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In , a rolling release or rolling update
refers to a continually develo this is instead of a standard release development model which uses
that must be reinstalled over the previous version. Rolling release development models are one of many types of
and, in terms of
in general, rolling release development models are less common than standard release development models in most
software sectors, such as .
Although a rolling release model can be used in the development of any piece or collection of software, it is typically seen in use by a minority of . , of which Linux distributions form a , are commonly referred to as distros, with rolling release distributions commonly referred to as rolling distros. When used as an , instead of a , rolling release is often shortened to rolling, when referring to distributions, software, or development models.
A rolling release is typically implemented using small and frequent . However, simply having updates does not automatically mean that a piece of software is using a r for this, the philosophy of developers must be to work with one
branch, versus discrete versions. When the rolling release is employed as the development model,
are typically delivered to users by a
on the user's , accessing through the
(often via a ) stored on an internet .
Not all software distributions based on, derived from, or related to rolling release distributions are necessarily rolling releases themselves. An example of this is
(formerly DeLi Linux), which is a standard release distribution based on the rolling release distribution . Similarly, most of the software contained in a rolling distribution's software stack is usually standard release.
The remainder of this article focuses on the rolling release model as applied to software distributions (versus ). From this point onwards, unless otherwise stated, the term rolling release will be taken to refer to distributions and not to software in general.
Rolling release
in general often fall into one or more of the following
categories and subcategories:
Part-rolling, semi-rolling, or half-rolling distributions have a subset of
that are not rolling. These packages usually form either a non-rolling 'core' (such as the
and other major packages) or conversely a non-rolling 'wrapper' (normally custom
Partly rolling distribution with a more stable non-rolling fixed core. Examples are , , , and .
Partly rolling distribution with a non-rolling fixed wrapper around a rolling core. An example is Toorox Linux.
Partly rolling distribution which mixes rolling and non-rolling . Examples are , ,
and Toorox Linux, but also (to a much lesser extent) distributions like
which allow
(instead of ) and try to supply the latest stable
releases — however, Fedora and Ubuntu are not currently listed as rolling distributions in this article, since (although they are both capable of rolling ) they do not (as of March 2012) use a rolling release .
The terms partially rolling and partly rolling (along with
semi-rolling and half-rolling), fully rolling, truly rolling and optionally rolling are all standard terms used by
and . However, the term cyclically rolling is not necessarily a standard term, though the term cyclic release is — see .
Full-rolling distributions (opposed to ) do not divide the distribution into a rolling and non-rolling part. They apply the rolling release
to the entirety of the software stack.
Fully rolling distribution based on a rolling (usually secondary)
(such as ) of a non-rolling release 'parent' distribution. Examples are , siduction and Semplice Linux.
Fully rolling distribution based on another fully rolling parent distribution. Examples are , , , ,
(all based on ), , , , , and
(all based on ).
Fully rolling independent distribution. Examples are , , , , and .
Pseudo-rolling distributions attempt to stabilize a
of a non-rolling distribution via
to obtain a distribution with features similar to those of a true rolling release.
Pseudo-rolling distribution based on a cyclical distribution (such as ) of a non-rolling release 'parent' distribution. Examples are , siduction, Semplice Linux, , , Vanillux and Epidemic Linux.
to truly rolling (or true-rolling), the term pseudo-rolling is used by some users to describe and distinguish distributions such as , ,
and , among others, which are based on (usually a development branch of) a non-rolling distribution which is modified to provide the
approximating that of a true rolling release.
True-rolling distributions (as opposed to ) are developed solely using a rolling release .
Truly rolling (versus pseudo-rolling) distribution that is an independent rolling distribution which is not based on a
of a 'parent' distribution. Examples are , , , ,
(along with its :
and ), , and .
Truly rolling distribution that is based on an independent truly rolling 'parent' distribution. Examples are , , , , ,
etc. (based on ), , , , etc. (based on ), and
(based on ).
Opt-rolling distributions either have a separate rolling and non-rolling release edition of the distribution, or can be optionally run as a rolling or a non-rolling release distribution. Generally, they are either rolling or non-rolling by . Optionally rolling distributions are relatively rare, compared to other rolling release distribution models.
Non-rolling release distribution that can be run as a rolling release, usually via a rolling . Example are
and compatible derivatives using the
rolling repository.
Rolling distribution on which is based a non-rolling release edition of the same distribution.
Rolling distribution which is designed to be optionally able to run as a non-rolling release distribution.
Cyclic-rolling distributions are based on a cyclical
of a non- as a result the general age and stability of the packages does not remain consistent through t especially across the end of a cycle, during a release of the non-rolling parent distribution.
Cyclically rolling distribution based on a cyclical (usually primary)
(such as ) of a non-rolling release 'parent' distribution. An examples is .
The term cyclically rolling (and cyclic-rolling) has been used in this article to differentiate rolling releases based on a cyclical (versus rolling)
of a non-rolling distribution, since these (along with pseudo-rolling releases) have relevant differences, from other types of rolling releases — see
subsection below.
In particular, before each release of the parent distribution, its primary development branch is . During this
period, no major changes are made to the development branch, and it is at this point that it is at its most stable and -free. At the new release of the parent distribution, the old development branch becomes the new stable branch and a fresh development branch is formed, restarting the whole . It is at this point that the fresh development branch is now at its most unstable and buggy.
can be disruptive for cyclical rolling release
based on primary development branches, due to the freeze period and the subsequent sudden discontinuity in stability and , as most rolling release distributions try to maintain a steady and consistent user experience. This conflict arises due to the inherent difference between rolling release and non-rolling release , hence making this a challenge for all cyclical rolling release software distributions to overcome.
All rolling distributions (whether part-, full-, pseudo-, true-, cyclic-, etc.) have
contained in the
that is more current than that contained on the
media and usually contains very recent  – often the latest stable software releases available. They have pseudo-releases and
media that are simply a
of the software distribution at the time of the release. There is therefore no need to
the , as is (usually) the case with
of a standard release. Also, a rolling release operating system installed from an old
can be fully updated post-installation to the latest system software and
Other Linux distributions may maintain a
in between releases. These development branches (dev-branches) are often labelled with the suffix -current, -unstable, -testing or -snapshot and may resemble a rolling release because software in such a branch is continually updated. However, unlike a rolling release, primary development branches are intended to be the next release, and will be frozen and tested before such a release.
is based) are examples of primary development branches, and
is based) is an example of a secondary development branch. By their very nature, these development branches tend to be unstable and buggy, with security fixes being slow, incomplete or non- they also tend to lack support and documentation.
For these reasons, some
recommended (in the
or on the distribution's ) that , developmental milestone releases, , ,
should generally not be used as
in a production environment, in case of , etc. A humorous example of such is the
having the
message "WARNING: This is alpha software, it could eat your hamster!!"
Unlike rolling releases, development branches are mainly intended to be used by ,
rather than your average  — see .
Eamples of rolling distributions
The following ,
are all examples of
releases, except for those that are specifically indicated as partial (which are part-rolling) or cyclical (which are cyclic-rolling). Distributions marked as optional can be run either as rolling or non-rolling releases. Other than
(which uses the
distributions (which use the
kernels), the rest are all
(which use the ). The following list of rolling distributions is grouped into families of related distributions.
The information contained in this section is sourced either directly from the 's website or from
or , except where indicated otherwise by .
Alpine Linux began as a fork of the
which was not a rolling release. In addition to point releases, users may update the system as individual packages become available.
is a lightweight binary distribution with packaging tools similar to those of Arch. However, it has different policies for how its packages are compiled. Most notably the use of a smaller C library than
and the use of kernel features
by default.
, ArchBSD/PacBSD, , , Bridge Linux, , CTKArch, , , Nosonja Linux and
(among others) are all rolling release
related to, derived from, or based on, the independent rolling release
is an independent
Linux distribution that adheres to the
and aims to use only ''
(i.e. plain/non-customized), minimizing the number of
and giving a 'simpler' . It uses the
and is a 'self-build' distribution.
is a "modern, elegant and powerful
based on . It started life under the name of Cinnarch, combining the
desktop with the Arch Linux distribution, but the project has moved on from its original goals and now offers a choice of several desktops, including
(default), ,
and . Antergos also provides its own graphical installation program." Antergos adheres to the Arch Linux .
is a lightweight Hurd distribution with a stylized
desktop and the experimental
. Therefore, although based on , it is not a Linux distribution as it does not use the .
is a lightweight Linux distribution with a minimalist
desktop. Its name was inspired from
(or #!), a lightweight Debian-based Linux distribution which also uses a minimalist Openbox desktop.
, that emerged from a modular modified
for Arch Linux called KDEmod. KDEmod has now been merged into 'The Chakra Project' as part of Chakra Linux and is no-longer available for Arch Linux. Like Arch Linux, Chakra Linux adheres to the . It focuses exclusively on the KDE desktop, describing itself as " free by default", but has a 'bundles system' that allows some popular -based applications to be run inside their own self-contained . Originally a fork of Arch Linux, Chakra GNU/Linux is now independent of it — thus making it still Arch-related (due to ), but now Arch-derived (i.e.
from Arch's ), rather than Arch-based (i.e. following Arch's ).
CTKArch is a lightweight Linux distribution with a stylized
desktop and support for the new
is a Filipino Linux distribution that uses the
is a user friendly distribution based on the
desktop environment. It comes with a custom installer and additional scripts to install a pre-configured and out of the box working system which is fully compatible with Arch Linux.
Nosonja Linux is described as a beginner-friendly,
orientated, rolling-release Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. It uses
as the default desktop environment. It uses custom repository from which all essential parts of system are configured so all user have to do is press update icon when updates are available.
endorsed by the
(FSF) as being fully 100% free software. Whereas
is free as in ,
software; see ) is free as in . This distinction in relation to software is often described as the . Most of the
listed in this article are
and , but not fully 100% free software, as defined by the FSF. However, they are all based on software which is, such as the
(see ) with the ,
for a list of Linux distributions using 's .
for a list of currently active Arch-based distributions.
Aptosid, siduction and Semplice are rolling-release
Linux distributions based on , Debian's unstable
() is cyclical rolling release Deb binary-based
based on . Debian testing is a cyclical
and is thus frozen before each release of . During this time, Debian testing is no longer rolling, which affects rolling distributions based on it — like LMDE and antiX.
Such distributions are therefore described on this page as cyclically rolling releases (or cyclic-rolling for short) to distinguish them from other forms of rolling releases, and are not classed as fully rolling releases (or full-rolling for short). For more information, see
section above. Also, the term
here refers specifically to
(which uses the ) and not
(which uses the
kernel) nor
(which uses the
Linux variant based on SimplyMEPIS but with
instead of
as the desktop and based on Debian testing instead of Debian stable. As SimplyMEPIS is based on Debian stable, SimplyMEPIS is not rolling.
(previously known as ) is a rolling release Linux distribution based on , Debian's unstable development branch (Sid), and using
as the primary desktop with
'spins' (or 'flavors') also available. Besides Debian's unstable repositories, aptosid uses its own package repositories and tools to help avoid potential breakage, otherwise more common when using Debian unstable.
Epidemic GNU/Linux is a Brazilian
as the main desktop.
Semplice Linux is a
that uses an
based desktop.
in late 2011. It is
orientated and available with the ,
Vanillux is a live distribution based on
which uses the
is a Dutch semi-rolling release Linux distribution based on Debian. It was in 2012 an unofficial version of "Linux Mint Debian edition" (LMDE) using the KDE desktop environment. In November 2012 Linux Mint took the decision not to maintain a KDE version of LMDE and to stop maintaining the Xfce version. SolydXK was started with emphasis on the two desktop environments.
Note: As of March 2012, discussions are ongoing among Debian developers (on ) regarding a
of developing a rolling release edition of
called DebianCUT () — where "CUT" stands for constantly usable testing. This has been suggested to be either a new edition of Debian or to replace (or be a modified or re-branded version of) Debian testing.
for a list of Debian-based Linux distributions.
is an independent fixed release
Linux distribution sponsored by
and used as the base for
''(discontinued April 2013) is an independent rolling release RPM binary-based Linux distribution which uses the
and was originally forked from .
for a list of Fedora-based Linux distributions.
LFS stands for
and is a collection of documentation designed to instruct a
in how to build a
from scratch. It is intended primarily as an educational tool for
students to learn how a -based
NuTyX Linux is a Linux distribution that is based on
(BLFS) and .
, the , , , Toorox Linux, and most other , are
(rather than ) — with
(which is binary-based) being an obvious exception. Apart from the Sorcerer-related distributions (which are also source-based) most of the other distributions referred to in this article are binary-based (rather than source-based) distributions, as are most Linux distributions and
in general.
is an independent '' source-based distribution that puts an emphasis on
using the , rather than installing pre-compiled
. It supports a wide range of
are part of the
project, which is part of the
project to port Gentoo to other kernels, besides Linux.
is '' and source-based but differs from Gentoo in its use of a
is a source-based distribution aimed at business and enterprise deployment. It has
as its primary desktop, but is also available with
is a binary-based
with a wide range of
available, including Cinnamon, , , , , , , and . Sabayon adheres to the
philosophy and is intended to "just work". It aims to provide a Gentoo-based distribution that is
for less experienced and
Linux users.
Toorox Linux is a source-based Linux distribution which (like Sabayon) aims to make Gentoo 'newbie-friendly'. However, (unlike Sabayon) although the Gentoo base is rolling, the Toorox wrapper is not rolling, making Toorox Linux only part-rolling. Also, Sabayon is binary-based, whereas Toorox is source-based. Toorox Linux is available with the
is ba it is a
built on the
(which is based on the
) as the desktop's . Netbooks using Chrome OS are referred to as , while netbooks using Chromium OS are referred to as Chromiumbooks. Google Chrome OS is the only rolling distribution referred to in this article that is not , nor freely downloadable from the internet. However, its base, Chromium OS, is
and freely downloadable from the internet.
is the open source software project and
on which 's
is based. The relationship between Chrome OS and Chromium OS is similar to that between
and , or between
and , or that formerly existing between
(now ). This is a
where a commercial
wants to use an
and the resources of the open-source
to aid the
to base its
for a list of Gentoo-based Linux distributions.
are rolling release
Linux distributions related to, derived from, or based on, the independent non-rolling binary-based Linux distribution . Mandriva Linux is developed by
and was originally forked from . Both Mandriva Linux and Red Hat Linux use the
originally developed by .
Linux distribution available with a large selection of desktop environments that evolved into a distribution from originally being a
users. It aims to be easy for new users, especially those used to . Originally
from Mandriva Linux, PCLinuxOS is now independent of Mandriva Linux, pulling many of its
from other distributions — thus making it still Mandriva-related (due to ), but now Mandriva-derived (i.e. forked from Mandriva's ), rather than Mandriva-based (i.e. following Mandriva's ).
as the default desktop and is intended as a core distribution for other , referred to by Unity Linux developers and users as branches (not to be confused with ), to base themselves on. These branches (often called distrolets by
users), based on Unity Linux, include the following Linux distributions: Unite17 (formally PCe17OS), HUMANity,
(formally ), , , Synergy Linux and ChameleonOS. Like , Unity Linux is an
for a list of Mandriva-based Linux distributions.
was an independent rolling release Linux distribution developed by U.S. based , it was available with the
. It is discontinued as of 2009.
is a rolling release Linux distribution that is based on rPath Linux and uses Conary as its package management system with it is available with the GNOME and KDE Plasma Desktop desktop environments.
of the independent Linux distribution . Like Sorcerer, they are ''
(opposed to ) Linux distributions that put an emphasis on
from , using a software , rather than
is an independent source-based Linux distribution that is , with , , , , , , , , and
is an independent source-based Linux distribution that was originally forked from Sorcerer. It is , with , , , , , , , , and
is an independent source-based Linux distribution that was originally forked from Sorcerer in late January to early February 2002. It is available with , , , , , , , and
By default , and most of its derivatives, are not rolling releases since openSUSE has stable fixed releases and developmental
releases. However users can choose to use a rolling release version called , which is always based on the latest stable release and continuously updated. This is based on the
called ''. Once the packages here are tested, they are released as part of Tumbleweed.
Previously, Factory and Tumbleweed were acting as separate rolling releases, but since 2014-Nov-04, the situation has been streamlined into the above status.
is an independent
and , produced by the
which is sponsored by . SUSE was formally part of , both of which were acquired by .
merged with Attachmate in 2014. SUSE is now a business unit of . openSUSE is used as an open source development platform for
(SLED) in a similar way that
(RHEL). Various derivatives (or 're-spins') of openSUSE, are also available, such as SUSE On A Diet (SOAD), Petite Linux, KDE Four Linux and KDE Reloaded Linux.
for a list of SUSE-based Linux distributions.
is a defunct but independent
Linux distribution – available with the
desktops – which aims to be the "fastest
distribution". It uses
recognition tools from . YOPER and
both use the RPM v5
of the RPM package format and are collaborating on a
called ubuild.
use a non-rolling release (or standard release) model rather than a rolling release model. They have significant changes between , requiring a complete operating system , or at least a major .
The most common form of non-rolling release (or standard release) software is fixed release software, where (unlike a
rolling release) the release is
and occurs at a fixed . A minor
is called a . Some
adopt a date-based (also termed a timed or scheduled release) release policy, where software is released on a specific predetermined date, versus others which use a state-based (or release when ready) release policy, where software is released once deemed by the development team to be in a release-ready state.
An example of these differing release policies are
(which uses a date-based release policy) and its derivative
(which uses a state-based release policy). Software distributions that use a date-based release policy will often have a countdown clock on their website, in the month leading up to a release, counting down the days to the launch-date. However, some distributions may instead choose to opt for a release policy somewhere between date-based and state-based, in an attempt to gain some benefits of both approaches.
The term cyclic release is sometimes used to describe
uses a cyclic . Likewise, the term periodic release is sometimes used to describe software that is released at regular . Like rolling release, the terms fixed release, point release, cyclic release and periodic release do not apply solely to
and . They can apply to any pie for example
might adopt either a rolling release or fixed release .
Examples of popular non-rolling release
include , , most
and most .
In terms of the , standard releases require significant development effort being spent on keeping old versions up to date due to propagating
fixes back to the newest branch, versus focusing more on the newest . Also, unlike rolling releases, standard releases require more than one code branch to be developed and maintained, which increases the
workload of the
On the other hand, software features and technology planning are easier in standard releases due to a better understanding of upcoming features in the next version(s) rather than simply the whim of the developers at any given time.
can also be
with those of major
, such as . Hence, there are pros and cons to both standard release and rolling release .
As far as the
experience, standard releases are often viewed as more stable and -free since software conflicts can be more easily addressed and the software stack more thoroughly tested and evaluated, during the . For this reason, they tend to be the preferred choice in enterprise environments such as
tasks such as
However, rolling releases offer more current software which can also provide increased stability and fewer
along with the additional benefits of new features, greater functionality, faster running speeds, and improved system and , among others. With the last of these, , the rolling release model can have advantages in timely security updates, fixing system or application
and , that standard releases may have to wait till the next release for. Though, in a rolling release distribution, where the user has chosen to run it as a highly dynamic system, the constant flux of
can introduce new unintended .
This section is focused on the popularity and adoption of rolling distributions. For a more general look at the popularity and adoption of Linux distributions, please see . For a specific look at adoption in the
sector, see .
When discussing the
of rolling distributions, it is worth emphasizing the distinction, not only between current versus cumulative measures, and absolute versus relative measures, but among , , ,
: the number of rolling
(absolute) and the size of the
: the number of rolling distro
(absolute) and the size of the
: the number of rolling distro
(absolute) and the size of the
: the number of rolling distro
and the size of the
: the number of rolling distros
(absolute) and the size of the
Note: Although
can buy FOSS CDs and DVDs, most FOSS distros are available to download legally . Generalized use of
terms when referring to
can thus be potentially misleading.
The ability to install, customize and configure only once, yet still continue to run the very 'latest and greatest'
, gives rolling release distributions a highly devoted following in the , which, though still a small minority, seems to be growing.
Indeed, in the rolling release user community, a rolling development model is often viewed as a 'must-have' feature when choosing and moving between
(commonly referred to as distro hopping). In some cases, ardent fans of rolling distributions may become , opting solely to use rolling distributions, similar to 'Linux converts' with .
With major
(such as ,
Tumbleweed, , , , and the proposed DebianCUT) opting to provide a rolling release offering of some form, the number and popularity of rolling distributions would appear – and has been asserted by some, particularly in the rolling community – to be on the rise. However, whether this is truly part of a bigger long-term
and use trend (either toward favoring rolling releases over standard releases, or toward giving the user the option to use software in either manner) remains to be seen.
Also although the
number of rolling release installs may have increased, the
number (i.e. the proportion of releases which are rolling releases) may not have. This is likely the case, when one takes into account the explosion in
that has emerged over the last decade, with the dominance of
and , since ,
are non-rolling operating systems. Whether the proportion of rolling release installs will increase may depend partly on the future of the Android (non-rolling) and Google Chrome OS (rolling) operating systems — specifically, if
merges the two, whether the resulting operating system will be a rolling release or not.
, which tend to be , rolling distributions (which are mostly
being notable exceptions. Nor do rolling releases tend to require . Since most are freeware and , they are legally free to download, copy, modify and redistribute, making the internet their primary . This makes it practically impossible to get reliable figures on the
of rolling distributions.
Given their range and number, this is a well recognized issue with
in particular. Though the
may be detected (e.g. via
strings) the specific
running on it might not. Some
log c however this can prove an unreliable measure due to compounding factors. Direct access to repository
can result in uncounted users, while users using
can be repeat-counted, and users connected via a
may be either under-counted or over-counted depending on the behavior of the exit node's .
Although there are no official figures on popularity, adoption, downloads or
of rolling release , the popular website
for its various distribution pages, including distributions which are rolling releases and those which have rolling release versions. This gives a very rough indication of the overall popularity landscape and adoption trends of software distributions and is used by some as an unofficial measure of popularity and adoption of software distributions.
However, in the case of rolling releases, it is possible that such page-hit statistics may be misleading. Along with server orientated software distributions, users of rolling release distributions are less likely to reinstall their operating system on a regular basis, and thus are also less likely to frequent the distribution's
page, a use of which is for
of, and catching up with the latest news on, new releases. This could result in the popularity of rolling releases and server-orientated distributions being under-represented by some measures, like page-hit statistics of websites such as DistroWatch.
There are also no official figures for the total number of Linux systems, partly due to the difficulty of quantifying the number of
running Linux (see ), since many users download . Hence, the sales figures for Linux systems and commercial Linux distributions indicate a much lower number of Linux systems and level
this is mainly due to Linux being
that can be
However, the website
(new website ) keeps a
of the number of Linux systems, but does not distinguish between rolling release and standard release distributions. The
figures, taken together, could in theory be used to arrive at a very rough
of the popularity and adoption of rolling distributions.
In September 2008
claimed 60% of servers run Linux. Linux is by far the most popular operating system among , due to its superior performance, flexibility, speed and lower costs. In November 2008 Linux held an 87.8 percent share of the world's top 500 supercomputers.
As of June 2010 the operating systems used on the world's top 500 supercomputers were:
These figures indicate
dominates the
sector with a
of over 90% and climbing, and that Linux constitutes well over half of the
market. However, it is unclear what proportion of these run rolling release Linux distributions. Most
systems are non-rolling since the only significant rolling release BSDs are the
variants, which have far less popularity than major BSD distributions such as ,
which is partially BSD-based. Likewise, as
is still experimental, Hurd distributions (rolling and non-rolling) have minimal . BSD and Hurd popularity and adoption thus currently has negligible impact on the overall popularity and adoption of rolling distributions, since most rolling distributions are Linux distributions and Linux popularity and adoption currently dwarfs that of BSD (not including ) and Hurd in the , , ,
There are many
and misconceptions regard this section focuses on the most common of those that regard rolling distributions.
Some rolling distributions take
of the distribution at regular
and use version numbers to label these. During a snapshot point, a rolling distribution may try to minimize the number of . The snapshots are normally then made available for download from the web to be used by users as . These are quite different from release versions used in non-rolling distributions as they are not releases
(though they are sometimes referred to as such) but snapshots. As a result, this can confuse new users whether a distribution is a rolling release, due to the use of version numbers, which are often associated with non-rolling releases.
The distinction between rolling release
of standard release software distributions is often overlooked by
inexperienced with rolling distributions. This can lead to confused comments, such as: "distro-X is a rolling distribution if you use its development branch" — where distro-X is a standard release distribution. Even in rare cases where the development branch is a rolling (versus the more common cyclical) development branch, this does not make the distribution rolling. Unlike standard release distributions, rolling release distributions do not have development branches.
Some non-rolling release (aka standard release) ,
are capable of rolling
(treating the upgrade as if it were a major ), without the need for a full
of the software to overwrite the old version with the new one. Such
is sometimes confused with rolling release software, where, in fact, it is usually standard release software with rolling upgrades. Distributions with this capability tend to warn against or discourage new users from using rolling upgrades (instead recommending a fresh install) as they can break the operating system, especially at the hands of inexperienced users. There are many significant differences between rolling release and standard release software, with not needing to be reinstalled being only one of these. Hence, it is a
of rolling release software.
about rolling release distributions is that users are forced to accept rolling , even if they do not wish to. This is not the case. Because a rolling system can be
or , does not mean users are forced to run such a system. The choice of which rolling updates to accept is fully under user control, and users can choose to run a more 'conservative' system set-up if they so wish. Also, more than one version of a given
is often available in the , giving users the freedom to choose which to run.
A warning often made regarding rolling distributions is that they are not for
(new users). Though this may generally be true for most newbies and most rolling distributions (particularly when it comes to the likes of , , ,
and ) it is a sweeping generalization to apply it to all rolling distributions and all newbies. For example, , ,
(LMDE) and
are specifically intended to be 'newbie friendly'. Not aimed at newbies , ,
and Toorox do intend to be more
than the distributions they are based on or derived from. Also, users new to Linux but with a keen interest in
(e.g. IT enthusiasts,
students) might mainly wish to understand how a Linux system is built, works and is put together, for which ,
might be likely recommendations. Although it may be argued that non-rolling distributions make better starting distributions for average new users, it is worth noting that unlike most
rolling distributions do not force the user to reinstall in order to run current software. For newbies that are inexperienced with re-installs and lack an experienced user to turn to, a 'newbie friendly' rolling distribution might be viewed by some as worth considering.
Another common
is that, by their very nature, rolling distributions in general are
unstable. Rolling distributions are often highly , especially '' ones, which can give the
more control over stability (and other attributes) than many standard release distributions. Also, although rolling distributions generally have the latest stable software packages available in their , the freshness of the packages in the repositories can vary from distribution to distribution, and need not be
in all cases. Also, as mentioned previously, more than one version of a given
is often available in the software repository, giving the user the freedom to choose which to run.
Regarding this last misconception, it is not a
for a rolling distribution to be bleeding-edge, and there are many bleeding-edge standard release distributions for which stability is just as big an issue. Hence – though it is sometimes claimed by
of rolling releases – rolling release distributions in general need not be
, compared to standard release distributions. Rather, any apparent
is more likely to be to do with the - and -base in general opting for a more
and bleeding-edge approach to
and use. Thus, it is more a reflection of the
in the 'rolling' , than it is a flaw or
in the rolling release . However, most rolling distributions tend to include cutting-edge and bleeding-edge software in their software repositories so the
has the choice to use them.
It is common to occasionally take
of the rolling release, which can be refined and frozen and only
for . This is often impractical since it requires duplication of effort. Typically, defects and characteristics of a particular
are not specifically addressed in a separate/isolated effort (e.g. as ); instead, they are addressed in the main
for more Wikipedia-Books.
Guitaraholic (June 18, 2011). . blog.auroraos.org 2012.
The Chakra Project. . chakra-project-org.
The Chakra Project. . chakra-project-org.
. fedoraproject.org.
. fedoraproject.org.
. opensuse.org.
, antix.mepis.org
. berlios.de 2011.
. debian.org.
. debian.org.
. LinuxBSDos. .
Dan Lynch (). . danlynch.org.
, archhurd.org
gobonja (). . .
DistroWatch (27 May 2014). .
The Chakra Project. . chakra-project.org.
The Chakra Project. . chakra-project.org.
DistroWatch, ,
Arch Linux Wiki (30 January 2012). . wiki.archlinux.org 2012.
DistroWatch (5 March 2012). . .
Barnaby (23 December 2011). . all-things- 2012.
Lucas Nussbaum (). . lucas-nussbaum.net.
Rapha?l Hertzog. . lwn.net.
Adnan Hodzic (). . omgubuntu.co.uk.
Susan Linton (). .
Andrew (). . webupd8.org.
Chema Martín. .
, gentoo.org,
L'autre, , calculate-linux.org
Sabayon Wiki (), , wiki.sabayon.org
Sabayon Wiki (), , wiki.sabayon.org
, docs.unity-linux.org
DistroWatch. . .
DistroWatch. . .
. foresightlinux.org.
Linux Planet (), ,
Chad Perrin (), ,
Daniel Bo. .
Clement Lefebvre (November 4, 2011). .
K.Mandla (). .
. ubuntuforums.org.
. ubuntuforums.org.
. opensuse.org. .
Joss ( np237) (). . .
Prashanth Venkataram (). .
Schestowitz, Roy (July 2007). .
Caitlyn Martin (). .
Niccolai, James (September 2008). .
Vaughn-Nichols, Steven J. (June 2009). .
Practical Technology (June 2009). .
Strothman, Jim (September 2003). .
J.A. Watson (23 October 2009). . zdnet.co.uk 2011.
Rob (aka "Robster") (). . lwn.net 2011.
, , February 3, 2015, by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
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