
去年,我偶然在浙大旁边的旧货店买下了一些留学生回国时处理掉的韩文原版书  里面有一本厚重得很的书,书名直译成中文叫<丧失的时代>  后来我没事随手翻翻,竟然爱不释手  这时才知道这本书是村上的<挪威的森林>韩语版  我在上班之余读完这本书,非常喜欢  感觉写的就是我内心的想法  这种感觉我在大一时读凯鲁亚克的<在路上>也曾经有过  反正读完以后很冲动,于是我又去书店买了中文版,林少华的译本  但读中文版时,我觉得跟韩语版的感觉不太一样,或者可以说不如韩语版,可能是林少华的译本用语比较古雅,精练吧。我觉得有时候反倒不太适合渡边平静的性格,淡淡的语气。  现在开始看英文版,希望读完又有另一番感受。  这里首先推出英文版全文,每天贴一点,里面有我本人不认识的生词注释,英语版后再推出韩文版,这个要看大家是否需要,可能不是全文,是节选,因为韩文没有电子版我需要自己打出来。  今后再贴日语版,希望我的日语能早点看懂原版。        Haruki Murakami   NORWEGIAN WOOD     Translated from the Japanese by   Jay Rubin       I was 37 then, strapped in my seat as the huge 747 plunged through  dense cloud cover on approach to Hamburg airport. Cold November  rains drenched the earth, lending everything the gloomy air of a   Flemish landscape: the ground crew in waterproofs, a flag atop a squat  airport building, a BMW billboard. So - Germany again.   Once the plane was on the ground, soft music began to flow from the  ceiling speakers:
a sweet orchestral cover version of the Beatles’   "Norwegian Wood". The melody never failed to send a shudder   through me, but this time it hit me harder than ever.   I bent forward, my face in my hands to keep my skull from splitting  open. Before long one of
the German stewardesses approached and  asked in English if I were sick.   "No," I said, "just dizzy."   "Are you sure?"   "Yes, I’m sure. Thanks."   She smiled and left, and the music changed to a Billy Joel tune. I   straightened up and looked out of the window at
the dark clouds   hanging over the North Sea, thinking of all I had lost in the course of  my life: times gone for ever, friends who had died or disappeared,   feelings I would never know again.   The plane reached the gate. People began unfastening their seatbelts  and pulling luggage from the overhead lockers, and all the while I was  in the meadow. I could smell the grass, feel the wind on my face, hear  the cries of the birds. Autumn 1969, and soon I would be 20.   drench
  / drentʃ; drɛntʃ/ v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p]    make (sb/sth) completely wet 使(某人[某物])湿透: We were caught in the storm and got drenched (through/to the skin). 我们遇上大雨, 全都浇透了. * be drenched with rain 被雨浇透.    ~ sb/sth (in/with sth) apply (a liquid) freely to sb/sth 在某人[某物]上大量使用(某液体): drench oneself in perfume 全身喷满香水 * The poster wouldn’t stick even though I drenched it with glue. 我涂了大量胶水, 可那张海报就是贴不住.  > drenching n thorough wetting 湿透.    atop
  / əˈtɔp; əˋtɑp/ prep (dated or rhet 旧或修辞) at or on the top of (sth) 在...顶上: a seagull perched atop the mast 停歇在桅杆顶上的海鸥.    shudder
  / ˈʃʌdə(r); ˋʃʌdɚ/ v (a) [I, Ipr, It] ~ (with sth) shiver violently with cold, fear, tremble (因寒冷﹑ 恐惧等)发抖, 战栗: shudder with pleasure in a hot bath 洗热水澡时舒适得抖动起来 * shudder (with horror) at the sight of blood 看到血(吓得)发抖 * I shudder to think of the problems ahead of us. 我想到摆在面前的问题就不寒而栗. (b) [I] make a str vibrate 剧烈地摇晃﹑ 摆动; 震动: The ship shuddered as it hit the rocks. 船撞到礁石上剧烈地摇晃起来.  > shudder n shuddering movement 战栗; 发抖; 摆动; 震动: A shudder of fear ran through him. 他吓得浑身哆嗦. * (infml 口) It gives me the shudders, ie terrifies me 我害怕极了.    locker
  / ˈlɔkə(r); ˋlɑkɚ/ n    (a) small cupboard, esp one of several where clothes can be kept, eg at a swimming-pool 小厨柜(尤指供存放衣物的, 如在游泳池处): left-`luggage lockers, ie for depositing luggage in, eg at a railway station 行李寄存柜(如在火车站中的). (b) (nautical 海) box or compartment for storing clothes, ammunition, etc in a ship (船上贮藏衣物﹑ 弹药等的)箱, 室, 库.    (idm 习语) be in/go to ,Davy Jones’s `locker be drowned at sea 葬身大海.  # `locker-room n (esp US) room at a sports club, etc for changing in, with lockers for clothes, etc (体育俱乐部等的)衣物间.    meadow
  / ˈmedəu; ˋmɛdo/ n [C, U] (area or field of) grassland, esp
(area of) low, often boggy, land near a river 草地; (尤指)牧场; (河边的)低洼地: cattle grazing in the meadows 在牧场上吃草的牛群 * 20 acres of meadow 20英亩草地.  # `meadow lark type of N American songbird 草地鹨(北美产).        5(这个是页码)   The stewardess came to check on me again. This time she sat next to  me and asked if I was all right.   "I’m fine, thanks," I said with a smile. "Just feeling kind of blue."   "I know what you mean," she said. "It happens to me, too, every once  in a while."   She stood and gave me a lovely smile. "Well, then, have a nice trip.  Auf Wiedersehen."   "Auf Wiedersehen."     Eighteen years have gone by, and still I can bring back every detail of  that day in the meadow. Washed clean of summer’s dust by days of  gentle rain, the mountains wore a deep, brilliant green. The October  breeze set white fronds of head-high grasses swaying. One long streak  of cloud hung pasted across a dome of frozen blue. It almost hurt to  look at that far-off sky. A puff of wind swept across the meadow and  through her hair before it slipped into the woods to rustle branches and  send back snatches of distant barking - a hazy sound that seemed to  reach us from the doorway to another world. We heard no other   sounds. We met no other people. We saw only two bright red birds  leap startled from the center of the meadow and dart into the woods.  As we ambled along, Naoko spoke to me of wells.     Memory is a funny thing. When I was in the scene I hardly paid it any  attention. I never stopped to think of it as something that would make  a lasting impression, certainly never imagined that 18 years later I   would recall it in such detail. I didn’t give a damn about the scenery  that day. I was thinking about myself. I was thinking about the   beautiful girl walking next to me. I was thinking about the two of us  together, and then about myself again. I was at that age, that time of  life when every sight, every feeling, every thought came back, like a  boomerang, to me. And worse, I was in love. Love with   complications. Scenery was the last thing on my mind.   frond
  / frɔ frɑnd/ n leaf-like part of a fern or palm (蕨类或棕榈类的)叶.    fern
  / fɜːn; fən/ n [C, U] type of flowerless plant with feathery green leaves 蕨; 蕨类植物: ferns growing in pots 长在盆内的蕨类植物 * hillsides covered in fern 长满蕨 类植物的山坡 * a spray of ornamental fern 蕨类植物的枝状饰物. > ferny adj.    hazy
  / ˈheɪzɪ; ˋhezɪ/ adj (-ier, -iest)    misty 有薄雾的: We couldn’t see far because it was so hazy. 雾气蒙蒙妨碍了我们的视线.    vague 模糊的; 朦胧的: hazy memories 模糊不清的记忆.    (of a person) uncertain (指人)困惑的, 没有把握的: I’m a bit hazy about what to do next. 我不太清楚下一步该做什麽. > hazily adv: remember sth hazily 隐隐约约地想起某事物. haziness n [U].    startle
  / ˈstɑː ˋstɑrtl/ v [Tn] give a sudden shock or surprise to (a person or an animal); cause to move or jump suddenly (from surprise) 使(人或动物)惊吓或吓一跳: You startled me I didn’t hear you come in. 你吓了我一跳--我没听见你进来. * I was startled to hear his news/by his news. 我听到他的消息大吃一惊. * The sudden noise in the bushes startled her horse. 灌木丛中突如其来的响声把她的马吓惊了. * He had a startled look on his face. 他一脸吃惊的神情.  > startling / ˈstɑːtlɪŋ; ˋstɑrtlɪŋ/ remarkable 令人震惊的; 惊人的: a startling result 惊人的结果 * What startling news! 这消息多令人震惊啊! startlingly adv: startlingly beautiful 漂亮得出奇.    dart  1 / dɑːt; dɑrt/ n    [C] small pointed missile (often with feathers to aid flight) used as a weapon or in the game of darts 镖; 飞镖.    [sing] sudden fast movement 猛冲; 突进: She made a dart for the exit. 她冲向出口.    [C] (in dressmaking) stitched tapering fold (制衣)捏褶.    darts [sing v] game in which darts are thrown at a target marked with numbers for scoring 掷镖游戏: Darts is often played in English pubs. 英国酒馆里常有掷镖游戏. =>illus 见插图.  # `dartboard n circular board used as the target in the game of darts 掷镖游戏用的圆靶. dart 2
  / dɑːt; dɑrt/ v [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) move suddenly and quickly in the specified direction (使某物)猛冲, 突进: The mouse darted away when I approached. 我走近时, 老鼠就飞快逃跑了. * Swallows are darting through the air. 燕子在空中掠过. * She darted into the doorway to hide. 她冲到门口躲藏起来. * The snake darted out its tongue. 蛇飞快地吐着芯子. * She darted an angry look (ie suddenly glanced angrily) at him. 她狠狠地瞥了他一眼. =>Usage at whiz 用法见whiz.    amble
  / ˈ& ˋ&mbl/ v [I, Ipr, Ip]    (of a person) ride or walk at a slow, leisurely pace (指人)乘骑缓行或漫步, 徐行: He came ambling down the road. 他沿路溜溜达达地来了. * We ambled along for miles. 我们缓缓而行达数英里.    (of a horse) move slowly, lifting the two feet on one side together (指马)溜花蹄(同侧两蹄同时离地行走).  > amble n [sing] slow, leisurely pace 缓步; 徐步; 漫步: walk at an amble 徐步而行.    boomerang
  / ˈbuːmər&ŋ; ˋbuməˏr&ŋ/ n    curved flat wooden missile (used by Australian Aborigines) which can be thrown so that it returns to the thrower if it fails to hit anything 回力棒, 回飞镖(澳大利亚土着的木制飞镖, 呈扁平曲形, 掷出後, 如未击中物体, 能飞回原处).    (fig 比喻) action or remark that causes unexpected harm to the person responsible for it 自食其果的言行: [attrib 作定语] a boomerang effect 自作自受的後果.  > boomerang v [I, Ipr] act as a boomerang 自食其果; 自作自受: His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel. 他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果, 被控以诽谤罪.        6   Now, though, that meadow scene is the first thing that comes back to  me. The smell of the grass, the faint chill of the wind, the line of the  hills, the barking of a dog: these are the first things, and they come  with absolute clarity. I feel as if I can reach out and trace them with a  fingertip. And yet, as clear as the scene may be, no one is in it. No  one. Naoko is not there, and neither am I. Where could we have   disappeared to? How could such a thing have happened? Everything  that seemed so important back then - Naoko, and the self I was then,  and the world I had then: where could they have all gone? It’s true, I  can’t even bring back her face - not straight away, at least. All I’m left  holding is a background, pure scenery, with no people at the front.   True, given time enough, I can remember her face. I start joining   images - her tiny, her straight, black hair so smooth and   a soft, rounded earlobe and the microscopic mole   the camel-hair coat sh her habit of  looking straight into my eyes wh the slight   trembling that would come to her voice now and then (as though she  were speaking on a windy hilltop) - and suddenly her face is there,  always in profile at first, because Naoko and I were always out   walking together, side by side. Then she turns to me and smiles, and  tilts her head just a little, and begins to speak, and she looks into my  eyes as if trying to catch the image of a minnow that has darted across  the pool of a limpid spring.   It takes time, though, for Naoko’s face to appear. And as the years   have passed, the time has grown longer. The sad truth is that what I   could recall in 5 seconds all too soon needed 10, then 30, then a full  minute - like shadows lengthening at dusk. Someday, I suppose, the  shadows will be swallowed up in darkness. There is no way around it:  my memory is growing ever more distant from the spot where Naoko  used to stand
- where my old self used to stand. And nothing but   scenery, that view of the meadow in October, returns again and again  to me like a symbolic scene in a film. Each time it appears, it delivers  microscopic
[ˌmaikrəˈskɔpik]  a.极小的,显微镜的    profile
[ˈprəufail]  n.侧面;人物简介;轮廓 vt.为…描绘    minnow
  / ˈmɪnəu; ˋmɪno/ n (pl unchanged or ~s 复数或不变或作 minnows) any of several types of very small freshwater fish of the carp family 米诺鱼(鲤科淡水小鱼的总称).    limpid
  / ˈlɪmpɪd; ˋlɪmpɪd/ adj (of liquids, etc) transparent (指液体等)清彻的, 透明的: limpid eyes 晶莹的眼睛. > limpidity / lɪmˈpɪdətɪ; lɪmˋpɪdətɪ/ n [U]. limpidly adv.
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   就在慢慢的没有人再跟我说这本书的时候,我才看起了这本书。原来,真的很好看···  ---------------------------------------  
   It is so perfect.Would you like to tell me the english edition downloading website?thank you!
  英文版的在百度上搜索,很多的    a kick to some part of my mind. Wake up, it says. I’m still here. Wake  up and think about it. Think about why I’m still here. The kicking  never hurts me. There’s no pain at all. Just a hollow sound that echoes  with each kick. And even that is bound to fade one day. At Hamburg  airport, though, the kicks were longer and harder than usual. Which is  why I am writing this book. To think. To understand. It just happens  to be the way I’m made. I have to write things down to feel I fully   comprehend them.     Let’s see, now, what was Naoko talking about that day?   Of course: the "field well". I have no idea whether there was such a  well. It might have been an image or a sign that existed only inside  Naoko, like all the other things she used to spin into existence inside  her mind in those dark days. Once she had described it to me, though,  I was never able to think of that meadow scene without the well. From  that day forward, the image of a thing I had never laid eyes on became  inseparably fused to the actual scene of the field that lay before me. I  can describe the well in minute detail. It lay precisely on the border  where the meadow ended and the woods began - a dark opening in the  earth a yard across, hidden by grass. Nothing marked its perimeter -   no fence, no stone curb (at least not one that rose above ground level).  It was nothing but a hole, a wide-open mouth. The stones of its collar  had been weathered and turned a strange muddy-white. They were   cracked and chunks were missing, and a little green lizard slithered   into an open seam. You could lean over the edge and peer down to see  nothing. All I knew about the well was its frightening depth. It was  deep beyond measuring, and crammed full of darkness, as if all the  world’s darknesses had been boiled down to their ultimate density.   "It’s really, really deep," said Naoko, choosing her words with care.  She would speak that way sometimes, slowing down to find the exact  word she was looking for. "But no one knows where it is," she   continued. "The one thing I know for sure is that it’s around here   bound 5
  / baʊnd/ adj [pred 作表语] ~ to do sth 1 certain to do sth 一定做某事: The weather is bound to get better tomorrow. 明天天气一定会变好. * You’ve done so much work that you’re bound to pass the exam. 你下了这麽大工夫, 一定能考及格.     perimeter
  / pəˈrɪmɪtə(r); pəˋrɪmətɚ/ n    (length of the) outer edge of a closed geometric shape 周; 周边; 边缘; 周长.    boundary of an area 周围的界限: Guards patrolled the perimeter of the airfield. 卫兵沿机场四周巡逻. * [attrib 作定语] the perimeter fence 周围的篱笆. Cf 参看 circumference.    slither
  / ˈslɪ&ə(r); ˋslɪ&ɚ/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] slide or slip unsteadily摇晃不稳地滑动或滑行: slithering dangerously (on the muddy path) (在泥泞的路上)危险地滑行 * slither down an icy slope 摇晃着沿结冰的斜坡滑下 * slithering around in the mud 在泥中滑动着 * The snake slithered off (into the grass) as we approached. 那蛇在我们走近时扭动身体钻进草丛中去了.  > slithery adj slippery 光滑的; 滑的.    cram
[kr&m]  vt.塞进;塞满 vi.(into)塞满;强行灌输        8   somewhere."   Hands thrust into the pockets of her tweed jacket, she smiled at me as  if to say "It’s true!"   "Then it must be incredibly dangerous," I said. "A deep well, but   nobody knows where it is. You could fall in and that’d be the end of  you."   "The end. Aaaaaaaah! Splat! Finished."   "Things like that must happen."   "They do, every once in a while. Maybe once in two or three years.  Somebody disappears all of a sudden, and they just can’t find him. So  then the people around here say, "Oh, he fell in the field well’."   "Not a nice way to die," I said.   "No, it’s a terrible way to die," said Naoko, brushing a cluster of grass  seed from her jacket. "The best thing would be to break your neck, but  you’d probably just break your leg and then you couldn’t do a thing.  You’d yell at the top of your lungs, but nobody would hear you, and  you couldn’t expect anyone to find you, and you’d have centipedes and  spiders crawling all over you, and the bones of the ones who died   before are scattered all around you, and it’s dark and soggy, and high  overhead there’s this tiny, tiny circle of light like a winter moon. You  die there in this place, little by little, all by yourself."   "Yuck, just thinking about it makes my flesh creep," I said.   "Somebody should find the thing and build a wall around it."   "But nobody can find it. So make sure you don’t go off the path."   "Don’t worry, I won’t."   Naoko took her left hand from her pocket and squeezed my hand.   "Don’t you worry," she said. "You’ll be OK. You could go running all  around here in the middle of the night and you’d never fall into the  well. And as long as I stick with you, I won’t fall in, either."   "Never?"   "Never!"   "How can you be so sure?"   tweed
  / twiːd; twid/ n    [U] woollen cloth with a rough surface, often woven with mixed colours 粗花呢(常为杂色的): Scottish tweed 苏格兰花呢 * [attrib 作定语] a tweed coat 花呢大衣.    tweeds [pl] clothes made of tweed 花呢服装: He is usually dressed in tweeds. 他常穿花呢服装.  > tweedy adj (a) (infml 口) often dressed in tweeds 常穿花呢服装的: The pub was full of tweedy farmers. 小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民. (b) (joc often derog 谑, 常作贬义) behaving in a hearty way associated with rich country people in Britain 有英国富裕乡下人的派头的; 粗豪的: a rather tweedy golf partner 粗豪的高尔夫球搭档.  n. 트위드, 서로 다른 짜임과 색으로 만들어진 거친 모직천의 일종 ; 트위드천으로 만든 옷; 표면이 거칠거칠한 종이    cluster
  / ˈklʌstə(r); ˋklʌstɚ/ n    number of things of the same kind growing closely together (丛生的)簇, 丛, 团, 串: a cluster of berries, flowers, curls 一簇浆果﹑ 花﹑ 鬈发 * ivy growing in thick clusters 成丛生长的常春藤.    number of people, animals or things grouped closely together (任何的)群, 堆, 组, 团, 串: a cluster of houses, spectators, bees, islands, diamonds, stars 密密匝匝的房屋﹑ 观众﹑ 蜜蜂﹑ 岛屿﹑ 钻石﹑ 星星 * a consonant cluster, eg str in strong 辅音连缀(如strong中的 str).  > cluster v (phr v) cluster/be clustered (together) round sb/sth form a cluster round sb/ surround sb/sth closely 聚集在某人[某物]的周围; 丛生; 群聚: roses clustering round the window 绕着窗户丛生的玫瑰花 * The village clusters round the church. 村子的房屋围绕在教堂的四周. * Reporters (were) clustered round the Prime Minister. 记者把首相团团围住.  n. 송이, 떼, 같은 훈장을 여러 번 탔음을 표시하는 금속배지, 자음 결합, 클러스터  v. 떼를 짓게 하다, 모으다, 한데 모으다    centipede
  / ˈsentɪpiːd; ˋsɛntəˏpid/ n small crawling insect-like creature with a long thin body, numerous joints and a pair of legs at each joint 蜈蚣; 马陆. =>illus 见插图.    soggy
  / ˈsɔgɪ; ˋsɑɡɪ/ adj (-ier, -iest)    heavy with water 透湿的: The ground was soggy after heavy rain. 下了一场大雨, 地面很湿.    (usu derog 通常作贬义) moist and unpleasantly heavy 潮湿而沉重的:soggy bread 潮乎乎的面包. > soggily / -ɪlɪ; -ɪlɪ/ adv. sogginess n [U].  adj. 흠뻑 젖은; 물기가 많고 무거운; 기운 없는    make one’s/sb’s `flesh crawl/creep make one/sb feel nervous, frightened or filled with loathing 使自己[某人]感觉紧张﹑ 害怕或厌恶: The mere sight of snakes makes my flesh creep. 我一看见蛇就心惊肉跳.     loathe
[ləu&]  vt.厌恶  loathing
  n, 강한 혐오, 질색        9
  &I just know,& she said, increasing her grip on my hand and walking  along in silence. &I know these things. I’m always right. It’s got   nothing to do with logic: I just feel it. For example, when I’m really  close to you like this, I’m not the least bit scared. Nothing dark or evil  could ever tempt me.&   &Well, that’s the answer,& I said. &All you have to do is stay with me  like this all the time.&   &Do you mean that?&   &Of course.&   Naoko stopped short. So did I. She put her hands on my shoulders and  peered into my eyes. Deep within her own pattern. Those beautiful   eyes of hers were looking inside me for a long, long time. Then she  stretched to her full height and touched her cheek to mine. It was a  marvelous, warm gesture that stopped my heart for a moment.   &Thank you.&   &My pleasure,& I answered.   &I’m so happy you said that. Really happy,& she said with a sad smile.  &But it’s impossible.&   &Impossible? Why?&   &It would be wrong. It would be terrible. It - &   Naoko clamped her mouth shut and started walking again. I could tell  that all kinds of thoughts were whirling around in her head, so rather  than intrude on them I kept silent and walked by her side.   &It would be wrong - wrong for you, wrong for me,& she said after a  long pause.   &Wrong how?& I murmured.   &Don’t you see? It’s just not possible for one person to watch over  another person forever and ever. I mean, suppose we got married.   You’d have to work during the day. Who’s going to watch over me  while you’re away? Or if you go on a business trip, who’s going to  watch over me then? Can I be glued to you every minute of our lives?  What kind of equality would there be in that? What kind of    draw oneself up to one’s full `height stand as tall and straight as possible (esp as a sign of determination) 把身体挺得笔直(尤指表示下决心): `Never!’ she replied, drawing herself up to her full height. ‘绝不!’她昂首挺胸站着, 十分坚决地回答.    marvelous
[ˈmɑ:viləs]  a.奇迹般的,惊人的,了不起的  a, 불가사이한, 놀라운, 괴이쩍은, 훌륭한    clamp
  / kl& kl&mp/ n    (also cramp) device for holding things tightly together, usu by means of a screw 夹具; 夹铗.    piece of wood, metal, etc used for strengthening other materials or fastening things together 夹板; 压板. =&illus 见插图  & clamp v   1 [Tn] grip or hold (sth) (as if) with a clamp (像)用夹具夹住(某物): He kept his pipe clamped between his teeth. 他一直叼着烟斗.   2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ A and B (together); ~ A to B fasten (one thing to another) with a clamp 用夹具将(一物与另一物)夹紧, 固定住: clamp two boards together 把两块板夹在一起.   3 (phr v) clamp down on sb/sth (infml 口) becom use one’s authority against sb or to prevent or suppress sth 对某事更严格; 利用权势反对某人或防止或压制某事: The Government intends to clamp down on soccer hooliganism. 政府拟采取措施严禁在足球比赛中闹事.  # `clamp-down n sudden policy of increased strictness in preventing or suppressing sth (为防止或压制某事而突然采取的)严格的政策.  n. 꺾쇠, 집게, 꽉 조일 수 있는 장치, 물건을 연결하는 장치 ( 목수들이 이용하는)  v. 죔쇠로 고정시키다, 단단하게 고정시키다    hooliganism
[’hoo·li·gan·ism || ’huːlɪgənɪzm]  n. 난폭적인 행동, 폭력적인 행동    intrude
  / ɪnˈtruːd; ɪnˋtrud/ v [I, Ipr, Tn.pr] ~ (oneself) on/upon sb/ ~ (oneself/sth) into sth (esp fml 尤作文雅语) put (oneself/sth) into a place or situation where one/it is unwelcome or unsuitable 闯入; 侵入; 打搅; 侵扰: I don’t wish to intrude, but could I talk to you for a moment? 我无意打扰您, 不过我可以跟您谈一会儿吗? * I felt as though I was intruding on their private grief. 他们正伤心时, 我觉得我好像骚扰了他们. * If I could intrude a note of seriousness into this frivolous conversation... 我真想说一句, 叫他们谈话放严肃些....  & intruder n person or thing that intrudes, esp sb who enters another’s property illegally 闯入的人或物(尤指非法进入属於他人的地方的).  v. 끼어 들다; 밀어 넣다, 들이 밀다; 침입하다, 허가 없이 들어가다, 참견하다    frivolous
  / ˈfrɪvələs; ˋfrɪvələs/ adj    (of people, their character, etc) not foolish and light-hearted (指人﹑ 性格等)不明事理的, 不严肃的, 漫不经心的, 轻率的, 肤浅的: At 18, he’s still rather frivolous and needs to grow up. 他到了18岁仍然很不懂事﹑ 很不成熟. * frivolous comments, objections, criticisms, etc 肤浅的评论﹑ 轻率的反对﹑ 不严肃的批评等.    (of activities) silly or wasteful (指活动)无聊的; 浪费的: She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time. 她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光.  & frivolity / frɪˈvɔlətɪ; frɪˋvɑlətɪ/ n   1 [U] frivolous behaviour 轻浮的举止: youthful frivolity 年轻人的心浮气躁.   2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] frivolous activity or comment 无聊的活动或议论: I can’t waste time on such frivolities. 我不能在这种无聊的事情上浪费时间.  frivolously adv.  adj. 천박한; 사소한, 보잘것 없는; 어리석은; 어이없는, 실없는        10   relationship would that be? Sooner or later you’d get sick of me. You’d  wonder what you were doing with your life, why you were spending  all your time babysitting this woman. I couldn’t stand that. It wouldn’t  solve any of my problems.&   &But your problems are not going to continue for the rest of your life,&  I said, touching her back. &They’ll end eventually. And when they do,  we’ll stop and think about how to go on from there. Maybe you will  have to help
me. We’re not running our lives according to some   account book. If you need me, use me. Don’t you see? Why do you  have to be so rigid? Relax, let down your guard. You’re all tensed up  so you always expect the worst. Relax your body, and the rest of you  will lighten up.&   &How can you say that?& she asked in a voice drained of feeling.   Naoko’s voice alerted me to the possibility that I had said something I  shouldn’t have.   &Tell me how you could say such a thing,& she said, staring at the   ground beneath her feet. &You’re not telling me anything I don’t know  already. &Relax your body, and the rest of you will lighten up.’ What’s  the point of saying that to me? If I relaxed my body now, I’d fall apart.  I’ve always lived like this, and it’s the only way I know how to go on  living. If I relaxed for a second, I’d never find my way back. I’d go to  pieces, and the pieces would be blown away. Why can’t you see that?  How can you talk about watching over me if you can’t see that?&   I said nothing.   &I’m confused. Really confused. And it’s a lot deeper than you think.  Deeper ... darker ... colder. But tell me something. How could you  have slept with me that time? How could you have done such a thing?  Why didn’t you just leave me alone?&   Now we were walking through the frightful silence of a pine forest.  The desiccated corpses of cicadas that had died at the end of summer  littered the surface of the path, crunching beneath our shoes. As if  searching for something we’d lost, Naoko and I continued slowly   babysitting
  n. 当临时保姆  n, babysitter의 일, do ~ 집 지키며 애보기를 하다    frightful
  / ˈfraɪ ˋfraɪtfəl/ adj    dreadful 令人厌恶的; 令人惧怕的; 可怕的: a frightful accident 可怕的事故.    [attrib 作定语] (infml 口) (used to emphasize a statement) extremely bad (用以加强叙述的语气)极端的, 极坏的, 极糟的: in a frightful rush 极其匆促 * They left the house in a frightful mess. 他们离去时房子里乱七八糟.  & frightfully / -fəlɪ; -fəlɪ/ adv (infml 口) awfully 非常; 很; 太; 极: I’m frightfully sorry, but I can’t see you today. 太对不起了, 我今天不能见你.  adj. 무서운, 겁주는; 끔찍한, 공포스런; 놀래키는; 소름끼치는, 불쾌한, 싫은 (속어)    desiccate
[ˈdesikeit]  v.(使)完全干涸,脱水  a. (=desiccate)干的, 粉状的  vi, 건조하다   v. 건조시키다, 생기를 잃게 하다, 마르다    corpse
[kɔ:ps]  n.死尸,尸体  n, (사람의)시체, 송장(dead body)    cicada
  n, 매미    crunch
[krʌntʃ]  n.嘎吱嘎吱的声音 vi.嘎吱嘎吱地咬嚼(响)        11


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