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出门在外也不愁Urban Dictionary: hex
Top Definition
Greek - six
1. n.An evil curse or spell
2. prefix meaning six
3. v.To charm or cast a spell upon
4. A six pack of anything
5. Short for hexadecimal, a code which has the base 16 1-10-A-F
1.The kid got hexed
2.hexose - 6c sugar
3.Don't make me hex you!
4.wanna hex of beer?
November 23, 2003
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A hex is a curse that is cast by someone based on their actions or a comment they made to which you may respond &Hex!!!!& pointing out what they've done.
But it can also be used by someone to sympathise with someone else over something that has happened.
There are additions to Hex that are used to further detail the nature of the Hex:
Cock Block Hex - When you get
Self Hex - When you cause your own Hex
Reverse Psychology Hex - Said when someone is trying to use reverse Psychology on you
Example 1:
Person 1 &I'm not being funny but no-one got laid in Cancun....&
Person 2 &HEX!!!! now we're never gonna get ...&
Example 2:
Person 1 &My bitch won't let me go to cancun...&
Person 2 &HEX!!!!&
March 16, 2008
Hexrpg. A really cool Harry Potter rpg site.
Founded by Hoojx. Hundreds of members. More than 2 years old. You can do all sorts of things like make a shop or rp. Full of crazy people that consider hex their home.
I'm grounded, but atleast I have my computer in my room so I can go on hex.
On a list of things I love, hex would be #1.
Me: Hey Sup?
Casey: Hey nothing
Me: what r u doing
Casey: I'm on hex!
August 27, 2004
Hex is a tv show about the nephelim, Good againt evil, the devil's baby, the bible and witchcraft. A gothic cult show, starring Jemima Rooper, Christina Cole, Laura Pyper, Jamie Davis and lots of other people. It is an excellent show and I advise you all to go out and buy the series 1 and 2 on boxset. Sadly you can no longer watch it on tv as it got cancelled after 2 series. But it was still very good while it lasted.
hex is a tv show, not much more to say.
It uses references to the bible, and catholicism. Also deals with issues of abortion, murder, love, friendship, lonliness, depression, torture and witch trials
November 02, 2006
(computer jargon) shortened form for the word
...to give yourself more money you just need to open the save game file with a hex editor and modify the number that looks like the current cash on hand since you last saved.
January 08, 2004
A hexagonal space in a honeycomb-like grid, used to standardize movement in some board, miniature and computer games.
Settlers of Catan, Memoir'44 and Panzer General use hexes. A &circle& - points of fixed distance from a center - is a large hexagon too !
September 18, 2008
It could cater to
1. It is a base 16 number system often used in computer nomenclature.
2. Hex is an interactive protein docking and molecular superposition program, written by Dave Ritchie.
3. Hex is a strategy board game played on a hexagonal grid, theoretically of any size and several possible shapes, but traditionally as an 11×11 rhombus.
4. A six pack of anything
1. tommy, why dont you use the hex system for your device related names.
2. The scientists used the hex program to understand the complex protein composition.
3. Lets play hex, it would help increase the IQ.
4. lets buy a hex of redbull.
August 05, 2015
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- not available as print读Nicholas&Sparks的《援救》有感
Nicholas SparksThe
immediately spread across both their faces. Taylor dropped to one
knee, and the little boy scrambled to his feet and then into his
arms. He was cold and wet, shivering, and when Taylor felt those
small arms wrap around his neck ,tears welled in his
you live here long enough, you’ll find out everyone knows
everything about everyone, and in time , everyone’s going to ask
the same questions. It’s a small town.Edenton
seemed content in the world he’d created for himself. He wasn’t
yearning for fame or glory, he wasn’t striving to earn zillions of
dollars,full of hungry plans to get ahead. In a way, he almost
seemed to be a throwback to an earlier time, a time when the world
didn’t seem as complicated as it did now, when simple things were
what mattered most.Nicholas


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