dispute resolution和strike的区别是什么

SCGH hospital strike goes ahead over pay dispute
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The cancellation of surgeries and other medical services will go ahead on Tuesday after the state government and health service workers failed to reach agreement over a pay increase.HSUWA confirmed on Monday afternoon more than 500 workers at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital were expected to hold the first of a series of 12-hour rolling stopwork actions, the .Elective surgery, diagnostic tests and treatments, as well as outpatient appointments, will be cancelled and rescheduled.& Patient discharges are likely to be delayed.The industrial action was announced last week after HSUWA members rejected a 2.75 per cent pay rise offered by the government.
The offer was rejected after the government awarded a 4 per cent pay increase to doctors, nurses and hospital support staff and 3.8 per cent rise to politicians.HSUWA Secretary Dan Hill said health workers were angry the government had refused to budge from its initial offer.“Our members feel completely devalued by this government and Health Minister Dr Kim Hames in particular,” he said.“All these workers are Health Department employees, and should be treated equitably. For an employer to provide some of its employees a decent wage rise and not others is divisive and creates tension in the health system.”A spokeswoman for the Health Minister said last week the dispute was an industrial issue and came under the responsibility of Commerce Minister Michael Mischin, not Dr Hames. &Mr Hill said Tuesday’s industrial action would affect services including cancer treatment, cardiology, pharmacy, radiology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, diet therapy, social work, pathology, nuclear medicine, medical physics, engineering, maintenance and medical records.Emergency services would not be affected during the stoppages and work essential for patient safety would also be maintained.Industrial action will continue at Royal Perth Hospital on Thursday.
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Copyright © 2014 Fairfax MediaTruckers Strike At 2 Calif. Ports, Larger Labor Dispute Looms | KPBS
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Independent truck drivers at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are on strike against three large trucking firms that operate at the ports.
Handling almost half of all the nation's cargo, the ports of Los Angles and Long Beach are the main gateway for imports from Asia.
A lot of the shipping containers end up on these idling trucks. The short-haul truckers bring the goods from here to nearby rail yards and distribution centers for companies like Costco, Forever 21 and Skechers.
"We're in this to win," says truck driver Byron Contrerras.
About 80 percent of all the truck drivers at this port are like Contrerras. They work as independent contractors. According to union leaders, that means they have little workplace protections, and work dangerously long hours for low pay. Plus they have to maintain their own trucks.
"This is my fourth time going out on strike," Contrerras says. "I'm going to be out on the picket line as long as it takes for Green Fleet to get the message that they can't keep trampling our rights."
In a statement, Green Fleet Systems, one of the three companies targeted, called the strike a distraction, adding that an overwhelming majority of the company's contractors and drivers are paid well and don't sympathize with the picketers.
The other companies hit by the truckers strike are Total Transportation Services Inc. and Pacific 9 Transportation Inc.
It's a sensitive time at West Coast ports. Nearly 20,000 dock workers are working without a new contract as their union continues to negotiate a labor agreement.
A six year deal with West Coast longshoremen expired July 1. With things already a little tense, it's not yet clear whether those dock workers might honor the truckers' picket lines in a show of support.
Copyright 2014 NPR. To see more, visit
Kirk Siegler / NPR
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ADVERTISEMENTstrike action
[straik 'aek??n]
[stra?k 'aek??n]
1. Prolonged strike action debilitated the industry.
2. The long - standing dispute about working conditions finally came to a head when the workforce voted for strike action.
关于工作条件的 长期 争论终于达到了白热化的程度,工人们投票赞成罢工.
3. If negotiations fail we shall have to resort to strike action.
4. The pros and cons of strike action were discussed.
5. The question of strike action must is put to union members.
1. 罢工行动
the union suspended strike action this week ., 工会本周中止了罢工行动.
- 基于7个网页
2. 采取罢工行动
the workers are calling for strike action in that country ., 那个国家的工人们正在号召采取罢工行动.
- 基于5个网页
3. 举行罢工
the workers are calling for strike action ., 工人们在要求举行罢工.
- 基于3个网页
4. 罢工活动
The pros and cons of strike action were discussed., 人们商讨了支持和反对罢工活动的论点.
- 基于1个网页
1. 罢工行动的利弊
The cons of strike action were discussed., 罢工行动的利弊已经讨论过了.
- 基于1个网页
1. 未达罢工程度的非正式工业行动
(4)在本条中─“未达罢工程度的非正式工业行动”(irregular industrial action short of a strike)指任何筹划或深化劳资纠纷的一致行为(罢工除外),而─(a)该等行为是由一群雇员持续进行的,旨在阻止、减少或在其他方面干扰货品的生产或服务的提供;及.
- 基于1个网页
1. 长时间的罢工
prolonged strike action debilitated the industry .长时间的罢工削弱了这个行业的活力。
- 基于1个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
strike action
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请问strike 和 hit 的区别是什么?
hit 有打的意思,如打某人的头,或雨点敲打玻璃.


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