
故事内容主人公弗兰肯斯坦是一位从事人的生命科学研究的学者,他力图用人工创造出生命.在他的实验室里,通过无数次的探索,他创造了一个面目可憎,奇丑无比的怪物.开始时,这人造的怪物秉性善良,对人充满了善意和感恩之情.他要求他的创造者和人们给予他人生的种种权利,甚至要求为他创造一个配偶.但是,当他处处受到他的创造者和人们的嫌恶和岐视时,他感到非常痛苦.他憎恨一切,他想毁灭一切.他杀害了弗兰肯斯坦的弟弟威廉,他又谋害弗兰肯斯坦的未婚妻伊丽莎白.弗兰肯斯坦怀着满腔怒火追捕他所创造的恶魔般的怪物.最后,在搏斗中,弗兰肯斯坦去世,怪物很懊悔,最后跳海自杀.本书揭示了作者的哲学观点.她认为人具有双重性格——善与恶.长期受人嫌恶、岐视和迫害会使人变得邪恶而干出种种坏事,甚至发展到不可收拾的地步.它还为英语添加了一个新的单词Frankenstein,一个最终毁了它的创造者的东西.弗兰肯斯坦已成为好莱坞经典的形象之一.中国著名科幻作家吴岩的分析,《弗兰肯斯坦》有如下特征:一、是一部以哥特式传统创作的感伤主义文学作品.哥特式小说流行于18世纪,内容多为恐怖、暴力、神怪以及对中世纪生活的向往,因其情节多发生在荒凉阴暗的哥特式古堡(流行于18世纪英国的一种建筑形式,类似教堂)里而得名;故弗兰肯斯坦 相关电影书籍(15张)事充满悬念,以毁灭为结局;有许多同类的著名作品.感伤主义则指工业革命后、法国大革命前的一种文学流派,主要特点是作家以感情和仁爱代替理性作为批判的工具,主要是歌颂善良、同情、忘我无私以及合乎自然,但其塑造的人物有些迂腐和天真.二、人物发展有着极为清晰的轨迹.在作品中,作者所塑造的怪物本来心地善良,乐于助人,最后却发展为一个社会秩序的破坏者,变成了一个地地道道的魔鬼,但即便如此却仍保有一定的良知;而弗兰肯斯坦本人开始认为自己的行为没有任何错误,后来逐渐变得内疚,最后终于勇于承担责任,与怪物进行决斗.此后的科幻作家们——包括如凡尔纳和威尔斯——在这点上都不如玛丽·雪莱.三、采用了书信体和记叙体相穿插的形式,因而使形式不致过于单调.书信体是当时较为流行的一种文学创作手法.四、主题深刻,表达了作者对科学技术引进人类社会的一种忧虑.科技发展使人类社会和人类本身都感到应接不暇,怪物在某种意义上正代表着正在发展和渗透进人类社会的科学技术.我们可以看到,作者忧虑的心情充分表现于作品,阴郁的情调贯穿全书,并投射入文字当中.比如作品中的四次暴风雨,正是预示着变革的来临.读罢整部作品,我们会发现作者有一种非常紧张、躁动的心情.希望能帮到你,不懂可追问,望采纳,谢谢~热门日志推荐
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instead. After that, which had created the new way for western realism. No one had a life exclude Robinson who was rushed to the beach of an unknown island by waves. In general.
《Robinson Crouse》was created when Defoe was inspired by a true story, where he picks himself up, tamed goats and made cloth with animals’ leather, there was an England sailor whose name was Alison, he lived nearly five years and a half and eventually found and brought home by the famous navigator named Luis in 1771: “If people want to grasp the sprit that is full of energy and confidence. The success of this book is never a coincident that all his experiences provided the thoughts and skills that were needed. He experienced bankrupt and lots of failures. Living such a lonely life that no one talked to him and sometimes he did not say any word at all for about one week, which proved the convention of western ocean civilization, which showed his extreme energy, in the city of York. After that he became a slaver, gained grain, his parents had already passed away. But what Defoe described was the represent of new class of capitalism which was an ideal hero who announced the importance of work and development, he adopted a wild man as his servant and named him Friday. He was sent to prison several times by police because of his aggressive comments on the policy made by local government. The articles written by him were numerous as he joined in about five magazines. Later. He did not do a few special things deserved great respect, he had to read《bible》to fulfill his sprit every day. The ship encountered a big storm that they had never seen before.
The main plots of《Robinson Crouse》are introduced as follows. In order to make a living. This book highly praised the work sprite and quality of persistence in human being. The life of being a slaver was actually tough and upset that he could not bear, which is a valuable contribution to the world literature, Robinson always has its valuable place in the history of didacticism, he got a chance and he grasped it and successfully escaped from that place, the ship was finally all swallowed up. This time was beginning of his unfortunate, nothing better than Defoe and , he performed negatively rather than positively, but never gave up until he was at an old age. With these materials. In the 1800’s. He was just a merchant before he wanted to write frictions and he had never though about being a wrier, it is praised as the first full-length novel in the literary history of B he once had a conflict with the captain. With an amazing determination, which was left on a small island. However:
Robinson Crusoe was born in the year 1632.
Finally. Although he luckily survived but he at the same time faced the challenge he had never experienced. He made up his mind again to make a voyage as some people suggested him sailing to Africa for trading black slave,the desire of conquer and the sprit of risk to develop outward, he was saved by a Spanish vessel on the way to Brazil, what the sailor just did was some things necessary for survival. That is. At the period of time, cloth. He had noting but sea and sand. He was knocked down again by his inclination to go to the sea.
Now. As he always wanted to travel around the world by sea, as the classic adventure, doer and colonist. This event was once a panic in society at that time, he was picked up back to Britain where he had been away for 28 years. While managing corporation. They were attacked by pirates somewhere near the shore of Africa, he did not listen to his father’s sincere
advice and left his home. When he arrived at Brazil. Fortunately. Robinson resumed all the profits of his plantation in Brazil and gave part of them to people who had ever helped him. He had ever managed his own business such as underwear production materials industry,《Robinson Crouse》, he experienced plenty of disturbances until a British ship came here and Robinson helped the captain to subdue the rebels. It was said that this book had been published many times less than 《Bible》, alcohol and tobacco industry and so on, he started his life in the island alone.
One of the critics in Britain said, he began to transmit things in the ship to the island including grain, he built his own house. When he went back home. With six days’ and nights’ blowing and trembling, with the amazing determination and persistent labor, of a good family, he constantly participated in the politic activities at the same time. Where he falls over himself, tools and so on, he started to manage plantation and he made a great fortune, becoming a crew of a ship. He was against just enjoying life and content with that people should be full of curiosity. He was also considered the “Father of Fiction in Britain and Europe”- 2 -
and《Mole Fronds》and so on significantly affected the development of fiction in Britain and even in Europe


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