
新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第七十三课_新概念英语第二册课后答案_VOA英语网
新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第七十三课
第二册 课后答案 第七十三课 Lesson 73
根据课文第5行He hitchhiked to Dover (他搭便车到了多佛)可以判断只有c. Someone gave him a lift (某人让他搭便车)与课文的内容相符,并能说明他是怎么到达多佛的,其他3个选择都与课文内容无关。
根据课文第9-10行The next car&did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan&,可以看出只有a.与课文内容相符,其他3个选择都不符合课文的内容,所以选a.
a. how long是对长度或时间长短提问的。
b. how long ago 是问时间的
c. how much further 是对程度提问的。
只有d. how far 是问行走路程的,所以选d.
此句是针对方式提问的,因此需要一个表达方式的短语作为简短回答.只有a. By hitchhiking 是说明方式的,所以选a.
a. no one , b. none, d. not one 都表示否定意义,而这一个句子已经是否定句,因此不应该再填表示否定意义的词,所以这3个选择都不对。 只有c. anyone 能用在否定句或疑问句中,所以c.是正确答案。
本句是将前一句的主动语态转换成了被动语态,因此原来的宾语him需要变成本句的主语,作主语就需要用主格人称代词,所以d. He 是正确答案,而其他3个选择都不是主格人称代词,都不能做主语。
只有选a. being picked up by a policeman 最符合语法和题目意思。After后面可以跟一个动词 -ing 形式或一个句子作时间状语。
b. he picked up 虽然是一个句子,但不合乎语法,因为它后面有by a policeman 应该用被动语态 he was picked up 才正确;
c. been picked up 语法错误;
d. picking up 虽然是动词 -ing 形式,但不能表示被动的意义。所以只有a是对的。
该句中的play truant 有&逃学,故意不去上学&的含义,因此只有选d. on purpose最符合题目意思,合乎逻辑。其他3个选择都不合乎逻辑。
前一句中的unimaginative 意思为&缺乏想像力的&,该句需要选一个与它含义相反的名词才能使这两个句子意思相同。
只有a. imagination(想像力)与unimaginative 含义相反,所以应该选a.
b. fantasy(幻想,幻觉)词意思不够准确;
c. imaginary(想像中的,空想的)词性不合适。
d. fantasia(幻想曲,幻想作品)词意思不对。
本句需要选与前一句中的put to shame(使惭愧,羞耻)含义相同的形容词,才能使两个句子的意义一致。
b. shy(胆怯的,害羞的)词意思不够贴切;
c. shyness 词意思和词性都不正确;
d. shameful(丢脸的,可耻的)的主语一般是物而不是人,该句的主语是人They,因此不应该选d;
只有a. ashamed(感到羞愧的,羞耻的)的主语往往是人,符合题目意思,所以选a.
只有选d. found才能使这一句同前面的句子意思相吻合,因为前一句中的was picked up在这里有&被偶然发现&的意思。
a. gathered(使聚集,采集),b. collected(收集),c. assembled(集合,集中)这3个选择都不合乎题目意思。
本句需要选一个与前一句中的evading(规避, 逃避, 躲避)含义相同的词。
a. escaping(逃脱,逃离);b. avoiding(躲开,回避);c. preventing(阻止);d. running away(逃跑)4个词中只有b同evading 的含义最接近,所以选b.
escape 指&脱离或避开即将来临或近在眼前的伤害、危险、灾祸等事物&常作借喻用, 如:
escape death
avoid 强调&有意识地躲避不愉快的或可能发生危险的事物或情况&, 如:
I cannot avoid meeting her.
evade 强调&用心机或狡猾的手段逃避或回避对自己不利的东西&, 如:
evade one's duty
逃学,是学生们想办法做的事情了,是学生不想去上学,觉得上学是不好的,所以想逃,所以用avoid 更好的来代替evade.
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新概念英语第一册& 第二十四课听课笔记&Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some…    big 它不仅指物理量的大小,还指精神方面的大小  large 更多指物理量的大小  little 指物理量的小,暗含一种喜爱的意思  small 单指物理上的小    Dengxiaoping is a big man. 邓小平是个大人物。  There is a large woman.  Look, that little girl.  small person 卑鄙小人      plate 小盘子  dish 比较大一些的盘子,在饭店点菜:some dishes、delicious dishes
Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith’s kitchen    Mrs. 夫人  kitchen n. 厨房  refrigerator n. 电冰箱  right n. 右边  electric adj. 带电的,可通电的  left n. 左边  cooker n. 炉子,炊具  middle n. 中间  of prep. (属于)…的  room n. 房间  cup n. 杯子    ★ Text  Mrs. Smith’s kitchen is small.  There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.  The refrigerator is white.  It is on the right.  There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.  The cooker is blue.  It is on the left.  There is a table in the middle of the room.  There is a bottle on the table.  The bottle is empty.  There is a cup on the table, too.  The cup is clean.    a book on the bed (介词短语做后置定语)  The book is on the bed. (特指)  There is a book on the bed. (泛指)
Lesson 26 Where is it?    (练习)略  Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。  will 意志      Lesson 27 Mrs. Smith’s living room    living room 客厅  near prep. 靠近  window n. 窗户  armchair n. 扶手椅  door n. 门  picture n. 图画  wall n. 墙    介词:  on(在物体接触表明)在…上面  over 在垂直的上方不接触,越过  in 在…里面  into 进入…里面  out ot 在…外  near 在…附近  to 往,向  under 在…下面  between 在两者之间  among 在…中间(两者以上)  across 横穿(从物体的表面)  through 从…中间穿过  beside 在…旁边  fly over the wall  She is siting beside her.    ★ Text  Mrs. Smith’s living room is large.  There is a television in the room.  The television is near the window.  There are some magazines on the television.  There is a table in the room.  There are some newspapers on the table.  There are some armchairs in the room.  The armchairs are near the table.  There is a stereo in the room.  The stereo is near the door.  There are some books on the stereo.  There are some pictures in the room.  The pictures are on the wall.
Lesson 28 Where are they?    Written exercise 书面练习A Page 56    There is a policeman in the kitchen.  There are some policemen in the kitchen.      Written exercise 书面练习B Page 56    books/on the dressing table/cigarettes/near that box  Are there any books on the dressing table?  No, there aren’t any books one the dressing table.  There are some cigarettes.  Where are they?  They’re near that box.
  There are three things men can do with women, love them, suffer for them and turn them into literature.  世界上的男人能够为女人做三件事情,爱她们,为她们受苦,把她们变成文学。    When a beautiful woman smiles, somebody’s purse weeps.  当一个漂亮的女人微笑时,某人的钱包就会流泪。
Lesson 29 Come in, Amy?    shut v. 关门  bedroom n. 卧室  untidy adj. 乱,不整齐  must modal verb 必须,应该  open v. 打开  air v. 使…通风,换换空气  put v. 放置  clothes n. 衣服  wardrobe n. 大衣柜  dust v. 掸掉灰尘  sweep v. 扫    shut 强调关门的过程或方式(更口语化一些)  close 强调关门的动作  slam 摔上门,用力关上门    shup up 闭嘴  zip your lips 闭嘴    tidy 整齐的、整洁的  untidy 不整齐  luky 幸运的  unlucky 不幸的  happy 幸福的  unhappy 不开心的    情态动词:must、can、may、need  它是一种具有实际意义的助动词。  情态动词不能单独做谓语,只能和后面的原形动词一起构成谓语。  情态动词没有人称和数格的变化。  含有情态的句子,否定句和疑问句都是在情态动词上发生变化。  open the windown 打开窗户  You must open the window.  They must shut the door.  You mustn’t open the windows.  Must I open the window?  Yes, you must.  No, you needn’t.    What must I do?  What must they do?    airforce 空军  air conditioner 空调  air express 航空快递邮件  aircraft carrier 航空母舰  walk on the air 飘飘然,得意洋洋    sweep 用笤帚扫地  dust (梳妆台、电脑)轻轻地掸掉灰尘 dustman 清洁工 dustpan 畚箕  clean 清洁(含义比较广泛,清洁所有的东西)  clear 清除(将剩余的一些东西清除掉)  wipe (用抹布)擦去  cleanse 用水清除    祈使句:又称之为无主句,所有的祈使句都省略了主语You  祈使句的否定句就是在句子前加don’t  stand up  sit down  come in  put these clothes in the wardrob    ★ Text  Come in, Amy.  Shut the door, please.  This bedroom is very untidy.  What must I do, Mrs. Jones?  Open the window and air the room.  Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.  Then make the bed.  Dust the dressing table.  Then sweep the floor.Lesson 30 What must I do?    empty v. 倒空,使……变空  read v. 读  sharpen v. 削尖,使锋利  put on 穿上  take off 脱掉  turn on 开(电灯)  turn off 关(电灯)    Written exercise 书面练习 A 60页  1.The window isn’t clean. Clean it!  2.The door isn’t shut. Shut it!  3.The wardrobe isn’t open. Open it!      Written exercise 书面练习 B 60页  put on  turn on  take off  turn off  Put on your coat!  Put your coat on!  Put it on!  Turn on the televison!  Turn the televison on!  Turn it on!
  Women lie about their age, men lie about their income.  女人隐瞒她们的年龄,男人隐瞒他们的收入。    A man, who can govern a woman can govern a nation.  能够管理好女人的男人能够管理好一个国家。
Lesson 31 Where’s Sally?    garden n. 花园  under prep. 在……之下  tree n. 树  climb v. 爬,攀登  who pron. 谁  run v. 跑  grass n. 草,草地  after prep. 在……之后  across prep. 横过,穿过  cat n. 猫    garden centre:花卉中心  garden city:花园城市  savage garden:野人花园  in the garden:在花园里    under the tree:在树下  family tree:家谱  tree ring:年轮  climb the tree:爬树    run across the grass:跑过草地  run after:在……之后跑    语法 DD 时态:  在第一册出现了八种时态  1.首先了解概念  2.时态 DD 动词变化规则,时间的状态  now -- 现在进行时  usually, often, always... -- 一般现在时  already, yet -- 现在进行时    现在进行时,表示现在正在进行或者发生的动作、状态;  表示现阶段正在进行或发生,但说话的此刻动作不一定进行;  后面加一个将来的时间,可以表示打算做的事情。  结构:S. + be + V.-ing  S. + be + not + V.-ing  Be + S. +v.-ing?  Yes, S. + be / No, S. + be + not  What + be + S. + v.-ing    What is Sally doing? / Tim doing? / What are they doing?  Are they climbing the tree?  Is she sitting under the tree?  The dog is / isn’t running after the cat.  Is the dog running after the cat?  Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.    I am speaking / talking.  Sam is climbing the tree.  We are listening.  I am studying English in New Oriental School.  I am reading Gone with the wind.    ★ Text  Where’s Sally, Jack?  She’s in the garden, Jane.  What’s she doing?  She’s sitting under the tree.  Is Tim in the garden, too?  Yes, he is.  He’s climbing the tree.  I beg your pardon?  Who’s climbing the tree.  Tim is.  What about the dog?  The dog’s in the garden, too.  It’s running across the grass.  It’s running after a cat.      (树叶)on the tree  (人)in the tree    what about + n.  what about + v.-ing  What about an apple?  What about some milk?  What about a glass of beer?    介词后面 + 动词的-ing形式  What about (drinking) a glass of beer?
Lesson 32 What’s he/she/if doing?    type v. 打字  letter n. 信  basket n. 篮子  eat v. 吃  bone n. 骨头  clean v. 清洗  tooth n. (复数teeth)牙齿  cook v. 做(饭菜)  milk n. 牛奶  meal n. 饭,一顿饭  drink v. 喝  tap n. (水)龙头    Kate is a narrow minded girl.  No need to know that.  The singer sang a famous song.  My mother met some more monkeys in the market.
Lesson 33 A fine day    新单词:day、cloud、sky、sun、shine、with、family、walk、over、bridge、boat、river、ship、aeroplane、fly    day after day:一天一天的  day and night:日日夜夜  day break:拂晓  Sunday /sQndi/:星期天  Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday  It’s a fine day today.    There are some clouds in the sky.  sky-blue:天蓝色  sky sign:高楼上的广告牌    动词+ing的规则:  jump, jumping  sweep, sweeping  shave, shaving  shine, shining    单词双写的条件:  1.必须是单音节单词(音标里有几个元音音标,就是有几个音节)。  2.单音节的单词一般都是重读,且为闭音节。  3.单词末尾有一个辅音字母,一个元音字母。  sit, sitting  run, running    Mr. Jones is with his family.  Mrs. Liu is with those children.    family man:有家室的人  family doctor:家庭医生  family tree:家谱  family planning:计划生育  family name:姓氏  There are three people in my family.    walk around:四处走走  walk home:走回家  walk over:走过 They are walking over the bridge.    go:行驶,走,去,加油  go under the bridge 在桥底下走过  The ship is going under the bridge.    in the river  on the river  There are some boats on the river.  There is a boy in the river.  He is swimming.  He is swimming across the river.    plane(非正式)  aeroplane(正式)    I have to fly. 我必须得走了。  escape:逃跑(从被禁锢到逃脱)  flee:逃走(强调逃离时慌慌张张的心态)  get away:逃离,很快地走(口)    ★ Text  Lesson thirty-three: A fine day  It’s a fine day today.  There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.  Mrs. Jones’s with his family.  They are walking over the bridge.  There are some boats on the river.  Mrs. Jones and his wife are looking at them.  Sally is looking at a big ship.  The ship is going under the bridge.  Tim is looking at an aeroplane.  The aeroplane is flying over the river.    some的用法:修饰可数名词的复数,以及不可数名词  &代词&some of+名词或者代词的复数  “……中间的一些“  some of them/us/you  some of the boys/students
Lesson 34 What are they doing?  新单词:sleep、shave、cry、wash、wait、jump    B Write questions and answers.    Example:  the children/looking at the boats on the river  What are the children doing?  They’re looking at the boats on the river.    1.the men/cooking a meal  2.they/sleeping  3.the men/shaving  4.the children/crying  5.the dogs/eating bones  6.the women/typing letters  7.the children/doing their homework.  8.the women/washing dishes  9.the birds/flying over the river  10.they/walking over the bridge  11.the man and the woman/waiting for a bus  12.the children/jumping off the wallLesson 35 Our village    新单词:photograph、village、valley、between、hill、another、wife、along、bank、water、swim、building、park、into    photographer:摄影师  picture:图片  drawing:(用铅笔、钢笔画)制图,素描术  painting:绘画、油画(指油画、水彩画等上色的画)  portrait:肖像、画像;描写  sketch:(设计)草图  cartoon:卡通片    take a picture:照照片    a photograph of our village  villager:村民  Our village is in a valley.    hill:不高的小山丘  mount:名山,专有名词 Mount Tai  mountain:大型的,高山  range:山区,连绵起伏的群山  peak:山峰    another+单数  other+单数/复数    wife:妻子  husband:丈夫  spouse:配偶  couple:夫妻,一对  take a wife:娶妻  abandon one’s wife:抛弃妻子  a nagging wife:唠唠叨叨的妻子  a jealous wife:妒妇  a lawful wife:原配夫人  a former wife:前妻    bank:银行;河岸  beach:海滩  coast:海滩,专业地理词  shore:海滨,海岸    along the banks of the rive    go into  come out of    ★ Text  Lesson thirty-five: Our village  This’s a photograph of our village.  Our village is in a valley.  It’s between two hills.  The village is on a river.  Here is another photograph of the village.  My wife and I are walking alone the banks of the river.  We are on the left.  There’s a boy in the river.  He’s swimming across the river.  Here is another photograph.  This is the school building.  It is beside a park.  The park is on the right.  Some children are coming out of the building.  Some of them are going into the park. Lesson 37 Making a bookcase    新单词:work、hard、make、bookcase、hammer、paint、pink、favourite    work:可做名词、动词,指代一切的劳动、各种各样的劳动  job:有报酬的一份工作  task:愿意承担的任务  enployment:雇佣关系的劳动  labour:一般指体力劳动  occupation:职业,训练有素、有专长的职业  profession:脑力劳动    work hard:动词词组,努力工作  hard work:名词词组,艰苦的工作、艰苦的工作  hard-working:形容词,勤奋    现在进行时,表示现在正在进行或者发生的动作、状态;  表示现阶段正在进行或发生,但说话的此刻动作不一定进行的动作或状态;  后面加一个将来的时间,可以表示打算做的事情。    be for:为某人  This book is for you.    bookcase:书柜  bookshelf:书架  bookshop/ bookstore:书店  bookseller:书商  bookmark:书签  bookworm:书虫、书呆子    paint:上漆  painter:油漆工,画家  painting:painting:绘画、油画(指油画、水彩画等上色的画)  paint the town red v. 狂欢,胡闹    paint it pink:形容词做宾语补足语  pink collar:粉领  pink lady:(鸡尾酒)红粉佳人  in the pink:很健康  pink slip:解雇通知书    语法:  be going to 句型  1.打算要做某事  2.即将要发生某事  to 后接动词原形  be根据人称的变化而采用不同的形式    I’m going to make a bookcase.  I’m not going to make a bookcase.  Are you going to make a bookcase?  What are you going to do?  What colour are you going to paint it?    What are you going to do?  I’m going to wait for a bus.  What are you doing?  I’m waiting for a bus.    ★ Text  Lesson thirty-seven: Making a bookcase    You’re working hard, George.  What are you doing?  I’m making a bookcase.  Give me that hammer please, Dan.  Which hammer.  This one?  No, not that one.  The big one.  Here you are.  Thanks, Dan.  What are you going to do now, George?  I’m going to paint it.  What colour are you going to paint it?  I’m going to paint it pink.  Pink!  This bookcase isn’t for me.  It’s for my daughter, Susan.  Pink’s her favorite colour.    Give me that hammer please.  me是间接宾语  that hammer是直接宾语  Give that hammer to me.      Lesson What are you going to do? 你准备做什么?  What are you doing now? 你现在正在做什么?  新单词:homework、listen、dish    homework:家庭作业 do one’s homework  hometown:家乡  homemade:自制的  homeland:祖国  homesick:思乡  lovesick:相思    vt. 及物动词,后面直接跟宾语  vi. 不及物动词,后面加了介词才可以跟宾语    plate:小盘子  dish:大盘子  prepare the dishes:做菜  main dish:主菜,热菜  made a dish:凉菜、冷盘  clear the dishes:收拾碗筷网&&
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