
读写任务 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文
读写任务 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文
School News: Yesterday, Dec. 14, the grand ceremony: To Build Our School an Eco-school(国际生态学校), was held on the school playground. First, our geography teacher just gave us a very brief intro duction about Eco-school, which is one of five environmental education programmes run internationally by the Foundation for Environmental Education(FEE). It is the biggest environmental education programme for young children all ove r the world. It aims to help the school improve the environment, raise their awareness of environment. Being a member of the programme, we students can share on the Internet experience with foreign students, which could provide a bigger stage for us.
After that, the schoolmaster Mr Liu made a speech titled: “To save and treasure our resources, to love and be masters of the school!” He pointed out that we students should bear the responsibity to protect our environment and learn to save.
Finally, on behalf of all the students, Tan Peiying, Chairman of the Students’ Union, made a speech to call on us all to take action now to make our school a green one.
The School is very serious about the programme and well-prepared, one teacher is assigned to be in charge of the programme, and it also hopes to be admitted one of the first eco-schools.
2.然后以约120个词就“节约资源,爱我校园 Save Resources and Love Our School”的主题发表你的看法,内容包括:
在线等 很急
We often come across an empty classroom with lights still on
Many students waste water and waste electricity
Litter phenomenon on campus is also common
I think some of the waste should recycle
Such as old book the soft drink bottles and newspaper
Plastic bags and lunch boxes will cause the white pollution
Students in our school are not strong consciousness of environmental protection It is bad, we should protect our school's environment
To build ours an Eco-school, first I must let students have saving consciousness The love of economy is the root of all virtue
Second, we must cherish plants
last but not least Don't only talk and not to act Together let us build an& Eco-school
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其他回答 (1)
外语领域专家阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。TheNigerianpostalservicehaswitnessedareductioninthenumberofletterssent,..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!名师解析高考押题名校密卷高考冲刺高三提分作业答案学习方法问题人评价,难度:0%阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。The Nigerian postal service has witnessed a reduction in the number of letters sent, especially by individuals, due to the alternatives of email and text. “People prefer these over letters, because of the speed, although letters serve many purposes, other than conveying of messages", said Barry Varley Tipton, principal of Cherry Field College.But some people think that the vanishing(逐渐消失的) art of letter writing has grave (严重的) consequences for students, teachers, the economy, society and the beauty of reading from loved ones, because letters in those days usually had a variety of styles .A lover of letters writing, Hajiya Aisha refers to the occasions she has seen people enraged, because their connections at a cyber cafe took 56 seconds rather than the usual 36 hours. She says, “Although letters are slow, waiting for something good is not wholly a bad thing. Nothing beats a hand written letter.” "When I was a graduate studying overseas twenty five years ago, my mother wrote to me daily. It was wonderful to receive those letters. They often said nothing more than everyone was thinking of me. I continue this tradition with several friends who are scattered worldwide. Hand written letters show the love that we have for family and friends. Email cannot replace the smile of actually getting the letter. The warm, sincere thank- you note, or the sweetly scented love letter we usually received and sent in those days is irreplaceable" she said.Will electronic age stamps replace letters? Hopefully not, since it takes with it a culture rich in colour, history, and communication. Letters, like bits of ourselves, deserve to be stored away for future readers, giving them insight into details as small as the price and pattern of stamps, and as great as personal insights exchanged long ago.【写作内容】 1. 以约30词概括以上短文的主要内容: 2. 然后以约120个词以“Will written letters die out ?”为主题写一篇短文,并包括如下要点: (1)有些人认为用手机收发短信和用因特网收发邮件更加方便快捷,写信很费时间 (2)有些人喜欢和朋友或家人写信 (3)你的观点【写作要求】 1. 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用阅读材料中的句子2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称【评分标准】
概括准确、语言规范、内容合适,篇章连贯。 马上分享给朋友:答案possible version IThanks to email and text, people nowadays make their communication quick and convenient, and fewer and fewer letters are written. However, it is still believed that written letters are irreplaceable. It’s true that many people find it easy to send emails and text messages and often avoid writing letters completely. However, I don’t agree that written letters will gradually disappear.First of all, it seems to me that letters written by people include a piece of soul and letters are a reflection of human emotions. For instance, using the Internet my sister still likes to receive ordinary letters by post, because they help her to feel a close bond with people living far away. Secondly, for many years the written word was one of the most powerful tools in the world. Moreover, for many people, to write a letter is an element of their traditions. In many cases the Internet is not considered to be substitute for letters. In conclusion, letters will never become extinct because of their importance to many generations of people.   possible version IIThanks to email and text, people nowadays make their communication quick and convenient, and fewer and fewer letters are written. However, it is still believed that written letters are irreplaceable.There is no doubt that with the help of the Internet and cell phones, people find it easy and convenient to communicate with others. Compared with them, writing letters seems to be a waste of time.On the other hand, however, some people do enjoy receiving letters from friends and families, and meanwhile, they prefer to write letters to keep in touch with them rather than send them emails or text them messages.As far as I am concerned, letters written by people will never disappear. Firstly, it seems to me that they include a piece of soul and letters are a reflection of human emotions. Secondly, for many years the written word was one of the most powerful tools in the world. Moreover, for many people, to write a letter is an element of their traditions. In many cases the Internet is not considered to replace letters.In conclusion, letters will never become extinct because of their importance to many generations of people.点击查看答案解释本题暂无同学作出解析,期待您来作答点击查看解释相关试题当前位置:
阅读下面李明的竞选演讲稿,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Dear fellow students:I am Li Ming from Class Two, Senior Three. Today I am very glad to stand here and run for the post of chairman of the Students’ Union of our school. I think I am a very active person and always ready to help those who need help. Furthermore, I have the experience to have been the monitor of our class for 3 years and keen on the service for you, so I am sure I am qualified for it.If I am lucky enough to win the election, the first thing I will do is to enrich our students’ after-class activities. Owing to the efforts of our school, now more and more students have got involved in various after-class activities. I think they have benefited us a lot, because after a whole day’s heavy work, it is great to have a relaxation from the activities, which will not only improve our social ability but also make us healthier. However, not all of us have realized that yet.Also I will do something to improve our study activities. So please give me a chance and vote for me. Believe in me. I am your best choice!That’s all, thank you![写作内容]1.以约30个词概括以上演讲的主要内容。2.以约120个词发表你的看法,内容包括:(1)你是否赞成李明当选学生会主席并说明理由;(2)你是否赞成他提出的加强课外活动的建议,为什么?(3)谈谈你最喜欢的课外活动及其对你的影响。[写作要求]1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准]概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。
概述一:The speech by Li Ming, (who is) a candidate for the chairman of the Students' Union, explains why he is fit for the position and what he is going to do if successfully elected.概述二: Li Ming made this speech to run for& the position of the chairman of the Students' Union. In the speech he shows he is fit for the position and& he is going to organize some activities if successfully elected.(1)你是否赞成李明当选学生会主席并说明理由; Personally, I think Li Ming is the best choice, so I'll vote for such an active and kind-hearted person to be& the chairman of the Students' Union. He states in his speech that he is always eager to help others. Besides, he has ever been a monitor for three years, so he has the ability and experience to serve the students. Above all, his three years' working experience as a monitor proves that he possesses outstanding leadership and management skills.(2)你是否赞成他提出的加强课外活动的建议,为什么? From his speech, I think highly of his suggestion about enriching after-class activities. Colorful after-class activities will free students' mind&from study pressure.& And such activities can provide students with chances to enrich their experience. Thus&colorful after-class activities will benefit students both mentally and physically.(3)谈谈你最喜欢的课外活动及其对你的影响。 My favorite after-class activity is swimming. Each time I get tired with study, after school I'll go swimming. Swimming makes me totally relaxed. After swimming half an hour or&one hour and a half, I usually become energetic. Sometimes I can feel as if I was recharged with energy, so I can go on with my study. I think colorful after-class activities can benefit students, so it is a better choice to select Li Ming.试题分析:本篇短文是李明自己阐述自己适合学生会主席的理由以及当选以后他的计划。从李明的阐释里一个看出来他准备的很充分,能力也很强,有自己的思想和打算,适合做学生会主席。对于他加强课外活动的建议也表示认同,因为可以丰富学生的经验,给学生提供更多的机会让学生从中受益。最后在阐述自己最喜欢的活动的时候,可以举游泳,篮球等,从中学会了团队合作的精神等等。点评:本作文的要点较散,写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化。动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。
第一步:审题: 审题是否清楚是一篇书面表达成功与否的关键所在,在整个写作过程中起着决定性作用。审好题会让我们做到“磨刀不误砍柴工”,审题时要做到以下几点: (1)审要求:书面表达试题一般都由“情景”和“要求”两部分构成。“情景”中包括所写材料的目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等,一般在书面表达题的前半部分;而“要求”一般在书面表达的后半部分,以“注意”形式给出,实际上是对考生提出的要求。因而考生对于题目所提供的说明,应认真分析、反复推敲,搞清提出的内容要求,抓住所要表达的信息点。 (2)审文体:高考书面表达的体裁一般有三大类:记叙文、说明文和应用文,具体形式有便条,日记,通知,书信,人物、事情、情景故事的描写,看图说话,缩写,扩写,改写等。审题时要审清文体,注意格式上的不同,避免出错。 (3)审人称:审查书面表达题干中隐含的读者对象和撰写人,即搞清楚此篇文章是“由谁写给谁”的。写稿人是谁一般都已明确指出,给出形式假设环境中的“某人”,如“假设你是李华”,写作时即用第一人称“我”,即李华。而读者对象有时没有明示,要考生自己去进行判断。 (4)审时态:根据情景判断短文需要的主体时态,即搞清楚要写的是什么时候的事,过去的就用过去时。比如日记,是叙述过去发生的事情,自然用过去时;通知多用将来时。 第二步:抓中心,列要点,列出写作提纲: 写作文时,一定要切题,抓住中心,紧扣要点。不要任意发挥,画蛇添足,也不要丢三落四,要点不全。通过对众多提示或图画、图表的观察和分析,获取与写作内容有关的主要信息,并按一定的逻辑顺序排列起来,找出最密切相关的要点,列出写作提纲。 第三步:选词组句:在体裁明确、中心突出、要点清晰的前提下,应该选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的词语、句型,将要点逐条表达出来。表达时应该综合运用所掌握的知识,避开生僻的词汇,并克服母语的干扰,按照英语的习惯方式,用地道的英语表达出来,力求做到语言准确无误。 第四步:连句成篇:根据要点选词组句,然后按照篇章结构连句成篇。在这一过程中要注意选择恰当的表示并列、递进、因果或转折意义的过渡词,把所有要点、句子连接起来,使句与句意思连贯,结构衔接,力求准确生动、条理清楚。 第五步:复查纠错: 通读全文,检查内容是否符合要求,要点是否齐全,格式是否正确,词数是否合乎要求。最主要的是要检查句子是否符合英语习惯,句型是否正确,语法是否正确(包括句子结构、时态、语态、主谓一致等),检查单词是否误写、少写,习语搭配是否得当等,以及字母大小写、标点符号是否正确等,这就要求考生在定稿认真检查,仔细核对,及时发现并改正问题,保证要点齐全,句子完整通顺,力争减少失误。 第六步:书写规范,卷面整洁:书面表达不仅反映在表达内容上,也反映在书面形式上。一定要注意单词拼写正确,书写规范,字迹工整,卷面力求整洁,正确使用标点符号,使别人看起来耳目一新,具有整体美感,从而提高自己的得分档次。
363457420258412639378698206872239029阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。OnSundaysmyfatheralwaysworethatdullgrayapron(围裙).Theritualbeganafterbre..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!名师解析高考押题名校密卷高考冲刺高三提分作业答案学习方法问题人评价,难度:0%阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。On Sundays my father always wore that dull gray apron (围裙). The ritual began after breakfast when Dad always announced, “Go ahead everyone. I’ll take care of the dishes!” Off came the suit coat he had worn to church that morning. Up went the shirtsleeves. On went that apron. For the next hour Dad did the dishes, singing songs like “Who Put the Chow in Mrs. Murphy’s Chowder?”I suppose it was strange for a boy’s father to wear an apron but I never thought much of it until the day that Dad broke with tradition. It was the last Sunday in August. "Tommy," he said letting my name roll off his tongue. My mind raced ahead of his words: A new bike? A part-time job? "There comes a time in every boy's life when he must take on responsibilities." "Responsibilities?" I asked. "Yes, It's time you took a greater role in the household." Power tools? Boss my baby brother? "Starting today, I want you to do the dishes on Sunday morning so your mother and I can work the crossword puzzle together." "The dishes!?"
"Anything wrong with taking over the dishes, son?" Ask me to run through a rainstorm. Command me to ride the roller coaster-backward.These things I would do. But I could never do those dishes. There was nothing left but to refuse. People often say there is a special chemistry between a father and a son. He came back into the kitchen just as I was about to storm out. In his right hand was the old apron. "I want you to have this, Tommy. It'll keep your clothes from getting wet." And before I could mount a protest, he had put the thing on me. "Thanks, Son. Your mother and I appreciate this." With that he disappeared into the Sunday paper. Soon I was singing about Mrs. Murphy's chowder. The words came out of nowhere. And out of nowhere I knew the kind of man I wanted to be. 【写作内容】 1. 以约30个词概括短文的内容;2. 然后以约120个词表达你对“承担家务责任”的看法,并包括以下要点:? (1) 你觉得现在孩子做家务的情况如何;? (2) 你认为孩子在家是否需承担家务的责任; ? (3) 以你自己或他人的体验,说明承担家务责任对孩子成长带来的影响。【写作要求】 1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】? 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。马上分享给朋友:答案A boy, who used to think housework was an adult’s job, was asked to wash dishes. Though surprised and unwilling to do so at first, he finally realized he, too, should take on responsibility in the household. Nowadays, quite a lot of children take it for granted that their parents do all the chores at home. They are either busy playing games or doing their schoolwork but seldom wash dishes or do the cleaning. It is, of course, not right for children not to take on any responsibility in the household. As a family member, a child should help with the housework so that their parents can relax themselves after a long day’s work. If a child takes his role in the housework, he will become sympathetic and considerate and would like to help others. I used to be rather lazy, not participating in any housework and did not understand my parents’ hardship until one day I helped clean the house. From then on, I find it a pleasure to help others and I am proud to say I have grown to be a person who can take on responsibilities both at home and at school.点击查看答案解释本题暂无同学作出解析,期待您来作答点击查看解释相关试题}


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