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Common words appear frequently in written and spoken language across many genres from radio to academic journals.
Informal words should be reserved for casual, colloquial communication.
reality, validity
honesty, loyalty
Concept Thesaurus for word truth
Synonyms - noun
Synonyms - verbs
Synonyms - adjectives
Synonyms - phrases
the truth,
la veri locos y n nihil est veritatis luce dulcius [Cicero]; veritas nunquam perit [Seneca]; veritatem dies aperit [Seneca]; the
Other adjectives related to truth
More words related to truth
noun. something that truly exists, is real
noun. principle
noun. accuracy
noun. achievement
noun. accuracy, precision
noun. disclosure
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright (C) 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Word Origin & History
truth O.E. triew& (W.Saxon), treow& (Mercian) "faithfulness, quality of being true," from triewe, treowe "faithful" (see true). Meaning "accuracy, correctness" is from 1560s. Unlike lie (v.), there is no primary verb in English or most other IE languages for "speak the truth." Noun sense of "something that is true" is first recorded mid-14c. "Let [Truth] and F who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter." [Milton, "Areopagitica," 1644]
Truth squad in U.S. political sense first attested 1952. Truthiness "act or quality of preferring concepts or facts wishes to be true, rather than those known to be true," catch word popularized in this sense by U.S. comedian Stephen Colbert, declared by American Dialect Society to be "2005 Word of the Year."
Example Sentences for truth
Truth changes what we think it alters what we think is possible.
In truth, this who would grant is no longer directed to the beloved lover.
With it, he stays with metaphysics, in oblivion of the truth of being.
The people of the book know well that that is the truth from their lord.
If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things.
The truth of the premises would, indeed, make the conclusion probable.
Truth means leading soldiers from the front and being honest to them at all times.
To advance results in ignoring truth to retreat results in contradicting the lineage.
The principal aim of the writer appears to be to present moral and religious truth.
In this light, no religion is able to comprehensively capture and communicate all truth.}


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