
n. 钩,钩状,镰刀,陷阱vt. 挂…于钩上,钩住,引上钩,偷窃vi. 弯成钩状,钩紧
时 态:hooked, hook·ing, hooks
1.完全地, 全部地
1.完全地, 全部地
6.n. 修枝刀
与 hook 相关的例句
1.The curtain hooks run along a slot in the curtain rail.窗帘的吊钩可沿轨槽滑动.
2.Bent at the end like a hook;unciform.钩形的端部弯成钩状的;钩形的
3.The fisherman hooked three trout in the stream.渔夫在那条小溪钓了三条鳟鱼。
4.At this point the river hooks around to the north.河流在此处转弯北去。
5.My shirt got hooked on a thorn.一根刺儿挂着了我的衬衣.
1.The curtain hooks run along a slot in the curtain rail.窗帘的吊钩可沿轨槽滑动.
2.Bent at the end like a hook;unciform.钩形的端部弯成钩状的;钩形的
3.The fisherman hooked three trout in the stream.渔夫在那条小溪钓了三条鳟鱼。
4.At this point the river hooks around to the north.河流在此处转弯北去。
5.My shirt got hooked on a thorn.一根刺儿挂着了我的衬衣.
6.Stick a hook on the wall.把一个钩子钉在墙上
7.Hooked at the tip.钩状的顶部成钩状的
8.He just hooked on us.他把手臂一挽也就和我们一起走了。
1.a catch for locking a door
2.anything that serves as an enticement[同] ,,,,
a shape resembling a hook[同] ,
4.a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something[同] ,
5.a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something
1.a catch for locking a door
2.anything that serves as an enticement[同] ,,,,
a shape resembling a hook[同] ,
4.a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something[同] ,
5.a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something
6.a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer[同] ,,
he took lessons to cure his hooking
7.a short swinging punch delivered from the side with the elbow bent
8.a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket[同] ,
1.fasten with a hook[反]
2. ask an unreasonable price[同] ,,,,,,,,[反]
3.make off with belongings of others[同] ,,,,,,,,,,,
4.make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle[同] ,
She sat there crocheting all day
5.hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left
1.fasten with a hook[反]
2. ask an unreasonable price[同] ,,,,,,,,[反]
3.make off with belongings of others[同] ,,,,,,,,,,,
4.make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle[同] ,
She sat there crocheting all day
5.hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left
6.take by theft[同] ,,,,,
Someone snitched my wallet!
7.hit with a hook
His opponent hooked him badly
8.catch with a hook
hook a fish
9.to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent
(on something, especially a narcotic drug)[同] ,
10.secure with the foot
hook the ball
11.entice and trap[同] ,
The car salesman had snared three potential customers
12.approach with an offer of sexual favors[同] ,,
he was solicited by a prostituteThe young man was caught soliciting in the park
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参考译文1:正在翻译,请等待...参考译文2:To legend, during the Western Jin dynasty in China, young students Liang Shanbo remarks, home study, pedestrian woman disguised as students of Zhu Yingtai, who just clicked immediately, like-minded, was in caoqiao be sworn brothers as brothers, with red Luoshan after attending college. Two people be参考译文3:To legend, during the Western Jin dynasty in China, young students Liang Shanbo remarks, home study, pedestrian woman disguised as students of Zhu Yingtai, who just clicked immediately, like-minded, was in caoqiao be sworn brothers as brothers, with red Luoshan after attending college. Two people be参考译文4:Legend has it that in our country, and even students during Zhu Yingtai Wanju enrolled in my remarks, disguised as a man, and in case of students who wish Ying-tai, temperaments, two-person see pulling, in D. bridge after the tie, with the red Luo Shan College. Faina, on the other two people in the语义参照:我是有能力的
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The spread of loneliness.杨女士越来越漂亮了
Yang is more beautiful这是别人看不到的一面,再这之前,我没有和任何人说过。我今天愿意说出来,是因为感激,但更多的是,我珍惜也期待真正的友情和朋友。
This is the invisible side of people, and then before that, I do not have anyone said. I am willing to say today, because of gratitude, but more, I cherish the friendship and look forward to a true friend.已经结束了的
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您可能要联系本安装程序以获取一份新的 suthor。Draw _百度百科
收藏 查看&Draw本词条缺少信息栏、名片图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!
Draw 作为英语单词,是拉, 曳, 牵, 画, 绘制, 拖曳的意思,作为图形处理工具,是为计划任务提供、图表和图形的处理工具。
作为.org套件之一Draw。其功能类似于Microsoft Visio(TM)。Draw
Draw 为计划任务提供、图表和图形的处理工具。
将图像储存为 OpenDocument 格式(新的世界标准办公文档)。因为这种格式是基于 XML ,所以你不必局限于 Draw,你可以使用任何兼容 OpenDocument 的软件处理你的图像文件。
支持导入所有通用的图形格式(包括BMP、GIF、JPEG、PNG、TIFF 和 WMF)。
使用 Draw 的免费功能可以方便地创建 Flash(.swf) 文件。draw
拉, 曳, 牵, 画, 绘制, 拖曳
汲取, 领取, 提取, 引起, 吸引
向移动, 挨近
平局, 和局, 拖曳名词draw:
1. a gully that is shallower than a ravine
2. an entertainer who attracts large audiences
:drawing card, attraction, attractor, attracter
3. the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided
:standoff, tie
4. anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random
5. a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack
6. a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer
:hook, hooking
7. (American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage
:draw play
8. poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer
:draw poker
9. the act of drawing or hauling something
:haul, haulage
1. cause to move by pulling
:pull, force
2. get or derive
3. make a mark or lines on a surface
:trace, line, describe, delineate
4. make, formulate, or derive in the mind
5. bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
:pull, pull out, get out, take out
6. represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface
7. take liquid out of a container or well
:take out
8. give a description of
:describe, depict
9. select or take in from a given group or region
10. elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.
11. suck in or take (air)
:puff, drag
12. move or go steadily or gradually
13. remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
:withdraw, take out, draw off
14. choose at random
15. earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher
16. bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition
17. cause to flow
18. write a legal document or paper
19. engage in drawing
20. move or pull so as to cover or uncover something
21. allow a draft
22. require a specified depth for floating
23. pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him
:quarter, draw and quarter
24. cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense
25. take in, also metaphorically
:absorb, suck, imbibe, soak up, sop up, suck up, take in, take up
26. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
:attract, pull, pull in, draw in
27. thread on or as if on a string
:string, thread
28. pull back the sling of (a bow)
:pull back
29. guide or pass over something
:guide, run, pass
30. finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.
31. contract
32. reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die
33. pass through a strainer
34. remove the entrails of
:disembowel, eviscerate
35. flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching
36. cause to localize at one pointa sure draw 肯定可以搜出狐狸的地方; 可引起议论之处
be quick on the draw 拔枪迅速[迟缓] [美俚]反应敏捷[迟钝]
be slow on the draw 拔枪迅速[迟缓] [美俚]反应敏捷[迟钝]
beat to the draw 先拔枪[剑]; 先下手
end in a draw 以和局结束
play off a draw 【体】(平局后)再赛以决胜负
play off a draw tie 【体】(平局后)再赛以决胜负
draw ahead 向前移动 超过(of) (风)向前吹
draw and quarter (古时刑罚)四马分肢 (绞死后)取出内脏, 肢解尸体
draw aside 把拉开; 拉到 一边
draw away 拉开, 引开, 离开 (比赛中)跑到前面与别人拉开距离 撤离, 退缩
draw back 收回(已付关税等) 往回跑; 退却; 缩回 拉开(帘幕等) 撤回, 取消(建议, 计划, 诺言等)
draw bit 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止
draw bridle 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止
draw rein 勒着马不使快跑, 使马停止前进 放慢速度, 停止
drawdown 扯下, 放下 招来, 引起 领取, 赚
draw forth 引起, 博得(赞美等)
draw from [draw out of] 使说出(真相等)
draw in 收(网等); 收回(借款等) 引诱; 使加入 (天); (日)渐短 紧缩开支 (车船等)驶进, 开到 (汽车)靠边行驶, 开进(某处)暂停
draw into (车船等)驶进, 开到
draw it fine (区别得)十分精 确
draw it mild [口](说话或做事)要有分寸, 不要夸张(通常用作祈使语)
draw it strong 夸张, 小题大做
draw near 走近; 临近
draw off 排出, 放掉(水等) 脱去(手套等) 消除(痛等) 转移(别人注意力等) 撤退(军队等)
draw on 穿上, 戴上(靴子, 手套等) 吸收, 利用; 凭, 靠 动用; 向支取 逗引(某人)开口说话 招来, 招致 接近, 靠近
draw oneself up 挺直身体 控制自己
draw out 拉长, 拖长, 扩展 掏出, 取出 提取(存款) 榨出, 抽出, 提炼出 召集; 使排好队; 派出 草拟, 拟出 逗引说话; 诱使吐露真情 ()长起来 (火车)开出(车站); (船)驶离(停泊处); (汽车)驶出 在前面拉开距离
draw round 围在周围
draw around 围在周围
draw to 吸引到方面来, 使 接近
draw to toward 吸引到方面来, 使 接近
draw together 把连接在一起 使团结起来, (使)一致 召集, 集合
draw up 写出; 草拟, 制订 (车、马等)停住; 使(车、马等)停住 曳上, 拉起(鱼网等) 逼近(to), 追上(with) 【军】整(队) 把拉过来 吸收; 消散, 驱散
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看pulling是什么意思_pulling在线翻译_pulling什么意思_pulling的意思_pulling的翻译_911查询
pulling是什么意思 pulling在线翻译 pulling什么意思 pulling的意思 pulling的翻译 pulling的解释 pulling的发音 pulling的同义词 pulling的反义词
pulling['puliŋ]pulling 基本解释 [变形] pull的现在分词 [计] 拉单晶的, 拉制, 图像伸长, 拖力pulling 同义词v.
pulling 网络解释1. 拉& & 移动比特则十分简单,原则上不再需要大公司.几乎可以这样断定.数字化会改变大众传播媒介的本质,&推&(pushing)送比特给人们的过程将一变而为允许大家(或他们的电脑)&拉&(pulling)出想要的比特的过程.这是一个剧烈的变化,2. 拉力& & 一些文章的作者将后拉辐条定义为&驱动&(driving)或&拉力&(pulling)辐条,将前拉辐条定义为&张力&(tension)或&静态&(static)辐条. 这样的说法可能会造成混乱,因为所有的辐条都提供驱动力,所有的辐条都被张紧并且受到拉力. 3. 拉伸& & 分析力学 analyse mechanics | 拉伸 pulling | 压缩 hitting4. 拉怪& & Puller-拉怪的人 | Pulling-拉怪 | PVP-玩家对玩家pulling 网络例句1. But I think I`m pulling it off. & &但我想我会成功的。2. He was pulling out of my mind. & &他拔去了我的想法。3. It is important that we are all pulling together. & &团结对我们来说是最重要的。4. I don`t believe you. You are pulling my leg. & &我不相信你说的话,你在拖我的后腿。5. I think you are pulling my leg. & &我想你是在我开玩笑。6. I think you`re pulling my leg. & &我想你在跟我开玩笑。7. I think he is pulling my leg. & &我认为他是在愚弄我。从 pulling 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语pulling是什么意思,pulling在线翻译,pulling什么意思,pulling的意思,pulling的翻译,pulling的解释,pulling的发音,pulling的同义词,pulling的反义词,pulling的例句,pulling的相关词组,pulling意思是什么,pulling怎么翻译,单词pulling是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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