
1. The character 人 is made up of two strokes.
2. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
3. A fellow doesn't last long on what he has done. He's got to keep on delivering as he goes along.--Carl Hubbell, Baseball Player
来自金山词霸 每日一句
4. The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.
5. He did not like to be caught out on details.
1. 以个人名义作保,通常加盖私章
personal guarantee
1. 行为诡秘,任何人都没有察觉。也说神不知鬼不觉
be done in complete secrecy
1. 在某一方面有才能或本事的人
2. 指美丽的容貌
3. 也作“人材”
1. 辈出:一批接一批地出现。形容有才能的人不断地成批涌现
every generation produces its man of ability
1. (能制造并使用工具进行劳动的高等动物) people
good person
a native of L Liaoningese
man's knowledge of nature
be united as one
foreign national
Can you manage on your own?
He was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere.
他人在那儿, 心可想着别的事。
She is an attractive person.
We are sixty in number.
Is this seat occupied [taken]?
Three people came to see you yesterday.
2. (每人;一般人) all
be known to all [everybody]
3. (成年人) grown-up
become a grown-up
4. (指某种人) a person engaged in a particular activity
5. (别人) people
tr be sincere with people
take pleasure in helping people
Don't look down on people!
6. (人的品质、性格或名誉) character
upright in character
He's a very nice man.
7. (人的身体或意识) state of one' how one feels
When the patient was taken to hospital, he had already lost consciousness.
I haven't been feeling well for several days.
8. (人手; 人才) hand
We are shorthanded at the moment.
9. (姓氏) a surname
1. (名)能制造工具并使用工具进行劳动的高等动物:男~|女~|~们|~类。
2. (名)每人;一般人:~手一册|~所共知。
3. (名)指成年人:长大成~。
4. (名)指某种人:工~|军~|主~|介绍~。
5. (名)别人:~云亦云|待~诚恳。
6. (名)指人的品质、性格或名誉:这个同志~很好|他~老实。
7. (名)指人的身体或意识:这两天~不大舒服。
8. (名)指人手、人材:我们这里正缺~。
1.机-环境系统工程 man ma chine environment system engineering 运用系统科学理论和系统工程方法,正确处理人、机、环境三大要素的关系,深入研究人-机-
- 基于71831个网页
1. Contact Person
环保酵素 ECO Enzyme ... 地点 Venue:Rotarian Kulai 联络人 Contact Person:016-7131419 Akata 时间 Time:7:00 pm - 9:00 pm.
- 基于151722个网页
1. world man
衬衫 【行情价格评价正品行货】 ... polomeisdo 英国保罗 World Man 宇宙人 VONSURKI 万寻.
- 基于54520个网页
2. cosmic being
新概念第四册单词总汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... being 存在 cosmic being 宇宙人 aging 老化.
- 基于54520个网页
1. Eugene Nomura
野村佑人Eugene Nomura别名:Yujin Nomura,Yuujin Nomu 职业:演员地区:日本出生地:日本,东京星座:金牛座简介添加图片暂无简介.
- 基于76925个网页
1. Fortune People
单鞋 【行情价格评价正品行货】 ... 露娜蒂娜( Lunatina) 幸运人( Fortune People) 唐布匠( tangbujiang).
- 基于51843个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:据调查我国从1999年就加入了老年型国家的行列,人口老龄化年增长率高达3.2%,关爱老年人已经不仅仅是家庭问题而逐渐过渡为社会问题,老人们由于腿脚不利落,不喜出行,慢慢心理产生障碍,而后空巢老人也愈来愈多。研发老年人产品不只是市场需要,当然也是社会的一部分责任。针对这样的背景和急需补充老年产品市场的空缺,从而改善老年人心理健康,设计一款全新造型的助行器。此款助兴器必须是介于拐杖和轮椅之间的一种生活辅助工具,既比拐杖更适合老年人的生活,又比轮椅轻便,能够极大降低老人们的心理障碍,扩展生活活动范围,使老年人不再成为“空巢老人”,增强老年人融入日常生活的自信。本文主要通过对老年人以及助行产品的了解,的翻译:According to the survey in China since 1999 and have joined the ranks of veteran form States, aging population annual growth rate up to 3.2%, care for the elderly are not just family and a gradual transition to social problems, men as the legs are not neat, do not like to travel, slow mental disorde 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
According to the survey in China since 1999 and have joined the ranks of veteran form States, aging population annual growth rate up to 3.2%, care for the elderly are not just family and a gradual transition to social problems, men as the legs are not neat, do not like to travel, slow mental disorde
According to the survey in China since 1999 and have joined the ranks of veteran form States, aging population annual growth rate up to 3.2%, care for the elderly are not just family and a gradual transition to social problems, men as the legs are not neat, do not like to travel, slow mental disorde改善生活水平的海词问答与网友补充:
相关词典网站:在线购物正在改变我们生活的英文翻译-55BBS 我爱购物网
LifeHello,everyone ! I'm a #039;m good at #039;m relaxed and not tried at !翻译:你们好!我是个小学生。现在让我向你们介绍我的学校生活。我们星期一至星期五上学。每天上午有四节课,下午五节课。我们学语文,数学,英语还有其他的科目。我英语学得好。在周末,我经常和朋友玩,有时和妈妈去购物。我很轻松,在学校也不累。我爱我的学校和学校生活
My home in coastal Jiangsu Province,
is the modern town, there are many high-rise buildings. There are several major shopping malls,
you can buy all kinds of things. I do not have too much of his hometown of air pollution, people living rich and happy
人教版新目标英语八年级上1-6单元课文翻译一单元SECTION A图
After traveling, shopping, beauty, video product has been another fashion
of pursuing leisure and entertained life
Business-to -Customer e-Commerce ,也就是B2C,意思是“网上购物”。
Business-to -Business e-Commerce ,也就是B2B,意思是“企业间电子商务”。
shopping on the Internet,or shopping online,is being more and more .
to buy something on the internet,you need a credit .
the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.
Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of
the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to
a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people
cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order
be delivered to them promptly.
Ho, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as
they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They
never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you
find that you have no to go to complain.
随着互联网的发展和普及电脑,网上购物已经成为我们生活中司空见惯。这里的消费者几乎可以买到所有他们需要的。 网上购物有很多优点,其中最重要的也许是它的便利。人们不必浪费他们的很多能源和宝贵的时间去从一个店到另一个选择他们喜欢的商品。这是特别喜欢的老人,病者和繁忙的人无法亲自去商店。货物有各种形状、大小和颜色在互联网上。他们所需要做的就是坐在他们的电脑前和点击鼠标。所订商品马上送到。 然而,网上购物也有它的劣势。第一个缺点在于,消费者不能看到商品或亲自试一试。有时,真正的货物不得使用与他们所看到的电脑上。第二个缺点是有些商店在互联网上没有注册。他们永远不会提供给你什么之后,他们把钱从您。一旦受骗了,你会发现你无处可去抱怨
Life of a successful ManHe has achieved success
has lived , laughed often,
has enjoyed the trust of pure , the respect of intelligent men, and the lo
has filled his niche, and a
has left the
better than he found it,
by an improved poppy, a perfect poem,
has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty , or
has al looked for the best in others, and given
memory a benediction.―― Bessie Anderson Stanley参考译文:成功人士的生活取得成功的人生活愉快、经常欢笑、充满爱情。他享有纯洁女士的信任,聪明男士的尊敬,天真儿童的爱恋。他随遇而安,尽职尽责;无论是通过增进一朵鲜花的价值、一首完美的诗歌,还是通过挽救一个灵魂,他均留给世界比他所得到的更美好的东西。他从不缺少对美好世界的赞赏,或吝于表达。他总是寻求发现他人的优点,并将自己最好的东西奉献给他们。他的生活是一种精神鼓励,他的记忆是一种祝福。 ――贝西?安德森?斯坦利
我的低碳生活学校的“小喇叭”广播里,我了解了什么是低碳生活。我只是模糊地记得,“低碳”就是减少大气中二氧化碳的排放量,减少大气污染,使空气更清新,也就是我们常说的注重环保。可是生活中怎样做才算“低碳”呢?带着疑问,我上网查资料,订立“低碳”生活计划,养成“低碳”生活习惯,没想到从自我做起,想“低碳”,很容易,我们离低碳生活并不远。在学习生活中,我们越来越离不电脑了。电脑打字、电脑设计,网上购物、网上查资料,随时随地我们都依赖于电脑帮忙。可是学校有了电脑,工作单位有了电脑,几乎家家都有了电脑,那可就不“低碳”了。因为电脑得用电啊,发电得烧煤啊,长时间耗电就增加了二氧化碳的排放量。以前我就不注意节约用电,每次上网查完资料,离开的时候总不记得关电脑。听爸爸说系统待机同样耗费电能,不经意中我成了违背“低碳原则”的“坏人”。知错就改,我下定决心改掉自己的坏习惯。我找了个小卡片,画了个“大嘴猴”写上“想着关机、我要节电”,贴到电脑旁边的打印机上。这下我忘不了关机了,不会再“犯法”了,要不然“大嘴猴”又要对我嚷了。哈哈!这就是我的“低碳”建议:当你估计离开电脑超过两个小时,请关闭电脑!大家都知道,水是生命之源,生活中我们离不开水。做饭、洗碗、洗衣服都需要水。从前我总以为水是用不完的,你看,回家打开水龙头,水就哗哗流出来了,源源不断啊。后来有一次突然停水了,我家又没存水,这下没法做饭了。妈妈去超市买回矿泉水、面包和脆脆肠,“对付”了一顿。晚上也不能洗脸洗脚了,这样上床睡觉还真觉得有点别扭。那天我在电视里又看到新闻报道我国西部地区总是闹旱灾,长年无雨,地里的庄稼都要枯死了。他们的生活用水也要限制,排队去井里打水是常有的事。这下我知道水的珍贵了,爸爸告诉我“水已是稀缺资源,节约用水才是低碳生活”。我和爸爸共同制定了“节水方案”:洗完脸的水可以洗脚,洗完脚的水还可以冲厕所,生活用水可以循环使用。这也是我寒假里的又一个“低碳”生活体验。节约每一滴水、每一度电;能步行上学、上班,就不坐车;尽可能乘坐公交车出行,少开燃油汽车。从我们身边一点一滴的小事做起,选择低碳生活,做一个环保小卫士,其实很简单。请记住,随时随地尽可能减少生活和作息时所耗用的能量,你就是“低碳一族”。My lo life The school "small horn" radio, I understand
is lo life. I only vaguely remember, "lo dioxide in the atmosphere is reducing the emissions, reduce the pollution of atmosphere, make the air cleaner, namely we often say pay attention to environmental protection. But life can do to calculate "lo"?
doubt, I use the Internet, conclude a "lo" life plan, develop lo "life habit, had not thought from self to start,
to" lo ", very easily, and our lives and not far from lo. In the study life, we are getting a from the computer. Computer typing, computer design, online shopping, online check material, anytime we all depend on computers for help. But the school
computers, almost every family had the computer, it can not "lo". Because computers have electricity ah, po to burn coal ah, long time po consumption increased carbon dioxide emissions. I
not notice before time conserve electricity, check the material, left
not remember to turn off the computer. Listen to father said system standby po, casual in same cost against "lo I have become the" bad guys "principles". Ackno
and then change, I decided to get rid of his bad habits. I found a small card, dre big mouth monkey "" thinking about shutdown, I
po saving ", stick by computer printer. I forget shutdown and 't "illegal", or "big monkey" but I rang. Ha ha! This is my "lo" advice:
you estimate leave computer more than two hours, please shut the computer! As we all know,
is the source of the life, the life we can live
his clothes all need . Once I al think of
is bottomless, you see, home open faucet,
hua hua out, flo ah. Then once again that my
suddenly, this bottom can not carry
to cook the dinner. Mother go to the supermarket to buy back the mineral , bread and fragile brittle bo, "against" had a good meal. Night also cannot face
feet, so go to bed also really think a bit . That day I sa television news reports in China's
region al make droughts, the elder of rain, the crops
perish. They also
to limit the life in the , queuing to get
is often the case. So I kno
precious, dad told me " is already scarce resources, saving
is lo life". My father and I
out " solution" :
the feet of
your feet of
can also flush the toilet , life can be recycled. This is my
vacation and a "lo" life experience. Save every drop, Can
to school, , As taking a bus trip, little open fuel automobile. From our side bit small start, select lo life, do an environmental small bodyguard, actually very simple. Please remember, anytime
lives and reduce the energy consumption by routine, you are "lo gens"
地球做准备,并且世界的科学家的多数说人通过烧矿物燃料导致它。 我们部分做着此出于无知,并且,因为我们认为改变也许部分使我们怏怏不乐。 低碳生活方式也许帮助立即解决两个问题。 做出低碳选择的第2段热荩墒澄锬缘侥眯械姆绞剑芨慕慕】岛透@ 我一点打翻和跟随: i) 适合的低能源电灯泡,和关闭光,当不在屋子里。 ii)再用recycling购物袋和设置空调在一个温度在26度之上在夏天。 iii)使用肌肉力量而不是汽油,如果您能由脚通勤或自行车iv)关闭所有器具在插座,不在器具。 v) 购买更加地方的产品,介入最少运输从外国。 vi),因为被处理的食物和有机食物使用更多能量生产,吃新鲜食品。 需要冷藏用途很多能量在植物和饭桌之间的食物。 那里第3段热菔怯械吞挤派洌ㄆ捣荻睿褂玫缱佑始邮略耙蘸妥呤碌拇罅俊 尝试了它发现的人们一种低碳生活方式存金钱,给您空闲时间并且给生活带来质量、意思和满意。 以后在21世纪生活于今天将是非常相似的,除了我们将是钳工,更加愉快和更加健康的


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