
本人,俗名菠萝、又呼凤梨,外语水平CET-6(当然不止这个层次^-^)、做过一些翻译工作,有英文作品发表,近期译作张若虚的《春江花月夜》,为提高英语口语水平,特诚征高级聊友一名,男女均可,女性优先,年龄最好不要超过30岁。    qq:   e-mail:  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  加我一个~    QQ:1873402    呵~~~~注明&天涯&就OK了!
  &&Moonlight River in Spring&&       & The River tide in spring and the vast sea-plane meets,       & A moon at the sea is rising up ,with the tide,       & Flickering waves flow thousand of miles,       & Wheresoever isn’t bright?       & Immense ocean current winds its way around the fragrant grassy marsland       & (芳甸)       & As it presents us with lovely dewdrops(珠) among flowering shurbs(花       & 林)       & Shooting frost falling down from altitude(高空) is unconscious       & An obscure sence on the sand-bar(汀)       & The water and the sea emerge into one color,with a clear and bright moon       & hung in the sky       & Who has seen its majestic view and when dose it emerge?       & Life continues from generations to another with non-stop(无穷)       & Always doesn’t the moon throughout the ages?(千秋)       & Alone feelings fill heavily in the air,in front of us just presents the       & River sets off the running water!       & Piles of clouds having a leisurely(悠闲) and carefree wander unsciously       & Endless worries on the Qing-pu store       & A lovely canoe pursuing(逐) with the tide is someone’s tonight!       & Has the ponder gone which distant land?       & Wandering is pitiful! moonlight illuminates(照) the divorced’s dressing       & table(梳妆台)       & How lonely! inside of the jade curtain,       & Missing will come on the hammering block(砧)       & (I wish) I could chase after the spirits of the moon to meet my lover(爱       & 人)       & Time is making a wander as the wild goose(鸿雁) circles in the air       & frequently       & Fish are leaping out of the water and diving into peafully as presents       & lines(水纹)       & Many fallen flowers lie in profusion(缤纷) in the pool       & Why has’nt my lover been back?       & Running water brings the spring season to an end       & The setting moon glimmers over the water and sets in the west again       & Setting moon hides itself in the heavy sea fogs       & Between Jie-shi and Xiao-xiang is a long long way!       & Willing my darling(爱人) be back in the pure white moonshine?       & Trees sway gently ,on both sides of the River bank,       & the fallen moon       & 附:春江花月夜原文:       & 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生。       & 滟滟随波千万里,何处春江无月明?       & 江流宛转绕芳甸,月照花林皆似霰。       & 空里流霜不觉飞,汀上白沙看不见。       & 江天一色无纤尘,皎皎空中孤月轮。       & 江畔何人初见月?江月何年初照人?       & 人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似。       & 不知江月待何人,但见长江送流水。       & 白云一片去悠悠,青枫浦上不胜愁。       & 谁家今夜扁舟子?何处相思明月楼?       & 可怜楼上月徘徊,应照离人妆镜台。       & 玉户帘中卷不去,捣衣砧上拂还来。       & 此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君。       & 鸿雁长飞光不度,鱼龙潜跃水成文。       & 昨夜闲潭梦落花,可怜春半不还家。       & 江水流春去欲尽,江潭落月复西斜。       & 斜月沉沉藏海雾,碣石潇湘无限路。       & 不知乘月几人归?落花摇情满江树。         
  作者:倒在没靓女的城市 回复日期: 22:01:30 
  你赶快走吧,看见你,会影响我帖子形象,不是我说的,人家说你恐龙,看你的相片,的确太老,你往这里一站,MM 们便不敢进来啊,拜托你走吧,不好意思,另本人今年22岁,帅男一名。            
  呵呵,他在给你打广告!眼球更多,不生气啊!  不知道你说的“高级”要到哪个级,我做过翻译,加QQ试试
  作者:-pineapple- 回复日期: 12:24:16 
    作者:倒在没靓女的城市 回复日期: 22:01:30      你赶快走吧,看见你,会影响我帖子形象,不是我说的,人家说你恐龙,看你的相片,的确太老,你往这里一站,MM 们便不敢进来啊,拜托你走吧,不好意思,另本人今年22岁,帅男一名。        》哈哈,楼主你也不去打听打听这是哪只青蛙。这可是论坛众花痴MM争相哄抢的高价热门股。
  莫非此人是高人? 失敬了!
  我的英语水平实在是不敢恭维,但希望能得到高人指点,  我的QQ号是  
  不但长的是太恐龙了!!(怕死了!!)  还无端地糟蹋人家的春江花月夜!!    
  揍是揍是,第二楼太影响楼主提高个人英文水平了。    支持楼主用自己的照片来给本贴消消毒
  加我一个  我口语很差想提高自己的英语水平  我是刚毕业的大学生不想把英语忘了
  i want to talk to you too ,  Q:
  me too
  我也想找一个英语高手,只聊英语的朋友!!  本人英语水平太菜了!!谢谢!!  本人qq  zhan_
  ......    原来丑也是种罪.....    现在的小孩子,没事就爱比帅...唉....        
  哈, 赔什么罪?    
  QQ:  注明&天涯&哦!我们可以语音聊天哦  
  FRAGGREEN 是什么意思啊?
  作者:Fragreen 回复日期: 19:47:25 
    终于让偶找到理由来恶意灌水一下了:)  ------------------------------------------------------------  革命队伍中的坏份子,一定要纠出来....    
  much appreciation
to the lassie(colleen)of
  我很想知道,那是不是真的是“倒在没靓女的城市”的自照相??  呜……不是偶以貌取人啦……真是的……真的。。。  跟会说英语的人。。。真的很挂不上钩啊……呜。。。  到了今天,我真的体会到了“人不貌相”这句话的真谛……  呜呜……昨晚梦里都是恐龙~~~bad dream...bad dream
  我怀疑是“倒在没靓女的城市”在海南遇到了恐龙女,以此挟怨报复这里的MM,所以把一张“失真的”自照相贴出。。。  哇。。。不要吓偶啦。。。偶正在寻找真爱。。。会被吓到滴……
  所以人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。  The sea cannot be measured with a bushel - - great minds can not be fathomed.   DO YOU THINK SO  
  我最头痛的是, 每个星期总会碰上几个这样的让我狂喷(喷饭的喷)不已的SAMM.....      
  Where is my Mr.right???  
  唉,其实丑不能怪他的,  可是出来吓人就不能不是他的责任了......
  . and welcome.   by the way, your vivid translation(《春江花月夜》) doesn't mean too much for western people indeed.To be success in your english ,
It is my understanding that you should fouce on something more in common sense. i am not saying i wanna turn you down.nevertheless, i'm kinda try to tell you the correct way in term of understanding the definition of english.    Good english is an art,but more important, it is a world-wild communication tool,prefect english must be simple, straightward and persuaded!
  my qq :  
  还是我的要求简单,我工作没有太多对英语的要求,能日常交流就行,也是我个人兴趣爱好,比起各位大侠来轻松哟~~~~~~~  恐龙啊,怎么没见你的贴啊???昨晚没梦到恐龙,但是梦见一个butterfly把我给甩了~~~heart is broken
  QQ号:  希望能通过英语聊天提高英文水平
  又见反恐(龙)部队主官(灌)茄兄靓照  不知今日杀死几个恐龙?  ^o^
  你可以想象一下多恐怖: 一个160都不到的人,戴副厚边黑框眼镜(就是现在很多明明视力好得很还喜欢戴的那种平光镜),腰和屁股几乎同SIZE,....脸蛋再漂亮也让人喷饭....    
  那不是筒子(此词非借代)标准像吗?面对此物您竟然可以陪笑长达120秒?  无限同情中~~~~
  .....当时我都恨不得提电梯一把,让它升得快一点.    最喷饭的是,她临下电梯还用一个夸张的笑容跟俺SAY GOODBYE....电梯门合上的那一刹那, 我长出了一口气....    
  揍是揍是,第二楼太影响楼主提高个人英文水平了。        支持楼主用自己的照片来给本贴消消毒  
  楼上的同学,有意见尽管提,哪里牵强附会了呢? 请指正.
  东方逐鹿 回复日期: 12:32:54 
  不是我说,做过翻译了不起呀,翻译也分个三六九等的,我见过大把的垃圾翻译呢.翻的东西笑掉大牙!    我从来没有说过自己了不起啊. 我一直的非常谦虚,低调的.  
  sorry,mr pineapple   i don't think your translation artical is brilliant enough to cherish.actually i appreciate the words of miss iceagemimi.
  contack me with the msn or qq as follows:
  此帖还在流通中?  弓虽!
In spring the river rises as high as the sea,     And with the river's rise the moon uprises bright.     She follows the rolling waves for ten thousand li,     And where the river flows, there overflows her light.         The river winds around the fragrant islet where     The blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.     You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air,     Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below.         No dust has stained the water ble     A lonely wheellike moon shines brilliant far and wide.     Who by the riverside first saw the moon arise?     When did the moon first see a man by riverside?         Ah, generations hav     From year to year the moons look alike, old and new.     We do not know tonight for whom she sheds her ray,     But hear the river say to its water adieu.         Away, away is sailing
    On Farewell Beach pine away maples green.     Where is the wanderer sailing his boat tonight?     Who, pining away, on the moonlit rails would learn?         Alas! The moon is ling     It should have seen the dressing table of the fair.     She rolls the curtain up and ligh     She washes but can't wash away the moonbeams there.         She sees the moon, but her bel     She'd follow it to shine on her beloved one's face.     But message-bearing swans can't fly out of moonlight,     Nor can letter-sending fish leap out of their place.         Last night he dreamed that falling flowers would not stay.     Alas! He can't go home, although half spring has gone.     The running water bearing s     The moon declining over the pool will sink anon.         The moon declining sin     It's a long way between southern rivers and eastern seas.     How many can go home by moonlight who are missed?     The sinking moon sheds yearning o'er riverside trees.         春江花月夜         春江潮水连海平     海上明月共潮生     滟滟随波千万里     何处春江无明月         江流宛转绕芳甸     月照花林皆似霰     空里流霜不觉飞     汀上白沙看不见         江天一色无纤尘     皎皎空中孤月轮     江畔何人初见月     江月何年初照人         人生代代无穷已     江月年年只相似     不知江月待何人     但见长江送流水         白云一片去悠悠     青枫浦上不胜愁     谁家今夜扁舟子     何处相思明月楼         可怜楼上月徘徊     应照离人妆镜台     玉户帘中卷不去     捣衣砧上拂还来         此时相望不可闻     愿逐月华流照君     鸿雁长飞光不度     鱼龙潜跃水成文         昨夜闲潭梦落花     可怜春半不还家     江水流春去欲尽     江潭落月复西斜         斜月沉沉藏海雾     碣石潇湘无限路     不知乘月几人归     落月摇情满江树  
  again??    为楼主百折不回的强韧精神  鼓掌~~~~~~~~~加油~~~~~~~~~努力~~~~~~~~~奋斗~~~~~~~~~~~~        btw:您打算什么时候上照片呀?
  MSN:   Skype: szjamie    Welcome to really talk in English with me.    Attached is a copy of translation work I noted down from a magazine in 2004. Hope it will bring you some fresh ideas.      A Moonlit Spring Night on the River    By Zhang Ruoxu    Spring sees river tide rise just as that in the sea,    Where the bright moon is rising along with the tide.    With rolling waves it glitters simply far and wide.    Where on the river would the full moon's light not be?        The river winds its way around where flowers grow    That all resemble snow drops tiny in the moonlight.    You see no frost in the air on such a Spring night,    Nor can you tell apart the beach sand and the snow.        The water and the sky merge into a pure whole.    Up in the sky hangs the bright moon high all alone.    Who on the riverside saw first the rising moon?    When did the moon above shine first upon the soul?        After generations people would still come and go    While the river scene stays the same year after year.    I do not know whom the moon is waiting for here,    But see only the Yangtze River flow and flow.        A piece of cloud white is tearing itself away.    The riverside maples seem drowned in deep sorrow.    Rowing the boat tonight, who is the young fellow?    Where but the Moon Tower could he sadness allay?        Lovely is the moon bright hanging o'er the Tower.    Its light had better be shed on her dressing set.    She rolls up the curtain and see moon rays in get.    On the stone the moon shines her each washing hour.        Her eyes gaze at the moon but he does not appear.    She would follow the moon and on her lover shine.    Moonlight won't become swans to help drop him a line.    Nor fish in water to send the message from here.        Last night flowers fell over the pool in his dream.    Spring is now half gone yet to home he cannot go.    The water along with spring seems to away flow.    Again in the west o'er the pool sheds the moon beam.        The slanting moon under the sea mist is to hide.    Long, long is the way leading one back from yonder.    Who is now back by moonlight I somehow wonder?    The moon sinks shedding light over trees riverwide
  !·#¥·#%#¥……##¥……%¥—……—*%##·¥%·!#¥    呕血寻找高级聊友!·#¥·#%#¥……#    哎呀--我走错地方了!    强铁留个名---    我闪先---
  四川外贸执业人士,希望和大家交个朋友。  qq:
  i am in shanghai, work in a international trade company ,hope to improve my oral and writting english .  my QQ No. is 4878100.  come on!
  where's brother eggplant?  ^o^  此帖 不能沉
  hello ice  see ya here again....
  yeah, vmm. i wanna 呕血寻找高级聊友,全英文聊天, but couldn't find no one ...  ^o^
  楼主的译文………… 嘿嘿!
  还是先不要翻唐诗的好。    我的QQ: 4340650    老式英语六级哑巴英语。 很想提高口语水平! 欢迎加我!
  have you heard that the poem is lost in translation.  & you are
not xuyuanchong!& so never do that again!
  一天没看,这么多人来?眼都花了  楼主,你一下搞那么长,晕~~~~  真是能人太多~~~  恐龙:真同情你,在电梯里遇到了super恐龙,改天有空教你,我的防狼术有九段了~~~~  我说各位高手:人家楼主有翻译的爱好,你们不要打击嘛,如果你们真的厉害,想交流,可以把楼主的诗再译一遍贴上来嘛,用嘴说我也会哦,真是的~~你们译你们的,看看哪个更贴切,不是达到相互进步的目的吗?  晕。~~~我怎么像在给幼稚园的小朋友上课的一副架式???~~得罪得罪~~~
  抄袭有理  I opened my wallet and found it was empty  I reached into my pocket and found few coins  searched my life and found you  then I realized how rich I am
  说句不好听的话,为什么有人喜欢翻诗呢?翻诗怎么可能翻得好?  道理很简单,英语国家的人都不一定能写得好诗歌,何况咱还是2nd language呢?因此,建议想翻东西的话不要在诗歌这方面下太多功夫,wasting ur time, 自己看着译作很有成就感,老外看起来就怪怪的了。  说这些楼主别生气,一来是帮你顶个贴,二来是防止大家也走wrong way.  
  楼主,你招呼太不周了,居然不见了~~~  where are you? we couldn't find you....  I fell lonely tonigh so I come here, but I still lonely,where can I find my .....  forget it...  
  作者:hftian 回复日期: 21:20:18 
    说句不好听的话,为什么有人喜欢翻诗呢?翻诗怎么可能翻得好?    道理很简单,英语国家的人都不一定能写得好诗歌,何况咱还是2nd language呢?因此,建议想翻东西的话不要在诗歌这方面下太多功夫,wasting ur time, 自己看着译作很有成就感,老外看起来就怪怪的了。    说这些楼主别生气,一来是帮你顶个贴,二来是防止大家也走wrong way.    严重同意你的观点
不过实在不赞同你继续用这种塞牙缝的英语 :)
  哪里敢不周啊,这几日眼睛被电脑屏幕严重刺伤,巨痛难忍,不敢频繁临屏矣。    吧唧、吧唧、再吧唧
  继续  顶!
  晕死~~~~我老是忙到三更半夜才有空来这里灌,唉。。。过着跟常人不一样的生活。。。。郁闷啊。。。  这里有没有人喜欢乐器的啊?喜欢什么样的乐器啊?有空交流一下啊~~~~~~~~~~
  haha.....3 points.
英译中没有自信 每次都抓狂找人帮我鉴定
   寻人启事     男女不明,岁数不明,网名凤梨,最近失踪,知情者请报当地110,有重酬!!!
  楼主,别的不说了,春江花月夜这个词是个偏正短语,核心在“夜”上,春江,花和月都是定语,你这个翻译不妥  A Night with Blossoms and Moonlight on Spring River是比较准确的  可以看出你很追求简洁,但翻译的要素“信、达、雅”,准确是第一位的,不能舍本逐末呀。
  A Night with Blossoms and Moonlight on Spring River?
  哇 都是高手啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!呵呵
  外国聊天室? 实不知也,能否给偶推荐几个?
  外国聊天室? 也告诉我几个把,谢谢
  本人想提高英语水平  虽然大学过了4级  但自己都不知道怎么过的  而且毕业2年来  根本就再也没摸过  现在发现英语的确重要啊    LZ可以给个建议么  如果我想重新拿起英语该怎么做  想报名去新东方,但不知道该选择怎么样的班  谢谢老
  我的英语没过级,但应该也还不差吧.I am in
  wanna practice translation too.
09-02-08 &匿名提问 发布
Taking part in English is the best  way to improve your English skills
The best way to improve one's English (level/skill) is to join in an English club.


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