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My Aba Panorama Tour - Sichuan, China Youth Travel Service
Jiuzhaigou, Jiuzhaigou travel, weather, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan China Youth Travel Service
[Self-Tour Guide, Sichuan]
[Current Recommended tourist attractions in Sichuan]
Paradise on earth - Jiuzhaigou
Jiuzhaigou is located in the northwest of Sichuan Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou County, located in the southern section of Ga Thurner Minshan Mountains northern foot peak, is the source of the Yangtze River Jialing a Zhigou,
m above sea level.
Jiuzhaigou available all year round tourism, still the best tour to Jiuzhaigou autumn season ......
Jiuzhaigou scenic spots: tree is groove (A. Mizoguchi B. Heye Walled C. Bonsai Beach D. Reed E. Ssangyong Hoi Hoi Hoi) F. Sparks
Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Japan will ditch (A Snow Day Snow Day Long Long Falls B group C. Jing-hai hai D. Pearl Beach Pearl Beach Waterfall E.)
Jiuzhaigou Attractions: Zechawagou (A. and down season, the sea B. Wucaiche C. Chang-Hai)
Jiuzhaigou tourist routes (travel agencies issued a day regiment)
Features: This line is particularly suitable Jiuzhaigou business travel, relatively tense time, those who fly into the Jiuzhaigou just 45 minutes, compared to 9 hours by car so need to be relaxed, but the costs are much higher ...
Features: This line remains the first choice for many tourists Jiuzhaigou, although the road is hard enough, but the scenery along the way Minjiang River is definitely a very good compensation, other prices affordable ...
My Aba Panorama Tour
More Travels
Editor's Note: This is the author on October 12, 2003 to participate in Dream Tour &A A Panoramic Journey into the 10-day trip,& written after the travels, or per trip will be the same emotion, the same: the road from the loss of began to spend in the excitement, but also ended in the sense of loss ... ...
Came back had to face a lot of work done, really think that some &oxygen toxicity&, fought on the journey after watching a lot of dirty clothes, but some are not willing to really wash: the back rub is that Geer Deng Temple wall red, left knee is Jiuzhai sticky mud road, is riding shoes Zoige of yak dung, shirts drift out of the room by a touch of butter flavor, as well as the sleeves Chengdu hot pot soup ... ... I miss the taste of both.
If we say that the beauty of Xinjiang, seen a lot of hills because the barren desert landscape Caidui produced especially excited that Aba is beautiful to the people of the United States overwhelmed, and some numbness.
Enjoy the journey Aba I forget time, forget the troubles and forget the crowd, forget everything, really wanted in the sparsely populated of the Aba Tibetan lazy to stay, if not already have a good trip, I think I will forget my idol forget to see Warner's concert ... ...
(October 11) to leave Beijing when the sky inundated with rain, feeling some ash, lazy.
I do not know is lucky or evil, because the headphones on his head looked at novels, and nearly missed the flight gate to change the radio, a critical time gap in the song was finally heard on the radio, so the road from the galloping pace of a hurry to start a ... ...
The clouds from 30,000 feet into the hooded mist Chengdu Shuangliu airport, I stood again carrying his luggage did not really familiar with this ever end I do not know whether there like the portrait I am so dedicated to the city, although the city In fact, with me, and far-fetched.
To see Ran sister, and changed greatly, and some not-phase identification, only the thin voice, and weak expression is also familiar with the surplus.
Eat a longing for a long time but have never tried pot a red, red passionate, spicy people will lose their East and West, delicious people to give up to lose weight!
However, the small brother in law so I have some wine too much, but fortunately I have my own to explore the potential of never, plus a little poor acting was able to muddle through, making a delicious pot left in the mouth until the alcohol has not been watered down clean.
Blowing breeze sitting in a taxi on the upcoming trip full of hope!
(October 12) when it starts on some cloudy days, watching the tour wearing a heavy down jacket made me feel some fear, really be so cold?
I do not know, but watch as their appearance, I would like to have the teeth feel cold!
However, we have a dissatisfied person's bus seat, and that makes me incredibly happy, I like the feeling of spacious and comfortable!
Out of Chengdu, through Dujiangyan, paid their respects over the verge of disappearance Xuan Town, around seven of the eight Shui to Wolong.
I used to think that would be lovely in Wolong amiable, into the protected area after the fact, this awareness was the zoo, a zoo that only panda, watching these lazy guys can not help but envy their lives, do not work is still Queen Nanny, I am Niu B呀!
So innocence big hair, drilling has been abandoned houses to find out the giant pandas as a national treasure the feeling of actually Meisha ,^_^, mean呀!
Into the Ba Langshan later, I do not know when the skies suddenly clear up together with my bones grow soft sunny, the sky was clear blue, I relaxed and happy, pure white clouds were my dream come true, despite the dazzling sunshine, or can not help but go and look around, my eyes how Panorama feature is not it?
It made me feel depressed!
Vehicles on the road circled goshawk flying in the sky, the temptation is the cloud's shadow, occasional Kuang let me speechless.
Altitude rising, my heart is also increasingly the HIGH up the car to the Yakou when the sky looked around the mountains surging, more and more sparse vegetation on the rocks, such as a Tao-like layer upon layer upon layer of straight razor on the hillside (mountain, much like the feeling of Huangshan and Wulingyuan), under the blue sky against the background of the streamer, and Hatta also showed never had the visual impact of ... ... This is the altitude of 4532 meters呀!
Despite the constant exhortations Amy try to avoid strenuous exercise to prevent mountain sickness, but I still can not help but want to run, I love that makes me the beauty of our hearts to become empty!
Climbed over Balang Shan, via a girl claimed to be four best cinematography point, called the bridge of the nose where the cat, even though they do not feel beautiful sunshine, but added a dear friend ran across the hill, like a satyr facing the four girls in general Zhangqiangduanbao's probably a pass Kuangpai ... ... too far away from the bar, just an early close to her side.
Because the arrival time for some late Shuangqiao Gou, scenic and drivers do not carry us into the mountains but let us come back the next day, disappointed I was very moved in their simplicity, the wealthy do not earn, so it is hard work attitude呀!
Busy on a very boring day-long stroll from the hotel next to the characteristics of the local shops, really like a stone ring produced in Nepal, but unfortunately destined to pass by without distinction, and so the store features other again things have become dull them.
But also very lucky to live in waterfront rooms, river Qing Chang is the best lullaby.
(October 13) is most interesting is that in the four girl's Chang Ping Gou, as self-confident, had no choice riding, but from lamasery off withered away to the beach berm.
Walk through the middle of the cedar, the speed can be fast or slow, the pace may be anxious to relieve, you can feel comfortable and enjoy the fragrance of trees.
Into the ditch when the days get people to tears cloudy, with a total fear days will not hesitate to leak down, good news here is not the beautiful scenery, beach wear robes only in the dried tree in full swing in shape, shot in the lamasery beloved bad dismissed out of the house.
(Withered Beach Tibetan charge only five dollars in my clothes costs and whisper say not to tell anyone. I wore clothes to a short self-compiled Tibetan dance, by the strict uncle Zhang Jing, the effect is true) all the way in his heart Grinding hundred: bad luck, how to catch up with a bad cloudy day, four girls can not see the!
However, days leaves people a way out, we're still a joke to help his wife wash the small Tsou, when Apple saw his face like a bizarre poisoning in general, the original ... ... a piece of the original cloud dispersed, the four girls out!
So I picked up the camera and shouted out the door, threw in the excitement of flying across the land, there are also no time to consider whether or permanent disability will be broke into, but quickly get up to see if the camera is alive, but fortunately, it did not sacrifice !
Then refused to take a pain, all apparent seriousness of the shoot of her handsome figure holding a ... ... I also took the opportunity to stay in Guangdong beauty of one of two Apple Xiao Zhao.
Is a cloud of flying between the twinkling of an eye once again covered a four-girl smile, can not help but vision is sometimes lucky, this is simply Session, treatment is not low rating!
4 Shuangqiaoshan structure is still the most beautiful girl, everywhere picturesque, luckily not a foot forward, otherwise than in the film is really squandered too fierce a fire also!
Just before the station's environmental tourist car parking was very unpleasant, I have so far fled to escape the city still can not taste, feel the hearts of the dark tragic, if it be nice to have more free!
Car speeding, Jiarong Tibetan houses, a hundred years seabuckthorn, Hokyo rock, ... ... 11 A peak deceased mother into the eyes, the most like the kind of ginseng fruit Ping silhouetted against the blue sky meadow landscape sense, there are wooden bridges Plank Road, standing on meadow on the Jiaogan quite good, with a total want someone to help me keep the camera, I feel pendulum has begun to enter the professional status of POSE!
Speak louder than words, here is really a good photograph of the beautiful pictures.
Chang Ping Gou like dried tree bonsai Beach Beach, but the sun is now very good, looks do not have some charm.
Ah well, if not afraid of the cold bubbles in the river is necessary to hand, left hand promoted bubble bubble bubble wealth with both hands right there Taohua Yun, I lack nothing, thought bubbles, or right-handed it, anyway, not too many呀No amount of money !
Abdallah is really great Potala Palace, the peak shape, that's how much I would like to place ah, hope that next year can really take place the Qinghai-Tibet!
Hunter Peak grand, handsome, eagle wings symbolize far, the rabbit and peak elevation of 3840 meters under the beautiful yellow and red cedar, please turn Zhangjing two photographers taking pictures, I love the color, the next configuration I certainly do not come Shuangqiao by car, walking comes!
More and more proud of the standards in their own nonsense, I see there is a bridge on the Shunzui Mizoguchi said one: hey, Shuangqiao Gou was called Shuangqiao Gou is not alone bridge呀?
The handsome Tibetan tour guide actually said yes, I worship their own good!
Left sorry: can not see that four of the most glamorous girl of sunshine Jinshan!
Primary school students in the mountains is really simple, as long as a car to drive over to see our hands they have lost something in order to line up a speed of militarization, and then stand at attention line of Young Pioneers ceremony, watched them so kind and I secretly across the windows indiscriminately retaliate King a ceremony considered it, because of this feeling really feel that they have become young and it is enjoying.
So I looked out at the scenery, basking in the sun sinister, listening to the voices of the ancient magnetic Xuan, Longzhen to Danba work towards it through the day!
After dark after a summer where Danba landslides, wow!
In fact, the greatest happiness is the journey safely, and my heart suddenly became Hen Zhizu up.
Danba little town, business is not very prosperous, very, very small facade of a shop can also be called!
Danba night the wind much, I feel a bit cold, and everyone dressed up fullness.
Teach you the small shop to eat authentic barbecue grill old corn, taste good just feel unsafe.
We live in the beautiful valley hotel, said No. 17 was &Beauty Valley& Danba the beauty section, if time enough time to really want to see Danba of America into what kind of beauty!
(10 14) wake up in a restaurant to be the bad news: the road in front of landslides, and our cars have not been able to bypass to open!
I am very worried about Danba see the most famous towers, and I feel the same gray as the weather again.
Because it did not give up a little bit, and Liu along with Aunt Amy went to the scene and saw the tree off the Dadu River inside a wall, suddenly found a surprise to see because the landslides fell into the road surface a large area of the river, even the Motorcycle through questionable.
So the temporary change his mind at the scene look like a journalist pretending to shoot two pictures, it is the towers as a bonus beyond the bar!
Fortunately, despite the need to bypass, they still be able to reach one of the Tibetan villages towers not large in scale.
Dadu patchwork across the Tibetan village, in front of Tibetan houses a spacious beautiful, distant open mouth quiet, rural atmosphere near the village, looking upward, you can see the towers standing mountainside.
Greed is the biggest evil thoughts, because would like to close to towers, but also refused to take a number of elevation, and Aunt Liu pulled through the tie were covered with plants, paths, through the chickens and pigs are all out for a stroll in the village, listening to a small group of Tibetan There is no shy like Teana-like singing, running up the hill.
Finally towers nearby, but with emotion on the towers are spectacular Quemo find beautiful, but came back and found pictures on the towers are much better than this, to have a lot less regretted.
Tibetan village is very warm, actually invited us to their house roof platform to watch towers, reptiles had several group of steep wooden stairs to the roof covered with golden corn, Oh, this, but a good place to take pictures, landscapes towers 1 one in the head, if not shoot a good photo really sorry it was such a good location!
One-pass smug after the guilt of the mind set of the time, we have already late!
So is the way bolted, Lu-yu come to pick us back on the team Yan Grandpa, but fortunately, we do not blame us, to reflect the one up on becomes reckless.
Car out of Danba You Wang Xiao Jin returns, experienced a lot of primary school students, the Young Pioneers is a Qi Shuashua ceremony feel is good enough, but they really are too hard, then the younger children to school every day so far way to go , if there's a bit like the economy can be developed, and so they do not have so much trouble.
But also a bit dark and psychological, if their economies were tried, but also where to look so simple in style then!
Good and evil struggle in my mind ... ...
Meng-solid bridge to see along the way, though also the entire chain manufacturing is far from Luding Bridge is more spectacular!
Our car at this turning to Malcolm-bound carriageway of turning great changes after the scenery, the beautiful scenery of the impact of my eyes constantly.
Although no longer the season pear garden trees, but the Sydney red Cheng Cheng Man-zhi golden apple to also pleasing.
In particular, access to 2 Ping after the dazzle of the natural beauty Let me sleepy no, clear mountain water in cotton leaves yellow forest green and blue flowers ... ... I really no way out from the head in the Amoy words to describe the beauty moment I think that even the blind will be felt in the sunshine, beautiful bar!
Would like to lay on the grass to enjoy the warmth of the sun, I looked at the blue sky are moving upward, and the white clouds, trance in the air and walk among the clouds float line.
Guangdong beauty over there constantly watching the camera, and my heart becomes elated: Thanks to the camera into the hands of the Yan Oya, otherwise I do not know how many films have to be squandered!
Amy finally spoke under beautiful singing, I sing good at the &Qinghai-Tibet Plateau&, usually singing in Beijing, &Qinghai-Tibet Plateau& and no particular feeling, just to show that he was able to cry fills, but when I exposure to the plateau of the With unlimited on Shique resonance pleasure to sing like me vent ... ...
&Dust settles& I have never seen, zhuokeji toast Guanzhai previously heard.
Know what they see is really the big toast style residence, the tall wooden structure, I can not help but envy the happy life from corrupt officials, I yearned to live in a big house Yeah, and then walked through the wooden rocking chair sitting on the floor carved window bar to enjoy the scenery outside the window ... ... Despite the long days, but it is still tall and spectacular spent some of my film, but I still feel it's more suited to making art portraits, architecture coupled with one of vicissitudes of fashion will be a lot of flavor.
Guanzhai Outside is a private race course is not large, but to stand pat here, a good photo or read.
Night stay in state Barkam Aba, state capital is the state capital ah, the luxury hotel level Barkam I really doubt their own exposure to Tibetan areas, so the wait was not admitted into the bathroom Li Dai LOGO comb away.
Evening, the same age as the birthday cake, letting little Zou had a long absence, I eat butter taste, a secretly wanted to take back the rest, I would really like to eat!
There are exquisite tableware Barkam food let me once again to the idea of weight lost somewhere along ... ...
Because daytime UV lethality, his face began to feel pain, in the store to buy a bottle of Johnson & Johnson baby oil, after the cast feel comfortable.
(October 15) morning when it starts, the air was filled with a touch of moisture, distant village in the mist Yingyingchaochuo, riverside field where a bundle of corn stalk looming with one of blazing rural scenery.
Car was parked in a small village called Chung-town people here are really good and generous, loyal to their own home, a large Tibetan Mastiff porter aside, and then invited us to go in to visit, wow!
A lot of corn drying rack ah, the hanging of a golden, could not resist taking pictures into the smug.
There are innocent young master of the big eyes, it is really bright呀!
Would like to ask how much of his eyesight.
The ground suddenly found a strange plant, vegetable and heart unexpectedly long with apples!
If you look closely originally fell on the apple tree, no longer a good cauliflower li ,^_^, did not think too呀!
The distance the fields are primitive farming, hoes and sledge make my lens a different style ... more ...
When noon came close to the territory of guanyinqiao Jinchuan town, small town, only two downtown business district, but on the streets of goods Daoshi distinctive: all kinds of inexpensive metal milk bucket, as horses for sale streamer bundle bundle of NONGDA ... ... all made me feel great eye-opener.
There is a residential street-side windows that only collectors will have color and refinement, and even the side of the washing machines and pool tables are all made me feel an unprecedented novel.
The people who see me on the street is also very novel, I wonder if my messy hair or a body of red T-shirt, I attracted a lot of eyes and smiles.
Guanyinqiao the foot of the hill cave temple there are many pious people rub mud left on the slopes are broken towers, the mountain on the fly with more than 20 meters large streamer with a long, colorful and elegant, and along the way can be seen many with broken kowtowing hand tools used to protect heart, ponder this temple is not very spiritual呀!
The temple is not large, the Panchen Lama said to have been in cultivation here, but the real thing that attracted me by the door outside the room was fine, much like a picture frame, intuition tells me there will be as long as the people to stand inside the same effect as painting, so can not wait to go take pictures, but Yan Zhang Jing and Suzhou Grandpa Aunt shape even shoot under the guidance of two completely different style, He He ... ... the top of the temple courtyard does not allow us to visit, it should be the monks who are living the local bar, but they can still visit the temple.
The upper courtyard outside basking in their picking flowers, lying on the floor of their Zhai Fan, I do not know the bowl detained a container of what kind of food, but we are all an idea: that there must be meat!
So knowing smile to show their support.
The upper temple there is not much surprise, but added the lower the visual impact of people marvel, exquisite paintings on the walls are full of Huan Xifo, hall of the Buddha is probably really金身it, the door on the magnificent paintings, but also indoor use of both red and green, a large number of people feel a deep sense of divine taste.
The faltering of the temple guardian even more memories: stature was wearing a pair of thin big glasses, is a Tibetan head of the fur hat, red sweater out of a dark set of robes, quite old and it is twelve piety and meticulous, and I have been infected with a kind of piety, I think I was again washed once!
Along the way is the kind of colorful mountain, perhaps see some of used to it, there is no recurrence of the excitement as the previous day, but roadside kowtowing to see the two Tibetans to let me wait for them to tread on them, I really would like to do not understand, according to them the law which day to go before reaching the destination呀!
This devout laity, etc. I can not understand!
When I think of the time to give their pictures the car has been opened in the past, causing me to go back a long time lingering a long time ... ... ... ...
Because by the impact of strict Grandpa, I began to pay special attention to the small scene after a small Tibetan village, when I was a deeply attracted by the beautiful window frame, and there is a protruding from the windows inside the head of the Tibetans -- This is a more beautiful painting呀!
I am back to the idea of a greedy, followed is a rare scene - blue skies on the back of the roof sat two lamas wearing a yellow robe, there are several people sitting on the roof to play good poker, This is a rare collision of civilization and the original呀!
I also missed out on the screen when Naoxin stopped the car, discovered that more than around a lot of beautiful buildings, left color Tallinn, the right is the rich colors and complex structure of the tall building temples, and then I here is that even the drivers and do not know who Amy grams Temple.
I rushed out the door when the direction of running back to find my two classic picture of what is perhaps America is really too easy to fade away, so even though I went a little bit of asthma, but it is no longer find it 2 let me obsessed The beauty ... ... feel a bit disappointed when the eyes light up again, I do not know when the same as the magic of Tallinn from the roadside behind a lot of hand-filed out of the turn of the Tibetan prayer wheels, the same Retention very short hair, the same deeper than the bronze color, the same as his face looks like an extremely devout, the sun's Qingsa lazy in their body ... ... how very much surprised that she was such a devout can easily impressed, maybe it is from a reinforced steel frame of the modern civilization came across such a pure place of natural unrestrained person becomes particularly vulnerable to the impulse?
When they find out that a Tallinn row behind the frontline opened by turning the room, I also like them to turn ordinary devout prayer and blessing to those carrying the cylinder ... ...
Perhaps because it is mission of the reasons, the driver of the lines did not seem very familiar with, I would hang around outside the window when the dazzling yellow, I wonder if the driver had a right out of the window shouting what involuntarily turned his head to discover that he was ask for directions, but the that person is really very funny, with a plaid scarf head all pack up and eyes only to leave a small gap ,^_^!
I can not help high-cried, HAOKU shape, I am ready to go back and find an old article sheets, in winter to do their own dress up!
Night pond habitat in the soil.
Some of the world the rain and cold middle of the road stood a lot of loose just provision of good wood, the streets of Tibetan mastiff leisurely Guangzhao, so I am a little afraid of it, from the plains to the plateau I still can not shake off the fear of dogs.
This road is said in the case of the worst living conditions here, so I did not report much hope, but, but, but there are as many guest houses, Xinhua toilets, as well as large double bed and electric mattress!
This accident had made me feel extremely happy!
Only cooks food too, his skill did not amount to anything long to make my self-esteem without a trace.
In the successful Shenzhou here heard the news of heaven.
(October 16) start where we went to a qualitative change - will be the face behind the more alpine meadow, even though no matter how high above sea level and surrounded by scenes like the plain areas, but also there are some hills packages, days clear when the sun shines through a cloud gap between the plains and hillsides, so that the earth has become a colorful together.
I do not know how the driver's mood will suddenly become exceptionally good, even in an unknown place to stop and enjoy fishing, although this alpine cold live fish are expensive, but also so that we become more sumptuous lunch together, but the They too did not aesthetic, and even think fishing should also give us stopped at a scenic places we go, so we have a little more tolerant you will do!
Impatient to return to the car to eat I do not know who is buying up the pears, but fortunately, Aba's a bit sweet pear.
Many of the temples along the way, through an unknown thing not in the practice of the activities of the temple, the very well concealed camera to a shaman wearing a mask similar to the mask, for the past few days of videotaping their complacency has finally succeeded together ... of course ... along the most famous temple is located in the Red Velvet wood up to teach village temple - temple stick care.
Bringing back the temple Bala mountain, high and low size of the different shapes of the five wood and stone pagodas scattered randomly throughout the structure, in the pagoda were stacked around the very impressive enough to catch up to 130,000 other monasteries complete &Kanjur& & Danzhuer &Tibetan stone after (allegedly stone Buddhist scriptures from the Ming Zhengtong began more than 60 stone mason from the hard-etched up to 9 years completed).
Sketched on the walls of the tower are many fine statues of Buddha, but some have not yet finished but there was no hand-drawn colored pencil manuscript.
I do not know why the tower was no electricity, we are curious up the stairs, but increasingly dim the light so that we have to regret halfway removed.
At the door just to see the temple of the monk is very serious about wiping a lot of copper (perhaps gold) system, cup, they said it was water, with respect to the Buddha statues, and can not think of Buddha also need water,呀!
Certainly can not let such a nice background, I am increasingly desperate input arrayed POSE, and even to picture the mood to give up their own Zunrong, only the back of my contribution, I think I finally learned humility, otherwise how can we be willing to do not shoot that Zhang Shuai face!
The elderly outside the temple from time to time we spoke &KAZUO, KAZUO&, like the sun illuminate the brilliant sunshine of mind to many of our contribution to a little change for them, it was kind of envious of their lazy lives, this tranquil and even let me starting to hate the city's hustle and bustle.
Driver's mood as elusive as the plateau's climate, I do not know why they come to the temperament, intuition told me that they were looking for Xiao Wang and Xiao Yan trouble, even though they do not speak, but I know things are more serious.
Bad mood the driver to speed to the limits, so into the film into a film I like to go to disastrous slip past the yellow leaves, yellow and become sparse over the past tens of kilometers up, until it disappears!
I was blinded the eyes of green.
Until near the Aba county, but they were the latest of town on a hilltop stop their cars and could not help but washed off to overlook the panoramic Aba, spotless blue sky in my head, with open arms Shengelanyao, it seems then the trouble could touch the clouds of heaven.
I do not know should be considered in the eaten lunch or dinner meal after dinner, we asked a very cheap tricycle went to the Gelug sect temple Geer Deng Temple, if he does not remember correctly, should be as long as two dollars.
Just still hot, the sky suddenly became overcast in front of them, because we have not yet in place, I walked into the temple together, and Yan Oya outside the large-scale by turning the room, ready to be used where they spend the waiting time.
For this turn through the room I do not know how accurate description is enough: space was filled with a touch of milk fragrance, in the dim light, the size of the material through the tube color intertwining, road winding through the door out of the door simply can not see any to the end (later to listen to the local drivers say this enough a few kilometers! I heard stunned).
We knew it, I do not know is the magic of prayer wheels, I also became pious up, turning the action more and more sincere, I was a religious act that comes from within infected with ... ...
Amy called us to a little faster in the past, saying that the activities of the temple there are ceremonies.
At the moment I walk out through the room was again the scene of the immediate shock: the plateau of the cloud people really can not imagine the clouds as white people relaxed and happy, while the dark as black people frightened scared illusion seems to have fallen into abyss, while the dark blue sky at this time I began to tremble, feel really small, exotic scenery is always fleeting, came to Tibetan plateau, I did know why landscape photographers love to take this route.
I like non-stop chatter as Xianglinsao of &God! Album where I used to think that this color is processed, but now I really see, really this color ah, are they really of ... ... &If this color and then heated, then maybe I will some tears.
I would like to Geer Deng Temple really big, to reach the temple in the past, we really have to go through the planning of a large rank of &district& or even a courtyard each have a &Geer Deng Temple × × ×& of the nameplate.
Not reach the hall heard the voice of preaching, Mother looked, to a very blue sky was blue as the background of the hall sat a lot of small lamas, I do not know if it is not their access to education classroom, but in every Chung, after a period of say in unison, some will call me a little bit scared, it may be a little bit, &pay lip service,& all day long that he likes this kind of thing could also have some really experienced too much.
Hall on the right side of comfortable a lot outside the building, many wearing robes of the monks in the dance, maybe it is for their hair Lamb law would prepare for a scene that contrasts greatly with the other side of the auditorium, saying that Really, waving up long-sleeve Pleated dress in style in no way inferior.
We continue to walk the yard behind the temple, Amy said that monks in front of Buddha is very similar (I do not know why she has such judgments, I just feel great that he be Fuxiangbaliao earlobe.), Then the nerve-tim a photo with him in the past, He was very generous consent, and this Daorang we feel flattered that the Tibetan monks is said to still collect the money then a group photo!
The most unexpected is that he went so far as to use a pure Mandarin asked if I would wear so little cold, because his robe did not make him feel warm, my answer to the fear and trepidation, and then he asked that we come from is usually what is being done, and Amy quickly finished chemical machinery that we are doing out on the back and I better not say anything is not strict uncle along with his back out, I really worry that if I would say go Seems weird and empty slip of the tongue.
Rain, and days become cold a lot, we began to walk back down the street, only to urinate anywhere on the roadside to see too many people, how they would do so if nothing had happened, and good depends on Aba bar should also be counted as major cities !
(10 17) out of so many days, long ago forgotten the concept of time, such numbers do not recall that a few months a few nice days of the week, but I have to remember # # to Jiuzhai collection time, that is, I have to to leave their time, which makes me a little parting, I ask Amy talked to help and community can help # # merge over, rather than me to leave, I want to continue to walk with everyone, after all, a few days off with the feelings, Amy said that she must fight, so I ate a half stars assurance.
The day should be considered a one-day walk, &Plain&, full of boundless alpine meadow.
I like the way occasionally a small piece of green, a chic green, bright yet subdued, in a particularly seductive in the autumn pastures, hillsides there are large areas of yak, yak really feel good stocking, do not have to look at呀!
The way the driver went fishing, and the parking place, but obviously a lot more scenery in all directions in different scenery, Jamal Road, on the 6th, I walked up and down the bridge, standing on edge Zhuangku Qiaolan.
Bye riding across the bridge of &ninja& because of a mystery to see too clearly less showtime.
Days of blue cloud floating around, suddenly feeling came, took off his jacket wear a red vest for the short-Yan Oya help me and this blue sky photo, photos proved to be too classic, and I have never been so natural for POSE too ... ...
Has finally come to estanque, difficult to find a restaurant in town, some people go to the street to buy a cake, I also Qucourenao have found flies in the pie on the jumping waltz, thought the car there is no eat where he continued to enjoy their dance.
Finally found a small restaurant, the boss's kids is a luxury to the table of the coconut milk will fall into the inverted to the ground and then a bunch of cans arranged in a row as the car pushed to play, to see if he was really envious of sample very.
Dinner for two monks want to ride rejected by us, Zhe Xiake good, but also angered our Tibetan driver, he was angry with: even the Tibetan monks do not pull you to do!
... ... Well, this matter clearly now.
TANG Ke-9 from the first Gulf close to the Yellow River, only one will drive to go.
The first surprise here is our Kanjia master to each of twenty-dollar tickets to the 100 yuan Kan, the entire vehicle passed, I love the janitor to commit mistakes!
In order to shoot a very good first nine Bay Yellow stone, I once again humble contribution to the back of his own, I think this film should be quite out of mood.
In fact, the bend would like to ride a horse to ride here, but here's saddle is really unsafe, in order not to damage the back of beauty I hold back a foul significantly inferior riding his idea, and the strict uncle ran a small climb up the hills opposite, maybe a few days because there is no movement, running a little bit of time to breathe a little bit tired, but stand tall is to see far ahead, crystal wrapped with the green, but green is also left to extend the crystal, although there is no sun to line the river flowing dye Gold red, but it's spectacular enough to make me speechless in.
Gansu is the opposite, I wonder if the other side of the villagers could not tear my throat ah ah Nengtingdedao the shouting, I heard the echo of his long delay was very proud of.
Approaching when we bought Zoige a sheep at night to eat Kaoquan Yang!
Here is a bit like sheep, the long stretched curly ram's horn, and they are really good-looking face and long, but the price of sheep is very expensive, 810!
There are steppe nomads in the car at the exchange with us, obviously, if they so wish, and Yan Liu Aunt Uncle best hope to take root in the Ruoergai grassland, really want them to stay, so that next time again come to visit relatives in the name should be would be more comfortable.
Wang came to the agency to play for a long time inside the phone, I have a bad hunch, indeed, as I expected I have to turn groups, although at the most a start this is my choice, but at this moment I really regret it, but also Well, behind the trip is the same, we also have the opportunity to meet, in me, which can be considered a kind of comfort, so it gave me like a show their lamb, though extremely expensive processing fees lamb clutch good to eat, but I还是不舍得……看上去特别年轻却是同龄的邹姓开心夫妇,不喜欢讲普通话却被我不停喊作美女的江门姐妹,对摄影有独到见解的老玩家苏州的叔叔阿姨,比我更幽默的来自香港的朋友,鬼附身一样不定期发神经的刘大婶,每天都可以让我在房间学习摄影构图的严大爷,为了事业牺牲原本肤色的小王,还有我不太喜欢但确实技术过硬的司机。 晚上有点拉肚子,逛街的时候老想往回跑,不过若尔盖的月亮很圆很亮,和刘大婶拍月光下的合影时很想摆出时尚杂志的效果,严大爷却问我,你们还在闹别扭呢?看来这辈子他是没办法搞专业的艺术人像摄影了,可惜呀!
(10月18日)若尔盖的早餐很便宜,先是江门美女请我们吃的若尔盖大饼,味道不错,还有若尔盖宾馆对面小餐馆的正宗酥油茶,味道很好,打酥油茶的老板可是如假包换的正宗丹巴美女哟!顿觉象捞了老本一样的兴奋…… 也许是老天觉得我们的运气太好了,也许是老天知道我要离开了,所以一天都没有出太阳,空气里面湿湿的有点冷。车子在若尔盖的草原和湿地里穿行,偶尔可以见到一片小鸟飞过,湿地很美,又想到自己几年都没有兑现的愿望,一定要在秋季去盘锦看看红色的湿地呀!途径湿地会有不好走的地方,在大家屏住呼吸极其紧张的看着司机通过一处险境后,由衷的鼓掌表示感谢,^_^,这种表达方式以前没想过,回去以后可以好好发扬一下。这一路上最美的当属湿地的滋润和红原的红色,一路上只在刘大婶的强烈要求下停了一下,说实话停的地方真不怎么样,好的风景已经错过去了,懒得再在这里拍些什么。几天下来我已经迷上了在家里几乎不听的藏歌,CD机里几乎就没再给我的偶像留机会,即使是极不喜欢的韩红也变得有味道起来。大家第一次肆无忌惮的在车上唱歌,不过一切来得晚了一点。 车子很快就到了川主寺,也就是说离九寨已经很近了,对我来说离失落也更近了。川主寺已经变得繁华了很多,经商的老板大都变成了外地人,很难再去寻觅三年前的那种民族风情。吃饭的时候鼓动刘大婶到旁桌去推销我们吃剩下的烤羊腿,毕竟价格昂贵,白白浪费了她一张利嘴,可惜呀。终于可以在地面拍红军纪念碑了,只是不断加强的商业味道冲淡了红军长征的神圣。到九寨的路变得越来越好走,当然也越来越没有味道,原始森林已经被高尔夫球场一样平整的草坪夺去了风采,越来越精致的路牌让我几乎误以为是公交车站,还有在沟口看到乌漾乌漾的人群让我对九寨少了几许期待,我是专门选的淡季呀,怎么还有这么多人? 晚上到街上喝了青稞酒,很纯净而且有点甜。这里的小店只剩下全国通售的商品出售了。 我因为##的到来真的离队了……那边的导游很是厉害,他在车上就鼓动大家报名去看第二天的表演了,我知道以后觉得不值就和##商量不去看,等我再到楼下找到他,他已经把票都买到手了……高,实在是高!都不给你反悔的机会!
(10月19日)来九寨的人太多了,说是摩肩接踵绝不为过,越发平整的公路和更加高级的观光车让我怀疑这还是不是九寨,天上没有太阳,我的心里也少了阳光。好在九寨就是九寨,从芦苇海开始我又被九寨深秋的香艳所征服了,这种征服是彻头彻尾的,没有委屈的。尽管已经是第三次相见,但是这种未曾经过的季节与色彩让我对九寨的山水多了初次相见的莫名与激动,眼光依旧四处的猎艳着,越是美不胜收就越是觉得词汇这东西的苍白空洞,我绞尽脑汁也再想不出恰当的词语来描述此情此景,这里的景色是货真价实的,他们只属于童话般的九寨,只有身处深秋九寨的人才能感受无穷魅力,只是我多渴望九寨再恢复一些以前的自然风情呀! 从长海下来的时候又和大家汇合了,高兴之余觉得大家的速度太慢,尤其江门的美女死活不听我劝告依旧悠闲自得。很担心这种光线会逛不完,就和##加速了起来,我们尽量多的选择走路,毕竟太多的美景不在观光车的停车处。才出原始森林难得的一点阳光就又躲避了起来,尽管我们很先知的带了雨衣,可是一路都在心里默念:我的雨衣是用来防寒的,千万不要用来防水呀!我想一定是我的法力还不够,天还是下雨了。或许一个好天气九寨的山水应该更加姿色诱人吧!我们的时间把握得比较好,多走路与巧坐车结合起来,终于在光线消失以前看到了所有应该欣赏的景致,这一天的口头禅全都变成了:哎呀,贼美呀! 看过风景之后又变得内疚起来,因为不得不去看演出,只能和大家的青稞酒之约爽约了……九点的街上我们点了一点烤羊排,价格比我们的羊腿还要贵,不过味道真的很好又酥又脆,只是我忘了##不吃羊肉,我是怎么了,怎么老犯错误呢?
(10月20日)不出所料,导游拉着我们先去购物了,价格有点邪乎,只在里面尝了一点免费食品就出来了,在外面买了一杯价格更离谱的青稞酥油茶,怎么和庙会上的油面茶汤一个味,绝对没有在若尔盖喝到酥油茶的美味,我想我们被骗了。 去黄龙的路况有了翻天覆地的变化,平坦安全了很多。这边车上很多人在去黄龙的路上有了高原反应,这才多高,他们的素质不行呀!其实我也在担心##的心脏会承受不了,还好,没出任何问题。第一次站在地面上欣赏雪宝顶,觉得少了许多神秘,少了第一次坐在车里抢拍雪宝顶日出的刺激。黄龙还是那个黄龙,只是这个季节不对,很多地方没有了水也就缺失了几分应有的姿色,川流不息的人流很仗义的帮我节约了很多胶卷,当然也很好的锻炼了我抢拍照片和即时构图的本领,看来逆境确实能让人成长。最美的还是五彩池,一路攀爬的辛苦就在见到它的一霎那消失了。在黄龙寺又和大家见面了,只是我不能摘下我的太阳镜,因为不断的擦眼屎使我的眼角都快要擦烂了,糊满眼屎的烂眼睛真的煞风景,香港的李先生还很好心的递卫生纸给我让我擦一下,真的好尴尬!回到车上赶快摘下镜片,好舒服呀!我想大概是前几天在壤塘嫌水凉没洗干净手就去摸镜片的结果,医生让我至少两个月不可以再戴隐形眼镜了! 下了山离天黑也不远了,我还想给##介绍一下沿途的一些景致趣事呢,誰知景点还没看到天就黑了,伸手不见六指呀,我的表现欲再次受到严重挫伤。住到羌凤楼,其实我很想到贵宾楼去凑热闹。
(10月21日)天还是阴沉沉的,想到又要回去上班了人就变得懒懒的。对购物的行程不感兴趣,还是喜欢路边的野摊,最兴奋的还是又买到了好吃的野猕猴桃,好吃的不得了! 下午去了都江堰,我不喜欢历史,就像是凑热闹,去了个心愿,唯一的感受就是:哎呀妈呀!他们也贼聪明了!回来的中巴车开的很慢,越坐心越急,我怕赶不上晚上的火锅。还好吉人自有天相,我终于赶上了!很想给大家唱周华健的《一起吃苦的幸福》,很贴切呀,虽然是分别的晚餐,可我还是很期待下一次的相遇,最好在西藏,对,就在西藏! 又去吃了最正宗的串串香,虽然很便宜,而且绝对辣的过瘾呀!一直吃到撑得腰酸背疼,我们决定不管三七二十一走路回宾馆,夜晚的成都我一样喜欢!
(10月22日)例行公事一样的又去了杜甫草堂,武候祠和青羊宫,说真的,我一个也不喜欢,还在怀念没有商业氛围的藏族村寨,怀念大家嘻嘻哈哈的快乐旅程。中午在青羊宫去吃素斋,看到菜谱差点没吓死我,一个比一个荤,后来才知道全是荤名素菜,我们要了天下鱼和旺财鸡,其时就是一个是豆腐一个是面筋,这么贵得离谱的豆腐和面筋还是第一次吃,或许是因为菜名比较吉利吧,不过味道还好。 准备去机场的路上打了一辆特神的出租车,和司机乱七八糟的侃了一路,他还很有意思的给我留了电话,我也希望还能早点再回成都,再来这个我深深爱上的城市…… 回来以后刚好有个同学聚会,分别五年的小顾问我保持青春的秘诀,我说要洗心,就是每年进一次没有商业的藏区或者类似的少数民族地区,让那种真诚与纯朴洗刷自己的心灵与灵魂……但愿大家明年还能去洗自己…… 仅以此烂文纪念我在阿坝的快乐生活! ---- 编者注:这是作者于日参加梦之旅“走进阿阿全景之旅10日游”后所写的游记
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