process integration香港占中是什么意思思

Pie 什么意思?_百度知道
Pie 什么意思?
在英语中意思是:pie1n.[C][U]1. 派(酥壳有馅的饼);馅饼To outlaw deficits is a pie in the sky.宣告赤字非法是空想。Does anyone want some more pie?有谁想再吃点馅饼吗?2. 【口】极简单之事;不堪一击的对手That job was as easy as pie.那工作容易极了。pie2n.1. 喜鹊[C](=magpie)pie3n.1. 错乱的铅字;混杂的活字
[网络用语]:PIE(音pài),论坛用语,指寻找朋友。“pie”在英语中有“喜鹊”之意,之后转义为“鹊桥”、“征婚”等。现在,各大校园BBS上都有一个专门的PIE版,如武汉大学珞珈山水上的“缘分的天空”、清华大学水木清华里的“谈情说爱”、对外经贸大学的“缘来是你”等。在这里发帖的人,一般都是为了寻觅男女朋友。 [英语]:n.甜馅饼 [“pie”在英汉词典中的解释 ]pie1KK: []DJ: [] n.[C][U] 1. 派(酥壳有馅的饼);馅饼 2. 【口】极简单之事;不堪一击的对手pie2KK: []DJ: [] n. 1. 喜鹊[C](=magpie)pie3KK: []DJ: [] n. 1. 错乱的铅字;混杂的活字[工艺整合工程师] :  PIE,Process Integration Engineer,也有叫PIE,中文:工艺整合工程师或者制程整合工程师。
PIE是一个fab的灵魂人物,因为一个合格的PIE对生产线每个环节都懂,他不一定懂得怎么解决一个突发的棘手事件,但是知道与谁合作可以解决问题。 [DVD录刻]:  
DVD的第一层纠错叫做PI纠错。根据业界标准,当一个ECCB(Error Correct Code BLOCK,误码校正块)中任何一行发生1~4字节的错误时,就称这些错误为PIE(Parity Inner Errors,内部校验码错误),即依靠PI编码就能纠正的错误;
出门在外也不愁人脉招聘&&Back-End-of-Line (BEOL) Process Integration Engineer
Back-End-of-Line (BEOL) Process Integration Engineer
Job Description: The BEOL Integration Engineer will be responsible for transferring required technologies from IC Spectrum's strategic partners and bringing IC Spectrum's first products into production and customer acceptance. The BEOL integration engineer will focus on process flow steps from silicide to final wafer test. &Qualifications: Work related experience: Over 6 years of semiconductor industry experience with a successful track record in technology transfer, program management, research and development, and bringing new technologies into production. The ability to work independently to drive projects to completion will be necessary for the BEOL Integration Engineer position. Previous new fab start-up experience is highly desired. Getting the first products qualified and with high yield will be key to IC Spectrum's success. The candidate must have a minimum of 3 years management experience – preferably as a project manager for new product qualification or technology transfer. The successful candidate must show his or her technical expertise in semiconductor process and process integration and typical electrical device requirements for products built on the 0.35 to 0.13um technology nodes. Education: A masters or doctorate degree in a technical field is required, and a doctorate degree is preferred. Preferred fields of study include: electrical engineering, material science, Chemical engineering, and physics. A listing of technical publications and/or filed patents is expected.
Back-End-of-Line (BEOL) Process Integration Engineer}


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