
【慢速美音模仿秀☆130121】世界经济论坛《2013年全球风险报告》出炉 (2/2)
& 节目说明:本节目为沪江听写酷的配套发音模仿节目。每期节目选取当日【慢速美音听写】材料中30秒左右的音频,详细文本可见当日【慢速美音听写】由于小编时间和精力有限,不能对所有沪友上传的音频进行点评,因此采用如下点评标准:1、声音清楚、洪亮。2、在递交音频之前至少已经跟读模仿了至少20遍,基本特征为:句子读得基本流畅、语调和原文大致接近。3、在节目当天递交音频。注:当天指的是:如听写材料标题日期为9月10日,则所有沪友在9号晚上10点——10号晚上10点上传的音频。4、上传音频对所有沪友开放。因为点评数量有限,如果设置了“仅楼主可见”,那么其他参与沪友只能看到小编的点评,却听不到音频。这样就白白浪费了一次汲取经验的机会。5、符合以上条件的沪友,会按照回复楼层从上到下进行点评。每期每个小编至少点评10名,大家要珍惜机会噢。注:考虑到有一些沪友会提前抢占楼层,随后才递交音频。因此,实际点评顺序以小编值班时的音频楼层顺序为准。今日点评小编: & ddd111222 (queena)本期节目完整版听写地址:30秒音频: & 小编模仿音频:模仿文本: & 译文:
&据称该风险可能导致的最大影响就是世界经济体系的严重故障,比如顶级机构的倒闭或者货币的贬值。但是专家将供水危机列在高影响力风险清单第二的位置。报告组织者说这一点几乎没人在意。 重点单词发音讲解:
&/'??u/今日点评嘉宾: 妖妖与肚肚 模仿音频 yuetan1990 &模仿音频:
Lily蕊 &模仿音频: & Now it's your turn:模仿朗读并上传音频 &
by the way,那个小编模仿音频貌似给错了~~??
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
(只要心还透明 就能折射希望?)
是呢~ 弄错了
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
Janexfz说:The risk said to have the biggest possible im...
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
妖妖与肚肚说:謝謝點評~ (づ ̄ ? ̄)づ在BBC那裡翻滾了幾期發現還是比較喜歡美音就滾回來了~~
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
貌似单词给错了呀 collaspe
S_Cream说:貌似单词给错了呀 collaspe对哦 T T不过由于bug不能改了。。。。我错了
ddd111222说:对哦 T T不过由于bug不能改了。。。。我错了嘎嘎、
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
妖妖与肚肚说:Thank U^^
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collaspe of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
_花見_说:The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collaspe o...
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
妖妖与肚肚说:water a是读ɑ么?感觉这样好别扭
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.又是周一~哎哎~T^T
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
妖妖与肚肚说:谢谢!!!water这个我还真的是忽略了。。。哈哈~^ ^~
小编,为什么我的音频是链接的格式呢~~之前不是这样的啊The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
(新年新愿望:英语音乐商务 通通要实现)
(叮.叮.o(∩_∩)o )
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
Hello,总体来说还可以,就是语调的起伏要再多一点哈!觉得亲对于有些尾音的处理不太好,比如d、t这类音放在句尾有时可以弱化,比如said to...[d]、[t]碰到一起,就可以把前一个音弱读,甚至省略,重点发好后面的[t]。还有需要注意一下failure, rated的发音。加油!
Hello,语音的起伏感觉还不错,但是要注意个别单词的正确发音,比如:crisis中第一个i是[a?],不是[i];还有list中的i不要发成[ei] 了哈,口型要稍微小一点;high-impact要发完整;attention中的en是[en],这几个音确实不太好区分,多加练习就好!加油!
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
Hello,读得很棒呢,只有最后一句中的say [se?]口型要小一点,发音时稍微注意一下就好!继续加油!
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention
Hello,感觉亲需要在部分单词的发音上多下些功夫哦,比如impact['?mpækt]中的[æ]、[k]要读得更清晰一些,like的i要发成[ai],口型稍大一点,currency的重音要放在第一个音节,supply的重音在后面,crisis中的i也是口型要大一些, risks的k后面不能凭空加上er的音哦!多加练习,继续加油!
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
(只要心还透明 就能折射希望?)
占座儿 明天下班后来读~
yuetan1990说:啊 非常感谢这么详细的点评。。。我正式练口语差不多一个星期左右 每次都会读的口干舌燥最后越来越没底气 还蛮受打击的
以前读课文什么的都是很含糊的带过去了 也从来没听过自己读的到底读怎么样 但是现在开始张口说了
就会发现好多单读的都不是很标准 尤其英式发音和美式发音都会混着一起用
若解多情说:啊 非常感谢这么详细的点评。。。我正式练口语差不多一个星期左右 每次都会读的口干舌燥最后越来越没底气 还蛮受打击的
以前读课文什么的都是很含糊的带过去了 也从来没听过自己读的到底读怎么样 但是现在开始张口说了
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention. ()谢谢各位老师,请点评!
qq说:The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse o...Hello,其实米有老师啦,这里的小编大都还是学生,嘻嘻……感觉亲的发音总体来说还蛮标准的,不过要注意以下几个词哦:failure中的ai发的是[ei]音,口型稍微小一些哈;还有high不要念成higher了哦;最后一句的received little attention不知道是不是有点紧张了呵,放轻松,大胆地读哈!加油!
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
yuetan1990说:谢谢@yuetan1990这么认真的讲解,要改进的地方都记下来啦,多多练习~~~Thank U,辛苦~~
fishyoho说:谢谢@yuetan1990这么认真的讲解,要改进的地方都记下来啦,多多练习~~~Thank U,辛苦~~不客气,加油亲
请问什么时候重读和连读 升调和降调嗯
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
糊口糊口,要结巴了。。T T
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
嘟嘟、、、、、感冒咩、、、、、T T
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collaspe of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collaspe of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
The risk said to have the biggest possible impact was a major failure in the world financial system, like the collapse of a top institution or currency. But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks. The report's organizers say this issue has generally received little attention.
/k?'laeps/ 此音标是否有误???@_@@_@5th


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