you are a gentleman thank u very muchyou so much today[羞嗒嗒]

给朱丽叶的信 中英_百度文库
给朱丽叶的信 中英
电​影​ ​给​朱​丽​叶​的​信​ ​对​白​ ​台​词​ ​脚​本​ ​中​英​版
&embed src='/DocinViewer-4.swf' width='100%' height='600' type=application/x-shockwave-flash ALLOWFULLSCREEN='true' ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS='always'&&/embed&
3秒自动关闭窗口prices are in US dollars&&&&&&&&&&
How to crack a bull whip video & many
more videos about whip making.
I've owned a bunch of whips over the years but this one just comes
alive in your hands, and it's a beautiful piece of work.& Makes my
Indy gear look good, too, don't you think?
Feel free to use my testimonial if you like, and thanks again.&
Happy New Year, Bernie!
I apologize for taking so long to write. I invite& you if you choose
to use my review on the 8 ft whip you custom made for me. I have
suffered through several whips as I wrote you in the beginning of my
order and I can not praise this whip enough. From the time I opened
the pkg I have been absolutely thrilled with the quality of this
whip. You are truly a craftsman, and I know craftsmen in many areas.
You are the superior craftsman of whips. Do you get the feeling I
love this whip? Absolutely! With that said, your DVD on whip
cracking and maintenance is superb and much watched and appreciated.
Thanks for the excellent spare falls and crackers. You are a
I know that it takes time to get to the top of the list for one of
your whips. Please put my name back on the list. I lean toward a 10
footer and I'm not sure of the advantage of 16 plait over 8 plait.
At some point you might give me your opinion and a lesson in regard
to one over the other. &
Chip Shumaker
Anyone who might have a question about my endorsement of your
craftsmanship is welcome to contact me.
Dear Bernie,
Hope this finds you well.
Hayley said&I need to quit stalling and write you a thank you note
for my whip.
I have started this several times and figured you had heard similar
stuff from 2639 other people and couldn't think of anything original
And I still can't, except that every time I pick up that whip I stop
and find some other way to admire it.
I have gone thu 3 crackers and it's been kinda rainy here right now.
I an still amazed at how nice and straight it lays&out and carries
the line&I pick.
I carry it to work every day and spend my lunch break practicing.
I will remember you when ever I pick up that wonderful whip.
Thank you so much,
Randy and Hayley
Thank you !!!!... oh my goodness... Your whips!!...&&They roll out
so beautifully, even brand new.&&Thank you!!&
Well, true, having had one of your whips in my had last year, I knew
you do good work, but having these four in hand at home.... oh yes,
brilliant work.&
I picked up your whips, my whips, today at the post office and they
are precisely wonderful!!&&Thank you so much for taking the extra
trouble on the colour dies.&&Yes, they are each just what i was
looking for in the dark dark single plait of green and of
blue.&&Fine fine fine.&
What a great pleasure to take delivery, well worth my wait.&
May this find you and yours all well.&
G'day Bernie,
I just recieved my new whip in the mail, and it is just gorgeous! Thank
you so much for the quick service and your time to answer my questions.
I know you will be hearing from me in the future for another whip, once
I get enough cash saved up again.
Dear Berni,
The whip is in my hands :) Customs wasn't too high.
I have no words to thank you for such a great whip! I have even tried to
crack it and I found it magnificent !!& I am also very impressed by the
extras: I haven't expected nothing like that. Thanks !
I am sure, that I will come back to your shop
My whip arrived today Thu. May 24!!I am very pleased with it!!I It
is a true work of art.And I just could not wait for it so I called
the post office at 6:00am this morning and went to get it at 8:30am
instead of waiting for it.I just got out side and got a few cracks
off and it started to rain.(*&@^%&$*)But I am very pleased with it
so thank you very much for being able to make the whip so soon.I
will have to email some pictures to you of the whip demo.You are
someone who I would definitely be ordering a whip from you again.And
I have been working on learning how make whips and I got a whip from
Cowboy Camp and have taken it apart a few times and your youtube
videos have been very helpful.I learned to make a shot bag and put
that in my whip from.And now I have a master whip makers whip and
mine is no comparison to it!!
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & &Thank you again Mark
& &Hello Bernie, Pat here, Mark's dad. I am very impressed with your
workmanship on Mark's whip. I decided to purchase this for Mark's
graduation which is on June 2nd. &He was very excited to get it and
I'am happy he is so pleased. If I order another whip I know were I
will be coming for my purchase. And if someone wants to order one
after seeing Mark's I will gladly sent them your way. Thank you for
being so prompt in get the whip out in time for his graduation, he
wants to do a demonstration &at his party. Pat. & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Hi down there,
Got the whip today. Looks
perfect, feels perfect, sounds perfect. Very nice work, I'm a
very happy man
Dear Bernie:
The whip arrived today, and I am not surprised to say that I am very
pleased - I expected no less, and was not disappointed! The
engraving of
the dedication on the button was a delightful touch!&
Thank you.
G’Day Bernie,&
I received my whip last Saturday and I am totally amazed at the
quality of your workmanship “WOW” what a beautiful whip, no
doubt ‘Top Shelf’’. The whip has a great action to it, and thanks
for the additional falls and crackers.&
I will enjoy it for the remainder of my life, guaranteed!&
What can I say other than “Thank You” very much for your wonderful
communication during my design request and for the up grade to 24
I may order additional falls from you in the future if that is
Good luck and good health to during the removal of the old home that
protected you and yours the best that it could during the years that
you needed it!
Best regards,&
Today is a good day Bernie!
This morning I have gone personally to withdraw the package to the
offices of the DHL and I coveted to open it.
As soon as I opened it, I am remained without words. This whip is
made with so much ability to be an art work.
You are a Great Whipmaker, i have read about you like one of the
greatest whipmaker around the world, and now i can touch with my
hands, see with my eyes, &and above all listen with my ear, that
it's right!
You are a serious worker but before all a great person,
demonstrating it from the first mail.
I hope to have the opportunity as soon as possible to write you for
another whip.
Sincerely thanks, Bernie
Hey Bernie,
The whips just arrived today. They are so amazing, and my Dad and
Brother&are thrilled.&Can't thank you enough!!
Hello Bernie,
The whip has arrived and it is absolutely a work of art.
I don't have the words for just how incredible it is.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Even my wife who has
had serious reservations, is delighted, and that is a
true tribute to your craft. Please keep doing what your
doing, I can't wait to watch the DVD. Thanks again.
I received your Whip this
afternoon, I was&quite surprised that it made it so quickly. I just
have to tell you, Your The Man!, what a beautiful piece of work. I
envy your ability to do what you do, It is ART. And thank you for
the personalization on the back of the video and the laminated
picture. They were a nice additional surprise. I will be in touch
soon, I am already contemplating a Snake Whip. I will let you know
when I am ready.&
Thanks, Your New Friend in
Florida, U.S.A.&
Hello Bernie,
The whip is here and it looks and sounds awesome, very excellent
craftsmanship. I got it to crack on the first try!
Hi Bernie,Thanks for the first class stock whip.& The plaiting
is the best I’ve seen…..the color is just right….and the
instructional dvd has proved quite useful.& I am now in the
process of getting my horse accustomed to the whip.By the way
what type of grease/oil/leather dressing do you use on your
whips?& I’m hoping that I can find it available in the US.Once
again, thank you for such a beautiful stock whip
&Hello Bernie, I received the whip yesterday and it is a masterpiece of
craftsmanship.&&Many thanks!&&And thanks for including the extra
Best regards,
My Whip has arrived it is amazing!!!!!
Thank you so much I absolutely love it.
Best Wishes,
Just got the whip last evening and immediately went
about cracking it awhile.& I love the action and liveliness of the
whip!& The quality is amazing and cracking it is near effortless!& I
especially liked the added touch of the engraved plate on the butt of
the handle!& Amazing work, my friend, and you can be sure I will gladly
recommend you to anyone seeking a quality whip!
Many Thanks!
The whip arrived earlier today, and I must say that it is most
definitely a thing of beauty. I didn't realize you would also include
some extra falls and crackers, thank you!
Unfortunately with how wet it's been outside I haven't been able to take
the whip out for a toss, and with a tropical storm ready to give us a
good pounding tomorrow I probably won't be able to for another day at
least. But once I can, I'll be sure to let you know how she performs!
Hope things are well with you and your family, thank you so much once
again for providing such amazing work. :)
Wow! &Absolutely beautiful! &Thanks so much for the care and skill
you put into the quirt, truly a work of art to be treasured. I truly
appreciate your talents, many thanks!
Kind regards,
Dear Bernie,&
tell you the good news that my beautiful bullwhip has arrived
today and it is truly a work of art.& I can't wait to get
outside and give it my first resounding crack.&
I want to thank you for the amazing craftsmanship
that went into this whip.& I can really appreciate your talent
and years of experience as an artist with leather.& You have
made a boyhood dream of mine become a reality in making this
whip for me.&&
Thanks again for this great acquisition.&
&&&&My whip came in the mail yesterday. You know, it's a rare thing
when you order something and it actually comes when promised and
exceeds your expectations when you get it. I appreciate that as much
as I appreciate the superior quality of the craftsmanship itself. It
truly is the most awesome whip I have ever seen, and it cracks like
a dream. You, my friend, are a master, and everyone here that sees
it will know your name. Take care, and good luck with your business,
because I hope you are making whips for a long time to come. If I
were able to, I would come visit those &Wild Western Tiers& and
perhaps learn a thing or two about the art myself.&
Dear Bernie.
I just saw and used the whips you created for, Sir Denman.
WOW!! They are stunning pieces of art. They work so
fine. Thank you very much. He is rather set in his ways and is not
the type that would tell you how happy he is with them.. So, my
friend.. I will tell you he is ecstatic with them and he shows them
off to everyone. As yet, I am the only other person that has used
them, besides himself. As always.. When anyone ask me where to get a
great whip.. I The best whips come from Tasmania..
The best whip maker is Bernie. &
Regards and many thanks, again.&
G'Day, Bernie: I hope this message
I got my hands on the whip this morning and it is
everything I thought it would be and more.Thank you so much for your
this whip is alot of BANG or (crack) for your bucks.It
is going to take alot of practice to build up the wrist and to
develop good technique. It's a little more difficult than I thought
it would be.But that's OK. P.S. I've been meaning to ask you about
the name of your company em- where does the name come
from. Hope to here from you soon.&
kindest regards,
Hello Bernie,I received my 8 ft. black beauty
bullwhip (#2325) today, Monday, 4-27-09.& I could not be happierwith
this work of art.& The craftsmanship is incredible.& It's obvious
this whip will last me and my grandkids a long time with proper
care.& My entire experience dealing with you has been nothingbut
excellent in every way.& I will do my best to send you some business
form Alabama, USA.
Thanks again,Webb
Good morning,
Bernie.I just received the whip.& It’s absolutely beautiful.&
Exactly what I expected and more.& Craftsmanship is absolutely
amazing.& Thanks so much for everything.& I will be in touch with
you in the coming weeks to have me put back on the schedule for one
more order.& I’ll definitely let you know.Meanwhile, thank you
again.& Time now to go and break it in.&
Take care and,All the best,Rick
My whip arrived safe and sound today, it really is a stunning piece
craftsmanship, ive seen pictures of some whips where the plaits are
raised and everything but yours are so tight and smooth its
Photographs can do the colour no justice and looks so great in the
flesh. The little engraving on the end as well is amazing, how can
do it so small?! Couldn't have been closer to Indiana Jones' unless
stole Harrison Fords, its perfect. Its dark here by the time i got
& from work but i took it out for a couple of throws and alas
managed to
smack myself in the back of the ear and back of the knee with it!
no damage done, i got 2 sonic booms in the end so im very pleased
i'm sure i will only get better with practice. Shall be having a
practice over the weekend.
I have taken a photograph of it along with my hat, a rather nice
set i think. hope you like it. also added a wee link to your website
under the photo, hope you approve, if you don't want it there let me
know and i will remove it.
Link to the photo,
Anyway thank you very much again Bernie, keep making whips for many
many years.
Lang may yer lum reek.
All my best,
Dear Bernie.
My name is Gary and i am the friend of
Rick ,& & and on Thursday had a message from the local Parcel Force
delivery office to pay duty and collect my whip, Customs had got
hold of it and it was only ?30 to collect it (About $15 ?) nevermind
these things do happen.& Collected it and rang Rick to say they'd
arrived and was told he would pick it up from my workplace before
i'd finished work.& He popped over and a very strange trade of money
for a snake whip occured and we both went back to our homes.
before buying your quality whip i'd
bought a second hand snake from a friend and been playing at target
work and cracking and wasn't doing too bad apart from the fact i
couldn't ever do a standard throw with it. (its made from braided
nylon para-chord)& nice but not as good as a roo hide whip.
Then when i was alone i began with a few
test cracks and WOW-WEEEE!& Its a beautiful beast.....& then I tried
the overhead throw and it cracked first time.& I am so impressed
with the quality of this whip and the colours are perfect, I agree,
it did need a little more yellow than myself and Rick had first
thought.& It is amazing, your craftsmanship is second to none, and
your engraving is beyond words, as a 24 year old I need a magnifying
glass to read it, but it is perfect!&
Thank you so much for your hard work,
this is a very cherished item already just from knowing the time and
patience gone into it.& And i would be honored if you would put the
picture up on your site in your galleries.&
Its good to know its not just me who
takes pride in the standard of their work (I'm an electrical
once again thank you Bernie, you'll
probably be getting a few orders from both myself and Ricks friends.&
Take Care&
PS& The Dvd is also an excellent touch,
a full tutorial with a personalised case...& excellent
Dear Bernie,I just received my whip today in the mail.& I
don't know much when it comes to whips but I am very pleased with the
work you did.& Thank you for all the help you gave me with my decision
and the wonderful work you did.& I truly do appreciate it sir.&
Bernie, your
whip just arrived and it is a
beauty.& It works well and I haven’t lost an ear yet.& Great sound,
cracks like a rifle.& My little Quarter horse took of like a rocket when
I cracked it.& Thanks again, I will
try to save up for another as soon as possible.& Keep in touch, Ed.
This E-mail is to let you know that i received the Whip and& it is a
great one, it is the right size
and weight that i wanted,and the workmanship is great, I could not&have
&ask for a Whip that
would suit me better than this one doze, Thank You for the effort that
you put into& the Whip.
Thank You again and&i will keep in touch.
I would recommend you to anyone that wanted a Whip.
Hello again Bernie
Received the package yesterday, well ahead of the projected schedule.& I
guess we can thank the post for that one.&
It is truly a work of art--when I&opened the package I was surprised how
much better it looked even than the pics.&
The level of personalization was a nice touch even without a monogrammed
I didn't notice the silver inscription under the bottom knot until
late last night.&
The DVD was entertaining and informative.&
Thanks again, from a potential repeat customer.
Kind Regards&
&Bernie's made me a 4 foot bull
whip and quirt i never told Bernie i have owned many
many whips made by some of the worlds best (Peter Jack ,Mike murphy,Si
Victor Tella, etc )all very nice but the ones Bernie made, were just
that more tighter
a clean roll out and bite that little bit harder when in real use and
easy to pop when
you take the time to work it in right NO sore arms or wrists with these
whips when
you have worked them in a 4 foot bull whip is not the easiest whip to
pop but with
Bernies whips i found it much much quicker to get it to pop clean and
straight i would
not now buy a whip from anyone but Bernie ,i can say he is the best whip
know of plus the nicest man you could do business with and use the phone
and talk to
the man who one day i am sure will go down in whip history thank you
Bernie from
Pete & Denise
Hello Bernie,
&&& Bullwhip arrived today in good shape.
&&&&&& thanks for the effort and care you put into it,
your one damn good plaiter.
&&&&&&&&& I'll get back with you in about 10 weeks.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& take care
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& John
Hi Bernie,
Just got my whip it was exactly what I wanted. I already popped it until my arm
got sore it was great.
The craftsmanship is absolutely beautiful. I am extremely satisfied with this
Thanks A million,
received my whip day before yesterday and it is a beauty.& This is a
greatest piece&in my collection of swords, daggers and axes.&&I wanted to
let you know that I enjoy your dvd, and listened to your advice.& I also
wanted to let you know that if I ever need something of
excellent&leather&quality your name will be first in mind.& I have been
practicing with it and it has a great crack.& Everyone that has seen it has
been amazed at how tight it was plaited.& It's fun to practice with and
makes an excellent show piece as well.& I promise to take great care of it
and will pass it down to my children.& Thanks Again& Josh
By the way you did an outstanding job on the initials&too
I just wanted to take a moment to praise you for your workmanship and quality.&
I ordered a signal whip from you several years ago.& {Certificate # 1238.}& It
was beautiful the day it arrived.& It's also just as beautiful now. &Over time
it has proven to be a quality item that was well crafted and durable.& I have
recommended your whips to other friends and acquaintances.& For me that says a
lot about your product as I do not usually go out of my way to make
recommendations.& I had ordered it as a birthday present for January.& But I
ordered it in November hoping to avoid the Christmas rush.& It was only a matter
of days from when I placed my order that you had it made, emailed me a picture
and it was at my door.& The next time we need a whip, I'll definitely be
contacting you.
the way, he loved the whip.& It is still one of the best gifts I have ever given
him.& He is always hard to buy for.& When choosing one of your whips for him the
hardest decision I had to make was deciding on the color.
Bernie...You the Man!!!!
My 8 ft burgandy BEAUTY arrived today, well before the
long weekend
(Memorial Day Here)
so will be abel to play with her properly.
Really an incredable piece of sculpted leather&&art.
I am pleased beyond my expectations,
Crackes right out of the packing, even with my megar
I bought 2 nylon 8 ft bullwhips from differant
whipmakers while waiting for
your whip to arrive. My rational
being that they are durable and relatively cheap, I
like them very much too,
neither cracked for me with as little effort or
practice as this one does.
Sign me Delighted in Sarasota!
Thanks so much!
Got back from france, whip is here. its
wonderful! You've done a fantastic job, the engraving is excellent quality.
The whip has a really nice weight and feel to it, managed to crack it after
a few tries. Its presented r the extra crackers, dvd,
and personalised laminated photo are the icing on the cake...makes the
perfect gift :)
Sent it off to france, should be with her
shes going to love it as much as me for sure!
Thanks again for your patience and great
customer service ...another satisfied customer.
kind regards
hey it...alll i can say
&WOW WHAT A WHIP!!!& i really like it and man is it loud.... i think we're
going to get along just fine....the craftmanship is wife
says i lost my face, its all smiles.....thanks agin& larry
G'day Bernie! Received the whip
today (Friday) 12-2-05 The whip is more than I could have ever hoped
for the color is perfect it is just as I had imagined it would be
and the initials are very nicely done I thought perhaps the initials
would have just been simply engraved but the way they were placed in
relief form gives it an almost hand carved appeal adding to the
elegance of the whip. It is amazing that you are able to fit so much
information onto the end of the whip's handle, having the persons
name and other information incorporated into the whip like this
makes it self-evident that each whip is hand made and taylored
specifically for that individual. I know that my son will be very
pleased when he receives this whip on Christmas day and for that I
thank you. I am extremely grateful to you for having completed this
whip in a timely manner and for having done so on such short notice.
If there is anything you need from the states that I can help you
with please let me know , and if you and your family are ever in the
states you will always have room and board with me and my
G'day Bernie and thanks
I received the whip in the mail this
afternoon, and it is fantastic! I've honestly never seen a whip with
such tight, smooth plaiting! It really is remarkable how you manage
to get the strands to lay down so perfectly. I also& noted, with great
admiration, the way that you returned the strands to the diamond
pattern at the very end of the whip, just before the fall hitch.I
have never seen that done before. I can't even see the transition
where you dropped the strands into the point of the whip. VERY well
&& As an overall assessment, the bullwhip is lighter
than I anticipated, but that's to be expected on a 6-foot whip. The
stiffness will go away with
dressing and use, I'm sure. I love the whiskey-colored&
leather! It's quite a bit darker than the photograph depicted, but
that's due to the camera flash.
The engraved sphere in the turkshead& knot was also a
pleasant surprise. I was aware that you did such work, but I thought
that it costed extra, like
the engraved bands. What is the sphere made of?
&& The DVD was the icing on the cake. It is both
informative and comprehensive, and proves that spontaneity can be
priceless (I laughed out
loud when your dog started barking, and you yelled at
him to be quiet)! The certificate of authenticity (and mini COA on
the DVD cover) is also a nice
touch. I can tell that you take pride in your whips,
and rightfully so. Thank you very much, sir, for a great whip, and
on a job well done. I look
forward to many years of multiple cracking and target
cutting work with this one. I named her Kylie because she's smooth,
sexy, and Australian! ;-)
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Best
G'day Bernie,
Just wanted to let you know that I
got the whip you made yesterday and that I am very satisfied with every aspect
of the whip's construction and performance. It's a lot of fun and I think I may
be scaring the neighbours with the cracking and my Indiana Jones getup I have
on for protection (hee hee). Thank you again for everything and I hope to be in
the Wild Western Tiers of Tasmania some day to thank you in person. I will be
sure to recommend you to others.
Hi Bernie! I got back to Texas
one day late, due to missing a flight out of Rome - but it turned out to
be& a fortuitous delay. That was the same day the mailman showed up with
my new Bernie whip! I must say, I LOVE IT! It is the finest whip in my
collection. Your methods and techniques are second to none, and you are
now my favourite whip maker. I love cracking this leather machine.
Austin, Texas, USA
Dear Bernie,&
Thanks for the great job you
did with my two whips, I received them today and they are perfect.&
The engraved buttons on the
end of the handle are an added bonus which makes them into a personal
keepsake as well as a useful item.&
You are truly one of the few
craftsmen left.&
Thank you very much.&
Regards,& Ken&
&I love the whip it was made exactly how i
envisioned it should be. the whip is superior quality I would choose him
over any American whip designer. He has my stamp of approval and will do
my further shopping from him.
Jeremy Bloomfield
Columbus OHIO U.S.A
Dear Bernie,
Received whip today many thanks.& It is stunning…. A work of art and I’m
impressed.& (Sound a bit like Big Kev?)& It is a fantastic addition to my
modest collection.& I would like to order another but it will have to be a
little in the future I’m afraid.& My wife unfortunately does not share my
enthusiasm with whips and as such has really bucked at this expenditure,
so I’m in the process of pacifying her. I enjoyed the DVD also and will be
in touch, thanks again.
Kind regards
Hi, Bernie
Kris here. I picked up the whip today from the
post office. I'm sure
you've heard this all before, but I must say
it. The whip you've made for
me is of exceedingly fine craftmanship, and
handles like a dream. It has
surpassed my expectations 10 fold. I also found
your instructional video to
be very informative and easy to follow. I do
only have 1 question. I will
be travelling with the whip in very humid
conditions, Guatemala lowlands to
be specific. I am wondering if they're is
anything I should do to protect
it, or treat it with before hand?&
Just a quick note to thank you so much for the
single tail, it looks truly wonderful, even better than the picture, I can't
begin to say how pleased I am, you've made both myself and my partner very
Thanks so much&
Big huge thank you hugs&
Tracy O'Brien
Hi Bernie.&
I have received the package undamaged.&
I am very impressed with the quality of your
whip, and all the touches you
have included to make up a really excellent
Well done indeed.&
Thank you very much for all your hard work.&
Best wishes.&
Yours sincerely.&
I got the quirt. Another great job. I like the
slider on the strap. That
should keep
the quirt from falling off the saddle horn.
&&& I received your wonderful whip in time for
my Birthday.& It is beautiful.& I have been able to break it in, apply some
fine saddle dressing and am once again learning to crack it.& This time, I
will learn to wield the whip both right and left handed as there are some
arthritic problems with my right shoulder. It has been 40 years since handling
a whip and the one you made is of much higher quality than the one I enjoyed
&&& &&& It may well turn out that I order
another in time.& For future reference, does the length of the whip and the
number of plaits increase the volume of the report when cracking?
&&& &&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&& Best Regards,&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&
I got the whip in the mail today, and it's beautiful!
Thanks for great service, and an excellent product!
I will enjoy using the whip, and hopefully acquire some skills with it!&
regards Tommy G
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Just a short note to let you know that I received my bullwhip from you today.& I really like it a lot.&In fact I love it.& &It looks great and it cracks like a rifle shot.&It is something to use and enjoy as well as a show piece. &Thank you very much for your excellent service.
Best Regards,
I was so impressed by the Bernie Wojcicki stock whip that Sebastian showed
me that I had one made for myself and he just sent me an absolutely
beautiful 12 plait 6 footer that I can hardly wait to show off this coming
weekend.& Super fast service and a beautiful whip indeed.
I told him to pick his own color for it and the result is wonderful.& This
is the third whip I have purchased from Bernie and I can't be more pleased.&
I love it that he sends along a certificate suitable for framing with a
picture of the whip, its number and who it was made for (mine is in Bernie's
file in the pictures area). What a great touch.& Another nice thing he did
for me is to send along some extra falls and crackers.& I find that the whip
makers have also been experimenting with different fall and cracker designs
and would like an opinion on what works well on a particular whip.&
Certainly I wouldn't mind paying a bit extra for that consideration but it
is wonderful when they add it in without being asked.
Another great thing Bernie did was to make a video explaining his work on my
whip and showing me a couple of things about it.& In addition he sent along
how to videos on CD for making crackers, changing crackers and changing
falls (wish I had that a couple of weeks ago.)& Too bad
I can't run outside and tell you how it cracks but the weather report for
Sunday is great so all of you in Texas will have an opportunity to put your
hands on it and see for yourself.
Hi Bernie,
&I got the whips today, I'm still speechless- these whips are some of the best I have ever held in my hand and cracked, you do incredible work!!!, I'm going to show these baby's off at our next &Whip's In the Park& club meeting&and I'm sure you will get a few more orders from some of the folks around these part's meaning the
Florida area.& If you get any inquiries about whips chances are I recommended you to them&and if they know me as &Big Mike& I'll gladly let them see your/my whips.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Take care&Mike&
Hi Bernie,
&&&&&&&&My Whip has arrived and I don't know what to say but &wow&. I absolutely love it. It is a awesome work of art. It has been &fun talking to you and I just wanted to say If everyone in Australia is as kind as you were to me I will have to visit some day. When I am ready to get another whip you are my guy. Thank you so much!!!!
I started corresponding with Bernie at EM-Brand whips about twelve months
ago.& His name was given to me online in a chat room related to Indiana
memorabilia and custom whip makers.& I started checking out his website
Fall and was so impressed with the apparent quality of his craftsmanship and
artistry as well as his very extensive whip care & construction photo
gallery.& I knew this guy had the experience and integrity that I was
for.& I was ready to place an order when the terrorist attacks of September
11th of 2001 shook our great nation.& Needless to say, my thoughts became
focused on other matters than the indulgence of my whip-cracking hobby.&
months later, I found myself unemployed along with many other American's in
the wake of the horrific national events that were then beyond our control.&
I put the thought of a whip purchase &on the back burner& and Bernie
expressed his sympathies while encouraging me to re-contact him when the time
was right.&
Finally in May of this year, 2002, I had regained some financial footing with
a new career and was in a position to pursue the custom whip purchase once
again.& When I emailed Bernie after almost six months, he remembered our
conversations and was ready to build a whip to meet my specifications.& He
had no clue what he was getting into with me…call me Mr. Picky or Captain
Anal-retentive, if you wish.& I wanted him to make his version of the
ever-popular David Morgan whip as featured in the well-known Indiana Jones
movies.& Not really a difficult task for a whip-maker of his caliber, but
my knowledge he had never actually seen a DM up close and personal and for
that matter, neither had I.& So we began investigating online photos and
information we could come up with describing this famous whip's dimensions.&
After much correspondence, Bernie gave a crack (no pun intended…okay, yes it
was intended) at making a duplicate of the DM based solely on downloaded
photos.& When he was finished with it, he emailed me the photos for my
approval and I asked him to send the whip on to me.
When the whip arrived, I was blown away with the quality and how closely it
did match the photos we had found.& But to my surprise, the handle was
short.& By that I mean very short for my rather large hands.& So short
it just didn't feel quite right and with dread in my heart I email Bernie to
tell him that the grip just wasn't what I had expected.& Now, here's a guy
half way around the world from me, who now had my money and I had his product…
He could have easily told me, &too bad, so sad - see ya!&& What
could I have
done about it? But that wasn't the response I got at all.& He wrote back
it was no big deal if I needed to return the whip for a refund or for another
attempt on his part.& He even included a very comforting smiley face only
adding to my assurance that he would rather have a satisfied customer than
easy money.
I prepared to return the whip and before it even got back to Australia,
Bernie received a request from another Indy enthusiast who actually owned a
David Morgan and was sending it to him to have a copy made.& Now Bernie was
actually going to get to see one in person where he could test it, measure it
and thoroughly examine it.& That he did and what he discovered was quite
interesting to me.& First of all, Bernie had pretty much nailed the
dimensions exactly with his first attempt based only on photos, but the two
things that really shocked me were that the DM handle was even SHORTER than
his version!& And the base knot, according to Bernie, had the extra heft of
lead weight embedded in the core.& Interesting.& I knew that the
handle was
still too short for my taste, and I didn't like the sound of this extra
weight at the base of the handle for numerous reasons.& Also the grip
of the DM is a little skinnier in diameter than most whips I've encountered.&
I asked Bernie to give it another go, but to make the handle longer for me
and to leave out the lead weight, but to also add his own artistry to this
custom copy of the highly over-rated David Morgan.
The whip I just received back from Bernie this past weekend is PERFECT…
absolutely PERFECT!& I couldn't be happier!& I didn't think that he
actually improve upon the quality of the first whip he made, as it was
outstanding, but somehow he did.& He even emailed photos of its
to me so that I would have documentation of my whip's conception and birth.&
He gave me exactly what I wanted and in my mind it's infinitely better than a
DM, because it was custom made specifically for me by the master whip-maker,
Bernie the Great.& Is that too much, or over the top?& Well, I'm sure
thinks so, but he truly earned a customer for life with me and I definitely
want to make sure anyone searching for a quality custom craftsman instead of
just a &name brand& knows that he's out there for ya and that you can
secure in the level of attention and service one receives with EM-Brand
whips.& Also because my profession is sales, I know how rare it can be for
satisfied customer to take the time to write a note in one's favor (no news
is good news) whereas anyone who is not completely satisfied is more than
willing to verbally &rake one over the coals.&& Bernie is
definitely worthy
of a little praise in his favor and just in case you can't tell, I HIGHLY
recommend his services!
Thanks again,
Will Grimes
Bernie- I felt compelled to
drop you a note this afternoon once again expressing my gratitude for the great
job you did on my 'roo hides.& I just came in from another workout in the
yard with the bullwhips you made and they are like a very fine wine....they just
keep getting better with age! The more my skills improve the more I realize just
how incredibly well crafted my whips are. I have come to intimately know each of
their individual personalities which allows me to fully leverage their
unbelievable potential. My whip cracking sessions have taken on a tai-chi-like
quality, with the whips gracefully flying, softly cracking and responding
effortlessly to even the slightest command and direction change. I continue to
be amazed as I progress from one level of mastery to the next. You are THE MAN
when it comes to creating a high quality product. Your tips and videos have
helped enormously in their care and feeding and I am looking forward to years of
satisfying performance.& My whip cracking has become a passion which I
believe would not have been possible without the fine articles you made for me.
My whips top the list of my most prized worldly possessions.
Many thanks and best regards,
Hey Bernie,
&&&&&&Just to let you know, I got the Bullwhip in
the mail Friday. It's beautiful. &The& craftsmanship is awesome. I got
it outside and cracked it a few times as soon as I got off of work. &People
two buildings away were able to hear it, and this was on a day when we had 20-25
mph winds. &It truly is an excellent piece that you have made. &I do
have one question though. I called up the leather company that I work with, The
Leather Factory here in the States, and I'm currently trying to locate a good
leather dressing. I was very specific that it not contain any neatsfoot oil and
they asked me to relay a couple of questions about it.
1. Is the Roo hide Vegetable tanned or is it Chemical tanned?
2. Would you be able to use a beeswax based product?
3. And what weight leather is used for it? (I figured 1-2 oz or 2-3 oz myself,
&&&wanted to get the numbers from you first as the maker.)
&&&&&&Any help you can give would be greatly
I just picked up my whip from
the post office.& I was at work when it came yesterday, so I've been as
eager as ever for my lunch period to come today!~&
it's absolutely gorgeous.&
I've thrown it a couple of times already, but must go back to work now....&
thanks so much for your skill
I received my whip today and I am completely happy with all aspects of it.
The workmanship is wonderful, and the color combination is fantastic.
Thanks again and keep up the good work
Howdy Bernie .
I just went to the post office and my whip was there I couldn't
believe it .I couldn't wait until I got home so I opened it and cracked it a
few time in the parking lot, it is great I cant wait to show the grand sons
they will go nuts, thanks so much and thank your grand son for drawing my
name. I have been admiring your whips for some time and they are just as great
as they look on the net, you truly are a great craftsman. this will be passed
down to one of my grandsons and I am sure it will stay in the family ,my
birthday is Sunday and this is one of the greatest gifts that I could have
received, thanks you again and stay in touch.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
well, it's 1:00 pm, Sunday afternoon here in US, and my local Postal
Professional just delivered a package for me (my wife didn't recognize the
return, so she wasn't sure if she should sign......& terrorist hijinks
What a beauty is this pocket snake #868!
I took it outside straightaway in the sunlight and snapped some dead leaves
off our trees (still a few hanging on....).
I appreciate all the craftsmanship & time that went into this fine object,
Bernie.... I like the weight, the response, and I am looking forward to
learning&& how to make it work to its potential.
I especially like its size.& The 5 feet you recommended seem especially
suited for target-snapping (Now, if I can just convince my wife to smoke a
cigarette while blindfolded, we'll be ready for our new careers in show
Thank you very much for your recommendations and final product. I will
recommend your whips to anybody I ever meet who is looking for quality AND
Chris Kluge
P.S. while you may find it hard to believe, while only 1 hour from New York
City, we have numerous black bear ambling through our woods here in
northwestern new jersey (along with wild turkeys, occasional bobcats, bald
eagles and loads of other fauna one wouldn't associate with our
human-packed environment)...
So from now on I'll be packing my trusty pocket snake to keep them
doughnut-seeking bears separated from my cocker spaniel & me!
My whip arrived in all its glory yesterday morning.& It was the first
package I've ever received and one of the most pleasant surprises all weekend.
The whip is gorgeous.& I couldn't be more happy with the way it turned out.&
look is pretty much dead-on and the feel and weight are both exceptional.&
whip is a bit tight in parts where it doesn't naturally fall or bend, but I'm
sure it will work itself out after some regular usage.& I was told you
your whips tight and that they loosen up after time.& Sounds good to me.&
won't have the time or ground to crack this sucker until around the 27th of this
month.& Until then, should I dress it at all?& And is there a certain
way I should be storing it?& It's first appearance will be at my Halloween
later this month, before it even gets its first crack.& I won't be whipping
at the party but am I safe in assuming it can withstand a night of me dancing
while it is attached to my whip holder?
The little bag of extra crackers and falls was a classy touch, Bernie.& I
I'll need them!& You've surpassed even my exacting standards for both
and appearance, while all the while providing superior customer service.&
been attentive, polite and accommodating to the fullest extent, the whole way.
Word of your flexibility, accuracy and craftsmanship shall be spread to the bull
whip buying community and all those I know considering buying a whip.& If
ever need a reference, I'm you're man.
This was one of the smoothest and fastest (considering the purchase) online
transactions in every way I have experienced in a long time.& I will not
it.& I couldn't be more happy with my purchase.& You do wonderful
work, Bernie.
I'll be singing your praises for some time now on this side of the pond.&
certainly keep in touch and hope you'll do the same.
The best of luck to you.
Mark Ceccarelli
Hi Bernie- I have
been swinging these whips for just a couple of weeks now and I had to write you
back to let you know how incredible they are. The more I work with them and get
to know them, the better I get. I am at a point now where I have figured out
that they have an energy all their own. They don't swing, they literally fly!
And effortlessly, to boot. All I use my hands for is to hold the whips up in the
air. The weight and balance of these beauties does all the rest.
You build a hell of
whip, partner!!
Mark R. Ceccarelli
James Wrote
Howdy Bernie, your whips are
really looking great,
I was thinking,
there ought to be some sort of
testimonial page,
from some of those fellows that
have bought whips from you. &
I know, that your welcome to&
add my name to one, should you decide
to do such
That bullwhip that I got off of
you, its been around two years I think,
its every bit as good as the
first day, that I cracked it.&
I've never had any problems
with it,and it is every thing you said it would be,it cracks easy, and throws
real nice,the next chance I get, I'm going to use it to do some target work,
maybe cutting some apples.&
I believe that& your doing
a wonderful job,
keep it up.&
God bless,&
James Jarrell.
&&&&&&&&&& As a craftsman and
business man I'm sure you would appreciate feedback on your recent work and
business with me.
First of all I was very pleased with your responsiveness, emails, and
timeliness of construction and delivery of the whip. I'm writing to tell you I
received this on Friday in the U.S. mail.
&&&&&& Whip inspection proved to be delightful.
Your an excellent braider, and I especially liked the patterned design you
braided into the handle/thong area of the whip. Very nice, a piece of artwork.
&&&&&& Your price was reasonable, and most
importantly your service and delivery far exceed what I've experienced with most
whip makers. I would like your permission to give your name and email in referrals
to friends who might see your whip and inquire.
&&&& I'm also a very particular person, I find a whip
designed to remove fly wings must be very carefully crafted as well as the skill
of the user must be honed through hours of practise. I will not know if your
whip will meet my expectations honestly until it is well broken in. My
experience is this is at least a 1 year process. I shall write again on the
anniversary :).
Robert Duke Of
Texas Wrote:
What a whip!
Bernie, you have made a really beautiful whip. I have been cracking it for about
10 minutes now. My neighbors are wondering now I;m's pretty loud.
If anyone wants to have a very good 6' kangaroo bullwhip, look no further.
Bernie Wojcicki of E-M Brand Whips is your man. He has a website at
I highly recommend him as a very reputable and fine
Even though he is located in Australia, he shipped this whip from Tasmania and
it took only 1 week to arrive. He makes 12 & 16 plait kangaroo bullwhips
normally but makes other styles in various lengths too. Bernie sent an extra
fall and a good many crackers (4 nylon & 2 poly).
All the best, cheers, keep 'em crackin and don't stop til the cops come to
arrest ya for disturbing the peace!
Robert Duke aka Cracker Jack
Bernie,how are
you doing ? well I hope fine. I got in your whip just like you said! I loved it
, the quality,smell, and well braided. I plan to buy more whips of from you,they
are a fair price also.You did a good job, I appreciate it.Thanks Bernie, Iwill
recomend your whips to any body that wishes to purchase one.Have a good day
Hello Bernie,
Just a note to let you know the whip and lacing arrived today. The lacing looks
great and we can't wait to start using it up. The whip was the first thing out
of the parcel, (I opened it) and made it to
the backyard immediately. What a wonderful piece of workmanship. I LOVE it. I
have never had a whip as smooth as this one and that cracks with such ease. The
neighbors might be calling the police thinking it is gun shots going off instead
of the whip. I love the balance of it, the looks of it and I can't wait to show
it off to the people in our group here in Austin, Texas.
Until later, have a great weekend,
Dear Bernie,
Thanks for being so prompt with sending my whip. I couldn’t be happier with
the service you provided. Not only did you send the whip in record time, but
also emailed me a picture prior to sending it so I could see what I was going to
get. All this coupled with your additional time answering my email questions was
beyond my expectations.I have never handled such a fine leather whip before. The
smell and feel of the supple, fresh, leather characterizes this bullwhip as a
real classic. The quality of the whip you made for me is exceptional - the tight
braiding of the 16 plaits makes it feel so smooth yet there is such a solid feel
in the handle - it’s absolutely exquisite. It feels and handles like the “Mercedes
Benz” of whips. I couldn’t be happier with your product.
&&&& Thanks again
for the great, fast, service and the apparent careful attention to detail you
put into this whip. I plan to have and enjoy it for a long time.
Guess&what, before I made it into my office, my assistant called me and
said I had a package on my desk from Australia.& It must have arrived on
Saturday.& Four days from Australia is great, I can't mail a letter
across town in four days.& Anyway, Bernie, this thing is gorgeous.&
I cannot believe how smooth the plaiting lays.& I am looking forward to
cracking it.& I will have to wait till after work so I will give you more
feedback.& The first thing I noticed is how much tighter a grain the
kangaroo has compared to cowhide.& I can't wait to get to know it.&
On the subject of the snake, I have been doing a under one over one on the
handle but mostly just because that is the way I wanted to.& That is how
I do the handles of the bulls.& Do you ever plait the whole whip in that
pattern.& It would be alot of work but would it be better or worse?
Richard Vallee Wrote
&&&&&&&&&&& Its a
beauty,& I got it last Friday.& I have already sent it to Olivia
in Arizona and she loves it too.& I should have responded sooner.& I
like the way you handle getting these into the US.& No hassles.
-Richard Vallee
Steve Wrote
T My baby is here.That 6'x16plt black bull from Bernie
Wojcicki of E.M. Whips that I won..It is a black beauty...
The dimensions are 1& tapering down to the fall area at 1/4&, in
diameter..From 16plt tapering down to I believe a 9 or 10 plt..It
feels like it is shotloaded..It cracks real good...Only time can tell
on its durability....I won't try to compare whips against whips
because I've cracked various whips and they all had their
differances..But I do go to the Tampa area..You can meet me there and find out
how it handles for yourself...It is in the top line of whips in my opinion..I
have to say that Bernie is very kind to give out expensive whips like that and
I was fortunate to get one....
The whip is beautiful,and I broke into tears..Thank you very much Bernie for
that baby and its extra parts.......
David Wrote
Hi Bernie:
The whips came today.
Thank you, they look wonderful.
They are a bit stiff from the one I have been using so I will need to get used
to that but they truly look great.
Any advise on how to break them in?
Thank you.
John wrote
I just received it Bernie
and it is everything I'd hoped for.
Magificent.& There is one small problem.& Unless you're conserving
thinking that too great a supply might debase the currency, I'd like
your autograph on my certificate.& Seriously, I would like to have the
hand of the master applied to the certificate as well as the whip, just
for posterity.& I'll mail it off to you at some point, or perhaps I'll
just bring it with me when I drop by :)
Thanks again, Bernie. Your craftsmanship is impeccable.& I look forward
to doing lots more business.& Drop me a line about the Diamondback
Rattlesnake when you get caught up.& No rush.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
I too want to say how extremely pleased I am with the
red, white, and, blue 8ft bullwhip that I ordered for
my wife from Bernie!
The picture truely does no justice for this beautifull
whip. I could not be more pleased with the
craftmanship and handling of the whip. It was all I
expected it to be and more! (I think now that I should
have gotten she and I a matched set because this thing
is great and I'm getting jealous!)
& Folks, I have to hand it to Bernie. He really did a
great job and really takes care of his customer in the
process. I basically just told him what I thought she
would like and he took it from there. (It ws no little
task trying to keep this deal hidden from my wife...)
& If you don't have any of Bernie's whips I encourage
you to get one soon! He's a great whipmaker with a
great personality to go along with it.
Thanks Bernie!
Take care,
Rhett Kelley &&&
&Hi group,
&I'm Diana, wife of whip maker, Rhett Kelley.&&
&I got the whip today.& It was a surprise from Rhett.& He told
&about it last week when he got the pictures of it.& It was made by
&Bernie Wojcicki of
.& I love it!
&Rhett and Bernie worked together to make this whip far beyond what my
&expectations would of been.& All that Rhett knew is that I wanted a
&red, white, and blue bullwhip and WOW I ended up with a 3 tone, 24
strand, fancy plaitted, 8 foot collectors whip.& It is so beautiful.
&You probably can't tell from the picture that is uploaded now, but on
&the handle, though it is 3 tone, the red and white is in a candy cane
&pattern.& I saw the pictures of it beforehand, but it looks even
&better in person.
&Though I've not been cracking whips lately, since I am
&expecting&, I
&had to run right outside try it out.& It popped really great from
&Thank You, Bernie, for making me a great, beautiful whip that I will
&treasure, always.& And Thank You, Rhett, for being so sweet for
&surprising me with it.
&Diana Kelley
Hey Bernie,
WOW! I was shocked and happy to find that my dog quirt was a 12 plait.
Thanks so much for the upgrade. I had ordered the quirt as my wife's
birthday present to me, so it's even more special. And it's lucky (# 777)!
&&&& I'm very pleased by the quality of your braiding and
the quick service. I've
done leather work as a hobby for years, mostly handle braids. I was
particularly impressed by the smoothness of the transition areas where you
dropped down in number of plaits. Beautifully done!
thanks again,}


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