! Goals of education and courses arrangement ?
Physical Education: Bachelor"s Degree for 4-year students. This specialty educates sports talents who can be engaged in physical education, sports training and competition, sport science research, sport management, community sport instruction and so on. Major courses : body anatomy, body physiology, Science of health education, science of sport care. Science of education, basic technology of modern education, sport psychology, school physical education, sport pedagogy, sport research methods, sport statistics, sport surveying, track and field, gymnastics (including artistic gymnastics), balls, martial arts, foreign language, computer application etc. ?
Exercise Training Bachelor"s Degree for 4-year students. This specialty cultivates comprehensive talents with excellent exercise training ability and skill, who can be engaged in exercise training and physical education. The main courses: sport anatomy, sport physiology, sport psychology, sport training, sport biomechanics, pedagogy, sport pedagogy, sport management, sport research methods, science of athletes choosing, sport statistics, sport measurements, foreign language, computer application. ?
Sports Human Body Science: Bachelor"s Degree for 4-year students. This specialty cultivates comprehensive special talents who can be engaged in sport and health education, sports human body research, medical care of sport, health and recovery instruction. The main courses: body anatomy, body physiology, science of sport care , recovery by medicine, health pedagogy, sport surveying, sport massage and acupuncture, sport biochemistry, sport psychology, biology research methods, sport statistics, Chinese medicine, education science, foreign language, computer application. ?
Community Sport: Bachelor"s Degree for 4-year students. This specialty cultivates comprehensive special talents dealing with community sport investigation and research, policy analyzing and evaluation, management and organizing, teaching and researching in research organizations , agencies, enterprises and other social groups. The main courses: introduction to sociology, introduction to community sport, society investigation and research methods, society psychology, body anatomy, body physiology, science of sport care, introduction to physical education, traditional sports management, sports management, body-building management, entertainment management, sport policies and laws, science of pubic relation, school physical education, sport research methods, sport psychology, sport statistics, sport surveying, foreign language, computer application. Students recruiting means The students who want to major in physical education, sport human body science and community sport should take part in the National General Examination and be enlisted according to the recruiting marks line of key universities. Those wanting to major in exercise training have to pass the individual special examination. Postgraduates can be enlisted in 3 ways : taking the National General Examination , taking individual examination he and free of examination. There are three kinds of post graduates: full-time postgraduates (3 years), postgraduates of the same learning ability (2-4 years) and postgraduates specializing in education (2-4 years). Students in or out Hunan Province can apply for studying in our college. Degrees awarding: 4.year students majoring in physical education and exercise training can get Bachelor"s degree after meeting the set standards, and postgraduates can get Master"s degree.
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