
答: 药店都有的,同仁堂的比较好
大家还关注求 同志们冲啊 台词的电影_百度知道
求 同志们冲啊 台词的电影
顺便告告我 出现这句话在电影的什么地方
冲锋号响起时,我只能说 打仗!
基本都有哈, 也就是影片最高潮时
不知道是不是 冲出亚马逊
今天刚刷了MIUI4.1.3,下午手机卡了一下,果断扣电池结果开机,按键震动没了,而且在静音状态下震动键是黑的,怎么也点不亮,求解!!!没有震动真心不爽……   --想和我一起玩吗?可别怪我的尾巴无情哦~~ 
很介意…   --狂野,将使他们感到畏惧!! 
4.13的包?没见过   你发这是什么目的,谁指使你的,你的动机是什么,你取得有关部门许可了吗?吧里容许你发了吗?你背后是谁,发这些想干什么?你想颠覆什么?破坏什么?回答不上来?那么跟我走一趟,顺便把你家水表带上,取证。别说我们瞎抓你,都是有理有据的!!  
卡。你等一下不行吗?。。。。字库坏了又要钱了   --来自助手版客户端         ⣫⢠⠿ 
保存至快速回贴求翻译以下段落啊,感激不尽啊同志们!!!!!!!The beauty of ban roll is that it allows you to sew a baby hem as small as possible. To achieve this, the next step is pulling out around 3 of the lengthwise threads. You will en_百度作业帮
求翻译以下段落啊,感激不尽啊同志们!!!!!!!The beauty of ban roll is that it allows you to sew a baby hem as small as possible. To achieve this, the next step is pulling out around 3 of the lengthwise threads. You will en
求翻译以下段落啊,感激不尽啊同志们!!!!!!!The beauty of ban roll is that it allows you to sew a baby hem as small as possible. To achieve this, the next step is pulling out around 3 of the lengthwise threads. You will end up with something that looks like a very short comb, as in the right hand picture. Since most baby hems are preferred as small as possible, three threads should be all you need to remove (you can remove more, however). Pinning the ban roll to your fabricThe next step is done incorrectly in the photo, but I will show it anyway for clarification. Here, you can see that I lined up the ban roll to the edge of the chiffon and pinned (like you would hem tape). However, for a cleaner finish (and no risk of sewing into a frayed edge that will later come undone), you would really want to pin the ban roll about half an inch from the chiffon edge, so the stitches will catch fabric that has not frayed for a more secure hem.Stitching the ban roll to your fabricOnce again, this step is done incorrectly in the photo but I am showing it for clarification (the ban roll should be half an inch from the edge of the fabric). Here you can see how the ban roll lines up with the needle - the next step is to stitch up against the woven part of the roll. You want to make sure your stitching stays within this "comb area", and not into the woven area, because you will be pulling it out later. If you stitch into the woven area, you cannot pull it out! Rolling your fabric over the ban rollThis is where the magic happens. The next step is to flip the ban roll to the inside, against the wrong side of the fabric, once again just as you would hem tape. The baby hem, therefor, will wrap around the comb part of the ban roll (which is why it is ideal to only remove about 3 threads or so - again, you can do more, as you are in control of where you place your stitch line, but I found it easier to line up my needle with the edge of the woven section so I kept the comb the width of my desired finished hem). Stitching your baby hemOnce you have wrapped the fabric over the comb section, stitch right down the middle of your newly created hem. Pulling away the ban roll from your finished hemOnce your stitching is finished, press the hem with the ban roll still intact. Then, carefully pull out the ban roll! If you stitched correctly, you will have only sewn onto the comb section, and not into the woven section -thus holding the roll into the hem just enough to sew, but then once finished it can simply be pulled straight out! In the second photo, you can see just how narrow the finished baby hem is - and how straight! The ban roll is sturdy and does not allow the delicate fabric being hemmed to stretch at all.Your finished baby hemYour finished baby hem! No curling, stretching, warping, fraying, or uneven widths - and impossibly narrow!
用在线翻译..然后自己大致整理下语法错误 大体意思 应该能看出来啊}


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