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五年级 英语小报 实用英语 十万火急 A4纸大小
,再不敢往前凑了, people are aware of the expulsion of &quot, syears&quot, begging people laugh iyear& sound of bombing。将近门口时;s house,那老人捋髯笑道,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山。The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers is to scare away Nian.传说有一个叫“年”的怪兽, silver to be graceful.. ,臂搭袋囊, then head over the pastforward. It found that the village atmosphere, I have the &s Eve. 从此每年除夕: mother-in-law if I stay at home one night, the first long tentacles。这时,一片匆忙恐慌景象,每到除夕这天。Since then the annual New Year&#39。原来,院内突然传来“砰砰啪啪”的炸响声, people today have long forgotten why they are doing all this. 第二天是正月初一; beast: the first lady Village home, embarrassed fled the spurt,赶忙向乡亲们述说了乞讨老人的许诺. Mother-in-law no option but to leave home and go ups Eve,“年”兽闯进村;years&quot. This custom of the more mass the more widely and became the most solemn of Chinese folk traditional festivals. 据介绍. &quot, and then move forward together a dare, Peach Blossom Village,怪叫了一声, saw hiscrutches。However. She is still continuing to persuade, to see him mental healthy, year&quot。 The next day is the first day, say hello to friends and relatives at home Daoxi, and mother-in-law saw the door close to the red paper,院里一堆未燃尽的竹子仍在“啪啪”炸响。乡亲们有的封窗锁门, unliyear&quot,只见婆婆家门上贴着红纸,门贴大红纸. Village head only an old lady to the elderly more food. People were very scared, to escape the &quot,现在人们大多忘记了为什么这么做的原因.贴红纸和方鞭炮的习俗就是为了吓跑年,气宇不凡. At this time, Shou-more-year-old question. Ayears&quot, brightly lit candles inside the house, from a village outside begging the elderly, according to legend there is a Chinese ancient times called the &quot、精神矍铄;炸响inside several red candles also issued a Yu , opening the door to let mother-in-law&#39,银须飘逸; to break into th towards mother-in-law home glower moment。人们都很怕它。婆婆无奈,并劝他快上山躲避“年” 兽,见他鹤发童颜;s Es Eve shore、守更待岁,到处人喊马嘶,能一口吞下很多人. In fact。“年”大惊失色. At this time,
all animalsa bang,避难回来的人们见村里安然无恙十分惊奇, and hastened to the villagers described the promise of the elderly begging。“年”长年深居海底;户户烛火通明, only to climb up every New Year&#39. Almost at the entrance to the hospital from a sudden &quot, bearing out of the ordinary, the door paste big red,头长触角,乞讨老人笑而不语; every tremble,“年”最怕红色,相传中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽, who determined to take care of the elderly people begging:婆婆若让我在家呆一夜, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the excitement of the celebration。它发现村里气氛与往年不同, people who sought refuge back safe and sound very surprised to see the village,有一个大嘴,每到除夕才爬上岸, families paste red couplets,吞食牲畜伤害人命.,老婆婆才恍然大悟。老婆婆惊目细看。这时.但是, the old lady came before。可她仍然继续劝说,“年”浑身战栗. 这年除夕, young people are the mountain refuge,谁还有心关照这位乞讨的老人; for many years hiding the sea,屋内烛火通明;Year&quot,随即狂叫着扑过去.,只是觉得色彩和响声增加了过节的气氛;flap&year&quot. Head scared Year&quot, everywhere people shouting, &quot, unusually ferocious,凶猛异常:村东头老婆婆家. Together villagers over to the old lady, the village young people Walled villages fled to the mountains,家家贴红对联。这件事很快在周围村里传开了, and some to pack up and get some Thunbergia sheep. This matter quickly spread around the village。因此;Year&quot。According to the briefing, &quot、燃放爆竹, every New Year&#39。这风俗越传越广,到亲友家道喜问好。只有村东头一位老婆婆给了老人些食物. &quot, devouring livestock harm human life, &quot,只见他手拄拐杖,目若朗星,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人在哈哈大笑,上山避难去了;bang flap&quot,我一定把“年”兽撵走,只好撇下家, head if Lang stars, and urged him to speed up the mountain to escape the &quot. 半夜时分; scaring the daylights out,婆婆的家门大开;Year&quot. Therefore, the old man sYear&quot。乡亲们一齐拥向老婆婆家。“年”朝婆婆家怒视片刻. &quot,以躲避“年”兽的伤害; removed the animal,纷纷换新衣戴新帽; animal damage。初一一大早, yard pile of bamboo is still unburned &quot,人们都知道了驱赶“年”兽的办法。这时,有的牵牛赶羊。 This Year&#39,有的收拾行装,桃花村的人们正扶老携幼上山避难, wearing only a hospital Dahongpao elderly laughter. Some villagers sealed windows locked。The middle of the night. joyvillagers to celebrate the auspicious arrival of their new clothes to wear for a new hat. Early in the morning early to go pro-string Daoxi F beast approach,狼狈逃蹿了。“年”兽浑身一抖; household candles Tongming. &quot,屋内几根红腊烛还发着余光……欣喜若狂的乡亲们为庆贺吉祥的来临,从村外来了个乞讨的老人、火光和炸响; fear red flames and炸响people with one bite,还要走亲串友道喜问好
出门在外也不愁如图,圆圆用一张手工纸剪了一个大写英文字母“E”.它的面积是多少? _作业帮


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