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Pseudofam: the pseudogene families database.
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2009 J37(Database issue):D738-43. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkn758. Epub
2008 Oct 28.Pseudofam: the pseudogene families database.1, , , , , , .1Program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA.AbstractPseudofam ( is a database of pseudogene families based on the protein families from the Pfam database. It provides resources for analyzing the family structure of pseudogenes including query tools, statistical summaries and sequence alignments. The current version of Pseudofam contains more than 125,000 pseudogenes identified from 10 eukaryotic genomes and aligned within nearly 3000 families (approximately one-third of the total families in PfamA). Pseudofam uses a large-scale parallelized homology search algorithm (implemented as an extension of the PseudoPipe pipeline) to identify pseudogenes. Each identified pseudogene is assigned to its parent protein family and subsequently aligned to each other by transferring the parent domain alignments from the Pfam family. Pseudogenes are also given additional annotation based on an ontology, reflecting their mode of creation and subsequent history. In particular, our annotation highlights the association of pseudogene families with genomic features, such as segmental duplications. In addition, pseudogene families are associated with key statistics, which identify outlier families with an unusual degree of pseudogenization. The statistics also show how the number of genes and pseudogenes in families correlates across different species. Overall, they highlight the fact that housekeeping families tend to be enriched with a large number of pseudogenes.PMID:
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC2686518 The generation of pseudofam. (1) Identify pseudogenes by existing proteins of the genome. (2) Map all the parent proteins to their protein families. (3) Assign the identified pseudogenes to their parent protein families. (4) Align the pseudogenes in each family to build the pseudogene families. (5) Calculate the key statistics for the families and organize the data into the Pseudofam database.Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 J37(Database issue):D738-D743.The alignment of pseudogene family. Each pseudogene in a family is first aligned to its parent protein. Then, the pseudogene alignment is aligned with the parent protein domain by transferring the corresponding alignment from the Pfam multiple alignments. At last, all the aligned pseudogene domains, including their aligned parent protein domains, will be adjusted together to generate the final alignment.Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 J37(Database issue):D738-D743.The Pseudogene family ontology. An upper ontology that describes the various relationships between a pseudogene family and other genomic elements. The solid lines represent direct relationships and the dashed lines represent inferred or indirect relationships. The core part is represented in blue, while the well-established relationships are in dark gray and the secondary aspects of a pseudogene family are in light gray. For detailed concepts and relationships about pseudogene, see Supplementary Figure S1.Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 J37(Database issue):D738-D743.Publication TypesMeSH TermsSubstancesGrant SupportFull Text SourcesOther Literature Sources
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External link. Please review our .推荐:Tory Burch THE FIRST FRAGRANCE_香水吧_百度贴吧
一直对Tory Burch很有好感,之前在杂志试香片上闻到THE FIRST FRAGRANCE觉得很不错(但是试香片一向作不得准……),所以前几天在Nordstrom买东西选小样就选了这个。这是他家第一款香水,和EL家合作推出的,本来也没抱太大希望,但是一试之下十分舒畅……顿时抚慰了我被JM白茉莉薄荷蹂躏的心。SEPHORA上简介如下:The first fragrance from Tory Burch captures classic elements in unexpected ways: feminine and tomboy, easy and polished. Floral peony and tuberose blend with crisp citrus notes of grapefruit and neroli anchored by earthy vetiver—a bright and complex mix. The fragrance comes in a super chic glass bottle with a signature fretwork top. 调子有:Neroli, Grapefruit, Cassis, Bergamot, Peony, Tuberose, Jasmine Sambac, Vetiver, Sandalwood.可以看出这款是成熟女性美中又略带中性小调皮,花香调混柑橘调让人觉得清爽舒泰之中又有女性的娇柔。前中调都非常干净可人,后调是沉郁缠绵的花香,像阳光泼洒后温暖安静的夕阳。有人说这款味道和CHOLE有点像,我觉得其实不像啦~虽然感觉都比较年轻,但是CHOLE要比这款女性很多,就像白衣长裙的女神姐姐……而TORY BURCH则是更加活泼灵动的硬妹纸OR小蓝僧而且TB后调没有CHOLE的甜,显然更得我心啊哈哈哈(手上大瓶的CHOLE默默地在鞭笞我TAT)。留香时间两款倒是都差不多。目前推出的有30ML,50ML,100ML三种规格,官网和百货售价分别为税前60,82和110刀。和JM家差不多~还有身体乳什么的……其实我真心觉得如果在北方的妹纸,冬天时间如此长真心可以入手身体乳,身体乳留香还不错,晚上抹了好安眠。我当初入了CHOLE之后马上又入了同款身体乳……嗯说了半天,这货长这样:
LZ挽尊= =如果说CHOLE是林志玲或者高圆圆,那么TORY BURCH就是(年轻时的)周迅或者桂纶镁
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   While New York, London, Milan and Paris have been hosting (or are about to host) the autumn/winter 2013 womenswear shows, fragrance counters everywhere are unveiling their candidates for spring/summer. And while &summer& and &celebrity& have been the dominant trends of the 200-plus perfume launches that happen annually, this time two identifiable olfactory themes stand out: oud (a rich scent from the resin of the Agar tree) and nude.
Nude is so soft and subtle that you have to be up close and
oud is rich, sensual and, while not quite in the 1980s &enters a room before you do& category, makes an obvious statement. What gives the trends weight is that they both have not only heritage & the clean scents of Asia and the heavy perfumes of Arabia & but a modern global market dimension too.
&For 20 years, the trend has been for fruity, floral scents aimed at US and European women who prefer those toiletry-style fragrances,& says Francis Kurkdjian, one of the world&s master perfumers. &But Arabia and Asia are where the luxury markets are now, so perfumers have to adapt accordingly.&
&在过去的20年中,对于偏爱化妆品风格的欧美市场的女性来说,最主流的是水果和花香。&世界香氛大师弗朗西斯?库尔吉安(Francis Kurkdjian)说道,&但是如今阿拉伯和亚洲已经成为了奢侈品的重要市场,因此香水也不得不做出相应的调整。&
Not that these scents are being created solely as a cash cow. &We&re saturated in fruity florals and now want to smell things that are different,& says Trudi Loren, Est&e Lauder&s vice-president for corporate fragrance development. &Consumers are influenced by the aromas of places where they travel, and by the fragrances worn by women who visit our countries too, so they&re looking for something interesting but wearable.&
这些香氛的研发也不仅仅是为了被当作摇钱树。&我们一直沉浸在花果香气中,而现在想要闻到一些不一样的味道。&雅诗兰黛负责香氛研发部门的副总裁特鲁?罗兰(Trudi Loren)这么说道,&消费者会受到旅行目的地的当地气味的影响,同样,也会受到一位光顾过我们专柜的女士所使用的香水影响,于是,他们也会去寻找那些自己感兴趣的,且实用的香氛。&
Oud fragrances, with their intense, smoky woodiness, are becoming such a mainstay of modern perfumery that Kurkdjian is convinced they will eventually become a new fragrance category. &They are more than a passing trend,& he says. &Oud started out as something quite alien, outside the classic western fragrance families, but as our noses have become accustomed to it, we&ve fallen in love with the note.&
Perfect for the Gulf region, where women in traditional dress use fragrance as a way of expression, but in the past considered too overpowering for European sensibilities, oud has been modified by contemporary perfumers who blend it with softening floral notes, fruits and spices so there&s a familiarity within the intrigue. Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud (£190), for example, combines the ingredient with patchouli as well as cedarwood and saffron while Jo Malone Velvet Rose and Oud Cologne Intense (£95) has a sparkling quality thanks to bergamot and ginger lily.
对于海湾地区身着传统服饰的女性来说,沉香是她们表达自我最完美的方式之一,但是对于久经香水的欧洲女性来说,它还需要被改进得更为有现代感,加入使之变得柔和的花果和其他一些香料的味道,让人有种似曾相识之感。比如Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud (售价190英镑),便在其加入了广藿香、雪松以及藏红花,使之更为性感;而Jo Malone Velvet Rose and Oud Cologne Intense (售价95英镑)则由于加入佛手柑和野姜花而显得与众不同。
Approaching oud as a unisex scent, Tom Ford Private Blend Oud Wood (£135), Aramis Perfume Calligraphy (£105), and Dior La Collection Priv&e Oud Ispahan (£125) all use more masculine notes, including lemon, cardamom, amber and vetiver.
为了让沉香更为中性,Tom Ford Private Blend Oud Wood (售价135英镑)、Aramis Perfume Calligraphy (售价105英镑),还有Dior La Collection Priv&e Oud Ispahan (售价125英镑)都加入了其他更为阳刚的香氛,比如柠檬、小豆蔻、琥珀还有岩兰草。
At the opposite end of the scent spectrum, Asian-inspired nude fragrances are having a nascent moment too. &The olfactory taste in the east is for fluid, transparent scents that are not invasive,& says Lauder&s Loren. &Cultural etiquette is not to intrude on someone else&s space with a fragrance, but wear it to enhance the essence of clean skin.&
Besides, in a climate that is persistently hot and humid, a blend of light notes is essential. &In Asia, perfumers often use florals, but they are treated very differently so they have a sheer, airy quality,& says Loren.
&For western tastes we can boost those notes so they still have that airy feel, but with a hint of warmth and sensuality for more impact.&
With the addition of neroli and lily of the valley, Philosophy&s Living Grace (£32) calls to mind slipping between freshly washed sheets, while Diptyque&s L&Eau du Trente-Quatre (from £60) takes the luminosity of bergamot and verbena and then spices it up with skin-hugging nutmeg and musk.
在加入了橙花和铃兰之后,Philosophy的Living Grace (售价32英镑)就像新洗过的床单一样让人放松,而Diptyque的L&Eau du Trente-Quatre (售价60英镑起)则是充分混合了佛手柑、马鞭草、肉豆蔻和麝香。
Honey and jasmine give warmth to Issey Miyake L&Eau d&Issey Absolue (from £35, available mid-February) and jasmine also forms the centrepiece of Nasomatto Nuda (£128), which smells as seductive as it sounds. Finally, taking the scent a step further, Guerlain&s Elixirs Charnels Eau de Lingerie (£60, from Harrods) blends vanilla, pink iris and sandalwood into a subtle aroma, created specially for spritzing over your finest underwear. (Really.)
蜂蜜和茉莉花为Issey Miyake L&Eau d&Issey Absolue (售价35英镑起)带来了暖意,而茉莉花也同样是Nasomatto Nuda (售价128英镑)的主力调香,使之闻起来就跟它的名字一样迷人。
For those who respond to both fragrance extremes, and don&t want to choose between the two, James Craven, perfume archivist at specialist perfumery Les Senteurs in London, has a prediction for the future (maybe even next season): the oud/nude explosion is going to be game-changing. &Some very clever perfumer will eventually bring the two together in a veil of oud that just dusts the skin,& he says. &It will be the perfect perfume.&
最后,让香气再进一步吧,Guerlain的Elixirs Charnels Eau de Lingerie (售价60英镑)混合香草、鸢尾花还有檀香营造出一种微妙的气息,是喷在你精美内衣上的绝好选择。(真的。) 对于那些这两种香水都爱,没办法做出选择的香水迷来说,伦敦专业香水店的专家詹姆斯?克雷文(James Craven)做出了一个预告(或许就是下一季的新品):沉香/裸香的时代即将到来。&一些精明的香水制造商最终将会将两者合二为一。&他说,&那将是最完美的香水。&
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