trial and errorerror 522是什么意思思

The trial-and-error method
The trial-and-error method
different possible configurations are generated, after a test of their "", the good ones are retained, and the bad ones or "errors" are eliminated
According to the neo-Darwinist view, evolution takes place through the
creation of random combinations of matter, with the subsequent struggle
for existence, as a result of which some combinations survive and proliferate,
while other perish. Popper describes this as the work of
the general method of
trial and error-elimination.
uses the term
. Newell and Simon in their theory of
called this mechanism "generate and test". Here we will speak simply of the trial and error method.
We do not need to use the term `blind', because in cultural evolution or in problem solving
we often have informed and guided choices. But even with regard to biological evolution we cannot be sure, much less prove, that the
variation is blind. It is true that we build our theory and check it
against facts in the assumption that variations are blind.
But we do not really use the fact that the variation is, indeed,
or random,
i.e. all choices physically and logically possible are equiprobable.
The success of the theory proves that blindness, at the present
state of the theory, is sufficient, but does not prove it is necessary. The main requirement is that a large number of possible states or solutions is explored through a
of variation.
The principle is so powerful that any type of variation or trial, whether guided by foreknowledge or not, followed by the elimination of the "bad", or "unfit" trials, and the retention or propagation of the "" trials, will result in evolution. The fact that succesful steps are retained leads to an irreversible accumulation, a "ratchet effect" which only allows movement in a particular general , without going back (see the ).
F. , & V. ,
Aug 6, 1996trial and error是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
trial-and-error&:&试 ...
experimenting until a solution is found
trial and error的用法和样例:
The only way Jim could solve the algebra problem was by the method of trial and error.
I lost the instruction book and so I had to find out how to use the machine by trial and error.
He learned technical skills by trial and error.
I finally found the right key after lots of trial and error.
反复试验, 不断摸索...
trial and error的海词问答与网友补充:
trial and error的相关资料:
trial-and-error&:&尝试错误( ...
相关词典网站:SW:TOR Linkstrial and error
英['tra??l aend '?r?]
美['tra??l aend '?r?r]
phr. 反复试验,不断摸索
But engineering a crop takes a lot of trial and error.
He learned technical skills by trial and error.
1.experimenting until a solution is found
1.Learn by trial and error
2.Trial-and-error methods
3.He learned technical skills by trial and error.
4.Trial and error revealed that it was best to put in the amide before the epoxide
5.But engineering a crop takes a lot of trial and error.


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