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Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson (1824-63) was a war hero and one of the South's most successful generals during the American Civil War (1861-65). After a difficult childhood, he graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, in time to fight in the Mexican War (1846-48). He then left the military to pursue a teaching career. After his home state of Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861, Jackson joined the Confederate army and quickly forged his reputation for fearlessness and tenacity during the Shenandoah Valley Campaign later that same year. He served under General Robert E. Lee (1807-70) for much of the Civil War. Jackson was a decisive factor in many significant battles until his mortal wounding by friendly fire at the age of 39 during the Battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863. 托马斯·斯通威尔·杰克逊(1824-63)是一位战争英雄,同时也是一位美国内战(1861-65)时期南方最成功的将军之一。在经历了艰苦的童年之后,他毕业于纽约西点美国陆军军官学校,刚好赶上参加墨西哥战争(1846-48)。然后他弃军从教。在他的老家弗吉尼亚州在1861年从联邦脱离之后,杰克逊加入了联盟部队并因为此年晚些时候谢南多厄河谷之役中的无畏和顽强而名声大震。在在李将军帐下任职,直到1863年钱瑟勒斯维尔战役中被友军射中造成致命的创伤,那时他年仅39岁。 Early Years 年轻时的生活 Thomas Jonathan Jackson was born on January 21, 1824, in Clarksburg, Virginia (now West Virginia). When Jackson was two years old, his six-year-old sister died of typhoid fever. His father, Jonathan Jackson (), an attorney, perished of the same disease a short time later, leaving his wife, Julia Neale Jackson (), with three children and considerable debt. After Julia Jackson remarried in 1830, to a man who reportedly disliked his stepchildren, Thomas Jackson and his siblings were sent to live with various relatives. The future Civil War hero was raised by an uncle in the town of Jackson's Mill, located in present-day West Virginia. 托马斯·乔纳森·杰克逊于日生于弗吉尼赤豆克拉克堡(今天属于西弗吉尼亚州)。当杰克逊两岁时,他6岁的姐姐因为伤寒症而离开了人世。他的父亲乔纳森·杰克逊()是个律师,不久也同样死于伤寒症,离开了他的妻子尼尔·杰克逊(),还有三个要养育的孩子和数不清的债务。在朱莉娅·尼尔·杰克逊1830年再次嫁给一个据称不喜欢其继子女的人,托马斯 杰克逊和他的兄弟姐妹们被送到很多亲戚家里生活。未来的内战英雄是被其叔叔抚养大的,当时居住在小镇上杰克逊的小磨坊里,而今天位于西弗吉尼亚。 In 1842, Jackson enrolled at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Older than many of the other students, he initially struggled with the curriculum and endured frequent ridicule for his modest background and relatively poor education. However, Jackson worked hard and eventually met with academic success, graduating in 1846. 1842年,杰克逊进入西点军校美国陆军军官学校。因为比其他同学年长,对所学课程一开始就感觉吃力,同时因为其朴素的背景和相对差的文化素质,他经常被人嘲笑。然而,杰克逊学习努力并最终在1846年完成了学业。 Jackson left West Point just as the Mexican War was starting and he was sent to Mexico as a lieutenant with the 1st U.S. Artillery. He quickly earned a reputation for toughness and bravery, and by the war's end in 1848 he held the rank of brevet major. Jackson continued his military service until he accepted a professorship at the Virginia Military Institute in 1851. 杰克逊离开西点时墨西哥战争刚刚爆发,他以中尉的身份随美国第一炮兵队被送往墨西哥。因为顽强和勇敢,他迅速地赢得了名声,在1848年战争结束的时候他已经晋升为陆军少校。杰克逊一直在军队服役直到1851年接受了弗吉尼亚军事学院教授职位。 Civilian Life 平民生活 Jackson spent 10 years as a professor of artillery tactics and natural philosophy (similar to modern-day physics) at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. He was better at teaching artillery than natural philosophy, and was disliked by some cadets for his brusqueness, lack of sympathy and eccentric behavior. Students mocked him for his hypochondria and his habit of keeping one arm elevated to hide a perceived discrepancy in the length of his limbs. 杰克逊于列克星敦市的弗吉尼亚军事学院担任炮兵战术原则和自然哲学教授长达10年的时间(跟当代物理学类似)。与自然哲学相较,他更擅长教授炮兵战术原则,因为他的直率,缺乏同情以及古怪的行为,一些学员并不喜欢他。学生嘲笑他的臆想症和他为了掩盖他能够被察觉出来的四肢长度的不同而故意抬高一支胳膊的习惯。 In 1853, Jackson married Elinor Junkin (1825-54), the daughter of a Presbyterian minister who was the president of Washington College. She died in childbirth 14 in 1857, Jackson married Mary Anna Morrison (), the daughter of a former president of Davidson College. The following year, the c however, the child lived for only a month. Jackson's one surviving daughter, Julia Laura (1862-89), was born less than a year before her father's death. 1853年,杰克逊娶埃莉诺·琼金为妻(1825-54),她的父亲是长老会的牧师兼华盛顿大学主席。14个月后,在分娩过程中她不幸离世。1857年,杰克逊娶玛丽·安娜·莫里林()为妻,她是戴维森学院前任主席的女儿。1858年,他们喜得一女;然而,他们的宝宝活了仅仅一个月就离开了人世。杰克逊存活下来的一个女儿——朱莉娅·劳拉(1862-89),她出生后不到一年的时间父亲就离开了她。 Jackson's final years in the Lexington community earned him a reputation as an honest and dutiful man of devout faith. He did not drink, gamble or smoke. When Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861, Jackson accepted a commission as a colonel in the Confederate army and went off to war, never to return to Lexington alive. 杰克逊晚年在列克星敦州社区里因为其诚实和虔诚的信仰而赢得了信誉。他不饮酒、不赌博也不抽烟。当1861年弗吉尼亚脱离联邦的时候,杰克逊接受了在联邦部队陆军上校的职务并奔赴战场,而此去之后就没能再活着回到列克星敦州。 Jackson Earns His Name 杰克逊赢得了美名 During the first wave of secession from December 1860 through February 1861, during which time seven Southern states declared their independence from the U.S., Jackson hope that his home state of Virginia would remain in the Union. However, when Virginia seceded in April 1861, he supported the Confederacy, showing his loyalty to his state over the federal government. 从1860年十二月开始到1861年二月之间的第一波脱离浪潮中,在这期间南方有七个州宣布独立出美国,杰克逊希望自己的家乡弗吉尼亚州仍然与联邦结合。然而,当弗吉尼亚在1861年4月脱离出去的时候,他却支持联盟,相较于联邦政府,表现了对自己家乡更多的忠诚。 Jackson served only briefly as a colonel before receiving a promotion to brigadier general under General Joseph E. Johnston (1807-91). Jackson earned his nickname at the First Battle of Bull Run (also known as Manassas) in July 1861 when he rushed his troops forward to close a gap in the line against a determined Union attack. Upon observing Jackson, one of his fellow generals reportedly said, "Look, men, there is Jackson standing like a stone wall!"--a comment that spawned Jackson’s nickname. Jackson was commissioned a major general in October 1861.
在得到晋升为上将约瑟夫E 约翰斯顿(1807-91)账下一名准将之前,杰克逊仅仅是一名陆军上校。1861年七月的布尔溪战役(也称为马纳萨斯之战),杰克逊在他第一次战斗中就赢得了外号,当时他站在前面,带领部队阻击联邦的进攻。依据对杰克逊的观察,其中的一们上将报告说:同志们看啊,杰克逊就您一堵石墙一样站在那!——这句话就是杰克逊外号的最初来源。1861年10月,杰克逊担任少将职务。 The Shenandoah Valley Campaign 谢南多厄河谷之役 In the spring of 1862, Jackson spearheaded the Shenandoah Valley Campaign, firmly establishing himself as a strong and independent commander. The Confederate army's high command had charged him with the task of defending western Virginia from an invasion by Union troops. With an army of some 15,000 to 18,000 troops, Jackson repeatedly outmaneuvered a superior Union force of more than 60,000 men. Jackson's army moved so quickly during the campaign that they dubbed themselves "foot cavalry." President Abraham Lincoln (1809-65) had split the Union army into three parts, and Jackson used his mobility to attack and confuse the divided forces over the course of the campaign. He won several key victories over armies of larger size. By the campaign's end in June, he had earned the admiration of Union generals and had become the South's first great war hero. Jackson had prevented the Northerners from taking the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia, and had done so in the face of unfavorable odds. 1862年春,作为谢南多厄河谷之战的先锋部队,坚定的建立了自己强硬和独立的指挥官形像。联盟部队统帅部给了他保卫西弗吉尼亚免受联邦部队入侵的任务。带领着大约15,000到18,000人的部队,杰克逊数次击败人数超过60,000的强大的联邦军。因为在战争中行动迅速,他们被授予‘步骑军’的称号。亚伯拉罕·林肯总统曾把联邦军分成三个部分,而杰克逊运用他的机动性在战役中不断进攻和迷惑被分开的联邦军。在与强大敌人的战斗中,他赢得了几次关键性的胜利。6月战争结束的时候,他已经赢得了联盟将领的赏识,并成为南方战争中一位伟大的英雄。杰克逊曾以几乎不可能的机率阻止了北方军队占据联盟首都弗吉尼亚里士满。 Jackson's Partnership with Lee 杰克逊与李的合作 Jackson joined Lee's army in June 1862, and Lee was determined to keep him in the thick of the fighting in Virginia. Chosen for his tactical prowess and bravery, Jackson did not disappoint. From August 1862 until May 1863, he and his troops played key roles at the Second Battle of Bull Run, the Battle of Antietam, the Battle of Fredericksburg and the Battle of Chancellorsville. 1862年杰克逊加入了李的军队,李决心让他留在弗吉尼亚战争最激烈的地方。他因为战术勇敢威猛而被选中,而杰克逊也没有让人失望。从1862年8月到1863年5月,他和他的部队在第二次布尔溪战役、安蒂特姆河战役、弗雷德里克斯堡战役和钱瑟勒斯维尔战役中都发挥了关键的作用。 By October 1862, Jackson was a lieutenant general and led a significant portion of Lee's army. His widely publicized exploits had elevated him to legendary status among Southern soldiers and citizens alike. Jackson's bravery and success inspired devotion from his soldiers, but to his officers, he was known as overly secretive and difficult to please. He frequently punished his officers for relatively minor violations of military discipline and rarely discussed his plans with them. Rather, they were expected to obey his orders without question. 1862年10月,杰克逊是名中将并领导李军中重要的一支。他补人传扬的功绩让他成为南方战士和人民中的巨星。杰克逊的英勇和成功启发了其战士为国献身的精神,但对指挥官来说,他却是个十分神秘并很难取悦的人。他经常因为指挥官们轻微的违反纪律就处罚他们,并且从不跟他们讨论他的计划。当然,他们只要服从无条件的服从他的命令就可以了。 The Battle of Chancellorsville and Jackson's Death 钱瑟勒斯维尔战役与杰克逊之死 Lee and Jackson's most famous victory took place near a crossroads at the Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia in May 1863. Facing a numerically superior Union force of 130,000 men to 60,000 of their own, Lee and Jackson devised and executed a plan to rout the army of Union General Joseph Hooker (1814-79). 李和杰克逊最著名的胜利发生在1863年5月弗吉尼亚钱瑟勒斯维尔战役附近。在人数上,他们以60,000对抗联邦军130,000人,李和杰克逊设计并实施了一个击溃约瑟夫·胡克(1814-79)的计划。 Historians call this battle one of Lee's finest moments as a Confederate general, and his success owed much to Jackson's participation. On May 2, Jackson stealthily and quickly took 28,000 troops on an approximately 15-mile forced march to Hooker's exposed flank while Lee engaged in diversionary attacks on his front. Jackson's attack on the Union rear inflicted massive casualties on the superior force, and Hooker was forced to withdraw only days later. 历史学家称此次战役是李作为联盟上将最辉煌的时刻,他的成功的一大部分要归功于杰克逊的参与。5月2日,杰克逊秘密又迅速地带领一支28,000人的部队急行军15英里攻击胡克的侧翼,而同时李在前方攻击转换其注意力。杰克逊在联邦后部的攻击造成了军队巨大的伤亡,胡克也被迫在几天之后撤退了。 But the victory was not without cost. Jackson's brutal attack ended at sunset, and he took some men into the forest to scout ahead. A North Carolina regiment mistook them for enemy cavalry and opened fire, severely wounding Jackson. He was taken from the field and General J. E. B. Stuart (1833-64) took over his command. Doctors determined that a bullet had shattered the bone just below his left shoulder, and they quickly amputated Jackson's left arm. He was transferred to a field hospital at a nearby plantation to recover. Lee dispatched a letter, writing, "Could I have directed events, I would have chosen for the good of the country to be disabled in your stead." Jackson initially appeared to be healing, but he died from pneumonia on May 10, 1863, at the age of 39. Southerners mourned the death of their war hero, while Lee faced fighting the war without a highly valued general and comrade. Jackson was buried in Lexington, Virginia. 但胜利也是付出了很大代价的,杰克逊野蛮的进攻在日落之时结束,他带领几个士兵进入丛林进入侦察。北卡罗莱纳州的一群士兵把他们误认为是敌军骑兵而开火了,这造成了杰克逊严重的创伤。他从战场上返回,其指挥权被上将J.E.B 斯图尔特(1833-64)取代。医生们发现一颗子弹正好打碎了杰克逊左肩下的骨头,所以他们迅速地切断了杰克逊的左手。他被转送到种植园附近一家战地医院里康复。李发来了一份急件,上面写着:我能得到直接的消息吗,我为了国家的利益不得不选择截去了您的手臂。杰克逊最初的时候已经有痊愈的迹象,但却在日不幸死于肺炎,年仅39岁。南方陷入他们战争英雄死亡的沉痛哀伤中,而李也失去了战争中一个极有价值的将军和指挥官。杰克逊葬于弗吉尼亚列克星敦市。
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