i want to thank the first person pluralwho say happy b

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Have you heard this one?
“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
It’s a concept made famous by the legendary speaker and author, Jim Rohn.
Whether you subscribe to this philosophy or not, it’s hard to deny that the people you spend the most time with do have an impact on you.
They influence how you feel, what you believe, what you think about, and the decisions you make.
That’s why I was intrigued when one of our readers asked, “What do you do when the people you spend the most time with aren’t as ambitious as you are?”
And even more — what happens if you’re not able to make immediate changes in who you spend time the most time with?
On today’s episode of MarieTV, learn how to stay on track with your own goals and dreams — especially if you suspect the people around you may be dulling your drive.
This is the key to staying motivated, no matter what environment you find yourself in.
Today’s Tweetable:
Look. It’s undeniable that who you surround yourself with can either help (or hurt) your life, so it’s important to choose wisely. But what’s even more important to know is this.
You always have the power to lead yourself to your highest creative potential.
Ultimately, it’s not your circumstances, friends, age, background, education or any other factor that determines your ultimate destiny.
Because when the depth of the human spirit is unleashed from within, it’s truly unstoppable.
Now, I’d love to hear from you. Do you believe you’re the average of the people around you? What’s a concrete example of how surrounding yourself with the right people has made a positive impact in your life?
Finally, if your ambition isn’t at the level you want, what are 3 specific actions you can take now? Leave a comment below, and let me know.
Remember, thousands of incredible souls come here each week for strategies, insight, and inspiration. Your story may be exactly what someone else needs to hear right now, so don’t be shy and share away.
Important: please share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments. Links to other posts, videos, etc. may be deleted as they can come across as spammy.
P.S. If you want more on this topic, you might enjoy
Thank you, as always, for reading, watching, and adding your perspective to the conversation!
You make Tuesday one of my favorite days of the week.
With love,
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Oh sweet, sweet, mother of pasta!
I’m 2 days away from heading off to Italy for a looooong overdue vacation. This trip is something I’ve dreamed about for years and we finally got our acts together to make it happen.
That means I’ve been waaaay more productive than ever to get everything done so I can totally unplug while we’re away.
Which brings me to today’s brand new episode of MarieTV.
Here’s the scene: you’re busy as all heck working your buns off.
Through your blood, sweat and tenacity — you’ve gained a lot of experience and expertise.
Things are really starting to come together.
Everyone you know is taking notice, but unfortunately…
You’re now drowning in constant requests from friends who want to “have coffee and pick your brain.”
But the truth is…
a. You don’t freakin’ have time for coffee right now.
b. You don’t want to have your brain picked.
c. And, if you did, you’d wanna get paid for it!
If you’re tired of ignoring these emails and feeling guilty about it, this episode of MarieTV is for you.
You’ll get three word-for-word scripts to help you kindly and elegantly navigate non-stop brain picking requests.
As always — I’d love to hear your take on this topic.
What’s your go to way to deal with people wanting to “grab a coffee” and/or pick your brain?
Have you ever been that person who’s asking to “brain pick” or grab coffee — and been handled elegantly?
Leave a detailed comment below and let me know.
As always, thank you for reading, watching and contributing.
Baci e abbracci-
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i want to thank the first person who say happy b
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