
英语翻译电影2012英文影评 要求:句式不要太难,单词在初中水平,大概100个单词正文如下:2012是一部美国的电影.这是一部激动人心的电影.2012重要讲了在2012时世界将会被毁灭,然而一部分人活_百度作业帮
英语翻译电影2012英文影评 要求:句式不要太难,单词在初中水平,大概100个单词正文如下:2012是一部美国的电影.这是一部激动人心的电影.2012重要讲了在2012时世界将会被毁灭,然而一部分人活
英语翻译电影2012英文影评 要求:句式不要太难,单词在初中水平,大概100个单词正文如下:2012是一部美国的电影.这是一部激动人心的电影.2012重要讲了在2012时世界将会被毁灭,然而一部分人活下来的故事.看完这部电影,我每天都在思考世界末日这件事,我很害怕也很好奇.这部电影十分精彩,剧情也很惊险.这部电影也告诉我们要保护我们这个地球,爱护坏境,也要珍爱生命.2012给我很多启示,希望大家也去看看.这是多么好的一部电影呀!
2012 is an exciting American movie.It tells the story that everything on earth is destroyed in a disaster in the year 2012,only a small percentage of human beings survived.After watching the movie,I ponder a lot about the end of the world everyday,because I am both afraid and curious about it.This is an excellent movie with a thrilling storyline.It tells us that we should protect the earth and the environment,as well as all creatures on earth.2012 teaches me a lot,I think everyone should go and see it.What a good movie it is!英语翻译今天晚上7点之前,别的英文电影也可以,英文的,80字,带翻译。我们的作业要写二十篇,我就剩这最后一篇了,_百度作业帮
This was a fairly enjoyable animated film from Disney/Pixar.there's some funny moments here and there.it's touching without being too maudlin or sentimental.there certainly is a fair amount of action as well.the story is also good.there a few scenes of minor peril which might be a bit too much for younger children,and the movie fleetingly touches upon a sad topic.for the most part,i enjoyed the movie.i did think however,there were a few scenes that were probably intended to be funny,but came across flat and pointless in my mind.all in all,pretty good effort,just not as good as i hoped or thought it would be7点30了不知道帮的上忙吗 望采纳
去有道翻译= =有些翻译不对,不过意思大概就是那样
I feel this is a very touching a cartoon! His wife is gone, he do more with cabin balloon to search for the slice of wonderland, has no intention of small and medium-sized Russell and he began the jou...& 英语外教 ESL生活口语听力 英汉字典有道翻译官 百度词典金山电池医生全民英雄 天天...
英语外教 ESL生活口语听力 英汉字典有道翻译官 百度词典金山电池医生全民英雄 天天德州腾讯新概念流利说学霸 猫眼电影史上最坑爹的游戏大厅 QQ创意 水印相机全国空气质量指数神仙道冒险岛
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英语外教 ESL生活口语听力 英汉字典有道翻译官 百度词典金山电池医生全民英雄 天天德州腾讯新概念流利说学霸 猫眼电影史上最坑爹的游戏大厅 QQ创意 水印相机全国空气质量指数神仙道冒险岛版本1.2中的新功能
本功能所涉及内容均由CP提供,提供内容的CP已承诺承担由于内容的合法性及健康性所引起的争议和法律责任。英语翻译主角是清理垃圾的机器人瓦力和伊娃这部电影讲述了两个机器人的爱情和人类重返地球的故事 这部电影能使人明白保护环境的重要性 我非常喜欢这部电影_百度作业帮
英语翻译主角是清理垃圾的机器人瓦力和伊娃这部电影讲述了两个机器人的爱情和人类重返地球的故事 这部电影能使人明白保护环境的重要性 我非常喜欢这部电影
英语翻译主角是清理垃圾的机器人瓦力和伊娃这部电影讲述了两个机器人的爱情和人类重返地球的故事 这部电影能使人明白保护环境的重要性 我非常喜欢这部电影
The leading roles are Wally and Eva,two robots who are in charge of rubbish cleaning.This movie tells the love between these two robots and the story of human being's return to the earth.It enables us to realize the importance of protecting the environment and I enjoy this movie quite a lot.
The main characters are Waly who clears off the rubbish and Iva. This film told about the love story between them and human returned to the earth.
I like it very much for it showed the importance of environmental protection.}


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