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  Model Answer
  1、Can you describe the place where you live?
  Well, the room I live in is really nice, it’s bright and spacious. What
really satisfies me is that it’s really near where I work. And one more thing
which I’d have to mention about is it cost much less than I thought.
  2、What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?
  I watch TV and do some house chores like scrubbing toilets.
  3、Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
  No, they are not so good. The nearest bus station is half a mile away and
there’s only one bus passing every twenty minutes. You’ll get frustrated if you
miss a bus.
  4、Please describe the room you live in.
  I recently put in new hardwood floors and a new fence in the backyard so it
doesn't need any improvements. My next home will be a 3 story home, have a huge
fenced in backyard for my 3 dogs, all hardwood floors, granite countertops, and
4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths.
  5、Is there anything you don't like about the place where you
  It is the color of the wall in my bedroom. It's in light blue color at the
moment and the blue is so light that it gets dirty easily. And I'm not into
house chores. Plus, the blue color always reminds me of the walls in
hospital...so it makes feel I'm living in a hospital sometimes and I definitely
don't enjoy feeling like that.
  6、What kind of decorations does it have?
  My door is completely covered in concert posters and tickets. Also, I have
an oil painting of an island with a small yellow house with a tin roof on it and
a little boat docked out in the water.
  7、How do you think this room could be improved?
  Right now I already have glow in the dark stars all over my walls. Although
it makes it look pretty cool at night it’s dark during the day and makes me feel
depressed. So I want to change the color in to blue and add some posters on
  8、What can you see when you look out the window of your
  When I look out the window I can see the flowers are in bloom and children
are playing in the yard.
  9、How well do you know your neighbors?
  Not much. Most of my neighbors are about 70 years old and have a puppy. I
stay at college most of the time. We don’t have anything in common and just say
“hi” when we meet.
  10、What kind of people are your neighbors?
  I love all my neighbors except one. My downstairs neighbor frequently plays
his music excessively loud. It rattles the change off my coffee table. I spoke
to him repeatedly and he always turns it down to merely loud. But then turns it
back up within the hour.
  11、Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbors in your
neighbors’ home?
  Not much. Most of my neighbors are about 70 years old and have a puppy. I
stay at college most of the time. We don’t have anything in common and just say
“hi” when we meet.
  12、Do you like the environment where you live?
  I live in a suburban environment and I love it. I don’t mind driving 20
minutes to go to the grocery store. When I go to big cities it is fun for about
a week but I soon miss flowers and having a backyard and trees and the simplest
things like cute birds.
  13、Would you say the place where you live is good for families with
  It doesn’t matter for adults but where I live right now is not good for
children. I live in the center of big city. Crappy apartments smell like
cigarettes with a lot of divorced parents. Also I think a supportive and
friendly suburban environment is good for children.
  14、In the future, what type of place would you like to live
  It’s a house. I would like to live in a bigger space. Preferably a
two-floor detached house can give me more spaces to move around, especial in the
garden. I always fancy having some BBQ parties with my friends in my own
  15、What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings would you
like to live in?
  I grew up in a suburban environment and I love it to an extent. I don’t
mind driving 20 minutes to go to the grocery store. When I go to big cities it
is fun for about a week but I soon miss flowers and having a backyard and trees
and the simplest things like cute birds.
明教小魔女雅思口语part 1话题:Accommodation_新东方网
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  下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思口语part 1的一些话题,每个话题下都有一系列相关的问题,考生们可以通过这些问题来熟悉每个话题的套路,并总结出自己的答题思路,以下是详细内容。
  Can you describe the place where you live?
  What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?
  Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
  Please describe the room you live in.
  Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?
  What kind of decorations does it have?
  How do you think this room could be improved?
  What can you see when you look out the window of your room?
  How well do you know your neighbors?
  What kind of people are your neighbors?
  Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbors in your neighbors' homes?
  Do you like the environment where you live?
  Would you say the place where you live is good for families with children?
  In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?
  What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings would you like to live in?
  Model Answer&&
雅思口语词汇:异国他乡(住宿类 accommodation)
  在大家出国以后,不论是日常生活还是假期旅游,首要任务就是要找好住宿的地方,今天我们就分别为大家补充一些,关于酒店和日常住宿的常用词汇。  酒店 Hotel  在紧张的final过后,就是慵懒悠长的假期了,有的同学会选择回国放松,有的同学则会留在国外感受当地的风土人情。大家再出去玩的时候,首要问题就是住宿了。今天我们就为大家带了一组住宿相关的词汇accommodation。  在大家出行之前,一定先要做好功课。那么网上的Booking或者Reservation就是must-do。否则赶上高峰出行,可真的要露宿街头了。通常我们会定酒店,那么国外的酒店都也哪些分类,哪些房型呢?我们一起来看一下。  先说酒店的类型吧。除了我们通常意义的酒店Hotel之外,有一种叫serviced appartment酒店式公寓,格局上,除了一般酒店的卧室和卫生间外,还配备有厨房Kitchenette,客厅等等。除此之外还有比如青年旅社Hostel,汽车旅馆Motel,小旅馆Inn,家庭民宿叫 B&B(Bed and Breakfast)。我们传统意义上的Hotel也会在价位,主题上有所区分,比如Budget Hotel经济型酒店,Luxury Hotel豪华酒店,Design Hotel,艺术酒店Art Hotel等等。有一些景区还会提供cabin小木屋的房型。这些常用的房型,我们可以在口语备考中用到,以后更是居家旅行必备单词啊。  说完了酒店的类型,我们接下来谈一谈酒店的房型。比较常见的有 suite套房,en-suite带独立浴室的房间, king room是指有King-size大床的房间,Deluxe Room豪华间。在选择房间的时候,有两个词组通常会被混淆,double bed 和 twin bed。从字面上理解,twin和double都可以表示“两个”。但在这个语境下,double bed是指double-size bed也就是双人床,twin bed是指两个床。这个一定要区分好,要不会闹笑话啦。说到床了,顺便给大家区分一下几种床型,Single单人床,Double 双人床,还有两种是在国内不怎么区分的,King-size(2m × 1.9m)和Queen-size(2m × 1.5m)。  2. 租房 Rent a house  刚到国外,想必不少同学都会选择在寄宿家庭Homestay过渡一下。之后,几个关系亲近的同学,就会愿意一起合租一套房子,自己当家做主,我们管这样说成是take a house整租。那我们就来认识一下那些我们会遇到的房型,House在国外通常是指独立房屋Detached一般是一两层,Townhouse排屋,(两侧都和相似的房屋相连),Apartment或者Flat都可以表示公寓,Unit单元房,Pent-house复式小跃层,Villa 别墅。在看好房子之后,我们需要给estate agency中介几周房租作为deposit定金,也有地方说成是 Bonds订金。至于如何联系agency呢,一般都可以在网上找到信息。另外平时走在路上,经常会看到标牌写着 To let或者Lease,这些都是有房出租的意思,然后可以电话联系中介了。除了自己租房子,还会有很多同学选择学校的dormitory宿舍,也是很有意思的事情。通常在学年初提出申请,然后跟学校sign the contract签合同,通常是一个学期起租。  说了这么多,这些词汇不仅在雅思备考当中对我们很有帮助,在以后的国外生活中也会有极大的用处。
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