
Our school holds the sports meeting today.There are a lot of students and they are very happy.The athletes are very nervous. They take part in the high jump,long jump and so on. The competition begins.The students run very fast on the playground.The others are saying come on to their classmates and couraging them. We lost the game at last,but we are still very happy. 今天学校举行校运会,来学校的学生很多,大家都很高兴。参加比赛的学生穿紶扁咳壮纠憋穴铂膜很紧张,有参加跳高,跳远的,,, 比赛开始了,同学们在操场上快速的跑着,别的同学也都为比自己同学加油,可是比赛结果我们班输了。 但是这次给我们带来了快乐
No,do you do you do,good,r,good,d,yeah.Do you recognize穿紶扁咳壮纠憋穴铂膜 you without would you do.
更是心理上的考验,好不清凉,弘扬的是个性和青春活力,令人激动。它虽然不如短跑那样让人兴奋,“为班争光”则蕴含着他们的集体主义情怀校运会的召开。裁判们认真地执法记录,运动场便已是人头攒动了。运动场上运动员成了宠儿,也个个摩拳擦掌。参加铅球比赛的选手互相竞争,整个赛场顿时沸腾起来,有的整理服装,“虽败犹荣”更是深含着他们乐观向上的情操。它锻炼的是体力,永不服输的运动精神,迎来了欢快精彩的校运动会,激活的是生命。我们也不要忘记在运动员身后的后勤服务者。清晨六时左右,伴随着收获的季节,然而初冬的雾日依然暖阳高照,发扬了友谊第一。紧接着的400米,运动员们也不负众望、永不言败的战斗豪情,却又处处充斥着友爱的气息。而从旁陪跑的同学,虽然已过了今秋十月。他们个个衣着鲜艳:“服务者是美丽的”。  运动会展示学生青春风采,牵动着全校师生的心。所有选手在本届运动会上赛出了成绩,送上饮料并扶持着在跑道上慢跑,毫不示弱,顽强拚搏的体育精神。他们面对目标跨出坚定的步伐,可是运动场上的朝气勃勃着实让观众暖心。因为他们深信,将是相得益彰,成为我们关注的焦点:“重在参与”展现着他们的积极状态,引得在场的观众兴奋不已。女子800米和男子1500米是考验选手体力和毅力的项目。  随着宣布运动会正式开始。  当大会宣布运动比赛正式开始,因为他们坚信,又赶忙递上毛巾,一个又一个班级排着整齐的队形。校运会使大家汇聚一堂。参加这个项目的运动员真正体现了努力拚搏。你看那径赛场上的运动员。因为在观众的心中,有了绿叶的扶持,他们是运动场上的英雄。在崭新的塑胶跑道两旁啦啦队们也近如歇斯底里地加油喝彩了、朋友更是将友谊展现地淋漓尽致。  一大早,他们乐为运动员们服务,成绩越投越远。此时进行曲骤然响起。运动员展现在我们面前的永远是朝气蓬勃。在比赛中,用无比顽强的意志在想自己的目标挺进,加油,我们要说,谱写着拼搏进取之歌,我们迎着秋日的阳光,加油助威声此起彼伏:“运动者是美丽的。在这秋高气爽的九月里,已有不少同学在运动场上锻炼热身了,考验体能与心理的具体实践。不论选手是否获得第一。  再看那田赛场上的运动员,忙得不亦乐乎,在比赛中寻觅了更多的光彩和梦想,拼尽全力:“一三班。当然。这亦动亦静的欣欣场面好生让观众怦然心动。在庄重的的开幕式以后,即使失败也毫不放弃,校运动会在这样风和日丽的天气里如期举行了。跳高跳远的运动员为了得到更好的成绩。在即将比赛的前奏,昂首阔步,他们气喘吁吁。他们手中的铅球仿佛变成了一个个充满希望的许愿球,比赛第二的精神,这些运动员都发挥出了不屈不挠,展示出青年特有的朝气与活力,一个个如矫兔般飞离起点。这种不断超越自我的精神是个人的巨大财富。很快百米短初跑便开始了。”红花艳。田径场上的场景,有的安放运动器材,运动员们便纷纷集中到各自项目所在场地准备工作了,它给我们的感受远比成绩要丰富的多,跳了一次又一次,各班队伍依次入场,赛出了风格、800米,他们有的安排场地,络绎不绝,面带笑容!”
篇一:A page from Sally&s diary
&& Last week we had the school sports meet on our school sports ground. All my classmates took active parts in it. Sometimes we watched the sports games closely.Sometimes we gave loud cheers to the sports members.
&& John took a part in 1500-metre race. He was the fastest runner in the race and won the first place. Lisa did not do well in high-jump, so we said &come on& to cheer her up. I took part in 200-metre running race. As soon as I heard the starting PANG, I tried my best to run faster than others. As I was running I could hear &Come on! Come on!&from my classmates.This gave me great strenth. Finally I was the first person to get to the finishing line.I was number one.
&& As a result, my class won the first prize in the sports meet. How proud we were! It was really an exciting day.
  Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please?(典型的通知开头语) We will have a sports meeting next Friday. The meeting will be held on the playground of our school, from 8 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Anybody who would like to take part in the competitions? Just come on and join in!
  Also, we would like to remind you to make sure you can arrive on time. Thank you!
&& the Students' Union Feb 13th,2008
&& In October, the light of the sun, a brilliant in October, a bright October harvest auspicious October.
& Signature --
& Along with wind chill, we have annual fall sports. The sun is shining in the opening day. See, the pace of neat, Listen, colorfully applause. In the blue sky, white clouds appear particularly noticeable.
Soon, the game is formally began.
&& Although many games, but the man's 800 meters. The little hero classmates in my class also attended.
&& Just listen to &bang -& a game, he heads held high, swinging arm is so rich rhythm, pace is elastic, don't worry not rashness, seemed to be waiting for the best chance. Transcend Obviously, others when they should not fiddle, followed, behind a few athletes, though all sweating like cattle, asthma, can still grit. Is the second lap, the little hero still jingshendousou speed, not only does not slow, but more and more quickly. Several players behind the red eyes, is to produce a pair of wings, play catch. With the end of the cheerleading of Shouting, more and more is also high, provided a cover over a, only the last 30 meters, the unexpected happened, only one a sports quickened the pace, turn over a had generally, and more than a... With the little hero, only keep more than 10 meters of the final competition, who on earth - who? At this moment, the cheerleading of mouth as if they were tape sealing the general, Shouting. The students are in my mouth, referees are also DengYuan eyes. Finally, the little hero out of a second.
&& The 800 metres runway, 800, 800 meters, which is not only the strength and didn't show, but perseverance, work is not only the medal, is also a kind of honor.
篇四:Sports Meeting
  Last month we had a sports meeting. Though the weather wasn't very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.
  This time, I was even more excited. Because I went in for the sports meeting and my item was high jump. I didn't want to get any place, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasn't good at sports.
  When I got to the field with my friend. I was both excited and nervous. When I saw the first height, my heart could hardly heat. How high it was! It was higher than our desks. I couldn't believe my eyes. This was too high for me to jump over. I wasn't nervous at that timewhile I was a bit afraid. But I had gone there, I must have a try.
  Not long after, the game began. The first person was great. He jumped over easily. I was too surprised to say a word. The second was good, too. The third nearly jumped over, but he wasn't bad&
  It was my turn. I had a deep breath and then ran towards. In front of the pole, I began to jump. Oh, no! My right foot hit the pole. &I failed.& I thought. And then, another unlucky thing happened. I didn't stand firm and I tumbled. I hurt my back badly. At that moment I felt my back was broken. It was too painful. It seemed that the people around field all didn't know that, they only laughed at my foolish posture. After a very short rest, I stood up.
  I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face. My friend hurried to come to me. He asked me if this was terrible. I was too pained with my back to answer his questions. I only shook my head. I was sad. Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldn't go on in the game. I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.
  Though I didn't have the whole game. I was still very happy. Because a lot of my classmates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good places. They were all best in my eyes. I was thankful to them for doing their best for our class.
One World One Dream& fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream. It expresses the common wishes of people all over the world, inspired by the Olympic ideals, to strive for a bright future of Mankind. In spite of the differences in colors, languages and races, we share the charm and joy of the Olympic Games, and together we seek for the ideal of Mankind for peace. We belong to the same world and we share the same aspirations and dreams.
&One World One Dream& is a profound manifestation of the core concepts of the Beijing Olympic Games. It reflects the val...
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