
关于good /best/ better/ wellgood best better和well怎么区别?填词或选择时应怎么运用?_百度作业帮
关于good /best/ better/ wellgood best better和well怎么区别?填词或选择时应怎么运用?
关于good /best/ better/ wellgood best better和well怎么区别?填词或选择时应怎么运用?
good是形容词“好的”用作表语等必要普遍 well是副词“好的”也可用作形容词表示身体健康的best 是其他三个词的最高级形式better是good和well的比较级
good best better= adj well=avverb
good best better 是形容词。填词就看它是什么形式的空。两个比较就是better,三个以上就是best而well 是副词, 比较没有用这个单词的低频词,记不记随你啦!
众所周知的,出名的 (well愿望,福利+known知道→adj.众所周知的,出名的)
健康的[地], 良好的[地] 充分地 (well愿望,福利→adj.&adv.健康的[地], 良好的[地] 充分地)
辞别, 再见, 再会 (fare进展等+well愿望,福利→n.辞别, 再见, 再会)
all's well that ends well
all very well
as well he (或 she 等) might (或 may)
1. [用于表示说话者认为某个反应恰当或在预料之中]理当如此
she sounded rather chipper, as well she might, given her bright prospects.
be well away
1. (英,非正式)有很大(轻易)进步
if we got Terry to do that, we'd be well away.
1. 另外;也
mentioned other matters as well.
I might as well go.
in well with【非正式用语】
1. 处于有影响的地位或受宠于
He's in well with management.
: 指身体无病,也可指身心健全、正常的。
: 侧重身体各部分或器官没有病,无任何缺陷,即健康。
: 强调身体强健。
: 仅指没有疾病,但不一定很健康。
: 既指体格健壮,又指体力或精神上的力量。
: 指人强健有力,精力充沛。
: 侧重于结实的体格。
: 着重指人的体格健壮。
: 多指能给人留下身体健康、思想健全或品德良好等印象。
: 既可指健壮又可指健全无病。
Well is used mainly in spoken English. well主要用于口语。
以下义项中未列的表达方式请参见第13项。 => Please look at category 13 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.&
(用于表示想要开口说话)嗯,唔 You say well to indicate that you are about to say something.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
Sylvia shook hands. 'Well, you go get yourselves some breakfast.'...
Well, I don't like the look of that.
(用于表示想要继续话题)这个,不过 You say well to indicate that you intend or want to carry on speaking.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
You can lose your perspective. You know, get paranoid? Well, that's something I really try and avoid...
The trouble with City is that they do not have enough quality players. Well, that can easily be rectified.
(用于转换话题)对了,好了 You say well to indicate that you are changing the topic, and are either going back to something that was being discussed earlier or are going on to something new.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
Thank you Lionel, for singing that for us. Well, we'd better tell you what's on the show between nine and midnight...
Well, let's press on.
(用于表示谈话结束)好吧,好了 You say well to indicate that you have reached the end of a conversation.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
'I'm sure you will be an asset,' she finally added. 'Well, I see it's just about time for lunch.'...
Well, thank you for speaking with us.
(用于委婉地提出建议、批评、更正等)那么,嗯 You say well to make a suggestion, criticism, or correction seem less definite or rude.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem...
Well, let's wait and see...
Well, I thought she was a bit unfair about me.
(用于停顿之前或之后,尤为给自己留出思考的时间)嗯,唔 You say well just before or after you pause, especially to give yourself time to think about what you are going to say.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
Look, I'm really sorry I woke you, and, well, I just wanted to tell you I was all right.
(用于更正刚说过的话)噢 You say well when you are correcting something that you have just said.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl/group
The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it. Well, our offspring are, anyway...
There was a note. Well, not really a note.
(用于对他人所说的话表示怀疑)哦 You say well to express your doubt about something that someone has said.&
【搭配模式】:ADV cl
'But finance is far more serious.' — 'Well I don't know really.'
'Go on, Dennis.' — 'Well, if you're sure.'
(用于表示惊讶或气愤)啊,哟,好啦 You say well to express your surprise or anger at something that someone has just said or done.&
'Imelda,' said Mrs Kennerly. 'That's my name, Tom.' — 'Well,' said Tom. 'Imelda. I never knew.'...
Well, honestly! They're like an old married couple at times.
(用于等待他人回应,常表示不耐烦)嗯,那么,接着呢 You say well to indicate that you are waiting for someone to say something and often to express your irritation with them.&
'Well?' asked Barry, 'what does it tell us?'...
'Well, why don't you ask me?' he said finally.
(用于表示被听到或见到的所逗乐并常引出评论)哟,好啦 You use well to indicate that you are amused by something you have heard or seen, and often to introduce a comment on it.&
Well, well, well, look at you. Ethel, look at this little fat girl...
Bob peered at it. 'Well, well!' he said, 'I haven't seen Spam since the war!' and laughed.
(用于表示勉强接受)算了 You say oh well to indicate that you accept a situation or that someone else should accept it, even though you or they are not very happy about it, because it is not too bad and cannot be changed.&
Oh well, it could be worse...
'I called her and she said no.' — 'Oh well.'
very well→see:
(以标准或程度来说)好,出色地 If you do something well, you do it to a high standard or to a great extent.&
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
All the Indian batsmen played well...
He speaks English better than I do...
It is a formula that worked very well indeed...
完全地;彻底地 If you do something well, you do it thoroughly and completely.&
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
Mix all the ingredients well...
Wash your hands well with soap.
(评价)高,令人满意地 If you speak or think well of someone, you say or think favourable things about them.&
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
'He speaks well of you.' — 'I'm glad to hear that.'...
It might help people think better of him.
(用于过去分词前表示达到很高标准或极大程度) Well is used in front of past participles to indicate that something is done to a high standard or to a great extent.&
Helen is a very well-known novelist in Australia...
People live longer nowadays, and they are better educated...
British nurses were among the best trained in Europe.
(标准或程度)多少,怎样 You use well to ask or talk about the extent or standard of something.&
【搭配模式】:how ADV
How well do you remember your mother, Franzi?...
This new career doesn't pay nearly as well as the old one...
Their captain said his team had played as well as it possibly could...
(用于介词短语前表示强调)大大地,远远地 You use well in front of a prepositional phrase to emphasize it. For example, if you say that one thing happened well before another, you mean that it happened a long time before it.&
【搭配模式】:ADV prep
Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight...
We often plan our meals well in advance...
They had remained silent until they were well away from the house...
(用于某些形容词前表示强调)很,相当 You use well before certain adjectives to emphasize them.&
【搭配模式】:ADV adj
She has a close group of friends who are very well aware of what she has suffered...
Men are generally better able to express anger...
The show is well worth a visit.
(置于描述情感的形容词前表示强调)非常 Some people use well before adjectives referring to feelings to emphasize that the feeling is very strong.&
【搭配模式】:ADV adj
【语域标签】:INFORMAL 非正式
It was about the only time I got up the field in the whole game so I was well happy with my goal...
I was well pissed off about it at the time.
(用于 perfectly,jolly,damn 等副词后,强调观点或真相) You use well after adverbs such as 'perfectly', 'jolly', or 'damn' in order to emphasize an opinion or the truth of what you are saying.&
【搭配模式】:adv ADV
You know perfectly well I can't be blamed for the failure of that mission...
I'd got myself into this marriage and I jolly well had to get myself out of it.
(用于may,could等动词后,表示可能发生)有理由地,很可能地 You use well after verbs such as 'may' and 'could' when you are saying what you think is likely to happen.&
【搭配模式】:modal ADV
The murderer may well come from the estate...
Ours could well be the last generation for which moviegoing has a sense of magic.
也;还 You use as well when mentioning something which happens in the same way as something else already mentioned, or which should be considered at the same time as that thing.&
【搭配模式】:cl PHR
It is most often diagnosed in women in their thirties and forties, although I've seen it in many younger women, as well...
'What do you like about it then?' — 'Erm, the history, the shops—people are quite friendly as well.'
Andy's face paled perhaps with anger as well.
除…之外;也;还 You use as well as when you want to mention another item connected with the subject you are discussing.&
She published historical novels, as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire...
It is in his best interests as well as yours...
Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference...
情理之中地;毫不奇怪地 If you say, after stating that something has happened or is the case, as well it might or as well it may, you mean that this is not at all surprising or is quite appropriate.&
This caused a few gasps, as well it might...
You can see he's terrified, as well he might be after what we've been through.
幸亏 If you say that something that has happened is just as well, you mean that it is fortunate that it happened in the way it did.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
Blue asbestos is far less common in buildings, which is just as well because it's more dangerous than white asbestos...
Judging from everything you've said, it was just as well she wasn't there.
(用于建议某一特定思路或行动)最好(做…) You say it is as well to think or do something when you are advising someone to think in a particular way or to take a particular action.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension.
(用于建议或推荐)应该(去做…) If you say that someone would do well to do something, you mean that you advise or recommend that they do it.&
He would do well to remember that, sooner or later, everyone's luck runs out...
Investors would do well to take a look at the Swiss economy.
(几乎)和…一样 If you say that something, usually something bad, might as well be true or may as well be true, you mean that the situation is the same or almost the same as if it were true.&
【搭配模式】:PHR inf
The couple might as well have been strangers...
We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present.
只好(做);(做…)也无妨 If you say that you might as well do something, or that you may as well do it, you mean that you will do it although you do not have a strong desire to do it and may even feel slightly unwilling to do it.&
【搭配模式】:usu PHR inf
If I've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham...
Anyway, you' you might as well stay...
I'll come with you if you like. I might as well.
尽可如此 If you say that something is all well and good, you are suggesting that it has faults or disadvantages, although it may appear to be correct or reasonable.&
【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR
It's all well and good for him to say he's sorry for dropping you, but has he told you why he did it?
固然很好;也好 You say well and good or all well and good to indicate that you would be pleased if something happens but you are aware that it has some disadvantages.&
【搭配模式】:usu PHR with cl
If they arrive before I leave, well and good. If not, the responsibility will be mine...
This is all well and good, but we have to look at the situation in the long term.
幸而摆脱了;幸而不受牵连 If you say to someone who is no longer involved in a situation that they are well out of it, you mean that it is a good thing they are no longer involved and they should be pleased about this.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
【语域标签】:mainly BRIT 主英
I hated the Cold War. I think we're very well out of it.
完全;彻底 If you say that something is well and truly finished, gone, or done, you are emphasizing that it is completely finished or gone, or thoroughly done.&
【搭配模式】:PHR group
【语域标签】:mainly BRIT 主英
The war is well and truly over.
...the relief of knowing that a problem was well and truly solved...
The greenhouse effect is well and truly with us.
还不错;还好 If you say that you like something or someone well enough, you mean that you quite like them or find them reasonably acceptable.&
【搭配模式】:PHR after v
Nancy liked it well enough, but complained about the color...
Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.
all very well→see:
to know full well→see:
to leave well alone→see:
to mean well→see:
pretty well→see:
身体健康的;安康的 If you are well, you are healthy and not ill.&
【搭配模式】:usu v-link ADJ
I'm not very well today, I can't come in...
I hope you're well.
井;水井 A well is a hole in the ground from which a supply of water is extracted.&
I had to fetch water from the well.
油井 A well is an oil well.&
About 650 wells are on fire.
涌出;冒出;流出;溢出 If liquids, for example tears, well, they come to the surface and form a pool.&
【语法信息】:V from n
【语法信息】:V P
Tears welled in her eyes...
He fell back, blood welling from a gash in his thigh.
Well up means the same as well .well up同well
Tears welled up in Anni's eyes.
(某种情感)迸发,涌起 If an emotion wells in you, it suddenly becomes stronger, to the point where you have to express it.&
【语法信息】:V in/inside n
【语法信息】:V P in/inside n
【语法信息】:V P
Gratitude welled in Chryssa...
Her love for him welled stronger than ever.
Well up means the same as well .well up 同 well
He could feel the anger welling up inside him...
Hope welled up.
1. 好, 对, 满意地; 友好地, 和蔼地; 彻底地, 完全地
Do you eat well at school?
2. 夸奖地, 称赞地
They speak well of him at school.
3. 有理由地, 恰当地
You did well to tell him.
你告诉了他, 做得对。
4. 很, 相当
You may well be right.
5. 好意地,关心地;注意地
6. 精通地,高明地;详细地;熟悉地
8. 幸福地,美好地
9. 可观地;远远地;大大
10. 完全地,彻底地,充分地
11. 确定地,无疑地
12. 亲密地,密切地
13. 高高兴兴地,兴高采烈地
14. 规矩地;举止得体地;有风度地
1. 健康的; 痊愈的
I don't think he is really a well man.
2. 良好的; 正常的; 令人满意的
All is not well in this country.
3. 恰当的;合适的,可取的
4. 井的,似井的,与井有关的
1. [表示惊讶、默许、同意、规劝、无可奈何等的感叹词]咳!好吧!喂!
Well!Look at that amazing sight!
1. 井, 水井
They dug another well in the village.
2. 泉; 源泉
A book is a well of knowledge.
3. 好,成功,幸运
1. (液体)涌出; 流出; 涌流
Oil welled out of the ground.
2. 涌上,升起
Anger well up within him.
1. 涌出,喷出;流出
The fountain wells its cold water.
1. a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine
2. a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid
"she was a well of information"
4. an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)
5. an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a plane's landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ship's pumps
"Tears well in her eyes"
1. in good health especially after having suffer
"appears to be entirely well"
"the wound is nearly well"
"a well man"
"I think I' at least I feel well"
"its a good thing that I wasn't there"
"it is good that you stayed"
"it is well that no one saw you"
"all's well that ends well"
3. wise or advantageous
"it would be well to start early"
1. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well');
"the children behaved well"
"a task well done"
"the party went well"
"he slept well"
"a well-argued thesis"
"a well-planned party"
"the baby can walk pretty good"
2. thor often used
"The problem is well understood"
"she was well informed"
"shake well before using"
"in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked"
"well-done beef", "well-satisfied customers"
3. indicat
"I might well do it"
"a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster"
"you may well need your umbrella"
"he could equally well be trying to deceive us"
4. (used for emphasis or as an intensifier)
"a book well worth reading"
"was well aware of the difficulties ahead"
"suspected only too well what might be going on"
5. to a suitable or appropri
"the project was well underway"
"the fetus has well developed organs"
"his father was well pleased with his grades"
"their neighbors spoke well of them"
"he thought well of the book"
7. to a gr
"I'm afraid the film was well over budget"
"painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger"
"the house has fallen considerably in value"
"the price went up substantially"
8. with great or especiall
"we knew them well"
"You would do well to say nothing more"
"could not well refuse"
10. with skill or
"she dances well"
"he writes well"
11. in a manner affording
"she married well"
"The children were settled advantageously in Seattle"
"They live well"
"she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died"
13. without unusual di
"took the joke well"
"took the tragic news well"
1.合式公式, well-formed formulas
1.井点回灌, well-point back pumping
2.井点排水,well-point dewatering
1.单管式压力计, well-type manometer
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基本解释 well [wel] adj. 健康的,良好的,适当的 adv. 好,满意地,充分地,彻底地,有理地,适当地,夸奖地 n. 井 vi. 涌出 动词基本要点 ⒈well用作动词的意思是“(像泉水般)流出,涌出,喷出”。 ⒉well是不及物动词,常与副词out,over,up连用。 同义词:swell 词汇搭配 ~+副词 well out from the cut 从伤口流出来 well over with joy 满怀喜悦 well up 夺眶而出 well up in one's eyes 涌上某人的眼眶 well up inside s
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