he had to lie down for a while ()hiswww.between legs.com及原因 是目的

i was__tire that i had to lie down for a while?A. so much B.enough C.so D.too_百度作业帮
i was__tire that i had to lie down for a while?A. so much B.enough C.so D.too
A. so much B.enough C.so D.too
填 C我实在是太累了以至于得躺下来休息一下.so.that 太.以至于.保证准确率~
C因为后面有that,因此,这是so that 结构,如此,以至于
C,SOso....that句型 以至于第1页,共12036页,每页10条问题补充&&
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16:18:33 && 来源:上海教育新闻网-东方教育时报·高招周刊 && 作者:艾 巍
I.听力理解(从下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案。)Part A 短对话理解1.M:I’m going to the bank.W:Can you stop at the super-market on the way back?Q:Where might the man go on the way back?
  A.To the park.
  B.To the bus stop.
  C.To the bank.
  D.To the supermarket.
  【试题分析】 只要捕捉到女士说的“at the supermarket on the way back”就可以知道她要求男士在回来的路上去一趟超市。
  2.M:Hello,Janet.I’m sorry to hear you’ve caught a cold.Shall I get you a doctor?W:No, thanks. I have some medicine of my own.I only need aglass of water.
  Q:What does Janet need?
  A.A doctor. B.A coat.
  C.Some medicine.
  D.Some water.
  【试题分析】 对话中女士明确回答“I only need a glass of water”,她说自己有药,并进一步说自己只要一杯水就够了。
  3.M:Please give us a wake up call at6:30tomorrow morning.W:Certainly,sir.A morning call at6:30,and your baggage will be col-lected at7:00.Q:When will the man’s baggage be collected?
  A.At6:00. B.At6:30.
  C.At7:00. D.At7:30.
  【试题分析】 女士很清楚地提出“your baggage will be collected at7:00”。6:30叫早,7点钟来取行李。
  4.W:Jane always has great par-ties.M:This is my first.I only met Jane last week at the school.We both teach there.
  Q:Where did Jane meet the man?
  A.At a bar.B.At the school.
  C.At a party.
  D.At Jane’s home.
  【试题分析】 对话中男士讲明“I only met Jane last week at the school”,他和Jane是上个星期才在学校认识的。
  5.W:Matt,what do your three brothers do?M:Well, the oldest one—that’s Simon—is an engineer.Scott,the sec-ond oldest,is in college like me.And the other one,Tom, is still in high school.
  Q:Who is a high school student?
  A.Matt. B.Simon.
  C.Scott. D.Tom.
  【试题分析】 本题的场景是讨论家庭成员的情况。男士有三个兄弟,老大是工程师,老二和他一样是大学生,最小的弟弟“still in high school”,是高中生。
  6.M:Mom,can I use the car?I’m going to the movies.W:Why don’t you walk to the theater? It’s close,and it’s a lovely autumn evening.Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?
  A.Walk to the theater.
  B.Drive a car.
  C.Have an evening class.
  D.See a movie.
  【试题分析】 不难听出这是一场母子对话。儿子要去看电影,向妈妈借车,而女士则建议他“walk to the theater”,理由是距离不远,而秋夜宜人。7.W:Why don’t we go dancing for a change?We haven’t done that for a long time.M:Well,to tell the truth,I don’t really feel like it tonight.I had a pret-ty hard day and I’m sort of tired.Q:What is the man probably go-ing to do tonight?
  A.Go dancing.B.Work hard.
  C.Have a rest.D.Change money.
  【试题分析】 对话中男士拒绝了女士去跳舞的要求,并直言“I had apretty hard day and I’m sort of tired”,由于今天相当不好过,他觉得累了。由此可知他想休息一下。
  8.W:Tommy,Tommy!Wake up!M:Oh,what a terrible dream! Idreamed I was on a dark street.Sud-denly, there was a large dog behind me.It ran toward me,but I couldn’t move.
  Q:What happened to Tommy?
  A.He had a bad dream.
  B.He got lost in the dark.
  C.He ran after a dog.
  D.He suddenly couldn’t move.
  【试题分析】 对话开始女士叫Tommy醒醒,继而男士描述了他被大狗追逐的噩梦。男士的感叹“Oh,what a terrible dream!”明确表示他做了噩梦。
  9.M:Your license,please.This is a one-way street.W:Sorry.I didn’t see the sign.Q:What’s the probable relation-ship between the two speakers?A.Policeman and driver.B.Doctor and patient.
  C.Receptionist and guest.
  D.Waiter and customer.
  【试题分析】 男士让女士出示执照,并告诫她这是条单行道。女士忙道歉说没看到标识。可以推测出,本题是交警和违章者对话的场景。10.W:Why are you so late,Greg?M:The road condition kept me from driving fast.
  Q:Why is the man late?
  A.He took a wrong way.
  B.The traffic was heavy.
  C.He went to a gas station.
  D.His car broke down.
  【试题分析】 对话中女士问男士为什么这么迟,男士说是道路交通原因,意指路上太过拥堵太导致迟到。
  Part B 长对话理解DialogueA M:Hi,Helen.What are you working on?Preparing for the coming English exam?W:No,I’m taking a test to help me decide the kind of career I should have.M:A career test?You need to take a test to choose a career?W:Yes.I need help finding out what is best for me based on my inter-ests and personality.I love art and Iwish to do something in that field.M:Good luck.I don’t need to worry since I already know what I’m going to do.W:Really? But it’s just our second year in school!How can you be so sure about your future career?M:Simple-my parents want me to be a doctor,so I’m going to medical school.W:That’s a lot of time and mon-ey.You should think it over.M:No.I trust my parents’ judg-ment – especially when it’s some-thing as important as deciding my fu-ture.Question11:What kind of test is Helen taking?
  A.An English test.
  B.A career test.
  C.An art test.
  D.A medical test.
  【试题分析】 对话中男士问女士在干吗,女士表示“I’m taking a test to help me decide the kind of career Ishould have”,她在做一个有助于职业选择的测试,而男士的反问“A ca-reer test?”明确定义,女士做的是职业测试,因此选B。
  Question12:What does Helen mainly think about when choosing acareer? A.Her parents’ judgment.B.Exam scores.C.Interests and personality.D.Time and money.
  【试题分析】 当男士问为什么需要一个测试来决定职业生涯时,女士答“I need help finding out what is best for me based on my interests and personality.”她需要基于自己的兴趣和个性找出对自己来说最好的职业,因此选C。Question13:What kind of school will the man probably study in?
  A.A law school.
  B.A medical school.
  C.A language school.
  D.A business school.
  【试题分析】男士提到,“my par-ents want me to be a doctor,so I’m going to medical school.(我的父母希望我做一名医生,所以我要读医科)”,可知他打算去医科大学学习。
  Dialogue BW: Congratulations, Darren Brown.You are the winner tonight.You win one million pounds.What are you going to do with the money,Dar-ren?M:Er,oh,I don’t know.It’s alot of money.W:Are you going to leave your job?M:No.I love my job.I hope to do my job for many years until I retire.W:What do you do,Darren?M:I’m a bus driver.W:Well,what about travel?Do you want to go around the world?M:Why?No,I don’t want to travel.Anyway,Lucy doesn’t like traveling.She likes being at home in the garden.W:So are you going to buy a big new house with a big garden for Lucy?M:No.I wouldn’t like to move.Our house is very small,but Lucy and I like it.And it’s near the park.W:OK.What are you going to change in your life,then?M:Nothing.I’m very happy.W:But,what are you going to do with all the money?M:I’m going to give it to the old dog’s home.W:What will your wife Lucy think about that?M:Lucy?My wife?No,Lucy’s my dog.
Question 14:What’s Darren Brown’s job?
  A.A tour guide.
  B.A reporter.
  C.A bus driver.
  D.A housekeeper.
【试题分析】 文中有明确的信息“I’m a bus driver.(我 是 巴 士 司机。)”Question15:Why wouldn’t Dar-ren Brown like to move?
A.Because his house is big.B.Because his house lies in apark.C.Because he has a big garden.D.Because he and Lucy like the house.
  【试题分析】 对话中I wouldn’t like to move后面有明确原因“Our house is very small,but Lucy and Ilike it.And it’s near the park.(房子虽小,但是Lucy和我都很喜欢,而且临近公园)”。
  Question16:What is Darren Brown going to do with his money?A.Buy a new house.B.Travel around the world.C.Give it to his wife.D.Donate it to the old dog’s home.
  【试题分析】对于中了大奖的Dar-ren如何处理他的钱财,文中明确回答“I’m going to give it to the old dog’s home.(我将把它捐给老狗之家)”
  Question17:Who is Lucy?
  A.Darren’s pet.
  B.Darren’s wife.
  C.Darren’s toy.
  D.Darren’s daughter.
  【试题分析】对话中屡设悬念,几次提到与获奖男子一起生活的Lucy,而在最后主持人问及Lucy对奖金用途的看法时才揭晓答案“Lucy’s my dog.(Lucy是我的狗)”,因此选A。Part C 短文理解(A)Timmy’s Grandpa is sixty-five years old.He has an interesting hobby of collecting coins.He has done so for forty years.He usually finds the coins in old stores and sometimes he buys them from other collectors.Most of his coins are old and valuable.Grandpa is very proud of his collection and he of-ten invites his friends to look at it.One day,Grandpa’s friends came to see his collection.When he went to get his coin albums,he could not find one of them.He looked everywhere for it.Finally he thought of asking Timmy.“I’ve lost a coin album,Timmy.Do you know where it is?”asked Grandpa.Timmy said,“Oh yes,Grandpa.When you were out this morning,a man came in.He said he was our neighbor and he could change old coins for new ones.The coins in your album looked very old and dirty so I gave the album to him.Here are the new coins he gave me.Don’t they look nice?”
  Question18:How long has Grandpa collected coins?
  A.14years. B.25years.
  C.40years. D.65years.
  【试题分析】 根据文章第一段可知,Timmy的爷爷“He has done so for forty years.(收集硬币已有40年了)”。
  Question19:Where does Grandpa usually get his coins?
  A.From old stores.
  B.From banks.
  C.From his friends.
  D.From a neighbor.
  【试题分析】文章中有“He usual-ly finds the coins in old stores and sometimes he buys them from other collectors.”这句话,Timmy爷爷收藏的硬币大部分是从老商店和其他收藏者那里买来的。
  Question20:What happened to Grandpa one day?A.His grandson stole his coins.B.He got some new coins.C.His friends bought his coins.D.He couldn’t find some of his coins.
  【试题分析】 从文章第二段的信息“When he went to get his coin al-bums,he could not find one of them.”可以知道,故事中有一天Grandpa去找他的硬币收藏,却发现其中一本收藏不见了。
  Question21:What kindof story is it?
  A.An interesting story.
  B.A romantic story.
  C.A horrible story.
  D.A scientific story.
  【试题分析】全文讲的是Timmy不懂事,以为爷爷的古董钱币又脏又旧,因此受陌生人的骗拿古董钱币去换了新的钱币还沾沾自喜,事实上是个有趣的故事。(B)I’m Alex.I come from Colombia.In my country we’re pretty relaxed about time.If someone invites you for dinner,it’s okay to arrive a bit late.In fact, it’s expected.People would be really surprised if you arrived on their doorstep on time.We love to enjoy ourselves together,and spending time with family and friends is important to us.Although we often make plans to do fun things together,we don’t have to let people know in advance when we plan to drop in on them.My name is Olivia. I live in Switzerland.It’s important to be on time.We are the land of watches,after all. If someone invites you to meet them at four o’clock, then you’re supposed to be there at four.You’re not supposed to be late.If you turn up even fifteen minutes late,your friend is likely to be pretty mad at you.An-other thing that you’re never supposed to do is to turn up at someone’s place without making an appointment.You should always call them first.We make plans to see our friends,usually on the weekends,when we’ll do something interesting or go somewhere together.Question22:How would the peo-ple in Colombia feel if you arrive on time for dinner? A.Excited. B.Amused.C.Surprised.D.Disappointed.【正确选项】C 【试题分析】 考生只要捕捉到文中的“People would be really surprised if you arrived on their doorstep on time.”便可知道,在哥伦比亚,如果你按时到达主人家的门廊,人们会很惊讶的。
  Question23:In Switzerland,what are you supposed to do before you visit a friend?
  A.Dress yourself up.
  B.Buy a gift.
  C.Do some cleaning.
  D.Make a call.
  【试题分析】 文章中提到,“An-other thing that you’re never supposed to do is to turn up at someone’s place without making an appointment.You should always call them first.”(另一件不应该做的事就是不请自到别人家。你始终要提前打电话预约)。
  Question24:In Switzerland,when are you expected to arrive if you want to meet a friend at four o’clock?
  A.At3:45. B.At4:00.
  C.At4:15. D.At4:30.
  【试题分析】 文章中对此有明确的信息“If someone invites you to meet them at four o’clock, then you’re supposed to be there at four.”(如果有人约你4点钟见面,你就应该在4点钟到那儿。)
  Question25:What is the passage mainly about?A.Tips on traveling.B.Customs in different countries.C.Ways of making friends.D.Advice on making appoint-ments.
  Part A 语法知识和语言功能:从下列各题的A、B、C、D中选择一个最佳答案。(A)Grace had a terrible evening yes-terday.While she was making a call to her mother,the doorbell rang.It was her neighbor.As soon as she opened the door,her dog Buster ran out the door and into the street.Meanwhile,her mother was still 26 the phone.Grace tried to catch Buster,but he thought it was a game,27 he ran faster.Grace finally caught her dog.Af-ter she had put Buster back in the house, she asked her neighbor 28 a minute.She ran back to the phone,but before she got there,her mother 29.Grace had to apologize to her neighbor for having kept her waiting,and the neighbor actually came to complain about her dog!
  26.A.to B.in C.on D.at
  【正确选项】 C
  【试题分析】 本题考查介词的用法,“打电话”的表达法是on the phone。27.A.so B.or C.but D.for
  【正确选项】 A
  28.A.waiting B.waited
  C.to wait D.waits
  【正确选项】 C
  【试题分析】 本题考查非谓语中不定式作宾语补语的用法。“让某人做某事”的表达法是ask sb.to do sth.
  29.A.hangs up B.has hung up C.would hang up D.had hung up
  【试题分析】 本题考查过去完成时在句子中的用法。过去完成时用来表示“过去的过去”。文中想表达的意思是:在Grace到电话旁边之前,她的妈妈已经挂断了。(B)Dear Worried English Student,Sometimes in life,we have to do things we don’t like to do.I think that 30 you want to master the English language,you will have to practice reading,writing,listening and speaking.Perhaps you lack the confi-dence to speak in front of others.Don’t worry about making mistakes.Don’t worry about 31 other people think. The more you practice,32 you can speak the language.If you really don’t like studying English, though,maybe you should consider changing your major.Talk to your  I’m sure they’ll talk to you about this,too.33Sincerely,Abby 30.A.if B.until C.unless D.although
  【正确选项】 A
  31.A.that B.what
  C.who D.which
  【正确选项】 B
  【试题分析】 本题考查了宾语从句的引导词。句子意思是“不要担心别人会怎么想”。
  32.A.fluently B.the more fluently C.more fluently D.the most fluently
  【正确选项】 B
  【试题分析】 本题考查了一个固定搭配:the more+the+比较级。表达的意思是:你练习的越多,对这门语言说得就越流利。
  33.A.My pleasure.B.Congratulations!C.Good luck!D.You’re welcome.
  【正确选项】 C
  【试题分析】 本题考查问候的语言功能。信中对语言学习提出了建议,在信的最后给予祝福。
Part B 词汇:从下面的方框中选择最恰当的选项补全对话。A.charity B.in spite of C.give up D.local E.performs F.delicious G.according to H.frequently I.persuades J.reward Riverside High School is home to three very special young people:Tony,Mario and Rogers. These three students all 34 several hours each week to help out other people.Tony is a tenth-grade student who wants to be a professional singer.Most weekends,he 35 at concerts for hospitals, in homes for senior citizens,and other places.Volunteers don’t receive any money.That’s what volunteering is all about—doing something for others without any payment.For Tony, the 36comes in bringing happiness to others.“I’ve also met some wonderful people,”says Tony.“Everyone should do some kind of volunteer work for 37.Then the world would be abetter place.”Mario loves animals and plans to be a vet (兽 医).Every Saturday morning,while other teenagers are playing sports,studying,or sleeping in,Mario is helping the 38 citizens with sick pets.But volunteers do get something in return,39 Mario.“Sure,I work hard,”he says,“but I’m also learning a lot about animals and their care.”Rogers is a devoted reader.She taught herself to read at the age of four,and puts her love of reading to good use by working as a volunteer at the primary school in her neighborhood.Here, she works 40 at the After School Reading center,helping young people to read.“Volunteering is great,”says Rogers,“because you can do the things that you love to do and help others at the same time.”
  34.【正确选项】 C
  35.【正确选项】 E
  【试题分析】 前面说到Tony想做一名专业的歌手,每个周末,他都在医院、老人院和其他地方表演。所以选择E。
  36.【正确选项】 J
  37.【正确选项】 A
  38.【正确选项】 D
  39.【正确选项】 C
  40.【正确选项】 H
  【试题分析】 本句不缺少句子成分,此处是副词做状语。Rogers经常性地、频繁地在课后阅读中心帮助小朋友阅读,所以选择H。
  Part A 综合填空:在下面的短文中有10个空格,每个空格有A、B、C、D四个选项,根据上下文选择一个最佳答案。
  When I was twelve, I got asummer job in an expensive department store in order to earn some money.In this way I could 41my first trip abroad.It was near my home so it seemed ideal. I was responsible for silk selling.I didn’t get any 42. I was extremely afraid of cutting the material.There were some 43 customers who came with their assistants and drivers.Some had been coming for years.Most of them were pleasant and they were quite familiar with the staff while a few were really 44.Often,when somebody who was hard to deal with appeared, the experienced staff ran away and hid in the storeroom.They only 45 after the customer had gone.I’ll always remember the first day of the 46.I had set my alarm early so as not to be late.I quickly dressed and left the flat.Outside, it was raining hard and the traffic was moving slowly along.When I got to work,people were already 47outside the doors.Some had been there all night and the weather hadn’t improved their temper.They would 48 become a dangerous crowd and Icould see why our boss had worried so much about this.At five to nine we were all waiting,deeply worried.Suddenly,the doors opened and there was the sound of hundreds of pairs of feet running through the hall.At this moment,just as the first 49 were approaching,I dropped my scissors.I found myself under the table when the crowd struck.I was stuck underneath it for twenty minutes,surrounded by asea of legs.I was completely 50.That was my first job,which was really unforgettable.41.A.inquire B.afford
  C.delay D.cancel
  【正确选项】 B
  【试题分析】 前文说到十二岁的时候作者在一家昂贵的百货商店打工,这里指出目的是为了有钱能支付第一次出国旅游的费用,而不是“咨询”、“推迟”或“取消”第一次出国旅游,所以选择B。
  42.A.training B.money
  C.job  D.uniform 【正确选项】 A
  【试题分析】 作者很怕剪材料是因为没有任何的在职培训,而不是没有“钱”、没有“工作”或没有“制服”。
  43.A.friendly B.strange C.new D.regular
  【正确选项】 D
  【试题分析】 下文的“Some had been coming for years.”暗示此处应该是regular customer(老顾客),所以选择D。
  44.A.patient B.unkind C.irresponsible D.smart
  【正确选项】 B
  【试题分析】 句中的while暗示句子前后应该是对比关系。上半句说Most of them were pleasant and they were quite familiar with the staff(他们大部分都很好,跟店员也很熟),因此后面应该是有一部分实在不友善,所以选择B。
  45.A.worked hard B.set out
  C.came out D.looked around
  【正确选项】 C
  【试题分析】 上文中提到the experienced staff ran away and hid in the storeroom(有经验的店员都逃走藏进了储藏室),后面应该对应的是只有这些顾客走了他们才“出来”,选C。46.A.sales B.interviews
  C.school D.trip
  【正确选项】 A
  【试题分析】 作者讲述的是做店员的经历,根据下文可知,由于sale引来了很多顾客,因此选A。
  47.A.bargaining B.walking
  C.waiting D.sleeping
  【正确选项】 C
  【试题分析】 上文对此处的铺垫是it was raining hard and the traffic was moving slowly along(雨很大,交通很慢),因此等我到达的时候,许多人已经在店门外等候了,而不是在店门外“讲价”、“散步”或者“睡觉”,所以选择C。
  48.A.especially B.occasionally
  C.probably D.anxiously
  【正确选项】 C
  【试题分析】下文提到I could see why our boss had worried so much about this(我能理解为什么老板对此这么担忧),是因为他们可能变成一群危险分子,答案为C。
  49.A.customers B.salesmen
  C.policemen D.managers
  【正确选项】 A
  50.A.satisfied B.helpless
  C.annoyed D.excited
  【正确选项】 B
  【试题分析】 这是一道需要一定的综合理解能力的题目。上文渲染了大减价时的盛况和混乱,作者说I found myself under the table when the crowd struck(人群袭来的时候我发现自己钻到桌子下面去了),因此不可能是“满意的”、“恼怒的”或是“兴奋的”,所以选择B,无助的。
  Part B 语篇理解:根据短文内容,从各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
  本部分共有三篇短文,每篇短文含五道选择题。第一篇是有关异地感情的故事,第二篇是实用性文体-网上旅游论坛,第三篇是关于遇到自然灾害时如何自我保护的小科普文章,主观题形式任务型阅读—阅读并回答问题,讲的是职场上态度决定一切。阅读理解考查的是考生的获取事实信息、归纳语篇大意、上下文中理解词汇、基于文本理解推断等能力,需要考生在真正理解所提供语篇的基础上选出正确的答案或作出正确回答。(A)1Roy has been an engineer for four years.Two years ago he was of-fered a new position in Japan.The on-ly problem was that Roy was engaged to Pamela,a girl from the state of Ari-zona.He discussed his future plans with her and they both agreed that Roy shouldn’t miss this opportunity.They decided that Roy should go and work there,and then he would return to Arizona to get married.2Now Roy has been in Japan for almost two years.He has learned a lot about his job and about living abroad.Although he doesn’t understand Japanese culture and he isn’t used to many of the Japanese customs,Roy is enjoying his overseas experience.He is meeting interesting people and his job is challenging.He is disappointed because he hasn’t learned much Japanese,but he enjoys studying Japanese.3They both miss each other very much and they keep in contact by email.Last year Pamela visited him in Japan.She didn’t enjoy her visit and she told Roy clearly that she would never move to Japan because her career,her family and her friends are in Arizona.They discussed their plans to get married at the end of his contract in Japan and Pamela is interested in having kids.4Roy’s contract will finish next month.He is negotiating a new contract for the next two years.Although Roy promised Pamela that he would return at the end of the contract,his boss has made a very good offer.He will get a30%raise in his salary.He will become the regional manager for all of Asia.Roy is very excited about the new job.5Roy is going to call Pamela tonight to tell her this wonderful news.51.Roy and Pamela decided to
  A.stay in Arizona
  B.get married
  C.work in Japan together
  D.refuse the offer
  【试题分析】 文中有较为明显的事实信息“They decided that Roy should go and work there,and then he would return to Arizona to get married”,所以选择B。
  52.While working in Japan,Roy .
A.is used to Japanese customs B.has enjoyed his overseas experience
  C.is disappointed about his job
  D.has learned much Japanese
  【试题分析】 文章第二段有明显的事实信息“Roy is enjoying his overseas experience”,所以选择B选项。53.What can we learn from Paragraph3?A.Roy and Pamela keep in touch by chatting online.B.Pamela hasn’t been to Japan while Roy is working there.C.Roy missed Pamela so he went to Arizona to see her.D.Pamela expects to get married and have kids.
  【试题分析】 第三段主要讲的是两人的冲突及对未来的计划,从段末的信息“They discussed their plans to get married at the end of his contract in Japan and Pamela is interested in having kids”可以判断D选项是正确的。54.What benefit can Roy get if he goes on working in Japan for another two years?A.His salary will be raised by 50%.B.He will be the regional manager.C.He can have a free trip around Asia.D.He can have two months’holiday.
  【试题分析】文章中关于本题的信息是“He will get a30%raise in his salary.He will become the regional manager for all of Asia”,所以选择B选项。55.What is mainly discussed in the passage?A.How to sign work contracts.B.Ways to get promoted.C.Getting used to living in Japan.
  D.Long-distance love.
  【试题分析】 文章是一个关于如何处理异地感情和工作之间的关系,而不是教读者“怎么签合约”、“如何获得提升”以及“如何适应日本的生活”,所以选择D。
  56. has the experience of swimming with dolphins.
  A.Joanna B.Will
  C.AquaSue D.Mary
  【试题分析】在论坛上AquaSue的发言中有一句“I’ve swum with dol-phins twice”,所以C是正确选项。
  57.Isla de Mujeres is .
  A.a swimming pool B.a lake
  C.an inn  D.an island
  【试题分析】 文章中关于本题的信息是“I recommend Isla de Mujeres in Mexico.The island is next to Can-cun,which is a famous Mexican holi-day destination.”前面推荐Isla de Mu-jeres,后面说the island,所以D应该是正确选项。
  58.Which of the following is TRUE about the Hotel du Lac?A.Tourists in the Alps can stay there.B.Klaus has been there many times.C.It means ‘hotel between two lakes’.
  D.Mary gives information about it.
  【试题分析】 虽然考查的是直接从文章中获取信息的能力,但是B、C、D项是直接排除的,正确选项A项的得出却不是直接的,而是通过小标题“Holiday in the Alps”和发言中的“We’re thinking about staying at the Hotel du Lac”得出的。
  59.Of the four places in the photos,__________ is not talked about. A B
  【试题分析】 从小标题中可以看出,文章中提到了湖边的宾馆(a ho-tel...on a river between two lakes),提到了山野旅行(Holiday in the Alps),提到了和海豚一起游泳(swim with dolphins),唯独没有提到金字塔,因此只有C是正确选项。
  60.According to the passage,the underlined word “forum”means __________.A.a place people seldom visit B.a place popular with tour guides C.a place for people to exchange ideas and opinions D.a place for people to write down wonderful experiences
  【试题分析】需要猜测的forum一词出现在方框内的大标题,下面的网页、网友的跟帖和讨论说明C应该是正确选项。(C)It’s wise to know what to do in case of very bad weather.Here are some tips in such cases.Lightning Here’s what you can do to avoid being struck by lightning.If you’re outdoors, stay low—away from open fields or tops of mountains.If you are in an open area,get down but put as little of your body on the ground as  don’t lie flat.If you can,stand on your back-pack,or whatever you have with you that does not conduct electricity(such as plastic).Avoid a tree,rain,and pic-nic shelters.Do not stand near metal objects.If you are swimming,get out of the water.If you’re in a car,stay in the car and keep the windows rolled up.If you’re inside,avoid touching anything in contact with the outside such as a metal door.Also,don’t touch electrical devices such as the telephone,a computer,or the televi-sion(especially TVs with cable).Floods Lightning and floods are the greatest causes of weather-related death and injury.Here are some tips for surviving a flood.If you’re outside,get inside as quickly as possible,or go to a high place such as a hill or mountain.If you’re in a car,find a high place and get out of your car because most deaths occur in automobiles.If you’re inside,watch out for snakes and other animals that may look for safety in your house.Sandstorms Sandstorms usually start in the dry regions.Today, they occur five times as often as they did in the 1950s.Here are some tips for surviv-ing a sandstorm.If you’re outside,put a piece of wet cloth over your nose and mouth.If you’re in a group,link arms and stay together.If you have a rope,attach yourself to the rope so you won’t get separated and can keep track of any-one who gets injured.If you’re in acar,get off the road,stop the car,turn off the lights,and set the emergency brake.If you’re inside,64.The radio, television,and the safety section of your telephone book all have helpful tips for surviving aweather-related emergency.It’s im-portant to be prepared for weather e-mergencies.Someday you may save someone’s life,or even your own.
  61.When you are outdoors dur-ing lightning,you should _________.A.stand under a tree B.stay away from metal objects C.find a picnic shelter D.climb to the top of the moun-tain
  【试题分析】关于lightning,在out-door的段落里有明确的信息Do not stand near metal objects,因此B应该是正确选项。
  62.According to the passage,most deaths during a flood occur _________.
  A.in rivers B.in open fields
  C.in automobiles D.in houses
  【试题分析】floods一节的第二段有明确的信息get out of your car be-cause most deaths occur in automo-biles,所以C应该是正确选项。
  63.During a sandstorm,you’d better __________.A.cover your nose with a piece of dry cloth B.stay together with your group members C.stop on the road and keep car lights on
  D.get out of your car immediately
  【试题分析】 文中提sandstorm一节中第二段提到If you’re in a group,link arms and stay together.,从而B应该是正确选项。
  64.Which of the following can be filled in the blank to best complete the sentence?A.go out and find a safe place B.turn on the lights C.stay there until the storm is over
  D.avoid touching the metal door
  【试题分析】 本题需要考生在阅读文章的基础上推断可能的对策,是一道颇受好评的形式创新的题目,这节讲的是沙尘暴天气的应对,上文是“If you’re inside(在室内)”,A项“出去找安全的藏身处”是不合逻辑的。B 项是关于室外车内的,D项是雷电天气的,只有C是正确选项。
  65.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
  A.Emergent weather forecasts
  B.Causes of bad weather
  C.Damages of weather disasters
  D.Surviving weather emergencies
  【试题分析】 文章全部是围绕与天气有关的自然灾害展开,讲述如何在极端天气下自救,所以D应该是正确选项。
  Part C 语篇理解:根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(D)Dealing with negative attitudes in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges facing managers and em-ployees.A person with a negative atti-tude has the same power to influence others as a person with a positive atti-tude.The difference appears in the results.Positive attitudes in the work-place help improve communications and teamwork.Positive attitudes help increase production.The opposite can be said for negative attitudes.They pay little attention to teamwork, in-crease stress and reduce production.The difference between winners and losers in the workplace is  the salesperson who sells more, the manager who inspires her people, the manufacturing supervisor who commands respect and loyalty—all benefit from their positive attitudes.Many of my clients today are hiring for attitude and training for skills.Jose Colmen recruits (招聘)em-ployees for Southwest Airlines, the country’s major airline for the past ten years.When hiring employees,he doesn’t look for a fixed set of skills or experiences,he told Fast Company magazine.He’s searching instead for what the magazine described as“the perfect combination of energy,humor,team spirit,and self-confidence to match Southwest’s culture.”Last year,Southwest,which has 22,000employees,had openings for nearly4,500new people.It received more than 150,000 applications.Southwest’s recruiters must find out the best and most skillful applicants who can make it at Southwest.What does Colmen look for?A positive atti-tude!66.What is one of the biggest problems facing managers and em-ployees?Managers and employees find it difficult .
  【参考答案】to deal with negative attitudes.
  【试题分析】 文章第一句中就有明确信息“Dealing with negative atti-tudes in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges facing managers and employees.”
  67.How can a positive attitude benefit salespersons and managers?
  Salespersons can and managers can .
  【参考答案】sell more, inspire their people/employees.
  【试题分析】 文章中的相关信息是“Positive attitudes in the workplace help improve communications and teamwork.Positive attitudes help in-crease production.”。
  68.For which company does Jose Colmen help recruit new employees?【参考答案】Southwest Airlines.
  【试题分析】 文中的相关信息是“Jose Colmen recruits employees for Southwest Airlines,the country’s ma-jor airline for the past ten years”,同位语解释说明这是一家大型航空公司。69.How does Fast Company magazine describe the employees Jose Colmen wishes to hire?
  【参考答案】They are the perfect combination of energy,humor, team spirit,and self-confidence.
  【试题分析】文中的信息是“He’s searching instead for what the maga-zine described as“the perfect combi-nation of energy,humor, team spirit,and self-confidence to match South-west’s culture.””。
  70.What does the author mainly tell us in the passage?
  【参考答案】 Attitude is every-thing./Attitude decides everything./At-titude is important.(Any reasonable answers.)
  【试题分析】 本小题需要考生运用归纳总结的能力,在读懂文章的基础上概况文章大意。可以根据文章内容组织自己的语言作答,只要内容与文章相关、语法正确都可以得分。
  【参考答案】She is a curious stu-dent,isn’t she?
  【答题分析】 第一句比较简单基础,抽样显示,本题大部分学生还是能够得分的。也有学生不认识所给单词curious,把“好奇”写成了strange。
  72.我们不仅应该刻苦学习而且还要努力提高技能。(not only … but also)
  【参考答案】 We should not only study hard but also try our best to im-prove our skills.
  【答题分析】 本句的错误主要集中在时态和固定用法上。抽样中只有40%的学生能够完全得分。73.他是第一个赢得那个国际奖项的中国作家。(prize)
  【参考答案】He is the first Chi-nese writer to win the international prize.
  【答题分析】 大部分学生不会用不定式做定语,很多考生只能写“He is No.1”。
  74.数年来,科学家们试图探究出那种流感的成因。(figure out)
  【参考答案】For years,scientists have tried to figure out the cause of that kind of flu.
  【答题分析】 本句的考点是现在完成时表示持续的动作行为,大部分考生都没有这个时态概念,也有考生虽然时态用对,却写成了have figured out,变成已经探究出了,也与原句意思不符合。只有不到四分之一的考生能译出。
  【参考答案】 I hope to help the families whose houses were damaged during the earthquake.
  【答题分析】 学生的词汇存储不足,基础知识也多有错漏,本句是定语从句,翻译要求属于略高的,出现的错误形形色色。如I want to help families whose those houses was de-stroyed of the earthquake.或whose their house was destroyed/I want to help whose house damage等,还有earthquake拼成earthquick的。
  参考词汇:投诉 complain v.
  无烟区 non-smoking section
  权利 right n.
  公共场所 public places


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