how did you spendhow is your weekendd 哪一册书

How do you spend your weekend?
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 11:51
It's weekend again and unchanged as always. There seemed no sunshine since I saw the overcast sky and light rain through the window at my bed when I woke up at noon. I hated to get up for the cold weather, I guessed it'd down to be around 2-3 centi-degree. However,there's no other option since I was really starved and gotta grab some food to fill my stomach. That's really not that easy to get myself away from warm quilts (oh yeah,two quilts) at that moment. I wore as thick as possible, &Damn it, what the hell cold weather is ! &   I grabbed some steamed small bread,and drank some milk,yep,that's the beginning of my day. Outside,rain was still falling,listening to the gentle tapping again the glass. It's somehow amazing. Where could I go to make my day except for staying at home?    I opened my laptop and surfed on the internet. I'm used to skiming over everyday's news and comments. Nothing new except for gossip.I was kinda disappointed even though i didn't expected anything,but it'd always be happy to read something special or interesting.I checked my QQ,MSN and Email,no one sent me messages as always. Fine,time to watch TV show to kill time. yep, to kill boredom, that's the part why i watch American tv shows, and I have been obsessed with How I Met Your Mother these days. Honestly,I'm not sure if it's an excellent TV show,but it's funny, and brings me a lot of funs. I absolutely do not like Barney if it's in the real life,but he made me laugh a lot in that show. Kinda getting out of topic,too much to talk about that TV show. I kept watching it and could not stop myself.    Yep,that's my weekend.How about yours?
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 12:52
  no one cares to share your weekend life?
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 21:44
  to 安城: thanks for sharing your weekend life with us.Actually i meant Sat. and by the way,we are in the same city...    to Indianarsan: you know what,i laughed when i read that you even tried to buy a medical injector to cram it in. lol
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 21:52
  作者:安城 回复日期: 16:53:25        American tv shows...Recently I watched &heroes&, really amazing teleplay.    I am waiting for season 5... Do you know when it will be released?    Years ago, i watched &sex and the city&,&desperate housewife&,&lost&,&prison break&, all of them are very famous, I guess you should have heard of them.  -----------------------------------------------------  i have no idea when it would be on,i haven't watched it yet,and the others which you mentioned, i do know,and have ever watched them,yup,they are pretty popular.and i watched all episodes of Desperate Housewives,the lastest episode is 10th of season 7,i just watched it last weekend.  
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 11:57
  作者:安城 回复日期: 11:28:57        Indianarsan,    your life seems very western style.  ----------------------------------------  I guess he's not Chinese.Indian?
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 12:34
  作者:Indianarsan 回复日期: 12:28:03        作者:tvenana 回复日期: 11:57:23            作者:安城 回复日期: 11:28:57                Indianarsan,        your life seems very western style.      ----------------------------------------      I guess he's not Chinese.Indian?    --------------------------------------------------    You ever seen an Indian call himself arsan (阿三)?   ------------------------------------------------------------- you're not arsan...
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 12:49
      作者:Indianarsan 回复日期: 10:18:24        I don’t know yet if it will be a success. The last batch we left it done by butchers, we took the end product home to dry and season. The result was they all ended up in my neighbour’s pet dog’s stomach, they were too dry and too hard to chew. I understand it’s not healthy food for pets, last week was really an adventure.  ---------------------------------------------------------  lol your neighbour's pet dog might enjoy them.    nice try, I'm sure that you would do it well next time.  
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 12:55
      作者:eillan 回复日期: 11:33:53        At weekend ,I also like you ,watch TV and book to kill time .But sometimes ,I will go shoping with my friends .  -------------------------------------------------  welcome eillan to join us.  I actually also like shopping a lot.but you know,gals are always out of control when doing shopping,and it's better keep distance with those stores,those attractive clothes :-(
I have to warn myself over and over & keep away from them, calm down...stop staring...&  
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 14:51
  作者:Indianarsan 回复日期: 13:49:13        作者:tvenana 回复日期: 12:49:59                   lol your neighbour's pet dog might enjoy them.----------------        Yes, and he developed some eye disease for eating it combined with other food for humans from others. His master couldn’t care less, so he runs wild all day long, bullying the tramp cats and timid passing pets, it’s his territory, but I see he’s losing his prime, getting old.            nice try, I'm sure that you would do it well next time.---------        Gee, thanks. My next scheme is we make our own salad dressing, not those coming in bottles from New-mart, or Wal-Mart or Carrefour or Tesco or anywhere else.   ------------------------------------------------  lol It seems that the dog is a bully,maybe your neighbor should bring
a female dog back (I would like to use female dog instead of bitch,lol),then he might calm down and be cool...        
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 21:37
  To Colin: well, i am actually more sharing my life than improving my written english. Never try to learn english,just use it as much as possible,my opinion
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 21:40
  To 紫颜: what made you say that?
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 11:11
  作者:Indianarsan 回复日期: 09:21:15        %作者:安城 回复日期: 18:41:15            seems Tesco did not open any store in China, right?      you are abroad now?    --------------------------------------------------------------------    In our city alone, we have six of them. You can find five on the map.        .hk/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4CULB_zh-CNCN349CN350&q=%E5%A4%A7%E8%BF%9E%E4%B9%90%E8%B4%AD  -------------------------------------  I know there're some in Shunde
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 17:24
  would you guys feel bored? why is my life so dull? it's gonna kill me.
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 17:42
  作者:walsonyang 回复日期: 17:30:50        To 安城:you made a mistake again,hehe...    in fact,tvenana said before: &...and by the way,we are in the same city...& n now you are still trying to guess where &tvenana& located in,need more careful when you are reading,hehe...  ---------------------------------------------------  no got him wrong,he's asking Indianarsan where he is from.
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 21:19
  作者:安城 回复日期: 19:36:54        yes, u misunderstood me, i am asking indianarsan.        tvenana, you feel bored? i feel just not in a working mode...    but in holiday mood.hehe ·  ----------------------------------------  i got a lot of stuff to do.but i still feel bored...and the same as like you,not in a working mood
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 08:16
  安城, could you help him?
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 15:29
  Since i am too bored,i have been thinking to do a part-time job,what do you guys think about my english? Am I able to be a translater? Is there any translater or interpreter here?
作者:tvenana 提交日期: 16:56
  作者:Indianarsan 回复日期: 16:40:44        作者:tvenana 回复日期: 15:29:32            Since i am too bored,i have been thinking to do a part-time job,what do you guys think about my english? Am I able to be a translater? Is there any translater or interpreter here?        -----------------------------------------------------------------        Interpreter and translator for who. To be frank, your English is good enough, but not up to literature translator, for technical translation and interpretation, you need to have some other major to go with.         I know little of this field, I study English for fun by large, never think of being a translator or interpreter a good idea. English capability is required for foreign trade personnel or some of the kind, why not try that. doesn’t professional interpreter or translator mean you do the hair count on your pillow every morning?    ----------------------------------  I also study English for fun actually,but to be a translator would be a way to prove myself,and to be honest,I don't exactly know how my english is,and I figure it boring just for chatting with foreingers,I have no problem with that right now,and I hope I am able to do more.  It doesn't mean I want to be a literature translator or something like that,well...those jobs are exactly pretty professional.I actually just want to do some translation,just take it as a part-time job,anything is fine,I have translated a lot of international news and posted on this forum,and it becomes not challenging any longer.    I cannt change my job to do a full-time foreign trade job,I love my current working field.    Anyway,thanks for your advice.对划线部分提问(简单的)I often play chess at the weekend.划线部分是play chess常用的提问方式是What do you often do at the weekend?我们都知道,但我想请问,在这里能用How do you spend your weekend?_百度作业帮
对划线部分提问(简单的)I often play chess at the weekend.划线部分是play chess常用的提问方式是What do you often do at the weekend?我们都知道,但我想请问,在这里能用How do you spend your weekend?
I often play chess at the weekend.划线部分是play chess常用的提问方式是What do you often do at the weekend?我们都知道,但我想请问,在这里能用How do you spend your weekend?
不能.这是中国式英语.How do you spend your weekend?是"你怎么花费你的周末?"的意思,周末怎能花费?
针对句子和考试的要求来说,我认为常用的那种提问更贴切些。因为 How do you spend your weekend? 的提问会引发出更为广泛的回答内容。
一楼的你是在用中国是式英语,在美国我们都是这样问的,SPEND 也有"度过"的意思拉
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