梦见有人喜欢我给我2 个本子

发布于: 21:45:00
模仿文本:The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
tre·men·dous & &adj.
3over·all 3 & &n.
?ō-v?r-'o?l, 'ō-v?r-?
in·dus·try 1 & &n.
1di·rect·ly 1 & &adv.
d?-'rek(t)-lē, dī-, in sense 2 esp d?-'rek-lē or 'drek-lē
15th century
1 a : in a direct manner &directly relevant& &the road runs directly east and west& b : in immediate physical contact c : in the manner of direct variation 2 a : without delay :
&the second game followed directly after the first& b : in a little while :
&we'll be leaving directly&
2di·rect·ly 2 & &adv.
d?-'rek(t)-lē, dī-; 'drek-lē
chiefly British : immediately after :
&directly I received it I rang up the shipping company ― F. W. Crofts&
1job 1 & &n.
1through·out 1 & &adv.
1num·ber 1 & &n.
1sec·tor 1 & &n.
'sek-t?r, -?to?r
fac·to·ry & &n.
1plant 1 & &n.
1across 1 & &adv.
?-'kro?s, chiefly dial -'kro?st
1coun·try 1 & &n.
1es·ti·mate 1 & &n.
transitive verb
Inflected Form:&&&
-mat·ed ; -mat·ing
Latin aestimatus, past participle of aestimare to value, estimate
circa 1532
1 archaic a :
2 a : to judge tentatively or approximately the value, worth, or significance of b : to determine roughly the size, extent, or nature of c : to produce a statement of the approximate cost of 3 : ,
&–es·ti·ma·tive \-?mā-tiv\ adjective
2es·ti·mate 2 & &n.
1 : the act of appraising or valuing :
2 : an opinion or judgment of the nature, character, or quality of a person or thing &had a high estimate of his abilities& 3 a : a rough or approximate calculation b : a numerical value obtained from a statistical sample and assigned to a population parameter 4 : a statement of the cost of work to be done
1wind 1 & &n.
'wind, archaic or poetic 'wīnd
1em·ploy 1 & &v.
im-'plo?i, em-
thou·sand 1 & &n.
fa·cil·i·ty & &n.
in·stal·la·tion & &n.
杨会计爱做梦 模仿音频:
模仿音频: strilan
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
(This is 小伊...)
单词:tremendous growth
the 2industry number sectors plants across country
estimates over thousand
3workers manufacturing facilities down engineers construction build wind installRachellllllllllll~你有没有查韦氏啊喂。。。我真的想相信你是查了的,罢特,你猫猫你给我念得这都是个啥?!!!!囧。。。稍后上音频给你正音。。。艾玛艾玛。。。先去吃饭了╮(╯▽╰)╭
半夏筠说:单词:tremendous growth
the 2industry number sectors plants across country
estimates over thousand
3workers manufacturin...囧rz真的查了,逐个单词的查!可是字典没有音频模仿╮(╯_╰)╭而且整段连起来读就凌乱了。。。。。~~~~(&_&)~~~~ ~~~~(&_&)~~~~
(This is 小伊...)
Prncs_Rachel说:囧rz真的查了,逐个单词的查!可是字典没有音频模仿╮(╯_╰)╭而且整段连起来读就凌乱了。。。。。~~~~(&_&)~~~~ ~~~~(&_&)~~~~ 你用的什么韦氏啊,不管是电子版还是网页版的都有示范读音啊╮(╯▽╰)╭而且你没听梦姐讲解么。。。再去仔细听听看吧。。。【家人睡觉了,我晚些给你录语音讲解昂。。。见谅。。。
(This is 小伊...)
我究竟该如何跟你说因为家里各种各样的事情,你的语音讲解还没有录完~~~~(&_&)~~~~ 我换了一种讲解方式,我觉得这样更好理解些,你先看看╮(╯▽╰)╭。。。明天一定给你录完了。。。一定一定!!11.该“卷舌”的没有卷到位: overall
more number
sectors across country over 3workers build 2.不该卷舌的卷舌了或者卷过了: tre(r)mendous
estima(r)tes3./i/ 音不准,口型过紧:2industry build 3wind 4./e/音不准:tremEndous Engineers5./?/音不准:tremendous facil i ties country6.各种奇葩口型&少许鼻音处理不当&神奇停顿感导致的奇葩发音囧: growth
the plants across country THOUSAND manufacturing DOWN installations.语调及连读神马的这里就先不说了,希望伊做得这个分类有利于你认识到自己的发音问题。先把基础发音打扎实了恩~!!!
半夏筠说:我究竟该如何跟你说因为家里各种各样的事情,你的语音讲解还没有录完~~~~(&_&)~~~~ 我换了一种讲解方式,我觉得这样更好理解些,你先看看╮(╯▽╰)╭。。。明天一定给你录完了。。。一定一定!!11.该“卷舌”的没有卷...没事儿,不着急,来到学校现在才有网络。。。看完后赶脚我真是朵奇葩╮(╯▽╰)╭期待音频~
(行有不得 反求诸己)
(行有不得 反求诸己)
话说录得比较匆忙……讲解也是昨晚听的OTL 所以有什么没读好的地方求狠批!The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
圈圈君说:话说录得比较匆忙……讲解也是昨晚听的OTL 所以有什么没读好的地方求狠批![hjp3]hjptype=song&player=5&file=http://d3./_5/dd2dc...directly要么是/d?-'rek(t)-lē/,要么就是/dī-'rek(t)-lē/, 没有/di-'rek(t)-lē/
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
(This is 小伊...)
樱士好╮(╯▽╰)╭ 你的录音感觉怎么说,不能说你口腔没有打开,准确说你是不太知道有什么音应该打的更开,或者收的更紧?中间的个音调平的好奇怪还有个别停顿,你气儿好长啊真心说囧。。。我们来一个一个看一下tremendous dou的发音你在schwa的后面带了轻微r的音不知道你自己发现了没╮(╯▽╰)╭overall 口糊了。。。一个,overall不是单纯的分开的两个单词念到一起去,还有,all 双l 发音不到位,建议你可以把舌尖抵上齿龈做短暂停顿,这样你的双l发音会更饱满些,你的口腔音没出来,还有注意它跟前面r的连接。。=。=两个industry 注意in的发音,注意不是yin。。。/i/ 是介于“衣”跟“A”之间的那个音,你的偏衣,所以口型过紧了【has 这里说一下,梦姐讲了那个这个has后面led这个口腔大小的问题,如果不太好理解的,你就记住我们一般在美语里,这个h的发音念得快了经常就不发声了,连气都没有,比如说是has had her he his here,在句中出现的时候都是只发h后面字母的音╮(╯▽╰)╭我们也叫做这个h被记击穿了,然后直接进行它前后两个音节的连读,你在听听力特看美剧啥的可以多注意注意。。。当has在h被击穿时,念得音是(h)?z, 读的再快一点有时候也会变成z...虽然你那样has都念出来理论上也不算错,但原音频是按照快速朗读,击穿这个h来念得,我们既然要模仿,还是敬业一点对吧╮(╯▽╰)╭【directly 这个词儿,在这里是“直接地”意思,所以按照韦氏的音标标注是第一种念法,d?-'rek(t)-lē, dī-, 首先,这里的c 的发音,可以轻音不送气处理一下,变成了类似ge的音。尾音ly 不是lei...是L+E口型咬紧jobs~throughout
注意一下这里的连读,首先jobs,/s/在浊辅音前大部分应该都被念成/z/ 而且前面的浊辅音的音节会被认为的拉长一些念得时候, 但是这里后面跟的是个throughout
/z/+ th咬舌,还念得那么快,所以怎么都转不过来的舌头,这时候呢,/z/的音就会变回/s/ 然后我们根据前后两个/s/只念后面一个单词的开头音节的处理规则,就只念一个╮(╯▽╰)╭这样可以提高语速。。。你可以再多听听原音频体会看看。。。throughout through跟out中间的那个wo的连音。在念得快的时候真的很容易忘记处理。。。我只能说,多加练习,我也是!!!number of sectors and at factories 这里的sector se的发音交代的有点模糊还有后面的连音。。。factories fa的发音还能再出来一点a是梅花音呢。。。我只能说语速快的时候,要尽量注意这个元音的饱满度╮(╯▽╰)╭plants(ci)一个注意,an的发音,这也是梅花音,再加上后面的鼻音,你念的不够扁。你知道我说的是两颊松紧度。。二一个,ts在这里,念ci...你自己念得口腔不会觉得别扭么,一个/t/又来一个/s/。。。好吧,虽然你没念/t/直接是个/s/。。。自己要学会判断╮(╯▽╰)╭across o的口型有点小了。。。后面卷舌不到位的有:according...(你们的ding怎么都能念出ling的音呢,这不科学好么囧)后面的三个workers 你要注意不光ker要卷舌,wor 也要卷好么,而且这个/?r/应该是美语里卷舌卷的最厉害的卷舌元音了,你猫猫你们都给我念了个啥,不是wo... !!!不多说,韦氏跟读一百遍。。。哦哦,还有那个country...尾音也是一样,虽然这个地方真心不太好卷。。。& engineers 你要不要口糊成这样啊。。。你听听你念了个啥?囧这个单词可能唯一能听出来点儿的还就是那个neers了estimates 这里开头字母e的发音,你肯定没有做那个收敛的/e/ai音,嘴角稍微下咧一点,比中文的哀的口型要小,别给我随便念。。。一样的这里,尾音s加上前面的/t/是 ci 的音。。。wind 这个词儿不好说,你自己对比韦氏来听听你念得就知道了 w口型撅出去。。in发音不是单纯的en...体会下employs 你这又是念了个啥。。。我怎么听到了f 的音,你的p 呢?别赶好么。。。念清楚好么,别跟我说你念不清楚啊,以后你在念成这样这么多口糊音我会怀疑你现在不认真了。。。80,000
eighty 尾音不管你要不要弹舌处理,请把E的本音咬清楚!!!thousand 你的/z/的音呢,你要索性吞了也行,上缩schwa神马的我不管你,但念清楚好么╮(╯▽╰)╭manufacturing。。。还有facilities 自己去韦氏吧。。。看看每一个音节都是怎么念得,再去听听你自己呦念了个啥。。。你念出来的是个啥啊标准啊,你最近胃也不好好在喝粥么。。。怎么能读成这样。。。up and down 不多说,梦姐的讲解。。。20遍。。。还有那个down...恳请你们别再给我念成 “荡”了好么。。。自己韦氏去。。我不相信你念不好还是发不出来那个音。。。还有这个段子前面的 power thousand 一样的发音,你念得口型都差点儿。。。【伊刷屏莫怪,希望樱士下次可以再认真些,你不是在读给谁看,是为了你自己,没啥好说的了,再接再励吧。。。╮(╯▽╰)╭
半夏筠说:樱士好╮(╯▽╰)╭ 你的录音感觉怎么说,不能说你口腔没有打开,准确说你是不太知道有什么音应该打的更开,或者收的更紧?中间的个音调平的好奇怪还有个别停顿,你气儿好长啊真心说囧。。。我们来一个一个看一下tremendous dou的发音你...今天提交音频的时候的确自己也感觉有些怪怪的,不知道为什么读着读着发现自己越读越烂了,倒不是不认真,就是读着读着发现舌头根嘴都有些不听使唤了,也许我还没到用常速朗读的火候,应该以慢速开始挨个矫正。提交了如此低劣的音频万分抱歉,这段文本我会反复练习的。
(This is 小伊...)
(This is 小伊...)
(The Other Truth)
@半夏筠:这是我见过的最敬业的专业评价了。我有时间一定要来学习!请多多指教!辛苦了!: )
:The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
power 卷舌
plants p和l间多了一个/?/
to 和industry直接多了个the
estimate a的发音
down 元音有问题,没有/o/是个/au/双元音
chain 发成了/e/,字母a的本音
(This is 小伊...)
& manufacturing 这个念得不是特别清楚~~其实这个单词可不好讲,nu处理成y? 或者niu 都可以,好多老美也是念的niu。。。【我自己其实这个音也不太固定╮(╯▽╰)╭念得快了细微差别不大听不出来。。。
你念得前面manu的音ma-n?,是manufacture 的第三种读音没错,但是韦氏里有专门的这个
manufacturing 的发音。。。宝贝龙可以再去查查看。。。哦哦重点是ing鼻音太不明显啦。。。噗
& manufacturing 这个念得不是特别清楚~~其实这个单词可不好讲,nu处理成y? 或者niu 都可以,好多老美也是念的niu。。。【我自己其实这个音也不太固定...谢谢小伊,今天才看到你有给点评呢o(╯□╰)o 这个词我也感受到了自己念得不清楚,主要是录了很多遍念累了也就不想再重录了,被抓到了哈~看来不能偷懒╮(╯▽╰)╭
(This is 小伊...)
babylonsky说:谢谢小伊,今天才看到你有给点评呢o(╯□╰)o 这个词我也感受到了自己念得不清楚,主要是录了很多遍念累了也就不想再重录了,被抓到了哈~看来不能偷懒╮(╯▽╰)╭没有事,沪江经常缺心眼儿的就不给别人发我的回复通知了╮(╯▽╰)╭。。。宝贝龙整体念得还是很好的~~~大神大神~~我要多向你学习恩!!我有的时候也会念累了的。。。但是大部分的时候都是处于把“酷爱”念崩溃了的状态。。。囧。。。强迫症晚期神马的伤不起好么伤不起啊。。。
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
up and down在联读的时候p是不送气的,类似于/b/,原音频中升调的地方你都没有升,都读成了一个平调,要尽量模仿哦。还在读的时候离麦克风远一点,这样就不会有喷麦发生了。
(This is 小伊...)
Emily你好╮(╯▽╰)╭。。。段子读的很流利昂,语调模仿也不错,但是流利并不代表就读的够好。。。孩子,发音质量更重要。。。=。=来说说你的问题:一个,嘴巴没有张开,我说的是口腔的感觉,你现在把嘴巴尽可能的张大,然后空一段时间。。。如果觉得两颊酸痛,这应该是你把这个段子练到你现在这个速度的感觉,而不是只是觉得舌头转不过弯儿来了。。。在我听来,你只是单纯的模仿了这个发音,但是这个音是从哪儿发出来的,你并不特别清楚。。。你体会下。。。二一个,把音都咬准了,你的好多单词的发音,普遍时长不够。。。然后,语速慢下来。。。中午家人休息了,不太方便录音频,就用文字的方式尽量细致的说明一下你的发音问题了╮(╯▽╰)╭【伊刷屏神马的,大家见谅昂~~~一般情况下都是我讲的比较多,不见得你有闹么多错儿的恩,莫慌莫慌~~tremendous 注意第一个e的发音/e/加上后面的鼻音。。。你怎么能给我处理成了一个很快速的man的音?那是两个音节长度好么。很明显你的/e/(ai)念得很轻松,并没有感到嘴角有下咧的动作在,没有收敛的感觉。。。要注意!!! growth 注意中间o的发音字母O的本音再加上前面r的发音,嘴唇要尽可能的撅圆了,你听听你念了个啥?!!!念得也太随便太不饱满了点儿╮(╯▽╰)╭overall 你敢不敢再口糊一点,v唇齿摩擦音。。念得快了很容易忽略,后面的rall..你给我念了个啥?!!!韦氏一百遍&梦姐的讲解二十遍。。。=。=.U.S...你要不要把人国家名儿念得这么随便啊喂~!!注意S的发音/es/
/e/这个音标,是前面说过的,嘴角稍微下咧一点的ai的音,比中文的哀口型要小,要有收敛的动作在的。。听来感觉你就是把ai这个音念得更随便了一点儿而已,完全没有口型限制嘛╮(╯▽╰)╭wind w的发音,嘴唇要稍微撅出去一点儿,还有i 的发音,是介于“衣”跟“A”之间的那个音,不是单纯的wen...industry in 的i 的发音也要注意/i/,你收的还是比较像yin的音。。。念得还是有点口紧了。。。【has 这里说一下,你把h弱读处理念得很快很小小声理论上也是可以的,但是我们说在美语里,这个h的发音念得快了经常就不发声了,连气都没有,比如说是has had her he his here,在句中出现的时候都是只发h后面字母的音╮(╯▽╰)╭我们也叫做这个h被记击穿了,然后直接进行它前后两个音节的连读,你在听听力特看美剧啥的可以多注意注意。。。哦哦,扯远了,说回来,has在h被击穿时,念得音是(h)?z, 读的再快一点有时候也会变成z...噗led.../e/的发音,不多说韦氏一百遍。。。你要知道有些发音不是声音小了,或者单纯发音靠前就是小口型的音了。。。别都处理成schwa音好么。。。【directly 来说说这个,在这里是“直接地”意思,所以按照韦氏的音标标注是第一种念法,d?-'rek(t)-lē, dī-, 这里大家念得都很模糊,但是你自己需要注意这个音究竟是怎么发出来的,首先t 被吞了,这个停顿感念得快了也很容易就没有了,然后c 的发音,要轻音不送气处理一下,变成了类似ge的音。。。你瞅瞅你们都念了个啥。。。more~(wo)~Amercian 注意这里的连读是有个小wo在里面的,虽然不是两个元音连读的处理,但是more里这个r的翘舌跟前面的?(或者是ō)本身就是个卷舌元音,是一个音节。。。所以也会这么处理加个小小的wo在里面好听些。。。【也不知道我说了半天你懂了没有啊。。。。囧throughout 这里 through跟out之间也有一个wo....快去听梦姐的讲解,快去快去~~!!!而且你的out你给我念了个啥?!!!!韦氏一百遍,不,两百遍~~!!!throughout(d)~a 这里尾音t可以轻微弹舌处理成d,然后跟后面的a做连读。你去听听你的sectors 和factories 前面元音的发音,是不是念得一样样的呀?!!!没区别好么plants lan这里,怎么有奇怪的颤舌音混进去了。。。囧。。。我知道了,是因为你真的没气儿了。。。后面有好大的换气声。。。across 这个音,这么说,应该韦氏里念得更像是那个倒三角的“a”口再稍微大一点点加上一点ao的音。。。不是一个单纯的ao,你念得太ao了...你去查韦氏的时候多听听意会一下,或者等我稍晚些给你录音频讲╮(╯▽╰)╭According 你告诉我你的这个ding是怎么念的,我怎么听到了ling的音?还有accord 的卷舌,不到位,韦氏去~~~第三行的 industry 还有wind 老毛病。。。自己听韦氏纠正╮(╯▽╰)╭这次wind 口型小了w没撅出去 in你给我念了个啥?鼻音呢?employs 尾音的/i/ 口型收的有点紧没有yi...80,000 thousand 韦氏完了,念一百遍。。。口型,口型。。。哥。。。你究竟是在赶什么呀有两个worker。。。wor卷舌不到位昂~including 你咋念得,舌头打什么结儿啊。。。lu的发音你怎么念得闹么神奇的孩子。。。a(t) manufacturing 这里at
t被吞了。。。不听讲解,看图示啊孩子。。。还有后面的多音节的manufacturing。。。注意这里turing的发音是两个音节,不是只念成tring....我给你纠音的时候发现我自己的音频里也念错了恩,要改~~!!咱们一起改╮(╯▽╰)╭ facilities
这个。。。你口糊的我真心不知道说啥好了,韦氏跟读一百遍。。。恳请你下次仔细看看音标记一记这些个词儿具体都是咋念出来的,特别是多音节的,好么。。。好么好么囧up and down。。。你听听你念了个啥?还有那个down...你念得是个啥呀。。。梦姐的讲解。。。50遍。。。听不听在你。。。我真心吐槽无力了。。。。。。。没点完。。。我想你知道我为什么没点完。。。我想说,学英语练发音,态度认~真~一~点~,没那么多捷径可走的。别图快。。。单词都念清楚了,讲解认真听,我觉得你现在每天拿个本子记一记,隔两天来参加一次都比你一直这么蒙头念下去的好,底子扎实了再想着跑。。。如果有可能的话,你最好仔细做完前期正音的准备工作之后再给我录一个听听。。。如果你想的话。。。╮(╯▽╰)╭伊喜欢做事认真的孩子,希望你别怪我说话不好听,我的点评也一直都是这个风格。。。如果你觉得我说的是对的话,希望,你能先去好好的端正一下自己学习的态度╮(╯▽╰)╭这里,给你两个网址,方便你录段子的前期学习:韦氏的在线词典:宝贝龙总结的快速掌握韦氏音标的帖子,很好:期待你更好的音频╮(╯▽╰)╭
(This is 小伊...)
(I am what I am)
(This is 小伊...)
(贺贺要跟学霸做盆友(* ̄︶ ̄)y)
半夏筠说:Emily你好╮(╯▽╰)╭。。。段子读的很流利昂,语调模仿也不错,但是流利并不代表就读的够好。。。孩子,发音质量更重要。。。=。=来说说你的问题:一个,嘴巴没有张开,我说的是口腔的感觉,你现在把嘴巴尽可能的张大,然后空一段时间。。。...果然是一刷一屏半 d(⊙﹏⊙)bb ,这是在用绳命写点评的节奏啊!!!
李蠢猪说:up and down在联读的时候p是不送气的,类似于/b/,原音频中升调的地方你都没有升,都读成了一个平调,要尽量模仿哦。还在读的时候离麦克风远一点,这样就不会有喷麦发生了。恩恩,学校里的录音条件确实捉急,谢谢评价^ ^
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
(This is 小伊...)
半夏筠说:噗。。。我早晨有事外出,手机登沪江看的时候没听音频,但特别想跟你说。急吼吼的没听讲解就像跑来想被刷屏。。。搞笑来的。。。=。=现在看在态度还算认真。。。╮(╯▽╰)╭不过伊初听你的段子(≤5遍),你楼上有的问题,你百分之七十都有。。。孩...11亲先别刷~ 我再交个第三版~
(I am what I am)
闪烁的金莎说:11亲先别刷~ 我再交个第三版~你确定在你录第三遍之前是查了韦氏和反复听了原音频的,你确定?
(This is 小伊...)
闪烁的金莎说:11亲先别刷~ 我再交个第三版~如此看来,金莎同学应该是很认真了恩╮(╯▽╰)╭。。。但是依然有挺多错儿。。。我觉得是你本身就不太清楚有些音的具体口型是啥样的。。。那你等着吧,我这两天抽空给你们录语音讲解。。。!!!
半夏筠说:如此看来,金莎同学应该是很认真了恩╮(╯▽╰)╭。。。但是依然有挺多错儿。。。我觉得是你本身就不太清楚有些音的具体口型是啥样的。。。那你等着吧,我这两天抽空给你们录语音讲解。。。!!!11 我这次有时间又认真听了下讲解录了个第四版 你有空再来听下 对之前没听讲解和草率胡乱听了讲解下抱着玩乐心态录的前两个版本表示抱歉 浪费了你的时间 你应该也很忙的 有空再给我讲解吧 不用特地抽空的~ 嗯 =3=(会不会十分突然)~
今天晚上~~~去学校了 录不了 梦姐~~~我尽量补上哈
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
梦姐怎么没出现 o(╯□╰)o
overALL后边感觉太略了,我不觉得可以认为听见了。wind industry为什么会变成windustry?那是个什么词?mORE是有个r-color在的,稍微加强一点。其他都不错。尤其是节奏,这样很好。下回告诉我你的录音多少秒最好。
杨会计爱做梦说:overALL后边感觉太略了,我不觉得可以认为听见了。wind industry为什么会变成windustry?那是个什么词?mORE是有个r-color在的,稍微加强一点。其他都不错。尤其是节奏,这样很好。下回告诉我你的录音多...恩 这次好像是29秒左右吧~~
梦姐 Th 这个有两种发音 要怎么区别 啊?
experience 又中枪了,潜意识中一直都是按第一种读法在整。
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
修了几次音,最后这样子了。话说那个down down down这类的表示无力辨析。。
杨会计爱做梦说:experience两种说法都不是错的。随意。段子没有明显的错误,都是细微音位不准。慢慢来吧。逻辑上能对就很不错了。thanks sir! 路漫漫兮……
(英语是爱人 德语是情人 )
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
tremendous 第二音节发成了/?/,应该是/e/jobs o开口再大些,发/啊/estimates a发/?/
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
发现小小沫~ o(∩_∩)o ~~
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations. 今天的男主播嗓子里是卡了一口老痰么?
=。=戳中笑点不知道这回他咳嗽好了没 反正已经好几期了╮(╯▽╰)╭
Jessica7624说:=。=戳中笑点不知道这回他咳嗽好了没 反正已经好几期了╮(╯▽╰)╭哈哈哈,我说的是原音频中的主播像含了口痰一样含糊不清~梦梦抵抗力不好啦 嗓子貌似一直没恢复~为了标v呕心沥血的梦梦啊咳咳。。。
growTH,[th]这个音请更清晰地咬舌尖。throughtOUT, OU处理过轻了,而且OU是个主重音节。plAnts的A是梅花音,口腔向两侧扩展的趋势过于弱了。manufActuring的主重音节在A。但是这不算什么错误,属于个人习惯处理,多音节词偶尔会在会话中发生一些移位。thOUsand的OU【au】不够饱满。implOYs OY是【?i】,你处理的稍微偏向【ī】了。
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
语速很快,对口腔肌肉的控制很自信。我将给你提几点模糊的意见。tremendOUs 里边的OU就是个【?】而不是【?r】,这个r-color是不该存在的。plAnt我认为你发的美化音,稍微有点不够扩,两边去的不够。这不是什么明显的错误,只是我个人觉得扩了效果更好,如果你认为不必要,就当我没说。cONstruction的ON,韦氏词典上标明是【?n】,请参照网站示范微调。
杨会计爱做梦说:语速很快,对口腔肌肉的控制很自信。我将给你提几点模糊的意见。tremendOUs 里边的OU就是个【?】而不是【?r】,这个r-color是不该存在的。plAnt我认为你发的美化音,稍微有点不够扩,两边去的不够。这不是什么明显的错误...谢谢梦姐指点~~
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
growth 在g和r之间听到了一个/?/的音
overall 的o发字母o的本音
country 前后鼻音
estimates i发/?/,名词a发/?/
construction tion
huangweijing说:growth 在g和r之间听到了一个/?/的音
overall 的o发字母o的本音
country 前后鼻音
estimates i发/?/,名词a发/?/
construction tion谢谢汉子点评~~
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.开学前最后一次来标美录音了 还赶上梦姐~~OK 我相信先练音频是聪明的选择 现在定定心心去听剩下的知识扩展~今天的舌头又跑起来了 有的地方跑太快 有点滑╮(╯▽╰)╭
overall /?o?v?'ɑ:l/ ,注意a的发音不是/'o?/,升调的单词可再多模仿几遍
小西卡 熊抱一下~ 好了 为湿可以放心的让你去了~
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
李蠢猪说:estimates/'es-t?-?māt /,a的发音是/ei/而不是/?/,同学的美音读得很好听很地道哦。谢谢小猪同学鼓励^^ 我觉得这里是读/?/呢,因为听师兄讲解里提到了。2es·ti·mate 2
n. Pronunciation:
1 : the act of appraising or valuing : CALCULATION
杨会计爱做梦说:又给我康吹!怎么不去死一死呢。都是刚参加完葬礼的人,别说这种话啊T T 我死之前争取给改过来还不行吗T T
(Tony Tan)
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
overall是一个单词,不能拆开成over和all两个单词来念,industry重音在第一个音节上。American的e是/e/,不是/ei/,estimates作名词时a 的发音是/?/,我也是刚刚有人给我纠正过来的,嘻嘻。employs你读得y后面好像还跟了一个元音/i:/,可以查韦氏词典多跟读这个单词,或者看这里。worker/'w?k?/你读得更偏向于 \'wo?k?\
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations
同学念得非常棒s有些地方变成了/sh/estimates 这里是名词,所以a发的是/?/
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
growth 中间的元音是字母O的本音,这里有点像/o/estimates 这里是名词,所以a发的是/?/thousand 的s是/z/的音,注意震动声带chain ai发字母a的本音,你念的是/e/
:The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
:The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
最后忘了说了,engineerS and constr我认为你说的是engineer and S constr。
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.求大神们点评
factories 有点问题,后面那个tories要么是t?-rēz,要么是trēzchain ai发字母a的本音,你念的是/e/thousand注意th的发音,manufacturing 听着像manufacturyconstruction 注意tr的发音,听我念的音频
huangweijing说:[hjp3]hjptype=song&player=5&file=http://d3./_5/-be0b--e9c1d3bfffd6.mp3&am...不能感谢得更多.已经参加两期节目了,但您是第一个给我点评,并指出发音问题的.本来因为没有太多回应,还一度想要放弃该节目,because of you,我打算不抛弃,不放弃.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
(I am what I am)
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.亲~求点评~
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.久了不读 恼火啊
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
job嘴张得再大些plants 的a不是发/?/,发梅花音estimates 这里是名词,所以a发的是/?/chain ai发字母a的本音,而不是/e/
according to industry认为你把这个词的重音读错了。estimAte的A是schwa,因为是名词。
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
tremendous ous里面听出了r的音led /e/有点像字母a的本音了of 那个o有问题,?v, before consonants also ?; '?v, 'äv 关于这几个听我的音频estimates 这里是名词,所以a发的是/?/installations a和l之间听出一个r的音
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
wind sector中的sector后面多了一个s,worker/'w?k?/你读得更偏向于 \'wo?k?\,文中几处联读的地方你都没有联读,要尽量模仿原音频哦。
李蠢猪说:wind sector中的sector后面多了一个s,worker/'w?k?/你读得更偏向于 \'wo?k?\,文中几处联读的地方你都没有联读,要尽量模仿原音频哦。谢谢啦,连读我会加强的。
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
(贺贺要跟学霸做盆友(* ̄︶ ̄)y)
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
(贺贺要跟学霸做盆友(* ̄︶ ̄)y)
李蠢猪说:across/?'krɑ:s/,o的发音不是/'o?/。能看出你有仔细听小编的讲解,继续努力吧!呃……妹纸,我是按 ? 读的,不过可能音位不准,才会被听成ō
韦氏音标是?-'kr?s 而 LEARNER'S DICTIONARY的音标是这个/?'khrɑ:s/ , 不晓得能不能正确显示, 但我想你给我的这个音标应该是不正确的…… 要么就是我这里显示的不正确……
flyfly8888说:呃……妹纸,我是按 ? 读的,不过可能音位不准,才会被听成ō
韦氏音标是?-'kr?s 而 LEARNER'S DICTIONARY的音标是这个/?'khrɑ:s/ , 不晓得能不能正确显示, 但我想你给我的这个音标应该是不正确的…… 要...只是写法不一样,读音都是一样的,我给你的是国际音标
flyfly8888说:呃……妹纸,我是按 ? 读的,不过可能音位不准,才会被听成ō
韦氏音标是?-'kr?s 而 LEARNER'S DICTIONARY的音标是这个/?'khrɑ:s/ , 不晓得能不能正确显示, 但我想你给我的这个音标应该是不正确的…… 要...我的音标是从LEARNER'S DICTIONARY复制过来的
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
growth 中间那个元音是字母O的本音overall 听不到v,记得咬嘴唇American 听不到rcountry 后面那个y没有了estimates 这里是名词,所以a发的是/?/supply 最后那个音节发字母i的本音
模仿文本:The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.每次都能学到好多姿势,求潜移默化
growth 中间那个原音是字母O的本音,不是/o/jobs 那个o可以在大些,发/啊/estimates 名词,所以a发?wind sector employs 里wind的w有点像v,发w的准备动作是kiss的嘴型~chain 中间那个原音像/e/,应该是字母a的本音
huangweijing说:growth 中间那个原音是字母O的本音,不是/o/jobs 那个o可以在大些,发/啊/estimates 名词,所以a发?wind sector employs 里wind的w有点像v,发w的准备动作是kiss的嘴型~chain ...多谢指正,会继续努力~
@_@o_O每周这天都很紧张啊,亲爱的梦姐要求很严,有木有脑袋练得很痛,舌头练得很卷,发音还是不好,有木有啊,泪奔T_TThe tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
模仿文本:The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.没有坚持听完讲解,感觉像又回到了高中,物理经常不及格的我遇到很严厉的物理老师。虽然不大喜欢这种风格的讲解,但是非常感谢小编为我们做出的努力和贡献。会继续学习的。
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.答题用时:[00:41]
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations. 快断气了,真的。。。听听我长胖了木有~~
不错,不知道是不是查词典的结果,单词进步很大。sectors和factories 念错,该打estimates 注意在这儿是名词,所以a发/?/,然后/ts/发得不清楚,有点像/s/thousand s的/z/音要震动声带construction con发k?n不是/kon/light L还有些问题,empLoys ,pLants ,instaLLations,有些r的倾向,这是基本音的问题,光查词典听范读也不容易解决,可以看下那个教你怎么摆口型的视频。别的单词上没啥大问题。然后这点改掉听上去会更好,你现在只在逗号和句号处有停顿,一口气读完这么长的句子,当然会断气啦。可以在听音频的时候找到除了逗号句号外的短停顿点,标记到文本上,在那些地方轻轻换气(不用把肺里的全换掉,够撑到下次换气就行,就像你游泳一样)。
huangweijing说:不错,不知道是不是查词典的结果,单词进步很大。sectors和factories 念错,该打estimates 注意在这儿是名词,所以a发/?/,然后/ts/发得不清楚,有点像/s/thousand s的/z/音要震动声带const...噗,得瑟下。。。我说其实不一定是查词典的结果。其实这次真的查得不大,你不会pia死我把。【因为网速很不给力,韦氏总是没有读音的样子让人好烦躁。。。应该是我想到一好法子。待我多试验几次,若真的有好的效果我再告诉你是啥。味精桑听得真仔细,待我回去好好去修音,然后改正。味精的话要好好听。。。话说那视频是啥,迷茫中。。。断句的事我容我再好好研究研究。。。最后谢谢味精的点评嗷~~退散
The tremendous growth in the overall U.S. wind industry has led directly to more American jobs throughout a number of sectors and at factories and power plants across the country. According to industry estimates, the wind sector employs over 80,000 American workers, including workers at manufacturing facilities up and down the supply chain, as well as engineers and construction workers who build wind installations.


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