
1.用不少于五句话描写你的父亲或母亲,要求用上以下的单词:name, looks, has, likes , often
7.用不少于五句话介绍你最喜欢的一种小动物,要写出它的特点,并且要用上以下的单词:animal , looks like, lives, can, good at
...4.用不少于五句话介绍你喜爱的一位老师的相关内容日期:测量基础体温学问真不少 基础体温的测量,是女性了解自己是否排卵最简单的方法。虽然目前有渐渐被超音波测量卵泡大小,以及血中e2荷尔蒙浓度高低的方法所取代,但是,由于超音波的照摄必须到医院或诊所执行,对于家务繁重,尤其是新婚的女性们来说,基础体温的测量仍然有它日期:让孩子挑选自己喜爱的食物 常常有这样一些焦虑的父母们,他们总是怀疑孩子吃得是否合理,并希望通过这样那样的检查来判断孩子的健康水平。其实这是不必要的。 饮食是自然赋...日期:介绍几个催乳食谱 哺乳期的妈妈每天饮食一般应包括:粮食500-700克,蛋类200克(4个),肉类200-250克,豆制品50-100克,牛奶250克,汤水毫升,蔬菜500克(其中绿叶菜不少于250克) 产妇...日期:介绍几种能预防肥胖的中草药 中草药中的许多药物,虽然没有直接涉及到减肥问题,但文献记载了“令人瘦”和“消人脂肉”观点,从减肥的现实角度来说,的确有一定的积极意义。现仅举几种加以介绍: 海藻:性味苦咸寒,入肝、胃、肾经,尤善消痰软坚、利水。《食疗本草》亦说:日期:想方设法与老师保持好沟通 琦从小都是外婆带的,有人说老人带的孩子入园适应期会长一些,但是我有意识地注意了这一点,在对琦的养育过程中,尽量做到能够亲历亲为。我觉得她胆小,心思敏感,交往能力也会差一点。初入幼儿园时,老师说话声音大一点,就算不是说她,她也会害日期:盘点孕期喜爱与憎恶的食物 孕妇在孕期体重增加25-35磅,体重增加的结构是:平均体重增加7.5磅,乳房增加2磅,体内储存的蛋白质、脂肪、和其他营养物质增加7磅。胎盘1.5磅,子宫增大2磅,羊水2磅,血液增加...日期:让孩子挑选自己喜爱的食物 常常有这样一些焦虑的父母们,他们总是怀疑孩子吃得是否合理,并希望通过这样那样的检查来判断孩子的健康水平。其实这是不必要的。 饮食是自然赋予人的一种美妙的享受,无论年龄大小,人人都会挑选自己喜爱的食物,即使是婴儿也有这种能力。他们可
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 - - - - - - - -用英文写一段话,谈谈自己最喜欢的食物,水果是什么,味道怎么样,它们是健康食品吗?
My favourite fruit is strawberry. Favorite food is fried beef. Favorite vegetable is green. 'S favorite drink is orange juice. Favourite season is spring.
外语领域专家Apache Tomcat/6.0.33 - Error report HTTP Status 404 - type Status reportmessage description The requested resource () is not available.Apache Tomcat/6.0.33写一篇短文,介绍你的家人的饮食情况(包括他们喜欢或不喜欢吃的食物、饮料、水果)不少于60字的英语作文!!!
写一篇短文,介绍你的家人的饮食情况(包括他们喜欢或不喜欢吃的食物、饮料、水果)不少于60字的英语作文!!! 5
My family members live together everyday .but our eating
habits vary a lot among us.
My father loves to eat something that tastes sweet,so do I.While my mother loves to eat rice,and also dumplings.
Sometimes we have different opinion on what to eat,at last we will follow my mother's choice.
Hope my family more peaceful forever.
&Hi,Im& is&Mary.Iike& food is chicken. but&I&don't like ice-cream. Because it's not heathly.And I 感恩的是有很多很多。在学校,我也见了许多感人的事,其中有一件事深受我感动。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 一天中午,我吃完午饭,再还餐盘和勺子时,见一个二年级的小朋友吃完饭,正在收拾乱放的餐盘。餐盘很脏,上面都是一些没倒干净的剩菜和一些脏兮兮的油脂,谁看了都避开,都不想让自己的衣服碰上一点油脂,都从边上绕过。只有他一个人,不顾脏,一个人用手把盘子理整齐。这时有几个高年级的大哥哥大姐姐也来帮忙。时间过的很快,12点左右,他们才洗好手,回到教室。我心中的一股暖流油然而生。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 这是一个多么懂事的孩子,不怕脏来理盘子,用自己干净的手来理。而其他人却站在一边视而不见,怕把手弄脏,不去帮忙。一个比我小的孩子都能做,我为什么不去做呢,现在想想真是惭愧。相反,那些乱扔餐盘的同学,为了自己的利益,不把餐盘放好。而那个二年级的小朋友,用自己的双手来给那些没放好的餐盘放整齐。这是一个多么高尚的人啊!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& “只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将会变成美好的明天。”只要大家都用一颗温暖的心去帮助需要帮助的人,那是一个多么和谐的世界啊!vegetable&&&
I have a brother, he is now in Shanghai, foreign, like fruit. The total daily to maintain healthy eating habits, but his wife loves to eat junk food, she was a primary school teacher. My parents were ordinary workers, they like to eat meat, so they are strong . I am a student, I also pay attention to my body, so I eat healthy nutritious fruit and any thing, this is my family eating habits ...............
Hi,I am Sue.I like milk,apples and all vegetables.But I do not like hamburgers.Because my parents say they are not good for my healthy.My mom likes oranges, but she does not like apples.My dad likes bananas.But he does not like strawberries.My sister likes drinking orange,but she does not like drink milk. What about you?
&My family just have three members and our favorite foods is different. We usually eat rice, noodles or others foods that called as Chinese food. But we have milk, eggs and bread in the morning. Because it is easy and quickly to finish. I like to eat noodles for lunch. But my father and mother like to eat rice, soup, meat and vegetables. They think that keeping balance in food is good for our health. Although we have different taste, we have Chinese food in the dinner. The dinner is most abundant that my mother will cook so many delicious Chinses food for us.
I have a happy family.There are five people in
my family.They are my father,my mother,my brother,my sister and I.My father is a worker,he works in a factory,and he likes rice and chicken very much.My mother is a nurse,she works in a hospital,and she likes coffee and fruit a lot,but she doesn't like chicken at all.My brother and my sister are still little kids,they all like bananas and oranges.And I like most food,because they are good for my health!I love my happy family!
i& do not no.
My family members live together everyday .but our eating habits vary a lot among us. My father loves to eat something that tastes sweet,so do I.While my mother loves to eat rice,and also dumplings. Sometimes we have different opinion on what to eat,at last we will follow my mother
There are four people in my family.They are my father,mother,brother and I.My father likes rice and my mother likes fruit.My brother is very young,he likes bread very much,But my favorite food is hamburger.I love my family.


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