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are you the one_百度百科
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“Are you the one”这首歌是荷兰“Within Temptation(诱惑本质)”主唱Sharon den Adel与“Stratovarius(灵云乐队)”当家吉他手Timo Tolkki合作的成果。外文名称are you the one歌曲时长05:05歌曲原唱Sharon den Adel音乐风格世界音乐歌曲语言英语
“Are you the one”这首歌是荷兰“(诱惑本质)”主唱与“Stratovarius()”当家吉他手合作的成果。Sharon自96年Within Temptation组团开始便为其主唱。她嗓音独特,声线高亢,听上去有种金属的质感。随着这支来自郁金香国度的乐队一步步走向成功,她也变得越来越美丽。从乐队首张专辑“Enter”发售到开始,Sharon的个人魅力越来越强,她的成熟中带着点点,几丝魅惑,让人无可挑剔。
如果喜欢这首歌的话还可以去听听Within Temptation的其它歌曲哦,像“Say my name”, “Stand my ground”等,领略一下哥特式摇滚的魅力。
熟悉大名鼎鼎的芬兰“”的朋友们一定都知道它的吉他手Timo Tolkki。Timo Tolkki在Staffan Straaringahlman离开后加入灵云。由于深受古典音乐的影响,他的加入,马上给乐队带来了不同的风格。这些年来,Timo 为灵云创作出经典乐曲的同时,也致力于个人专辑的制作。
1994 年Timo Tolkki首张个人专辑“Classical Variations and Themes”问世,部份内容取材自古典乐曲。
2002 年她发表第二张专辑 “”。“Are you the one”便出自这张专辑。[1]Are you the one
The traveller in time who has come
To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun
To walk this path with me until the end of time
Are you the one?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies
Eternity of evening sky
Facing the morning eye to eye
Are you the one?
Who&d share this life with me
Who&d dive into the sea with me
Are you the one?
Who&s had enough of pain
And doesn&t wish to feel the shame, anymore
Are you the one?
Are you the one?
Who&s love is like a flower that needs rain
To wash away the feeling of pain
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear
Are you the one?
To walk with me in garden of stars
The universe, the galaxies and Mars
The supernova of our love is trueARE YOU THE ONE你是那个人吗?
Are you the one?你是那个人吗
The traveller in time who has come进入我生命的陌生人
To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun治愈心伤,播撒阳光
To walk this path with me until the end of time结伴走在生命的小路上
Are you the one?你是那个人吗
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies萤火虫般流彩的目光
Eternity of evening sky对视,在永恒的夜空
Facing the morning eye to eye直至晨曦来将
Are you the one?你是那个人吗
Who&d share this life with me与我共度此生
Who&d dive into the sea with me与我一起跃入海洋
Are you the one?你是那个人吗
Who&s had enough of pain受尽创伤
And doesn&t wish to feel the shame, anymore不愿再心伤
Are you the one?你会是那个人吗
Are you the one?你是那个人吗
Who's love is like a flower that needs rain那个爱就像花儿需要雨露
To wash away the feeling of pain冲去忧伤
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear不再迷茫彷徨
Are you the one?你是那个人吗
To walk with me in garden of stars一起走在群星之下
The universe, the galaxies and Mars火星,银河,宇宙
The supernova of our love is true见证我们爱的迸发
Are you the one—Timo Tolkki
Are you the one? 你是他吗?
The traveller in time who has come 与我邂逅的陌生人。
To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun 治愈心伤,,
To walk this path with me until the end of time 结伴同行直至生命的尽头。
Are you the one? 你是他吗?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies 琉璃莹彩如萤火虫般的目光,
Eternity of evening sky 在永恒的夜空下凝视,
Facing the morning eye to eye 携手等待晨光熹微。
Are you the one?你是他吗?
Who‘d share this life with me 那个愿与我共度此生之人,
Who’d dive into the sea with me 那个愿与我一起沉入海洋之人。
Are you the one?你是他吗?
Who‘s had enough of pain 那个伤痕累累,
And doesn’t wish to feel the shame, anymore 不愿再心若彷徨之人。
Are you the one?你会是他吗?
Are you the one?你真的会是他吗?
Who's love is like a flower that needs rain他的爱如花儿需要沁润雨露 ,
To wash away the feeling of pain 洗涤忧伤,
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear 不再失魂徘徊。
Are you the one?你是他吗?
To walk with me in garden of stars 愿与我共沉熠熠星辉之下,
The universe, the galaxies and Mars无论宇宙,银河,星际,
The supernova of our love is true 刻画永世不朽的爱恋。
are you the one—Timo Tolkki 
Are you the one? 你是他么?
The traveller in time who has come 闯进我生活的旅者
To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun 安抚着我的伤痛,引领着我走向光明
To walk this path with me until the end of time 在生命的路上陪伴我,直至时间终结
Are you the one? 你是他么?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies 是谁在夜晚像萤火虫那样闪烁
Eternity of evening sky 在那黑暗的天空中永恒
Facing the morning eye to eye 在黎明时分彼此注视
Are you the one? 你是他么?
Who&d share this life with me 与我共享生活中的点滴
Who&d dive into the sea with me 与我同舟共济
Are you the one? 你是他么
Who&s had enough of pain 饱受痛苦
And doesn&t wish to feel the shame, anymore 再不愿意受到伤害
Are you the one? 你真的是他么?
Are you the one? 你是他么?
Who&s love is like a flower that needs rain 他的爱就像等待雨水的花朵
To wash away the feeling of pain 让雨水冲刷心中的伤痛
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear 不会再感到恐惧
Are you the one? 你是他么?
To walk with me in garden of stars 在星空下伴我散步
The universe, the galaxies and Mars 星星,银河乃至宇宙
The supernova of our love is true 我们的爱超越所有的一切
Are you the one
The traveller in time who has come To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun
To walk this path with me until the end of time
Are you the one?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies
Eternity of evening sky Facing the morning eye to eye
Are you the one
The traveller in time who has come To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun
To walk this path with me until the end of time
Are you the one?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies
Eternity of evening sky Facing the morning eye to eye
Are you the one?
Are you the one?
Who&s love is like a flower that needs rain To wash away the feeling of pain
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear
Are you the one?
To walk with me in garden of stars
The universe, the galaxies and Mars
The supernova of our love is true
Are you the one—Timo Tolkki
Are you the one? 你是他吗?
The traveller in time who has come闯入我生命中素未谋面的行者
To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun疗愈伤痕, 携伴走向光明
To walk this path with me until the end of time共度余生直至生命末路
Are you the one?你会是他吗?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies绚烂如暗夜萤火般的璀璨
Eternity of evening sky相顾于夜空
Facing the morning eye to eye等待至晨光来临
Are you the one?真的是他吗?
Who&d share this life with me共伴分享生活点滴之喜
Who&d dive into the sea with me坠入海洋
Are you the one?是他?
Who&s had enough of pain饱尝折磨,遍体鳞伤
And doesn&t wish to feel the shame, anymore不愿再经受玷辱之伤
Are you the one?你会是他吗?
Are you the one?你是他吗?
Who's love is like a flower that needs rain如花般渴慕甘露滋润
To wash away the feeling of pain冲刷痛苦
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear挣脱绝望的摆布
Are you the one?你是他吧?
To walk with me in garden of stars漫步于星空
The universe, the galaxies and Mars星海璀璨
The supernova of our love is true黯然失色于坚定地对爱的信仰
Are you the one?
The traveller in time who has come
To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun
To walk this path with me until the end of time
Are you the one?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies
Eternity of evening sky
Facing the morning eye to eye
Are you the one?
Who&d share this life with me
Who&d dive into the sea with me
Are you the one?
Who&s had enough of pain
And doesn&t wish to feel the shame, anymore
Are you the one?
Are you the one?
Who&s love is like a flower that needs rain
To wash away the feeling of pain
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear
Are you the one?
To walk with me in garden of stars
The universe, the galaxies and Mars
The supernova of our love is true
我们的爱情就像超新星一样真实……第一次听到“Are you the one”是在一个朋友的博客上——忧郁的女声、孤独的吉它,在旷野中固执的发问:你是他吗?是不是那个来陪我走过一生的旅者,是不是也受过那许多伤?会不会陪我一起跃进海洋?
Are you the one?这句问到底只是独白还是真的需要一个回答,一个保证?哪个陷入爱情中的人不曾问过这句话呢?又有谁,在这世上,不是在寻找属于自己的the one呢?来自Scorpions(蝎子乐队)专辑Pure Instinct[2]1)Wild Child Stereo
2)But The Best For You Stereo
3)Does Anyone Know Stereo
4)Stone In My Shoe Stereo
5)Soul Behind The Face Stereo
6)Oh Girl (I Wanna Be With You) Stereo
7)When You Came Into My Life Stereo
8)Where The River Flows Stereo
9)Time Will Call Your Name Stereo
11)You And I Stereo
12)Are You The One- Stereo
13)She`s Knocking At My DoorAnother rainy morning
People rushing by
My head is still in the clouds
I dream with open eyes
Suddenly out of nowhere
She came into my life
Like we know each other
For quite a while
In the sound of silence
Time is standing still
There's some kind of bond between us
That's givin' me the chill
Do you really wonder
That we can burn the sky
It's written a thousand years ago
In the book of life
Are you the one
that God had made for me
Are you the one
who's always in my dreams
The one who keeps me goin'
When I can't go on
The one that I've been waiting for
For so long
Suddenly out of nowhere
She came into my life
Are you the one
that God had made for me
Are you the one
who's always in my dreams
Are you the one
that God had made for me
Are you the one
who's mine eternally
The one who keeps me dreamin'
When I'm sad and tired
Who gives my life a meaning
Till the day I die
Are you the one
Are you the one
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看高频词,一定要记住哦!
1. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.
2. He did not like to be caught out on details.
3. Don't worry. We'll have you out of here double-quick.
4. The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.
5. The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.
突出的, 显著的 (out超过.过度+standing标准的→adj.突出的, 显著的)
室外的, 户外的, 野外的 (out出去.过时,外面+door门→adj.室外的, 户外的, 野外的)
(out出去.过时,外面+er→adj.外部的,外面的,外层的 )
在外面 (out出去.过时,外面+side旁边→在外边)
在户外, 在野外 (out出去.过时,外面+door户+s→n.户外 adv.在户外, 在野外)
外出, 旅行, 散步 (out出去.过时,外面+ing状态→n.外出, 旅行, 散步)
产量, 输出, 输出量 (out出去.过时,外面+put放,摆→放出,输出→产量)
大纲;轮廓 (out出去.过时,外面+line线条→划出线条→大纲)
活得比…长 (out超过.过度+live活→超过别人活着)
出价多于[他人] (out超过.过度+bid出价→出价超出)
胜过,战胜 (out超过.过度+do做→做得超出别人)
at outs (北美on the outs)
1. (与某人)意见不合,闹别扭
you were at outs with my uncle Ned.
1. (板球)(一方,击球手)未出局的
out and about
1. (人,尤指生病后的人)能正常走动的
1. 一心谋求,力图获得
he was out for a good time.
on the outs【非正式用语】
1. 无礼的:不友好的;持不同意见的
1. “外出”释义下的同义词
2. “暴露,为人所知”释义下的同义词
1. “通过”释义下的同义词
1. “外的,外侧的;”释义下的反义词
Out is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘pull’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘give out’ and ‘run out’.out 常与walk, pull等动作动词连用,亦用于 give out, run out 等短语动词中。
(拿)出;(取)出 When something is in a particular place and you take it out, you remove it from that place.&
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
Carefully pull out the centre pages...
He took out his notebook and flipped the pages...
They paid in that cheque a couple of days ago, and drew out around two thousand in cash.
在外;在室外 You can use out to indicate that you are talking about the situation outside, rather than inside buildings.&
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
It's hot out — very hot, very humid.
不在家;不在工作地点 If you are out, you are not at home or not at your usual place of work.&
【搭配模式】:be ADV
I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you were out...
She had to go out.
在他处;(通常指)在远处 If you say that someone is out in a particular place, you mean that they are in a different place, usually one far away.&
【搭配模式】:ADV adv/prep
The police tell me they've finished their investigations out there...
Rosie's husband was now out East.
(海水或潮水)离岸 When the sea or tide goes out, the sea moves away from the shore.&
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
The tide was out and they walked among the rock pools.
缺少,不足,损失(某一数量的钱) If you are out a particular amount of money, you have that amount less than you should or than you did.&
【搭配模式】:ADV n
【语域标签】:mainly AM 主美
Me and my friends are out ten thousand dollars, with nothing to show for it!
(灯、火)熄灭的 If a light or fire is out or goes out, it is no longer shining or burning.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
All the lights were out in the house...
Several of the lights went out, one after another.
(花)盛开的,吐蕊的 If flowers are out, their petals have opened.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
【搭配模式】:ADV after v
Well, the daffodils are out in the gardens and they're always a beautiful show.
Out is also an adverb.
I usually put it in my diary when I see the wild flowers coming out.
面世;问世;发行 If something such as a book or CD is out, it is available for people to buy.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
...cover versions of 40 British Number Ones — out now.
Out is also an adverb.
The French edition came out in early 1992.
罢工的 If workers are out, they are on strike.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
We've been out for two and a half months and we're not going back until we get what we're asking for.
Out is also an adverb.
In June last year, 26 people came out on strike protesting against a compulsory 65-hour week.
无法参赛的;淘汰的 In a game or sport, if someone is out, they can no longer take part either because they are unable to or because they have been defeated.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
(棒球比赛中选手)出局的 In baseball, a player is out if they do not reach a base safely. When three players in a team are out in an inning, then the team is out.&
【搭配模式】:usu v-link ADJ
(提议或建议)不能接受的,不值得考虑的 If you say that a proposal or suggestion is out, you mean that it is unacceptable.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
That's right out, I'm afraid.
不时髦的;不流行的;过时的 If you say that a particular thing is out, you mean that it is no longer fashionable at the present time.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
Romance is making a comeback. Reality is out.
(计算或测量)不准确的,错误的 If you say that a calculation or measurement is out, you mean that it is incorrect.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ
When the two ends of the tunnel met in the middle they were only a few inches out.
打算的;试图的 If someone is out to do something, they intend to do it.&
【搭配模式】:v-link ADJ to-inf
Most companies these days are just out to make a quick profit.
公开揭露(公众人物、名人等)的同性恋身份 If a group of people out a public figure or famous person, they reveal that person's homosexuality against their wishes.&
【语法信息】:V n
The New York gay action group 'Queer Nation' recently outed an American Congressman.
The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.
Out of is used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘pull’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘do out of’ and ‘grow out of’. In American English and informal British English, out is often used instead of out of.out of 与 walk, pull 等动作动词连用,亦用于 do out of , grow out of 等短语动词中。在美国英语和非正式的英国英语中,out 常用于代替 out of。
从(某处)离开 If you go out of a place, you leave it.&
She let him out of the house.
从…里面(拿、取)出来 If you take something out of the container or place where it has been, you remove it so that it is no longer there.&
I always took my key out of my bag and put it in my pocket.
向(窗)外 If you look or shout out of a window, you look or shout away from the room where you are towards the outside.&
He went on staring out of the window...
He looked out the window at the car on the street below.
避开,未暴露于(太阳、雨或风) If you are out of the sun, the rain, or the wind, you are sheltered from it.&
People can keep out of the sun to avoid skin cancer.
摆脱,脱离(尤指令人不快的事) If someone or something gets out of a situation, especially an unpleasant one, they are then no longer in it. If they keep out of it, they do not start being in it.&
In the past army troops have relied heavily on air support to get them out of trouble...
The economy is starting to climb out of recession...
The Salvation Army has worked in the big cities to keep endangered young people out of a life of crime.
离开(机构) You can use out of to say that someone leaves an institution.&
You come out of university and find there are no jobs available...
Doctors should be able to decide who they can safely let out of hospital early.
在…之外;超过…界限 If you are out of range of something, you are beyond the limits of that range.&
Shaun was in the bedroom, out of earshot, watching television...
He turned to look back, but by then she was out of sight.
出于;由于 You use out of to say what feeling or reason causes someone to do something. For example, if you do something out of pity, you do it because you pity someone.&
He took up office out of a sense of duty...
Some people have left out of embarrassment at what's happened to them.
(通常指在对方不情愿的情况下)从(某人)身上(获得信息或工作成果) If you get something such as information or work out of someone, you manage to make them give it to you, usually when they are unwilling to give it.&
'Where is she being held prisoner?' I asked. 'Did you get it out of him?'...
We knew we could get better work out of them.
由…(引起);从…中(得到) If you get pleasure or an advantage out of something, you get it as a result of being involved with that thing or making use of it.&
We all had a lot of fun out of him...
To get the most out of your money, you have to invest.
缺乏;没有 If you are out of something, you no longer have any of it.&
I can't find the sugar — and we're out of milk.
用…(制成);由…(建成) If something is made out of a particular material, it consists of that material because it has been formed or constructed from it.&
Would you advise people to make a building out of wood or stone?
(表示比例)每…中 You use out of to indicate what proportion of a group of things something is true of. For example, if something is true of one out of five things, it is true of one fifth of all things of that kind.&
【搭配模式】:num PREP num
Two out of five thought the business would be sold privately on their retirement or death...
In 99 cases out of a hundred this will be done more effectively by the army.
1. 离开某地, 不在里面
Let's go out for a walk.
Open the bag and put the money out.
打开提包, 把钱拿出来。
2. 不在家, 不在工作地点; (书等)已借出
Let's have an evening out at the theatre.
He stays out late at nights.
3. 表示远离陆地、祖国、城镇等
They are all out at sea.
His son is out in America.
4. 显露, 暴露, 问世
The apple blossom is out.
Their secret is out.
His new book is just out.
5. 过时, 不再流行
Long skirts went out last year.
That dress is out.
6. 大声地; 出声地
Read out the names.
If you disagree you should speak out.
如果不同意, 你就该大声地说出来。
7. 到尽头; 全部, 彻底
I'm tired out.
Supplies are running out.
He has worked out a mathematical problem.
She's been out for ten minutes.
9. (火或灯)熄灭
The fire is out.
Please put your cigarette out.
10. 大声地
11. ( 板球、棒球等 )出局
12. ( 网球等 )出界
13. 错误;不准确
14. 不可能;不允许
16. (火、灯光、燃烧物等)熄灭
18. 到底;完全地
1. (从…里)出来
2. 除掉;清除
3. (表示来源)从,用…制作
4. 没有;缺少
5. (表示不在原状态)脱离,离开
6. (表示不再参与某事)脱离
7. (表示原因)因为,出于
8. 从(某个数目或集)中
9. (海潮)在退潮期;退潮
10. (日、月、星辰)出现,未被云遮住
11. (花朵)开放
12. 公开;发行
1. 揭露,公布(同性恋者)
2. 驱逐,赶出
Don’t out your head while riding in the bus.
1. (衣服上有洞等而)露出的,外露的;破的
2. (球赛等)出界的,界外的;规定界限以外的
3. [常用于组合词]超过通常范围(或尺码、重量等)的;特号的
4. 错误的,不精确的
5. 生疏的,不熟练的
6. 没有的,缺乏的(与of连用)
7. (经济上)损失的,亏蚀的
8. 失修的,出故障的
9. 不省人事的,昏迷的
10. (灯等)熄灭的
11. 耗尽的
12. 罢工的
13. 得不到的;不多的
14. 外面的;外围的
15. 往外去的;开往外地的
16. 不在家的;不在办公室(或工作单位)的;缺席的
17. 不流行的,不时髦的,过时的,落伍的
18. 结束的,终了的
19. (棒球、垒球等中)出局的
1. 外面,外部;突出角,突出部
2. (尤指某团体或境况中的)无权者;没有地位(或权势)的人
3. 不流行,不合时尚
4. 【棒球】出局;出局者
1. (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a bas
"you only get 3 outs per inning"
1. to state openly and publicly one'
"This actor outed last year"
2. reveal somebody else'
"This actor was outed last week"
"The truth will out"
1. not allowed to co
"he was tagged out at second on a close play"
"he fanned out"
2. being out
"threw his extinct cigarette into the stream"
"the fire is out"
3. not worth consider
"a picnic is out because of the weather"
4. especially having been unsucce
"now the Democrats are out"
5. excluded
"forbidden fruit"
"in our house dancing and playing cards were out"
"a taboo subject"
6. directed outward or serving to dire
"the out doorway"
"the out basket"
"that style is out these days"
"the out surface of a ship's hull"
"the out islands"
10. knocked unconscious by a heavy blow
1. outside
"she is out"
2. outward fr
"he kicked his legs out"
"they went out last night"
4. from one'
"he gave out money to the poor"
"gave away the tickets"
2.out-of-step blocking
4.out-of-step protection
...)服兴奋剂; [俚]欺骗, 麻痹(3)[美俚](在饮料内)加酒精; 给(炸药)加填料(4)预测出, 解出(out) dope a patient给病人服麻醉剂dope out a plan拟定计划dope[dEup.
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2. 输出(output)
- 基于5200个网页
人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... late 晚 out 在外 talk 谈论.
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they went therefore out of the city , and came unto him ., 众人从城里出来 , 往他那里去.
- 基于3550个网页
bookshopwhich is so cheap.A.pick off B.pick on C.pick up D.pick out答案:C pick up 偶然获得,花很少的钱买到pick off 掐下,摘pick on 找出pick out.
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要登出(sign out)可以留意右上角。那边应该有连结可以登出的。
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在城市区域 in the urban areas 跟…一样多as many/much as 随着时间的推移as time goes by 灯熄灭go out 改变…成change sth. into 关心care about 变得.
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360教育网--最大的免费教育资源网 ... 25. businesswoman n. 女商人 26. set out 提出,制定出 27. on behalf of 作为……的代表.
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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