positivity andonline learningg to be happy is our goal

聯絡我們:/ 50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think
50 Inspirational Positive Quotes That Make You Think
I’ve always have this penchant for inspirational positive quotes. It’s amazing what those mere strings of words can do. Seemingly simple. Yet interestingly profound.
If you’ve some time today, I invite you to join me in this self discovery journey as we go through this 50 wonderful inspirational positive quotes.
Indulge in the tranquil moment as you read with both your eyes and heart.
Remember, eyes may provide sight. But it’s the heart which gives insight.
“Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.”
- Henri L. Bergson
“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.”
- Josh Billings
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”
- Will Rogers
“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
- Christopher Columbus
“To a brave man, good and bad luck are like his left and right hand. He uses both.”
- St Catherine of Siena
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we took so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened up for us”
- Helen Keller
“We don’t see the things the way they are. We see things the way WE are.”
“Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds.”
- Norman Vincent Peale
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
- Dr Wayne Dyer
“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.”
- Theodore Rubin
“Pessimist : A person who says that O is the last letter of ZERO, instead of the first letter in word OPPORTUNITY.”
- Anonymous
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
- Thomas A Edison
“Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting”
- Elizabeth Bibesco
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.”
- B. Olatunji
“When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on.”
- Franklin D Roosevelt
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”
- Zig Ziglar
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
- Winston Churchill
“The secret to success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.”
- Dennis Green
“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.”
- Muhammad Ali
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
- Dale Carnegie
“So many of our dreams at first seems impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
- Christopher Reeve
“Hard work spotlights the character of people. Some turn up their sleeves. Some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.”
- Sam Ewing
“There are those who work all day. Those who dream all day. And those who spend an hour dreaming before setting to work to fulfill those dreams. Go into the third category because there’s virtually no competition.”
- Steven J Ross
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
- Confucious
“Many of life’s failures are people who had not realized how close they were to success when they gave up.”
- Thomas A Edison
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
- Stephen Covey
“Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.”
- Peter Drucker
“Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing!”
- Donald Gardner
“Success is what you attract by the person you become.”
- Jim Rohn
“You have to ‘Be’ before you can ‘Do’ and ‘Do’ before you can ‘Have’.
- Zig Ziglar
“You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people to get what they want.”
- Zig Ziglar
“The test we must set for ourselves is not to march alone but to march in such a way that others wish to join us.”
- Hubert Humphrey
“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus when the limo breaks down.”
- Oprah Winfrey
“Formal education will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune.”
- Jim Rohn
“It isn’t what the book costs. It’s what it will cost you if you don’t read it.”
- Jim Rohn
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
“The future has several names. For the weak, it is the impossible. For the fainthearted, it is the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant, it is the ideal.”
- Victor Hugo
“There is nothing more genuine than breaking away from the chorus to learn the sound of your own voice.”
- Po Bronson
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
- Waldo Emerson
“Use what talents you possess, the woods will be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.”
- Henry van Dyke
“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”
- Bertrand Russell
“History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.”
- Winston Churchill
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life’s about creating yourself.”
- George Bernard Shaw
“Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vintage point.”
- Harold B Melchart
“The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach.”
- Benjamin Mays
“More often in life, we end up regretting the chances in life that we had, but didn’t take them, than those chances that we took and wished we hadn’t.”
- Anonymous
“An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded.”
- Pope John Paul I
“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom.”
- Earl Shoaf
That’s all from me. Do you have other inspirational positive quotes that you’ll like to share? Let me know in the comments!
** Photo by
positive quotes
Got Something to Say?Gongos - Home
As we’re wrapping up 2014, reflect back on the transformations w/CEO Camille Nicita—The Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes:
Event 11/16/14 & Venice, Italy
Gongos is a decision intelligence company.
We partner with outcome-driven, visionary organizations exposing them to the future as seen through consumers’ eyes, or more aptly, through the human experience. We combine technology and deep thinking with an innate courage to push the boundaries of what’s next. We inform. We innovate. And we inspire great things so you can boldly and confidently move forward and thrive. Welcome.
Our clients. Their work is our work. Their stories shape our story.
Our “Innovations” process is on fast-forward and Gongos helps us move at that fast pace. They partner with us, innovate with us, and dig deeper with us in our quest for insight into consumers' minds.
Senior Consumer Researcher
Best Buy loves numbers, but the one thing that gets traction with our senior leadership is visuals. Gongos puts together great highlight DVD reels so that they can be right there with us.
They’ve evangelized the process!
Senior Manager, Consumer Research
Taking our online research community global was a first for us – Gongos is the only company we know who can make it happen.
Technical Director, Global Digital Market Research & New Methods
General Motors
Our project experience was a testament to the high quality of design and reporting that we have come to expect from Gongos Research.
Acting as our partner, you delivered more key, actionable consumer insights than we could have anticipated at the project’s onset.
Market Insights, North America
I truly feel that you are a &partner& in our research initiatives - something I can't say about many of our vendors.
Vice President, Market Research & Competitive Intelligence
This report rocks!
Had a blast reading it and I can’t wait to share it.
Director, Consumer Research
Advance Auto Parts
This has been a phenomenal process which has allowed us to break through a barrier that has stood for five years.
I couldn’t be happier with what you have brought to the process.
Senior Manager, Consumer, Shopper & Customer Insights
Blue Bunny
Thanks to your insight and keen analysis, as we re-weighted, re-analyzed, and re-sliced the data, with each new learning and new question we ended up with a sound ‘no go’ recommendation accepted by our 15-person innovation review board.
Marketing Director
Kaz Incorporated
Gongos has helped us grow our pet food business.
From product and packaging, to in-store design, they’ve helped us improve what the customer wants to see.
Director, Quality Systems
Nestle Purina
Scientists. Artists. Dreamers. Pragmatists. Catalysts for change, guiding our clients toward the future.
O2 Integrated
People Engagement
Finance & Admin
Camille Nicita
President & CEO
Good things come in small packages. And that’s no different when it comes to Camille. Handpicked at a young age to join the launch of Gongos Research, her forward-leaning posture is establishing a new north for the company. Today, Gongos is helping to redefine an industry by guiding corporations toward decision intelligence through the collection, integration and curation of consumer wisdom. Staying true to the company’s core competencies while nurturing growth, Camille operates under the belief that people realize their full potential when put in the right seats. Her grounding vision is to cultivate an atmosphere where innovation, transparency, and vibrancy shape a company fit for the future.
Camille's passion for developing promising new talent is further channeled through her role as Vice Chairperson of Michigan State University’s MSMR Advisory Board. She and her husband, three children and rescue dog enjoy the outdoors, travel and the company of good friends.
Katherine Ephlin
Chief Operating Officer
Strategic thinking and tactical acuity are two of the things that clients love about Katherine. Inside our walls, though, she empowers her research team to design and implement an optimal mix of methodologies that lead the development of products and programs that enrich consumers' lives.
As a mom to triplet boys - Katherine takes a no-nonsense approach to empowering those that work with her. She believes that smarts are not everything - and that self-deprecating sense of humor goes a long way for building relationships too.
Bob Yazbeck
Vice President, Digital Methods
Bob fuels advances in research through online communities, mobile research and online qualitative, and his growing team intensifies the company's ability to put them into practice. His dedicated engagement experts obsessively focus on creating positive experiences for consumers who participate in research.
Bob is one of the most approachable guys in market research. If you see him at a conference, find the most social setting, and you'll find him chatting up with peers and clients alike.
Cheryl Halverson
Vice President, People Development and Planning
Cheryl's natural strength in managing people and developing their skills has guided her success as a former Research Group Leader, and in her current role.
She believes in leveraging people’s passions and talents to support the Gongos enterprise strategy, with focus and discipline as her guiding principles. She encourages her colleagues to balance a strong consultative mindset with empathy toward their clients’ business objectives. Only then, she believes, can they develop enduring, strategic relationships.
Working from her Milwaukee home base, Cheryl paved the path for our growing team of telecommuters. And while her two children - and years apart in age - keep her on her toes, she also continually challenges her endurance through triathlons and marathons.
Christi Walters
With Gongos since it opened its doors, Christi is integral to the growth and diversification strategy of the company. She champions our business development efforts and keeps it real for our research team leaders and account directors. Her ability to get to the core of consumers' motivations has guided the enhancement of advanced product development and targeted positioning campaigns for many of our clients.
Christi's greatest pride is her three children - and her ability to balance both thriving career and family has been a model for so many of our female professionals here at Gongos.
Debie Pomorski
Vice President, Finance & Administration
Beyond crunching numbers, Debie is truly a people person. One of the newest members of our leadership team, Debie is not only responsible for our financial management and analysis, but for budgeting and forecasting a future fit for Gongos. She counts on all of us to make the numbers count for the company - and we love that she keeps us on our toes with a twinkle in her eye.
In her spare time, Debie can be found cheering at Michigan State University sporting events (mostly for three of her four children), and traveling with her family to fun events like Lollapalooza and quiet islands in the Caribbean.
Greg Heist
Chief Innovation Officer
Greg is responsible for driving the innovation strategy at Gongos. From future trends to product development, Greg guides the company’s innovative spirit, helping clients get closer to “decision intelligence” through the synthesis, curation and socialization of knowledge. He leads the company's Innovation Think Tank and collaborates with an eager team of developers and external experts.
A former practitioner with over 20 years of experience under his belt, Greg is a visionary at heart. He believes our industry is in the midst of a revolution, and plans to help pave the way. When he’s not being a daddy, he can be found tweeting, blogging and frequenting his HootSuite account.
Michael Alioto
Vice President, Global Methods
Gongos’ global and multicultural reach is broadened daily through the stewardship of Michael. With a vast background in the social sciences, regional studies and analytics, he has been immersed in various countries for three decades, understanding the nuances and specific functions of regional-based research.
Beyond that, Michael has a worldly outlook even inside the walls of Gongos – bringing a sense of regionalism, integrity and respect for people of all dialects, races and creeds. And that makes for a great global-minded researcher, in general.
Christi Walters
With Gongos since it opened its doors, Christi is integral to the growth and diversification strategy of the company. She champions our business development efforts and keeps it real for our research team leaders and account directors. Her ability to get to the core of consumers' motivations has guided the enhancement of advanced product development and targeted positioning campaigns for many of our clients.
Christi's greatest pride is her three children - and her ability to balance both thriving career and family has been a model for so many of our female professionals here at Gongos.
Brianna Reilly
Lover of dancing, reading, and internet memes involving cats.
Emily Bolton
I beat a top 15 NBA draft pick in an athletic event.
Josh Collins
Winter Is Coming.
Libby Brown
Mommy, distance runner and music nut.
I have a playlist for EVERYTHING!
Lauren Burger
Wherever you go, there you are.
Luke Custer
The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.
Meaghan Hafner
Studied for the GRE by taking flashcards to happy hour…and nailed it.
Brittany Dean
A Yooper who loves the Red Wings, wine, & feeding squirrels. Put simply.
Laura Griebel
It’s what you make of it.
Mike Sauerman
I look at the view every day, and I’m never disappointed.
Michelle Ellis
If you can’t find me I’m off traveling the world.
Amy Hernandez
My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog thinks I am.
Clairese Hagemann
Please, no Silence of the Lambs references!
Curtis Kaisner
Moderated first project as an intern – hasn’t stopped since!
Dylan Sedam
A little good at a lot of things, pretty quiet, hates mornings.
Haley Aldrich
I love finding hidden spots only locals know about when traveling.
Holly Thomas
Creativity is joy—whether writing, gardening or sewing.
Susan Petersen
Dedicated wife, mother, friend, lover of summer and obligatory gluten free chef.
Bill Brunner
I am fluent in movie quotes.
Bryan Cremeens
I’m a beer snob (if that’s possible), and I love sports!
Cheryl Halverson
Vice President, People Development and Planning
Cheryl's natural strength in managing people and developing their skills has guided her success as a former Research Group Leader, and in her current role.
She believes in leveraging people’s passions and talents to support the Gongos enterprise strategy, with focus and discipline as her guiding principles. She encourages her colleagues to balance a strong consultative mindset with empathy toward their clients’ business objectives. Only then, she believes, can they develop enduring, strategic relationships.
Working from her Milwaukee home base, Cheryl paved the path for our growing team of telecommuters. And while her two children - and years apart in age - keep her on her toes, she also continually challenges her endurance through triathlons and marathons.
Jake Boser
Big gulps, huh?
Jennifer Van Wormer
I’m a Southern girl at heart.
Jim Elliot
I used to work at a Detroit-area radio station.
Kate Britt
MSU alum, mom to a Siberian Husky, dessert enthusiast.
Kaylie Smith
The unofficial Gongos pharmacy is in my “Mary Poppins” purse.
Krista Russo
Spending summer weekends on Torch Lake is my happy place.
Lynn Siluk
One of my greatest pleasures in life is belting out a favorite song
Matt Castle
I've fly-fished on some of Ernest Hemingway's favorite rivers.
Mike Serpetti
Food and football fanatic.
I was VP of the OU Fencing Team and still practice with them.
Sydney Close
Although my parents are both UofM alum, I’m a 2 time MSU grad.
Emily Evans
I want to travel to the moon some day!
Andrea Hicks
World traveler, animal lover, yoga and meditation dabbler.
Andy Smith
&Heroes get remembered, but legends never die& - The Sandlot
Heather Trotz
People say I’m funny…people are right.
Angel Muxlow
I would LOVE to upgrade to a 28-hour day.
Jackie Cutsinger
Statistician, circus aerialist & techno music enthusiast.
Arika Goodman
I love anything with turtles and have a pet tortoise, Zombie!
Bianca Espinoza
Avid funk dancer, pop culture enthusiast, proud Spartan.
Jeannie Votaw
I love Michigan summers on the lake and enjoy cooking & baking.
Jen Godfrey
I’m the better Godfrey, but don’t tell my husband!
I can make balloon animals. (The things we do for our kids!)
Brandon Benvenuti
Singer-songwriter for the laziest rock and roll band in Detroit.
Brendan Sherman
Started a fraternity, fantasy football fanatic, A is A
Jeremy Hager
I play guitar and sing in a local rock band!
Jerica Plum
I love to travel! I spent a semester abroad in Luxembourg, which only fueled my travel bug. I can’t wait for my next adventure!
Chelsey Heitmann
I met my husband at a toga party.
Jill Heist
Heist2=(Gongos+3 Kids+House in woods);Love=Everything prior
Jim Wollenweber
I love art and music and play a Steinway in my spare time.
Cristina Shallal
My Pomeranian-Husky mix, Essie, is my fur baby.
Jimmy Minges
In my last job I was a beer vendor for the Cincinnati Reds.
Crystle Uyeda
I love a good story so I work hard to tell stories with data.
Karen Lindley
I have no idea what to say here!
Dave Loney
J Dilla changed my life.
Kelly Jasper
Huge Tigers and Lions fan - through thick and thin.
Duston Pope
My Family, Football and Craft Beer = Happiness
Emilio Ditrapani
Travel not for a destination, but for the sake of a journey.
Kris Torry
Lainey Rosson
Come with me if you want to live.
Lara Burkhart
Vegetarian with an excessive collection of leather boots.
Laura Muczynski
I “plan” but love to act on impulse – Vegas? Tonight? I’m in!
Lindsey Larson
I single-handedly keep the ‘Post-it’ industry in business.
Lisa McFarland
My Motto: Follow your heart, take risks & create serendipity.
Lisa Speck
Researcher by day, mom by night.
Megan Peitz
My favorite time of year? March Madness. Hoya Saxa!
Melissa Hartsoe
I enjoy being with friends & family, shopping & warm weather.
Miranda Kaltenborn
Tennessee native. Vegetarian. Lover of pit bulls & cats.
Nate Burgan
I love trivia – I’ve auditioned to be on Jeopardy! twice.
Nichole Smith
Sports fanatic at heart--playing or watching, I love them all!
Nikki Rodgers
I enjoy the adventure of traveling to new places.
Robin Franke
My dog is a stock model for a major corporation’s lint roller!
Ryan Cibulskis
Sandra Ferris
I love ethnographies because you get to see the true consumer!
Shanon Hoffman
Some say I’m sarcastic, most of them mean it as a compliment.
Stephanie Buckles
I love classic Hollywood films-Splendor in the Grass is a fav!
Tom Krause
If it has two wheels, I’m on it.
Tonya Jiles
I love my family, photography and anything crafty.
Ben Worsley
In God we trust. All others must bring (good) data.
Joe Cardador
I played drums for several years in a ska punk funk band called Barking Spiders.
Troy Burmeister
Jason Solack
I brew my own beer and make my own soap.
Nick Wright
I lost a bet and had to rock a tank top at work.
Sarah Phillips
Travel, with my family, in the outdoors = my most happy place.
Sarah Tarraf
I’ve ridden my bike across the state of Michigan 4 times!
Amy Perifanos
As a research professional on both the client and agency side for over a decade, Amy leads Gongos’ newly launched insight curation practice called Arti|fact. Her group works with marketing, brand, and insights teams to strike a balance between strategic thinking and creative execution—ultimately making knowledge more immersive, consumable, and inspiring. With an initial focus in the shopper insights space, Amy’s big-picture thinking has catalyzed client relationships within organizations such as Coca-Cola. Formerly with the Kohler Co., Amy holds a Masters of Marketing from The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Samantha Herzing
I wish Jurassic Park was a real thing.
Brett Bridges
Heavy on adventure. Low on stress. Life is best spent exploring.
Ivan Bojanic
37 countries, 48 states,
and counting.
3 done counting.
Beth Pidcock
I’d challenge just about anyone to a cupcake bake-off.
My brain is made of Tetris blocks.
Bob Yazbeck
Vice President, Digital Methods
Bob fuels advances in research through online communities, mobile research and online qualitative, and his growing team intensifies the company's ability to put them into practice. His dedicated engagement experts obsessively focus on creating positive experiences for consumers who participate in research.
Bob is one of the most approachable guys in market research. If you see him at a conference, find the most social setting, and you'll find him chatting up with peers and clients alike.
Christie Mitchell
I may not change the world, but I’m gonna leave a scar.
Rebecca Witkow
I am a people person who loves being social, creative, organized, girly and happy.
Camy Sylvestre
I’m involved in theater in my spare time – I sing, dance, and act!
Amanda Baker
Major shoe addiction…. I’m a (recovering) shopaholic.
Angel Muxlow
I would LOVE to upgrade to a 28-hour day.
Jessica Doppel
My happy place - our summer home in the mountains of Lebanon.
Jason Muxlow
Jason is no stranger to trial and error. With Gongos since 1998, our Director, Technology has pretty much led the development of all the proprietary technologies that touch our clients and consumers today. With a hands-on approach, Jason empowers an ambitious team of developers, with backgrounds in web design, gaming, rich media, and app development.
He understands the needs of researchers through and through - and is even married to a senior research manager on our Communities team.
Maggie Dawson
Eric Goolsby
My middle name is misspelled everywhere except Ireland.
Bernardo Pacheco
I'm an inert soccer-watching entity every 4 years (World Cup)!
Brian Nagy
My last name translates to “green onion” in Japanese.
Brian Tessoff
I love to make old things new again.
Dan Koenig
Ideas are appreciated. Execution is worshiped.
Eric Nettie
Brad Dillon
I’m not even supposed to be here today!
Kelly Hooks
I have driven across the country 5 times in 5 years.
Shaun Knapchuck
Michael Alioto
Vice President, Global Methods
Gongos’ global and multicultural reach is broadened daily through the stewardship of Michael. With a vast background in the social sciences, regional studies and analytics, he has been immersed in various countries for three decades, understanding the nuances and specific functions of regional-based research.
Beyond that, Michael has a worldly outlook even inside the walls of Gongos – bringing a sense of regionalism, integrity and respect for people of all dialects, races and creeds. And that makes for a great global-minded researcher, in general.
Holly Thomas
Creativity is joy—whether writing, gardening or sewing.
Karen Lindley
I have no idea what to say here!
Emilio Ditrapani
Travel not for a destination, but for the sake of a journey.
Lara Burkhart
Vegetarian with an excessive collection of leather boots.
Susan Scarlet
Design and copy. Conferences and speaking engagements. Shooting and editing. Naming and trademarks. Providing insight and foresight into company strategy. All things that Susan puts into play to bring Gongos' brands to life. But take heed, beyond creating branded experiences, her favorite pastime is negotiating. That, and developing a marcom plan that matches a company fit for success.
Olive and Violet, her wirehaired Dachshund and Toy Poodle pretty much let her work all the time, but they're most grateful when she works from her home office, and takes them shopping on weekends.
Proud Spartan. Sushi queen. Obsessed with Breakfast at Tiffany’s & chapstick.
Hallie Dunklin
I can jump rope on a unicycle.
Chris Carmean
Chris believes in banking on the "human" in HR.
Encouraging the growth of her fellow colleagues, she continually arms everyone in the company with the resources and opportunity to become better cohorts and managers. Her warmth shines through every day through her approachable and accountable demeanor - and the large basket of candy in her office!
Recruiting and talent retention are everything to Chris - not surprisingly, she's a devoted wife and mom to a daughter and Bubba, the Labrador, and is a self-proclaimed zombie fanatic and a Diet Coke addict.
Adrienne Leone
No my boyfriend is not Rocky Balboa.
Sarah Matzke
All questions must come in the form of a compliment
Alfred Ishak
Resident pizza connoisseur.
Debie Pomorski
Vice President, Finance & Administration
Beyond crunching numbers, Debie is truly a people person. One of the newest members of our leadership team, Debie is not only responsible for our financial management and analysis, but for budgeting and forecasting a future fit for Gongos. She counts on all of us to make the numbers count for the company - and we love that she keeps us on our toes with a twinkle in her eye.
In her spare time, Debie can be found cheering at Michigan State University sporting events (mostly for three of her four children), and traveling with her family to fun events like Lollapalooza and quiet islands in the Caribbean.
Carolyn Wilson
Loves dogs, photography, motorcycle trips, concerts & smiling
Heather Tracy
I am a singer in a female-fronted rock band on weekends!
Angela Houstina
Loves a good cup of coffee, HGTV, and all things girly!
Cindy Boozer
I love to keep my life in BALANCE.
I love my family, knitting & sports -- all at once is GREAT!
CS=Client Services
We believe that one-of-a-kind individuals, embodying a like vision, create extraordinary outcomes.
Ours is a place built on passion. We come to work each day with the desire to help our clients, support one another, and help redefine our industry. We seek the driven, the talented, and the curious, ready to make an impact on our clients – and our industry.
The people of Gongos are enthusiastic. Energetic. Eager. Our spirit pushes the limits and explores new paths. We will guide you, challenge you, and bring new dimensions to your career. In return, we ask that you bring your perspective, your positivity, and your energy, every single day.
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Gongos Research
O2 Integrated
An atmosphere of creativity and collaboration, where even play has its purpose.
From insightful research to decision intelligence, we stand at the ready. How can we help you?
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