are that is what you are you这样写对吗?

you believe that,how()(foot)you are要怎么写_百度作业帮
you believe that,how()(foot)you are要怎么写
you believe that,how()(foot)you are要怎么写
How foolish you are!你是多么的愚蠢!括号内填fool的形容词foolish您现在位置--初中―写作―写作点滴
教你如何学写 E-mail
Friendship &&友情
&&&&A Comprehensive Knowledge (综合知识)
&&&&由于 E-mail 已使得朋友间的交往变得极其方便,所以越来越多的人钟情于用 E-mail 来交换信息、交流情感、增进友谊。
&&&&写这类信应该像亲自拜访、亲切交谈那样,表现出友好和热情。开头要写得生动活泼一些,可以先告诉收信人某一重要信息,也可以先写使人高兴的内容,还可以先写几句称赞或思念收信人的话。信中应写些愉快有趣的事情,避免怨天尤人,避免谈及疾病、天灾人祸、矛盾纠纷等不愉快的事情,避免废话连篇。结尾的时候要礼貌得体,避免使用下面的这些套话:“ I must close now as I have something important to do … ”“ That's all for now, I'm in a big rush … ”等。
&&&&B Practical Samples (实用范例)
&&&&Subject: Hi there!
&&&&Hey Linda!
&&&&Long time no E-mail. How've you been, girl? Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I have been so busy at work. You know how that goes.
&&&&I have some good news. Ready? OK… I have a new boyfriend! His name is Robert. He works at my company, We both like movies and handball. And he's really cute! OK, his picture is attached.
&&&&Well, what do you think? Cute, isn't he?
&&&&Send me your news sometime soon!
&&&&好久没写 E-mail 给你了,你最近好吗?抱歉,我没早点回你的信,我最近工作太忙了,你知道那是什么情形的。
&&&&Subject: RE: Hi there!
&&&&Oh my God, I wondered what happened to you! Isn't it funny ― it's so easy to use E-mail, but people can still lose touch easily.
&&&&Your boyfriend is cute! How long have you been going out? Richard and I are still together. No, we haven't set a date yet. I'll let you know when we do!
&&&&Work is work. Nothing new there. Oh, I did get a new car. I know, I know, I can't really afford it. But it is so gorgeous! It'll take me the rest of my life to pay it off. We only live once, right?
&&&&You be good now. :-)KIT,
&&&&我的天,我在纳闷你到底发生了什么事!真好笑,有了像 E-mail 这么好用的东西,结果人们还是那么容易失去联络。
&&&&祝好, :-) 保持联络。
&&&&Subject: Glad to have met you!
&&&&Dear Dane:
&&&&I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed meeting you Friday at Kiss Disco. You are a terrific dancer! And you have a beautiful smile! Even though I just met you and danced with you once, I feel as if I've known you for many years. After I got home, I was still so excited that I couldn't fall asleep for a long time.
&&&&Would you please meet me next Friday at Kiss Disco? I'll be there with one of my good friends from about 7 o'clock.
&&&&I hope to see you soon.
&&&&我只是想让你知道,我好高兴星期五在 Kiss 舞厅和你相识。你的舞技实在太棒了!而且你的笑容又是如此地灿烂美丽。虽然我是初次和你相识共舞,却觉得你已是我的多年好友。那天回家后,我仍然激动兴奋,久久不能成眠。
&&&&你愿意下礼拜五和我在 Kiss 舞厅见面吗?七点以后,我会和我的一位好友在那儿等候你。
&&&&Subject: The same to me.
&&&&Dear Jack,
&&&&Thank you for your kind E-mail. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the dancing at Kiss Disco. I also had a good time dancing and talking with you.
&&&&I think myfriend and I can meet you next Friday at Kiss Disco. I'll see you then.
&&&&谢谢你亲切的电子邮件。很高兴听到你在 Kiss 舞厅玩得很开心。我也一样跳得很开心,和你聊得很尽兴。
&&&&我想,我和我的朋友下星期五可以在 Kiss 舞厅和你碰个面。到时候再见啦。
&&&&Subject: Congratulations!
&&&&That's great news. Congratulations! My wife wants to know if you're going to have a baby shower. Also, make sure to post those pictures asap! :)
&&&&Wow, the years sure have gone by quickly, haven't they? It seems like yesterday when we were high school classmates. Now, we're both fathers.
&&&&Hey, give me a call sometime. We'll go out for a drink.
&&&&Take care, buddy.
&&&&Subject: Miss you Very Much!
&&&&Dear Mark:
&&&&When are you coming back to Zhongshan University? Or are you getting to like Hainan so much that you don't want to come back? We all miss you very much. Zhang Xing says he hasn't had a decent game of tennis since you went away. I hope you took a lot of pictures this time, so that you can show us where you've been and all the interesting things you've done.
&&&&E-mail soon and let us know when we can expect you. So many people are always stopping Zhang Xing and me and asking, “When is Mark coming back?” Well, when is you?
&&&&Affectionate greetings from all of us.
&&&&Subject: What's up?
&&&&Dear Lisa,
&&&&I hope this E-mail finds you well. It's been a long time since we last met, and I just that I'm doing fine working like hell as usual.
&&&&Hope everything is just as fine with you and your family. Is Linda still learning Chinese? I believe your daughter, Wendy, is a college student now. Is she attending a Chinese college, or did she go back to the United States? Well, write to me once in a while and let me know what's new. Keep in touch!
Your buddy, as ever
( VIII )
&&&&Subject: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
&&&&Dear Lisa,
&&&&I hope this E-mail finds you well. It's been almost four years since we last met. How have you been? Is Linda still studying Chinese? Your daughter, Wendy, must be quite a lady now.
&&&&The year 2002 was a good year for us. Wen Xiang is still teaching English at a local high school. Last year she published her first English textbook. It's not selling well, but she is proud of it, and so am I. Xiaohua is now 18 and will be a college student next April. Time really flies, doesn't it!
&&&&Anyway, I just want you to know that we're thinking of you and your family on Christmas and remembering all the good times we had together. Wen Xiang and I send you our very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
&&&&收信好。将近 4 年不见了,你好吗?琳达还在学中文吗?你女儿温蒂想必也已经亭亭玉立了。
&&&&2002 年对我们(全家)而言是个好年。温香还在本地的高中教英语,去年还出了她第一本英语教科书。虽然卖得不是很好,但她觉得很骄傲,我也是。小华已 18 岁,明年 4 月份要上大学了。时间过得真快,不是吗?
&&&&Subject: Merry Christmas!
&&&&Dear Lisa,
&&&&Here it is Christmas again… and you are still in Washington, and I am still in Guangzhou… with thousands of miles between us! But you are as much in my thoughts today as though you were just around the corner. It would take far more than continents between us to make me forget the many happy Christmases we had together, and the many pleasant memories we share.
&&&&Do you remember the Christmas party you had that first year you and Ed were married? Do you remember you had a big tree in the living room, and a tiny one right beside it ― and everybody wondered why? Then you and Ed began opening the packages around the little tree and taking outbooties, mittens, and teddy bears ― and everybody knew you were going to have a baby! I always thought it was such a sweet way to announce it.
&&&&That was twenty years ago, Lisa. Your Wendy must be quite a young lady now. And Jimmy was born the year you moved, so he must be seventeen. I wish I but I guess it will be a long time before Qiao Li and I get to Washington.
&&&&Qiao Li is just doing surgery now. He gave up general practice about one year ago, and I thought he'd be able to take it a little easier. But he is busier than ever, Lisa, and so conscientious that he won't go away even for a weekend for fear that a patient may need him and he won't be there!
&&&&Is Ed still with Technicolor? Did he ever get started on that history of the movies he was going to write? It seems such a long time since I've heard from you, Lish ― I do wish you'd let us know how you all are, and what interesting things you are doing.
&&&&But anyway, Lisa ― I just want you to know that we're thinking of you on Christmas day, and remembering all the good times we used to have, and wishing you weren't so far away! Qiao Li and I send our love to all the family ― and the hope that you'll have a gay and merry Christmas, and a very happy New Year!
Always affectionately yours,
&&&&那已是 20 年前的事了,莉莎!你的温蒂现在一定是位大姑娘了。吉米是在你们搬家那年出生的,那么,他已经 17 岁了吧。我真想能看到他们,不过我想,我同乔理去华盛顿,可能还要有很长一段时间。
&&&&Subject: Looking Forward to Seeing you
&&&&Dear David,
&&&&At last I got your E-mail! You can hardly imagine how many, many times you are in my thoughts! In your E-mail, you asked me to tell you some newly-repaired historical relics in Beijing. I think I should first tell you something about Yonghe Gone. I had a wonderful time there last Sunday.
&&&&Yonghe Gong (Palace of Harmony) locates at the northeast corner of Beijing's city proper, In the south of the second round road. It's vast complex of ancient vermilion buildings with curving yellowtiled roofs. This is one of the important temples of the Tibetan Buddhist (sometimes called Lamaist) faith, housing many fine examples of historical relics and religious art, now visited by worshipers and tourists alike. The earliest of this group of ancient structures dates from 1694 when it was the residence of the Manchu prince who later rules as Yong Zheng (r. 1723 ― 1736). At that time the complex was stated to cover 99.7 mu because the residence of a prince was not supposed to be over 100 mu (6.7 hectares), but actually it exceeds that amount.
&&&&Appointed successor by Kang Xi on his deathbed, Yong Zheng became emperor. In the third year of his reign he declared his old house one of the royal traveling residences forbidden to commoners, renamed it Palace of Harmony and began to have the green tiles of the roof changed for imperial yellow ones as befitted a monarch's home. That is how today among temples, which have green tile roofs, Yonghe Gong with its golden ones is an exception. Young Zheng later turned it over for the use of the lamas, and in 1744, after his death, it was formally made into a temple.
&&&&The temple, approached from the south through three beautiful archways, consists of five main buildings on a north-south axis and contains many splendid halls, including the Great Hall, Yougyou (Hall of Eternal Blessing), and Falun (Hall of the Wheel of Life). An outstanding one is Wanfolou (Pavilion of Ten Thousand Buddhas), a three-story tower which houses an 18-meter-high carved sandal wood Buddha made from a single tree trunk. Lamas from the temple say that the foundation of the figure extends another eight m. underground, giving the trunk an overall length of 26 m.
&&&&Interesting pieces of religious art include the giant mural depicting the story of Sakyamuni and the Mount of 500 Arhats who are cast in five metals, gold, silver, copper, iron, and tin. And there are many other beautiful things, but I can't describe them well. I'll enclose in my letter some pictures from the magazine. I think you will enjoy them. Now the arches and halls have been repaired and repainted. Last year from spring to October the temple received more than half a million worshipers and visitors.
&&&&I know from your E-mail you will come to China again next summer. As a student of Chinese ancient history, you should first visit the place. I'm looking forward to seeing you and I will be your guide at that time.
Sincerely yours,
Li Xiaojun
&&&&雍和宫位于北京城内东北部,二环路南面,它是一个大规模的古代黄瓦屋顶、红色的综合建筑群体。这是一所西藏喇嘛教的重要庙宇,藏有大批历史文物和宗教艺术珍品,现在既允许僧侣朝拜,又接待普通旅游者参观。这一古代建筑群始建于公元 1694 年,当年是满清一位阿哥的府邸,此阿哥即嗣后雍正皇帝(
年住过)。据说这所建筑群当时占地 99.7 亩,因为阿哥府邸不得超过百亩( 6.7 公顷),但实际上却超过此范围。
&&&&康熙驾崩,立雍正为帝,雍正即位第三年,宣称此旧府为王室行宫,禁止百姓进入,更名为“雍和宫”,变绿瓦屋顶为皇室黄瓦屋顶,使其与王宫相应。这也就是何以一般庙宇都为绿瓦屋顶,唯独雍和宫为黄色屋顶的原因。后来雍正把此宫交给喇嘛教使用, 1744 年他死后,正式改建为喇嘛寺院。
&&&&雍和宫自南入,有三座精致的牌坊,前后由五进宏伟大殿组成;并有许多辉煌楼阁,其中有天王殿、永v殿和法轮殿。最为雄伟者为万佛楼,这是一座三层楼阁,内有檀木独木雕制的高 18 米大佛。该庙喇嘛僧说,这一佛像地下还有 8 米深的基础,全长为 26 米。
&&&&宗教艺术珍品中最为引为注目的是巨幅壁画――释迦源流和五百罗汉山,它们是由金、银、铜、铁、锡五种金属制作而成。还有许多精美物品,但是我描绘不好,我将给你寄去从杂志上剪下的图片,我想你一定喜欢。现在,所有的楼台殿阁都已修葺一新,去年春天到 10 月,雍和宫接待了 50 多万僧侣和游览者。
&&&&C Typical Sentences (典型例句)
&&&&1. How's everything going with you?
&&&&2. How are things with you?
&&&&3. I hope you are doing all right.
&&&&4. So at last you remember me!
&&&&5. It was indeed a great pleasure to have received your E-mail.
&&&&收到你的 E-mail 我高兴极了。
&&&&6. I received your E-mail and was delighted to go through its contents.
&&&&收到你的 E-mail ,我高兴地一口气把它读完。
&&&&7. Received your E-mail after ages.
&&&&好久没收到你的 E-mail 了。
&&&&8. My father sends you his kindest regards.
&&&&9. My husband joins me in sending you our best wishes.
&&&&10. Please give your mother my warmest greeting.
&&&&11. Please remember me to your family.
&&&&12. A get-well prayer for you.
&&&&13. A friend is a loving companion at all times.
&&&&14. Ah, remember the good old days when we thought we'd be young and handsome forever!?
&&&&15. Because your friendship means so much, I pray that you and I will always somehow keep in touch as days and years go by.
&&&&16. Friendship brings beauty to our days, joys to our world.
&&&&17. From majestic mountains and valleys so green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.
&&&&18. I'll say a special prayer for you that all the dreams you have come ture.
&&&&19. May you spend every day in the happiest way, living life to the fullest.
&&&&20. Missing you and remembering all those happy times we enjoyed together, and hoping we will share many many more.
&&&&21. These thoughts warm and friendly are coming your way to hope that you're feeling much better today.
&&&&22. Remembering the happy times we've shared keeps us close across the miles.
&&&&23. Thinking of you and how much nicer the world would be if there were more people like you!
&&&&24. When I think of you, the miles between us disappear.
&&&&25. You're nice to be with, lots of fun, you're understanding, too. You're all the things good friends are made of … I'm glad I'm friends with you!
&&&&26. You're a wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every day.
摘自 &&你也可以成为E-mail英文高
&&&&&&&&&&&&&im wearing that pink T-shirt which you are wearing in this picture.这样说对吗?或者怎样说更好?thx我的意思是,因为那件衣服是她给我的,我正在穿那件衣服,我们的是同一件!我还有一个疑问,有人说,_百度作业帮
im wearing that pink T-shirt which you are wearing in this picture.这样说对吗?或者怎样说更好?thx我的意思是,因为那件衣服是她给我的,我正在穿那件衣服,我们的是同一件!我还有一个疑问,有人说,
im wearing that pink T-shirt which you are wearing in this picture.这样说对吗?或者怎样说更好?thx我的意思是,因为那件衣服是她给我的,我正在穿那件衣服,我们的是同一件!我还有一个疑问,有人说,照片是过去的,所以要用过去时,有的人不用,那到底是怎样啊...
I am wearing the pink T-shirt you wore in this picture.
最好改为im wearing that pink T-shirt which is the same as which you are wearing in this picture
额。感觉很乱。你想表达的中文是什么? I am wearing the T-shirt you gave me .很简单的表达就可以了。
看了问题补充这样的话 你原本的翻译是对的另外不用改为过去式 因为照片里的是一种状态 现在也是这样的
im wearing that pink T-shirt which you were bought for me.是你问题补充的翻译如果是你上面那个句子你只要把you are wearing改成 you were worn 这两个句子后面要用过去式,前面可以用现在是。因为在照片中已经是过去的了 .楼下说不用过去时是不对的,看你的补充只能用过去进行时,还是过去,不过是在那时候进...
我强调一下,这个绝对不能够用“the same as”,“the same as”只能够表示是同一款,而不能够表示同一件。我建议如下:I'm wearing the pink T-shirt which is the one that you wore in this picture.}


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