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So what if i am a VIRGIN
created by
2892 days 8 hours 52 minutes ago
This forum is for everyone who has been given grief about being a virgin
whether by choice or other factors :-).
I'm sick of ppl looking at us differently and asking us 21 questions
(such as, &well, you used to date so-and-so, how are you still a
virgin after dating him?&) after we tell them that we are in fact
still virgins. I'm sick of those guys who want to be &the
first& and start putting a little bit extra in their game to get there.
So, what if I am virgin. Is it really so bad. I actually see it as an accomplishment.
Should I feel bad or ashamed about it?
Do ppl give you a lot grief about being a virgin? Has it affected your
decision about remaining a virgin or not?
Has anyone ever broken up with you b/c you were inexperienced?
As Joe said,& I wanna know. I gotta know.&
I would like to commend you on remaining a virgin.
The reason so many ppl ask so many questions is because it is some what
rare for a young person to reach their 20's with thier virtue still
intact. Keep doing what you are doing don't give in to peer pressure.
You should NEVER be ashamed or feel bad about living out your convictions.
Back when I was in high school (30ish yrs ago), it was a big part of a
relationship and yes, there were a couple of guys who quit asking me out
because I would not put out. I didn't die and neither did they.
I knew my husband was not a virgin when we got engaged. That is
something we talked about as we got more serious about our relationship
and future. He changed several things (bad habits) for me. We were
engaged for 2 years before we got married and I saw those changes happen
and felt confident they were not a passing thing to get me to marry him.
That showed me that he truly loved me. He also felt that he was very
special to me because he would be my first.
My daughters have taken a weekend retreat that is call &True Love
Waits&. At the end, they sign a certificate and get a card for
their wallet stating that they will wait because they are worth it.
Now, I could also bring in the biblical principle of pre- marital sex.
Sex was not created as a dirty thing a guy/ girl do in the backseat of a
'57 Chevy (or anyplace else) Sex was created by God as an ultimate
emotional and physical pleasure between man and wife. In keeping it as
such, the couple also grow spiritually. It is OK to thank God for sex -
after you are married.
Giving yourself totally, pure and without
'blemish' is the best wedding gift you can give your husband and
hopefully he is doing the same thing for you right now (wherever he is)
God's other purpose for creating sex is for the creation of future generations.
I got to th how awesome that God used me and my
husband to do something the only He could do - create life. That is an
amazing feeling.
My advice: wait.
children are worth it.
im still a virgin as well. absolutely nothing shameful about it at all.
i dont understand why my peers treat it like a game of some sort though.
its difficult talking to them about about my boyfriend because most of
the time sex is what is always brought up first. my current boyfriend is
my very first boyfriend :D and i plan to keep my virginity until after
marriage. so if he loves me that much he'll wait until then, but
realistically i doubt out relationship will outlast that many years lol.
i really hope it does though.
Well for one thing it is a good thing you are. And there is nothing to
be mad at about be a virgin why because you are worth the wait. I am not
a virgin but hey take your time and don't be in no rush. If some one is
out there trying to convince you to have sex well they are not good
friends or good role models.
I think that is great that you are still a virgin. I remember being told
once that when other people try to give you a hard time about being a
virgin just remember at any point you can become just like them (lose
your virginity); But they can never become like you (a virgin). I have
found though that often when I do tell people that I am a virgin, most
to believe me at first, but when they finally do they have a
level of respect for me. I definitely respect you and your virginity
...You go girl!!!
Never feel bad about it. Sex is the kind of decision that you have gotta
make on their own time. It is a big deal for a person. I don't see how
someone being a virgin makes it such a big deal for other people?
I'm 19 and I'm a virgin, but that is because I totally want to focus on
my studies right now. I don't want any relationships, distractions
getting in my way right now.
There is no explanation necessary. You can only stop being a virgin
once. So, it is entirelly up to you when you want to make that decision.
I always thought the pressure was much worse on guys to lose their
virginity in high school and girls who &put out& suffered from
the problem of being labeled as, well, you get the picture.
I don't think anyone should be embarassed about their virginity, but in
all honesty, I remember a time when I was. That said, I never stopped
dating a girl because she was a virgin and find that to be shallow in
the extreme.
The key thing to remember is that high school is not forever and, for
that matter, neither is college. These types of peer pressures are not
going to last forever and you should not do anything you will regret
based on them.
Don't EVER let anyone make you feel ashamed of a personal choice!!!
made the decision.
YOU are happy with it. THEY shouldn't matter when it
comes to YOUR decisions and YOUR body.
I respect you for your
You go on with your bad self!!
I'm a virgin. It's not b/c i CAN'T get a guy but b/c i don't wanna lose
it until my wedding day. if i wasn't a virgin on my wedding night, there
would be nothing more special about that day than anyother day you had
sex, ya kno?? i think it could be a reason a guy would break up with me
over it, but i wouldn't wanna be with a guy wants to pressure me into
doing something i donn't wanna do so i guess, he would be doing me a
favor...lol idk that's all.
I'm a virgin, but fortunately, only a few people bug me about it. I
know, in my mind, that I am better than them for waiting.
Why should you be ashamed of being a virgin? Heavens, celebrate! The
world is so sex-orientated it's not even funny. I would be more worried
about those who have given themselves up. It's a shame they did, and
they will never know true pleasure, just the addiction of the same old lust.
I also believe sex should be saved for marriage. My boyfriend and I both
understand this, and we have agreed to wait. It wasn't really a battle
at all. We both have strong religious beliefs when it comes to that. We
also think it is something special that should wait until the right moment.
I commend you.
With all the evils in today's society it is very rare to
find someone that still has their &V& card. ;-)
It is something to be proud of.
Don't ever let someone change your values.
i am a virgin and luckily all of my friends still are, therefore i am
not bugged by anyone. even if they did i dont think it should matter to
them because it is my decision.
and you should be proud of being a virgin
a while back i saw a bump &i'm a virgin, got a problem?&
Anybody that gives you trouble for being a virgin is totally out of
their mind.
I agree that the choice to have sex should be your
I also think, though, that it should be a mutual decision
between you and a partner.
If you're in a relationship, for instance,
where you are constantly getting pressure and you just have to keep
saying no every other night then there's something skewed there.
should pr if they really want you, they can wait,
and when you talk about it as if you're ready, they should be respectful
enough to realize that even if you may feel like it, you may still not be.
I am 19 and I am not a virgin.
I lost it last year, when I was 18, to
my girlfriend who was also a virgin and also 18, which I think is pretty
We were both ready.
The story is pretty good actually... maybe
some day I'll tell you all the whole thing, but basically we ended up
having sex on the floor of her father's art gallery downtown on a
mattress pad.
It was pretty amazing.
That was the only time I've ever
had sex, though.
To me, it was absolutely worth it and I would never
take back the decision or the night, and I'm really excited to meet
another person I can share that with... but it's nothing I would give
out easily or quickly.
If you don' just don't do
But it's all your choice.
YOU ROCK!!!...lol....I'm a virgin also and some people say things like
&your always gonna be a virgin!& or &wow...your never
gonna do anything with anyone are you!?&... those comments don't
bother me bacause they were said to me by people that do things with
anyone that comes along!! I'm a virgin because i've never been in a long
relationship and i'm not going to be like everyone else and just DO IT
because its what to do!!!!
I actually wrote something like this in one of my forums. I have a
friend that is from Mongolia, and he is virgin. He is desperate and as a
friend, I dont know what to do. I think it is a priviledge to be virgin,
nowadays to be one is certainly a challenge. That also means good
education because you hold something that s valuable and means a lot to
you. I dont know if for a man is the same than for a girl, and I dont
know what else to tell him. I wonder if I should pay for my friend to
have an experience or if I should respect his feelings and let him wait
for the right one. Anyway, this is something very controversial, and I
never thought I would have to be the adviser of a friend that is from
Mongolia and 21 and is still virgin, what a challenge!
Yeah. Just wait until the right time. I didnt lose my until recently. My
friends always talk about sex in front of me in school, like group
stuff. Me i always have nothing to say. I always turn red, or stayed
quiet. They figure, i mean i am twenty. I waited until i felt
comfortable, and was ready. i mean i date and all, but i was never
ready. I didnt want to have any regrets. My boyfriend now was a rebound,
i would never believed he would be my first. But when itdid happen, i
had no regrets. We are going to celebrate our anniversary next month.
Like many people have said already... I think its great that you don't
care you are a virgin. You obviously have a reason for it!
I am a virgin as well and I don't care what other people think about me!
I don't get put down for being one though... I think I've been sniggered
at once but NO BIGGIE!
I see sex as a &soul tie& and I would hate to give just anyone
a part of my soul... :)
God bless,
I'm one too.
I think sex is a really emotional and spiritual experience
that I want to share with the person I love.
I've had some boyfriends
that pushed me for it before but I just knew I couldn't.
I want the
person I have sex with to be someone I love, someone who truly cares for
me, and someone who is also a virgin.
I think it would be best, in my
opinion, that we're both virgind because then we could truly experience
a great gift together.
I agree with Cait....sex is a &soul tie& and I want someone to
have all of me, not just casually take from me.
it is your life, and may you live it the way you choose to do so without
the pressure and destructive words of your friends. they don't amount to
much do they? if they were your friend they would respect you with
dignity.t get that. sort of like alcohol is fun as a
forum. two opposites i know, but i agree with respecting a person's
desire to wait versus some clown who knows no better about drinking and
seeing someone killed by alcohol.
mari..it is or your friends life...it hurts no one. enjoy itwhat if I am always pessimestic ? I am a depressed person.I am a depressed person.depression is my personality.How can I change into a optistic person?_作业帮
what if I am always pessimestic ? I am a depressed person.I am a depressed person.depression is my personality.How can I change into a optistic person?
what if I am always pessimestic ? I am a depressed person.I am a depressed person.depression is my personality.How can I change into a optistic person?
thats hard to say.u know it very difficult to change a persons character.
what do you asked for
Dear, you need to translate this thread into Chinese and then put it into Emotional sub folderWhat if I am Interested in Donating my Sperm? | A National Directory of Sperm Cryobanks
We've compiled a collection of the top twelve questions asked about Sperm Banking.
Click on a topic to view the article on that subject.
What is an anonymous sperm donor?
An anonymous sperm donor is a man who chooses, for any number of possible reasons, to donate his sperm anonymously to help a woman or a couple become pregnant.
An anonymous sperm donor will generally not meet the couple that uses the sperm, nor will he have information about any resultant child&#8217;s whereabouts. Different sperm banks differ on the amount of information they will provide the donor about resulting pregnancies. You will need to speak to the sperm bank with which you choose to work about their specific policies and conditions.
What is involved in being a sperm donor?
Each sperm bank has its own requirements and procedu however, many requirements are required by all sperm banks. You should look at the question below &#8220;Am I eligible to become a sperm donor&#8221; and make sure that you generally meet the criteria before approaching a donor bank.
The following is an outline of the typical procedure at a sperm bank. The process you will go through at any individual sperm bank may be more or less extensive in terms of the evaluation but there will be many similarities.
You may approach a sperm bank directly to see if they are accepting new donors. You will be asked a number of questions over the phone. At that time, you will be asked to come in to the bank (or laboratory) for a meeting. During this first meeting, the laboratory will spend significant time with you, have you fill out a very thorough questionnaire about your own medical history and your family history. At that time they will go through their rules and procedures. Often labs will ask you, during this first visit, to produce an initial semen sample in the collection room. This initial sample is tested by the lab to see how much sperm is in the ejaculate, its quality, and how well it freezes. Most labs have private collection rooms with videos or magazine to help with production.
Assuming the sample looks good and you meet the bank&#8217;s basic criteria, you will be invited back for a full physical and to have blood drawn. At that time, you will probably be asked to produce another sample of semen and urine. These will be thoroughly tested for infectious disease, sexually transmitted diseases or genetic problems. Assuming all of these tests are completed and come back negative you will be able to start regular donations. Most often banks ask you to sign a contract agreeing to produce specimens 1-2/ week for at least 6 months. Again, each laboratory has its own requirements.
Am I eligible to become a sperm donor?
Most banks look for the following qualifications:
Ages 18-44.
Individual who were not adopted.
Healthy: No significant illness or conditions.
No family history of genetic diseases.
Ability and willingness to produce a specimen 4-8 times per month in the laboratory.
Ability and willingness to make a minimum 6-month commitment.
How much can I expect to be paid as a donor?
Each bank varies in what they pay per specimen. Usually, the range is $35-$50 per specimen. Banks often require a six-month gap between production and complete payment. That is, they will not release payments to a sperm donor until he has completed the secon six months after the first set were done. The reason for this is fairly straightforward. Any specimens in a laboratory&#8217;s bank cannot be released until a second blood test, (done after a 6 month quarantine period) returns negative and proves that no infections were in the blood at the time the specimens were produced. The banks, as an assurance that the donor will return for the 6 months blood test, will hold payment for that time.
How do I become a sperm donor?
You can contact the banks closest to you about your interest in becoming a sperm donor. Please be aware that most sperm banks require that you live within an hour&#8217;s commute.}


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