翻译that used toup where we belongg to my lover but now is jus

跪求 巴金先生《小狗包弟》英文版, 随便谁翻译的都成,拿来当参考的_百度知道
跪求 巴金先生《小狗包弟》英文版, 随便谁翻译的都成,拿来当参考的
我要英文翻译的 随便谁翻译的都成·~~
但是```请不要拿翻译软件直接翻出来的``` 哎`这是我的翻译作业,然后老师让找一篇另外的翻译版本做分析~~ `` 我不希望是翻译软件翻的...语法什么的都是错的````
For more than a month ago, I was in Beijing, listen to a person to speak about an artist thing, I remember one of the story is about the artist and the dog. Allegedly artists live in a not too big cities, the next door family raises dog, it is getting along well with the artist, the artist often use to eat things hospitality it. During the &cultural revolution&, the city never before seen happened artists scared, fight when knives hid elsewhere he fled to a period of time. Later he came back, is probably give a person pulled back, said he &LiTongWaiGuo&, is a counter-revolutionary, batch he, dou him, he did not admit, they beat up, kicks, sticks together, not only under a blood, leg also to interrupt. Tyrannised end, he walked motionless, let dictatorship team dragging his clothes were torn shoplifting parade, and covered with blood and dirt, issued ShenHuan mouth. Know he saw listless out to begin. Suddenly a puppy from RenCong ran out, very happily ran towards him. It warm screams, flapping near unto him, everywhere smell, using your tongue lick, his paw on him, touch. Others cast it go, kicking, take great fight, to no avail, it must stay in its friends. Finally dictatorship team puppy with stick interrupted, it sent out several voice hind legs tabbies, painfully dragged disability of the body away. The ground added the rags blood, artists left several dogs paw print. Artists to shut for years out, his first thing is buying a few jins of flesh to visit the puppy. Neighbor told him, the heavenly home to break later, what also don't eat, the cry died three days. Hearing this story, I again remind of I once raised a of the little dog. Yes, I also have a dog, that's 1959, when an acquaintance to things work, to be transferred to the Beijing will move to, want to put all of his pet dog to me, because I have a piece of grass, suitable for house dogs conditions. I promised, my son also very happy. The dog came, is a Japanese kind of yellow hair puppy, clean, and have a kind of skill: it has any requirements set up the body, when the two chela and together ZuoYi ceaselessly. This skill is not my friend trained. It also has a Swedish old master, I know nothing about him. He left for Shanghai home, the puppy, accept building leasehold puppy like gathered to my friend. The puppy when a foreign name, its transliteration is &BaoDi&,. We simplified this name, just call it &BaoDi&. BaoDi spent seven years in our home with our family and get along very well. It doesn't bite, see a stranger, at the gate, we 1 barking call, it ran away. Night fence outside the sidewalk often someone pass, it heard a voice will toward the fence and ran again call again, quack indeed a little harsh, but it also just call several voice is quiet. It in the yard and the grass time more, sometimes we received in the sitting room with an old friend or guest, it will come in for several yi, please sweets, cause guests laugh. Japanese friends more interested in it, and once in 1963 or later about the summer, a Japanese news agencies come to my house, he filmed the shoot TV BaoDi lens. And once by Japanese writer plays lady visit Shanghai, to my home, to Japanese BaoDi like very much, she said she in Tokyo in the home also raises the dog. Two years later, she again to Beijing to attend an emergency meeting of Asian and African writers, saw me she ask: &your puppy?& Listen to me BaoDi is very good, she smiled. My lover XiaoShan also like BaoDi. During the three years of difficult time, every time we come to culture club dinner, she has to ask the waiter for a few bones back BaoDi feeding. 1962 we couples with children in guangzhou after the Spring Festival, back to Shanghai, listen to the sisters say, we sleep in guangzhou, the door closed, when early each morning BaoDi wait for us out inside the stairs. It so everyday, never tired of. It sees us back, especially see XiaoShan, they did not cease hideko notani opened deco, that kind of happy, affectionate appearance, now that I think about it I was moved, I seemed to hear the question by up lady: &your puppy?& &Your puppy?& If I can again see the Japanese writer, she'll take the same word asked me. Her concern was not reduced. However, I have no puppy.1966 late August red guards began street copy &capitalism&, BaoDi into our house of a big &baggage& near evening, the children often play door shout and commotion, saying is to kill the puppy. Hear BaoDi shrill barks, I fear this coast, the copy &capitalism calls will lead to the red guards& I come home. I was already at half the state, evening we pull over in the yard enjoying the cool, the kids are advised me BaoDi off, I asked my big sister managed to. But in this season who is willing to accept this gift? Allegedly had to give hospital from researchers used to experiment with, we don't want to. BaoDi ZuoYi saw before, I wanted to laugh, these days I study in authority after BaoDi ZuoYi to my home, for something to eat, but I secretly tears. The situation became more and more urgent. Our lives next door an old business owners, the original is a factory boss, housing is built his own with my yard, separated only a ZhuLi. Someone to his house to copy capitalism. Somebody else's move next to a static, we hear clearly, from the fence seam in also visible some circumstance. This evening child shot near several times BaoDi never catch puppy, fortunately, monkey, nor give out caught. This is my first time more than sixty years to see what property, people hold the comings and goings, some people in loud ChiMa, someone broke any discarded odds. This scene was terrible. More than ten days I will sleep well, this night I think more, XiaoShan talked about with BaoDi things, we finally decided to go to the hospital BaoDi, to my big sister to do. After BaoDi send to walk, I came home from work, hear the dog bark, see BaoDi ZuoYi, follow me to my room, but I feel relaxed, it is a kind of break baggage feeling. But where I swallowed up two sleeping bed's long also connected, couldn't sleep, I involuntarily thought about BaoDi, it want to, and I think I not only didn't break anything, but back more heavy baggage. Before my eyes appear either ZuoYi puppy hideko notani opened deco, repeatedly, but lie in anatomy the table to cut open the BaoDi belly. The more I think about, is not only the puppy BaoDi, even I myself under anatomy. Can't protect a puppy, and I In order to preserve oneself, I put BaoDi to anatomical table, I despise myself, I can't forgive myself! I so disgracefully began a decade in the miserable life tribulations havoc. On one hand, on the other hand, they blame yourself to save yourself, don't let the family together with their falling into hell. I finally became BaoDi, no death on the table in anatomy, is my lucky... Exactly thirteen years LingWuGe months passed. I still live in the building where morning and I walk in the yard, feet is a sweet, bamboo fence into seamless brick wall. The houses next door a few households increased new owner, and the two additional on wall, sometimes fell a little window wall rubbish. Had just put up after the grape give a moth already falling down brush away, even the vines also be cherry-picking. The right Angle but added a big septic tank, is tight against five floors removed over the apartment. Missing several flower, much a few trees don't flowering tree. I miss the past to join me for a walk in the grass, the season, she often bending with his body, or sit on the ground in the weeds before and after lunch, she sometimes BaoDi poking play. ... I seem to do a big dream. Covered with wounds it's as if my heart and give in AoJian frying pan. This is not the end of AoJian, unless I give myself of the past ten years, summarizes the miserable life in the mind to pay off debt. This is not easy to do. So my future is not better than it. But the years I also alive. Even in the period of &fashion& liar, person to oneself also can't speak false words, be in today, and I am not afraid everyone derision, I say: I miss BaoDi, I want to apologize to it. January 4, 1980
中文名: 巴金 国籍: 中国 民族: 汉族 出生地: 四川成都 出生日期: 日 逝世日期: 日 职业: 现代文家、出版家、翻译家 主要成就: 文学巨匠 代表作品: 《家》、《春》《秋》 原名: 李尧棠 字: 芾甘
个人作品 著作书目
巴金被人们称为“世纪老人”。一位诗人王火在《敬寿巴老百岁》中写道:时光如水,巴金是金。真心真爱,深意深情。大志大悟,举重若轻。大作大家,淡泊宁静。曲奏南薰,霞焕椿庭。 人歌上寿,仁者遐龄。 立言立德,益世益民。 如鹤如松,长寿常青。 百岁翩临,华夏集庆。 海上人瑞,天际有星。编辑本段人物生平
出于对客死他乡的巴恩波同学的纪念,写了一个“巴”字,作为笔名的第一个字。1958年3月,巴金在《谈〈灭亡〉》一文中说:我的笔名中的“巴”字,就是因他而联想起来的,从他那里,我才知道百家姓中有个“巴”字。 笔名应有两个字组成,得再加一个字,用什么字好呢?正颇费踌躇时,詹剑峰走了进来,见李尧棠似在思考什么,便询问原因。李尧棠如实相告,并说要找个容易记住的字。詹剑峰是个热心人,见桌子上摊着李尧棠正在翻译的克鲁泡特金的《伦理学》一书,指指说:“就用克鲁泡特金的‘金’吧。”李尧棠爽快一点头:“好,就叫‘巴金’,读起来顺口又好记。”随之在“巴”字后边写了个“金”字。编辑本段大事记
For more than a month ago, I was in Beijing, listen to a person to speak about an artist thing, I remember one of the story is about the artist and the dog. Allegedly artists live in a not too big cities, the next door family raises dog, it is getting along well with the artist, the artist often use to eat things hospitality it. During the &cultural revolution&, the city never before seen happened artists scared, fight when knives hid elsewhere he fled to a period of time. Later he came back, is probably give a person pulled back, said he &LiTongWaiGuo&, is a counter-revolutionary, batch he, dou him, he did not admit, they beat up, kicks, sticks together, not only under a blood, leg also to interrupt. Tyrannised end, he walked motionless, let dictatorship team dragging his clothes were torn shoplifting parade, and covered with bloodAnd dirt, ShenHuan mouth issued. Know he saw listless out to begin. Suddenly a puppy from RenCong ran out, very happily ran towards him. It warm screams, flapping near unto him, everywhere smell, using your tongue lick the lick, his paw on him, touch. Others cast it go, kicking, take great fight, to no avail, it must stay in its friends. Finally dictatorship team puppy with stick interrupted, it sent out several voice hind legs tabbies, painfully dragged disability of the body away. The ground added the rags blood, artists left several dogs paw print. Artists to shut for years out, his first thing is buying a few jins of flesh to visit the puppy. Neighbor told him, the heavenly home to break later, what also don't eat, the cry died three days.Hearing this story, I again remind of I once raised a of the little dog. Yes, I also have a dog, that's 1959, when an acquaintance to things work, to be transferred to the Beijing will move to, want to put all of his pet dog to me, because I have a piece of grass, suitable for house dogs conditions. I promised, my son also very happy. The dog came, is a Japanese kind of yellow hair puppy, clean, and have a kind of skill: it has any requirements set up the body, when the two chela and together ZuoYi ceaselessly. This skill is not my friend trained. It also has a Swedish old master, I know nothing about him. He left for Shanghai home, the puppy, accept building leasehold puppy like gathered to my friend. The puppy when a foreign name, its transliteration is &BaoDi&,. We simplified this name, just call it &BaoDi&.BaoDi spent seven years in our home with our family and get along very well. It doesn't bite, see a stranger, at the gate, we 1 barking call, it ran away. Night fence outside the sidewalk often someone pass, it heard a voice will toward the fence and ran again call again, quack indeed a little harsh, but it also just call several voice is quiet. It in the yard and the grass time more, sometimes we received in the sitting room with an old friend or guest, it will come in for several yi, please sweets, cause guests laugh. Japanese friends more interested in it, and once in 1963 or later about the summer, a Japanese news agencies come to my house, he filmed the shoot TV BaoDi lens. And once by Japanese writer plays lady visit Shanghai, to my home, to Japanese BaoDi like very much, she said she in Tokyo in the home also raises the dog. Two years later, she again to Beijing to attend an emergency meeting of Asian and African writers, saw me she ask: &your puppy?& Listen to me BaoDi is very good, she smiled.My lover XiaoShan also like BaoDi. During the three years of difficult time, every time we come to culture club dinner, she has to ask the waiter for a few bones back BaoDi feeding. 1962 we couples with children in guangzhou after the Spring Festival, back to Shanghai, listen to the sisters say, we sleep in guangzhou, the door closed, when early each morning BaoDi wait for us out inside the stairs. It so everyday, never tired of. It sees us back, especially see XiaoShan, they did not cease hideko notani opened deco, that kind of happy, affectionate appearance, now that I think about it I was moved, I seemed to hear the question by up lady: &your puppy?&&Your puppy?& If I can again see the Japanese writer, she'll take the same word asked me. Her concern was not reduced. However, I have no puppy.1966 late August red guards began when street copy capitalism BaoDi into our house, a big burden near evening, the children often play door shout and commotion, saying is to kill the puppy. Hear BaoDi shrill barks, I just scared, fear that this will put copy of capitalism calls leads to my home to red. I was already at half the state, evening we pull over in the yard enjoying the cool, the kids are advised me BaoDi off, I asked my big sister managed to. But in this season who is willing to accept this gift? Allegedly had to give hospital from researchers used to experiment with, we don't want to. BaoDi ZuoYi saw before, I wanted to laugh, these days I study in authority after BaoDi ZuoYi to my home, for something to eat, but I secretly tears.The situation became more and more urgent. Our lives next door an old business owners, the original is a factory boss, housing is built his own with my yard, separated only a ZhuLi. Someone to his house to copy capitalism. Somebody else's move next to a static, we hear clearly, from the fence seam in also visible some circumstance. This evening child shot near several times BaoDi never catch puppy, fortunately, monkey, nor give out caught. This is my first time more than sixty years to see what property, people hold the comings and goings, some people in loud ChiMa, someone broke any discarded odds. This scene was terrible. More than ten days I will sleep well, this night I think more, XiaoShan talked about with BaoDi things, we finally decided to go to the hospital BaoDi, to my big sister to do.After BaoDi send to walk, I came home from work, hear the dog bark, see BaoDi ZuoYi, follow me to my room, but I feel relaxed, it is a kind of break baggage feeling. But where I swallowed up two sleeping bed's long also connected, couldn't sleep, I involuntarily thought about BaoDi, it want to, and I think I not only didn't break anything, but back more heavy baggage. Before my eyes appear either small ZuoYi hideko notani opened deco, repeatedly
出门在外也不愁英 [d??st]
美 [d??st]
正好,恰好 exactly
只是,仅仅 no more than
刚才,方才 o only now and not sooner
勉强地 hardly
公道的; 公正的; 公平的 acting or being in accordance with what is mora fair
合理的,有充分根据的 well-founded
just 在《会展英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
公正的, 公 ... &&
just 在《金融术语英语词典 》APP的缩略释义:
公正的, 正 ... &&
used especially of what is legally or ethically right
"a just and lasting peace"
"a kind and just man"
"a just reward"
"his just inheritance"
fair to all parties as dictated by r
"equitable treatment of all citizens"
"an equitable distribution of gifts among the children"
free from favoritism or self-interest
conforming with establishe
"a fair referee"
"fair deal"
"on a fair footing"
"a fair fight"
"by fair means or foul"
"a genuinely good person"
"a just cause"
"an upright and respectable man"
"I was merely asking"
"it is simply a matter of time"
"just a scratch"
"he was only a child"
"hopes that last but a moment"
indicating exac
"he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"
"it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"
"it has just enough salt"
"he has just arrived"
"the sun just now came out"
"I just can't take it anymore"
"he was just grand as Romeo"
"it's simply beautiful!"
"they could barely hear the speaker"
"we hardly knew them"
"just missed being hit"
"had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open"
"would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave"
exactly at this moment or
"we've just finished painting the walls, so don't touch them"
用作副词 (adv.)
This is the thing you just left.
I am just you need not be nervous.
I'm sorry, but I am just on my way out.
To our great joy, your goods arrived just in time.
I am just starving.
用作形容词 (adj.)
Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war.
You have received a just reward.
We made a just assessment of the situation.
用作副词 (adv.)
I have just had a tooth pulled out and my mouth is very sore.
We've just arrived here, can you arrange for a car for us?
I have just been appointed our firm's representative in Paris.
What he has just said does not accord with the views of the majority.
He determined, come what may, to return the visit he had just received.
He's just coming.
We're just going to start.
I am just out of hospital.
I am only just home from Oxford University.
We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.
I was just passing, so I thought I'd blow in for a few minutes.
I was just going out when a call came through on the phone from Tom.
The two things are so opposed that they just cancel each other out.
It is just 12 o'clock in the evening.
The rope is just long enough.
That is just what he expected.
It's just an old rag I had in the closet.
This is not the original picture, but just a copy of it.
You have to assimilate the facts, not just remember them.
Employing just one woman among fifty men is only taken recognition of equal rights for the sexes.50
It’s just a routine medical examination, nothing to get worried about.
He says he's just an ordinary man, living in an ordinary house, with ordinary hopes and fears.
In his youth he lost several jobs, just because he dared to answer back.
You d you are just begging the question.
There’s just an outside chance we’ll get the contract after all.
There was only just room to brush past in the crowd.
In the heavy fog I could just see his face.
He just managed to pass the examination.
By the time I got to the airport, they were already calling my flight,I just barely made it.
He only just answered the question.
We only just climbed up the top of the mountains.
We have only just enough milk to last till Friday.
I only just caught the bus this morning.
There are only five minutes to go.You might just manage to get to the station, but you're cutting it rather fine.
I just can't believe my eyes.
The food is just wonderful.
His skill is just marvellous.
The sentence just doesn't make sense.
It is just beautiful!
The film was just marvelous!
I really didn't know just what profession he practised.
Just who was the owner of the house?
Just who is the pretty girl sitting beside you?
Just how did you know she was a driver?
My mother is just coming.
The door just opens.
He came from France last week, just to see us.
Let's take more money than we think we'll need, just to be on the safe side.
It was pleasant just to watch the girl with her bouncing energy and her happy laugh.
It isn't enough just to cast your eyes over this blue- you should make a careful study of it.
Please wait just I'm going to clean myself up.
Just give me ten minute I'm covered in oil.
用作形容词 (adj.)
It is a just but not generous decision.
She has received a just reward.
He was a just man, listening to both sides of every complaint.
We resolutely support your just struggle for national liberation.
There's no doubt that your just cause will triumph throughout the world.
This is a perfectly just and proper measure of self-defence.
We entirely support your just position on this matter.
The state must protect the just rights and interests of the people.
We hold that their proposal is just and reasonable.
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
He is just in his dealings.
We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.
We must deal with the matter seriously so as to be just to all the people concerned.
It is/was+~+that-clause
It is just that you should be rewarded.
用作副词 (adv.)
it is just as well
也是好事,倒也不错 it is a good thing
It is just as well that we didn't go out in this rain.
I had a puncture so it was just as well I was carrying a spare wheel.
it would be just as well
是明智的 it is advisable
It would be just as well to lock the door when you go out.
just about
just as one〔it is〕
不特意装饰或改变; 保持原样 without any special decoration or alteration
Tell her to come to the party just as she is.
The trousers are rather long, but I'll take them just as they are.
just in case
以防万一 as a precaution
It's usually not hard to get this kind of ticket, but start early, just in case.
just like that
突然,冷不防地; 莫名其妙地 suddenly, without warning or explanation
He walked out on his wife just like that!
刚才,刚刚 only a short time ago, a moment ago or so
I saw him just now.
He said that another test would be needed, adding that preparations must be made just now.
He caught me out just now with a question on English grammar.
现在,此时 at this very moment
Come and see me later, but not just now.
Good fruit is scarce just now, and costs a lot.
立刻,正要 be about to do
I'm going to the hospital just now.
I'll be seeing him just now.
有条理的,井然 performed or arranged with precision
She cannot bear an untidy desk. Everything must be just so.
If everything isn’t just so, he gets angry.
I like to keep these books just so.
精确地 precisely
You think that muggers should be punished more severely?Just so,I'm in total agreement.
just the same
同样的,完全相同的 identical
These two pictures are just the same.
You can hand in your paper now or it's just the same to me.
仍然,还是 nevertheless
The sun's out, but I'll take a raincoat just the same.
not just yet
并非现在,但可能不久 not at this present moment but probably quite soon
I should be finished in an hour.
I think it wouldn't be wise to mention it to her just yet.
one might just as well be〔do〕 sth
这样也好 one would not benefit from being or doing otherwise
The weather was so bad on holiday we might just as well have stayed at home.
用作副词 (adv.)
用作形容词 (adj.)
He had decided, as he was a just and logical person, that her sex was immaterial.
出自:D. Francis
Twelve jurors who had seemed..to be just and upright and unprejudiced men.
出自:J. C. Oates
They had been standing just by the drawing-room door.
出自:T. Hardy
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
出自:T. S. Eliot
Someone dropped a ruler just then.
出自:C. P. Snow
You are just the person I was looking for.
出自:R. K. Narayan
He remembered now: it was just three years ago.
出自:G. Greene
He looked just like an ordinary boy.
出自:J. Simms
just作“刚刚”解时,如时间较短(a moment ago),英式英语中动词用现在完成时,美式英语中动词用一般过去时,有时也可用一般现在时。如时间稍长(a short time ago),无论英美语均用一般过去时。作“很快”“一会儿”(very soon)解时,可用现在时或将来进行时。just now作“刚才”解时动词用一般过去时; 作“现在”“此刻”解时动词用一般现在时或现在进行时; 作“立刻”“马上”解时动词用现在进行时、一般将来时或将来进行时。
just作“恰好,正是”解时,一般不用于否定句,表示此意的否定句要用not quite。just也可作“刚好,勉强地,好容易才…,仅仅”等解,前面可加only。在非正式文体中, just可作“非常,简直,太”解。just可与疑问副词或疑问代词连用,以加强疑问效果,意为“究竟,到底”。just还可用在表示将来动作的进行时、将来时的句中,作“就要,正要”解。
美式英语中常用right now代替just now。
just作副词时有时还可修饰名词。例如:Just two days ago I saw him.就在两天前,我还见过他。
We didn't want just any baby.(强调any)任何孩子我们都不要。We just didn't want any baby.(强调didn't)我们就是不要孩子。
just not, not just
这两个同构异序的短语意思并不相同:just not作“差一点儿不,根本不”解,而not just...(but)的意思是“不仅…(还…)”。 试比较:
He is not just tall, but strong.
He is just not as tall as his brother.
just, justly
Our representative has just spoken.
He has spoken justly.
:very是形容词,用来修饰名词,位于the, this,my等限定词后。
At the very beginning of this term, they took an exam.
:right作副词,用来修饰谓语(常为动词be)或作状语的介词短语等,须放在the, this,my等限定词之前。
The police looked at the thief right in the eye.
He is just the actor I want.
误 It is just not what he wanted.
正 It is not quite what he wanted.
析 just作“恰好,正是”解时,一般不用于否定句,表示此意的否定句要用not quite。
☆ 1382年进入英语,直接源自古法语的just;最初源自古典拉丁语的justus,意为正直的,公平的。
just 在《外研社英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
正好,恰好 ... &&
[计算机] 对齐
just:just adj. 正义的, 公正的, 正确的, 应得的, 有充分根据的adv. 正好, 仅仅, 刚才, 只是, 不过习惯用语just about 差不多, 几乎(要), 就要 刚好 就在这一带, 大…


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