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Common words appear frequently in written and spoken language across many genres from radio to academic journals.
Informal words should be reserved for casual, colloquial communication.
agreeable, ready
Usage Notes
Concept Thesaurus for word willing
1. Acts of volition
Synonyms - noun
Synonyms - verbs
Synonyms - adjectives
Synonyms - phrases
beneficium accipere li D was man nicht kann meiden muss man wilig leiden.
More words related to willing
adj. willing to be in unison, assent
adj. placid, yielding
adj. happy, agreeable
adj. aspiring, hopeful
adj. inclined to a type of behavior
adj. compliant, submissive
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright (C) 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Word Origin & History
will O.E. *willan, wyllan "to wish, desire, want" (past tense wolde), from P.Gmc. *welljan (cf. O.S. willian, O.N. vilja, O.Fris. willa, Du. willen, O.H.G. wellan, Ger. wollen, Goth. wiljan "to will, wish, desire," Goth. waljan "to choose"), from PIE *wel-/*wol- "be pleasing" (cf. Skt. vrnoti "chooses, prefers," varyah "to be chosen, eligible, excellent," varanam "" Avestan verenav- "to wish, will," Gk. elpis "" L. volo, velle "to wish, will," O.C.S. voljo, voliti "to will," veljo, veleti "" Lith. velyti "to wish, favor," pa-vel-mi "I will," viliuos "I" ...Welsh gwell "better"). Cf. also O.E. wel "well," lit. "according to one'" wela "well-being, riches." The use as a future auxiliary was already developing in O.E. The implication of intention or volition distinguishes it from shall, which expresses or implies obligation or necessity. Contracted forms, especially after pronouns, began to appear 16c., as in sheele for "she will." The form with an apostrophe is from 17c.
Example Sentences for willing
Business leaders replied that they are willing to help.
The higher the activation, the more people are willing to spend on punishment.
Profit is good, it is a reward for providing a product people want at a price they are willing to pay.
Researchers surmised that because yes-or-no responses are easy, kids were willing to respond.
They found that the more education a villager had, the longer he was willing to delay gratification in return for a bigger reward.
After all, policing often takes effort and personal risk, and not all altruists are willing to bear those costs.
Of course, willing consumers were essential to his success.
There are dozens of species of native bees equally willing to pollinate your plants.
Then you need to decide if you are willing to follow through on an ultimatum if he doesn't make reasonable changes.
Tell your electric company you want wind power and are willing to pay for it.}


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