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解决方案1:JAMES is good at basketball,but he has no achievement!
JAMES is good at basketball,but he has no achievement!
谢谢采纳=========================================== lambs and chickens are all symbols of Easter.
鲜花、鸡蛋、兔子、羔羊以及雏鸡都是... gift. People all think lily is a perfect gift of nature to beautify our Easter.
人们喜欢用白色...=========================================== beautiful world--our home,qingdao
1 Qingdao is located at the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula and beside the Yellow Sea.It is an important economic center and port city o...===========================================谷歌翻的 Englishman Benjamin Barker (played by Johnny Depp) and his wife Luxi, daughter Joanna there lived a simple and ordinary life. Benjamin was a barber, business was v...===========================================所谓立体派,是把物体分割成各种几何形体,然后再重叠、堆砌在一个平面的画幅上,因此完全改变了物体原有的形态,他创作的油画《格尔尼卡》就是他的代表作。如果采纳请给...===========================================he shot himself and died two days later. 梵高出生在一个荷兰小村庄日。文森特开始很多工作之前,他成为了一个艺术家。他是真正的接近他的家人。1886年,他搬到...=========================================== time:Easter is not held on the same date every year. Currently all Christian Churches agree on how the date is calculated. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday, following the f...===========================================was four years old.
His father is also a well-known musician,So he began to perform with his father.
他的爸爸也是一个有名的音乐家,所以他就和他爸...=========================================== The panda also known as the giant panda to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda, is a bear native to central-western and south western China. It is easily recognized by the...=========================================== His name is W. A.Wolfgang Amadeus MozartHe was born in January 27, 1756
He is a musician in AustriaMozart wrote m...===========================================
詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军
詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军_詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军范文_詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军模板最新消息詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军_詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军范文_詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军模板最新消息_詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军示例:恪守对家乡球队骑士的承诺,“小皇帝”詹姆斯昨天又一次站出来强调:长留骑士、夺取总冠军。  跨入2015年,詹姆斯30岁了。30岁,是成熟的标志,经历过社会上最真实的一面,度过人生最桀骜的时光。三十岁的他,已立身扬名,而立之年的宣言,掷地有声。  信念  篮球,是詹姆斯毕生的信念,让他成为更好的男人。  每一个贫民窟出生的孩子,无法预知自己的未来,甚至不晓得自己能否活过21岁。但詹姆斯在18岁的时候,脱离了贫民窟,在30岁的时候,成为NBA最伟大的球星之一。这一切,只因篮球。  “30岁,我能从事一项我喜欢的运动,意味着这是我目前为止完成得相当出色的事情。”詹姆斯感慨道。  他不再像20岁那样年少轻狂。“12年的职业生涯,我的打球风格发生了三四次的改变。现在的我,更全面、更理智、更会运用篮球智商。”  他不再像20岁那样体力充沛。“的确,时光老人是不可战胜的,我无法像年轻时那样弹跳。但是,我会继续训练,我在球场上依靠的不只是运动能力。”  当人们前不久庆祝科比的职业生涯总得分超越乔丹时,30岁的詹姆斯已经比30岁时的科比多拿了超过2000分。展望未来,詹姆斯意志坚定,“我一直在思考,等我到了科比的年纪,我会如何对待比赛,我是否对篮球还有热爱,我又会保持怎样的心境。我已经打了12年职业篮球了,不会再有下一个12年,我必须对自己的每一天负责。”  三十而立,他考虑得更远。  责任  “不只是成为最好的球员,还要成为最棒的父亲。”这是詹姆斯三十岁的生日愿望。  上月,詹姆斯喜得千金,取名朱莉,这是他的第三个孩子。詹姆斯总是在凌晨四时,在女儿的哭声中醒来。他一定会第一时间过去抱抱她、亲亲她,甚至带着她听歌做运动,即便当天他还有高负荷的训练或比赛,他还是会当好这两小时的奶爸。“不管你想做什么,老爸都支持你!”詹姆斯乐此不疲,在社交网站上贴出抱女儿的照片,父爱浓浓。  詹姆斯的大儿子,已经10岁了,继承爸爸的衣钵,篮球打得有模有样。他已经开始代表“海湾滨海蓝筹股队”征战休斯敦业余锦标赛。作为父亲,詹姆斯的自豪之情,溢于言表。上传的视频中,小詹姆斯像他那个巨星老爹一样,几乎统治了赛场,快速反击、突破上篮、空位出手命中、吸引多名防守者包夹然后将球传给出现空位的队友……“为你感到骄傲,儿子!恭喜你将冠军带回家。”詹姆斯写道。  这段视频在互联网上被迅速热传,点击率达到几百万次。不过詹姆斯表示,并没有让儿子知道他在网上已经如此受关注,因为那并不是件好事。  还记得第二个儿子降生时,詹姆斯曾说,“我打球并不是为了自己一个人,我更多的是为了家人,他们是我前进的动力。我要让身边的亲人过上好日子。”  三十而立,他一直在努力着。  挑战  如今,摆在骑士面前的困难不小,时间不再给予“詹皇”任性地改换门庭的机会。30岁重新出发,詹姆斯能否亲率家乡球队登上王座?  理想很丰满,现实很骨感。组成三巨头的骑士,虽有“任性”的资本,但昨天负于雄鹿之后,暂列东部第五。再加之内线瓦莱乔赛季报销,骑士离预想的总冠军尚有距离。  作为球队里的精神支柱和战术核心,詹姆斯必须拿出应有的态度,率领骑士走出泥潭,这要比其当年在热浪时严峻得多。  那句“率领骑士夺冠”的豪言壮语犹绕耳边,三十而立,詹姆斯势必要尽力兑现一个男子汉的诺言。詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军_詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军范文_詹姆斯而立之年再次强调:长留骑士 夺取总冠军模板最新消息(10)--博才网
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德国超模布洛姆秀香肩美背翘臀 性感热辣
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• 版权所有 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.跪求一篇介绍NBA球员詹姆斯的英语演讲稿
跪求一篇介绍NBA球员詹姆斯的英语演讲稿 10
Lebron James (December 30, 1984-the professional basketball player, the secretary small forward, played in the NBA the Miami heat. The 2003 NBA draft, 18 years of age to the identity of the draft James by Cleveland cavaliers selected, in the next seven season has been played for the cavaliers, and broke the record of a series of league young. In 2010, as a free agent James opt for the Miami heat, with friends, with the German wade and Chris bosh fighting side by side. As the transfer of James, the dispute by people, but he is the alliance's future, for the people, he needs to public opinion is insist, with their own strength to prove that his move to those for the fans, because he spit on the planet to the heart of the title has been beating.
October 6, 2004, 19-year-old James and 18-year-old girlfriend on the birth to a son. Child was born that day, James missed Cleveland's first training. "This is a very good time, I will dedicate the race to go." 19-year-old James as the father of all, it is difficult to conceal a father's excitement. James high school girl is the girlfriend is with him, grew up in the slums from the black fellow. See, friend and brother James is a heavy guy. The Asian trip, he also took a few black boys, are high school friend James, along with blacks from the slums inhabited by the children grew up. Yi Fong Yuen in the street basketball finals, James also holding one of the diminutive friend deducted basket. Laughter one. In years past, a few poor family of the boy, who had dilapidated basketball, there is such a contract it? - "Gou rich, Mo forget themselves." Now, the mother of James, the whole world hero mother. In fact, not before the birth of James, his mother Ge Liya James is the slums, "Bad Girl", her 16-year-old pregnant with LeBron. Ge Liya James had never spoken to others so that the man of her pregnancy. 16 years old, she with child, to meet a harsh reality. Fortunately, Ge Liya's mother Freda tolerate his daughter, Geli Ya gave birth to this child, with her mother's name, take Minglebulang James. Perhaps the NBA should be most grateful that LeBron's grandmother, when she insisted that her daughter if the child out to do, "Jordan II" do not know have to wait many years before the birth. LeBron was born, and her mother lived in his grandmother. It was Ohio Street Arkansas hickory grandmother rented an old house, there are slums. They often can not afford the rent, LeBron and his mother will face the neighbor's cold. Until 1995, Ge Liya and LeBron finally rented an apartment in Spring Hill two-bedroom house. 11-year-old James and his mother finally bid farewell to a vagrant life, with a full house. Today, Cleveland's home, James's mother and stepfather Eddie Ge Liya become a unique landscape. They are always opening to later, as the waving like celebrities pay tribute to the audience. "Many people do not make their parents to the scene, but before the game, I used to see in the gallery of my father." LeBron on Thanksgiving, he knows his stepfather and mother grew up with the train. 9 years old, LeBron often go to the south of the Arkansas football team following a young team play. He gave coach Walker left a deep impression: "This child has never played an organized game, ignorant of the rules, but as long as that again, he immediately understood, as I have never seen him so smart kids. "LeBron to play for this team to stay, three years after LeBron's left hand was injured in a game, but fortunately, before that, LeBron has been in love with basketball. And Walker has become LeBron lives of people most grateful. He was found in a home visit to wander around LeBron and his mother, Walker persuaded Geli Ya put LeBron received his home. Walker not only gave him a good education, gave him a warm home. Until now, LeBron often say these words: "I Aifulanke (Walker) wife, without whom I would definitely not today." James has been with the High School Alumni Savannah Brinson married, now has two children, long male on October 6, 2004 born, named LeBron James, small [27] The second child is Bryce Maximus James, on July 14, 2007 was born.
James McGill Buchanan
1. Presidents James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce and William Henry Harrison ranked worst overall.
排在最后几位的总统是詹姆斯布坎南 、 安德鲁约翰逊 、 富兰克林皮尔斯以及威廉亨利哈里森.
1. JamesBuchanan
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2. James McGill Buchanan
...作者简介詹姆斯·布坎南(James McGill Buchanan,1919-),公共选择理论创始人之一,1986年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,著有《同意的计算))(与戈登·塔洛克合著,1958)、《民主财政论》(1967)、《公共物品的需求与供给》(1968)、《成本与选择.
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1. James Buchanan
美国历任总统 ... 福兰克林·皮尔斯( Franklin Pierce) 詹姆斯·布坎南( James Buchanan) 亚伯拉罕·林肯( Abraham Lincoln).
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2. James M. Buchanan
...年1月9日,诺贝尔经济学奖得主、公共选择理论创始人詹姆斯布坎南(James M. Buchanan)在美国逝世,享年93岁。
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詹姆斯·(James Buchanan ,1791 年4月23日——日)是第15任总统,生于宾夕法尼亚州。布坎南出任总统时,正值美国处于历史上的一个重大关头。当时,南北双方在奴隶制问题上的斗争愈演愈烈。他尽管为避免南北分裂作过不少努力,但还是无力扭转局势,后来内战终于爆发。而他的继任者正是带领北方赢得战争,废除奴隶制的总统。另有同名经济学家。
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King James I;
James I of England;
James the First
1. In 1603 James I united England and Scotland.
1. James I
由詹姆斯一世(James I)继任英国国王之位,剧团便改名为国王供奉剧团(King's Men)。
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2. King James I
英国历史上有那些王朝?_百度知道 ... 斯图亚特王朝 House of Stewart · 詹姆斯一世 King James I · 查理一世 King Charles I.
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3. James I of England
詹姆斯一世(james i of england),英国国王
joan jett,女同性恋歌手艾尔顿·约翰(elton john),英国歌手,音乐家,作曲家
philip j…
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4. James the First
简单美语&三&四&简单... ... against the law 违法;不轨;对抗法律 James the First 詹姆斯一世 play-acting 表演.
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1. James I of Aragon
而在十字军圣战时,「亚拉冈王国的詹姆斯一世」(James I of Aragon)靠著多日的围攻,拿下了这座高墙围绕的城池,当时是西元124…
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1. Jacobean
...汉公爵(Duke of Nottingham)改建詹姆斯一世时期风格(Jacobean)的建筑。
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1. James Gordon Bennett
...詹姆斯·戈登·贝内特一世(James Gordon Bennett,Sr.bd|1795年|9月1日|1872年|6月1日)美国历史上的著名报人,18、19世纪美国便士报兴起时《纽约先驱报》的创始人。美国人物小作品Category:19世纪美国编辑Category:苏格兰裔美国人.
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詹姆斯一世(苏格兰)〔James I of Scotland〕〔日—日),苏格兰斯图亚特王朝第一任真正意义上的君主、诗人,罗伯特三世之子,1406年至1437年在位。
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