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今天看到了一个韩国女子组合 After School
引用7楼 @ 发表的:
引用5楼 @ 发表的:
今天看到了一个韩国女子组合 After School
AFTER SCHOOL零九年就出道了 在韩国也算很红的女团。
最早是因为UIE出演原来是美男 所以带红整个组合 并且她是游泳运动员出身有大长腿......
AS最新一次回归的歌叫《初恋》 唱现场都是钢管舞的。
引用9楼 @ 发表的:
AFTER SCHOOL零九年就出道了 在韩国也算很红的女团。
最早是因为UIE出演原来是美男 所以带红整个组合 并且她是游泳运动员出身有大长腿......
AS最新一次回归的歌叫《初恋》 唱现场都是钢管舞的。
引用7楼 @ 发表的:
[quote]引用8楼 @ 发表的:
回复可见这种东西就不要上首页的啦!引用7楼 @ 发表的:游客要辛苦的注册,所以新下载地址:[ 此帖被aalaaiaanaa在 12:12修改 ]
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JESSICA庆生版 - 少女时代Jessica(少女时代)
It&s Fantastic 2011亚洲巡回演唱会日本东京代代
I Got A Boy SBS人气歌谣现场版 13 01 13 - 少女时代
I Got A Boy SBS 现场版 中文字幕 13 01 05 -
I Got A Boy - SBS人气歌谣 现场版 中韩字幕 (Sone9An
I Got A Boy - Romantic Fantasy现场版 13 01 01 - 少
All My Love Is For You (HEY!HEY!HEY!)现场版 12 09
I Got A Boy - Romantic Fantasy现场版 13 01 01 - 少
音乐 mv 歌曲
音乐 mv 歌曲
I Got A Boy - Romantic Fantasy现场版 13 01 01 - 少
上 传 者:广东农民伯伯
所属频道:音乐 mv 歌曲
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视频简介:I Got A Boy - Romantic Fantasy现场版 13 01 01 - 少
Copyright&2005 - 2014 PPStream, Inc. All Rights ReservedFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Romantic comedy" redirects here. For other uses, see .
The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a
of the subject. Please
and discuss the issue on the . (August 2009)
Romantic comedy films are
with light-hearted, humorous plotlines, centered on romantic ideals such as that
is able to surmount most obstacles. One dictionary definition is "a funny movie, play, or television program about a love story that ends happily". Another definition states that its "primary distinguishing feature is a love plot in which two sympathetic and well-matched lovers are united or reconciled".
Romantic comedy films are a certain genre of
as well as of , and may also have elements of
and . Some television series can also be classified as romantic comedies.
In a typical romantic comedy the two lovers tend to be young, likeable, and apparently meant for each other, yet they are kept apart by some complicating circumstance (e.g., class differences, p a previous girlfriend or boyfriend) until, surmounting all obstacles, they are finally wed. A wedding-bells, fairy-tale-style happy ending is practically mandatory.
is considered by many critics to be the most successful movie in the genre.
This section is written like a
that states the Wikipedia editor's particular
about a topic, rather than the opinions of experts. Please
by rewriting it in an . (February 2011)
in Seven Sweethearts (1942), a musical romantic comedy film
The basic plot of a
is that two characters, usually a man and a woman, , part ways due to an argument or other obstacle, then ultimately reunite. Sometimes the two leads meet and become involved initially, then must confront challenges to their union. Sometimes they are hesitant to become romantically involved because they believe that they do not like each other, because one of them already has a partner, or because of social pressures. However, the screenwriters leave clues that suggest that the characters are, in fact, attracted to each other and that they would be a good love match. The protagonists often separate or seek time apart to sort out their feelings or deal with the external obstacles to their being together.
While the two protagonists are separated, one or both of them usually realizes that they are ideal for each other, or that they are in love with each other. Then, after one of the two makes some spectacular effort (sometimes called the grand gesture) to find the other person and declare their love, or through an astonishing coincidental encounter, the two meet again. Then, perhaps with some comic friction or awkwardness, they declare their love for each other and the . The couple does not, however, have to marry, or live together "happily ever after". The ending of a romantic comedy is meant to affirm the primary importance of the love relationship in its protagonists' lives, even if they physically separate in the end (e.g. , ).
There are many variations on this basic plotline. Sometimes, instead of the two lead characters ending up in each other's arms, another love match will be made between one of the principal characters and a secondary character (e.g.,
and ). Alternatively, the film may be a rumination on the impossibility of love, as in 's film . The basic format of a romantic comedy film can be found in much earlier sources, such as
plays like
Some comedy films, such as , combine themes of romantic comedies and stoner comedies, creating a subgenre that appeals to both men and women. Often known as "", such films usually use sexual elements which bring the two characters together. Films in this genre include
and even .
Romantic comedies have begun to spread out of their conventional and traditional structure into other territory. This territory explores more
and more complex topics. These films still follow the typical plot of "a light and humorous movie, play, etc., whose central plot is a happy love story" but with more complexity. These are a few ways romantic comedies are adding more subtlety and complexity into the genre.
Some Romantic comedies have adopted extreme or strange circumstances for the main characters, as in
where the protagonist is a zombie who falls in love with a human girl after eating her boyfriend. Another strange set of circumstances is in
where the two protagonists are building a relationship while trying to make a
together. Both these films take the typical story-arch and then utilize circumstances to add .
Other Romantic Comedies flip the standard conventions of the Romantic Comedy genre. In films like
the two main interests do not end up together, leaving the protagonist somewhat distraught. While other films like
have the two main interests end up separated but still content and pursuing other goals and love interests.
Other remakes of Romantic Comedies involve similar elements but explore more adult themes such as marriage, responsibility or even disability. Two films by
deal with these before mentioned issues. This is 40 chronicles the mid life crisis of a couple entering their 40's and Knocked Up addresses unintended pregnancy and the ensuing assuming of responsibility. While
deals with
and unrequited love that is never resolved.
All of these go against the
of what Romantic Comedy has become as a genre. Yet the genre of Romantic Comedy is simply a
and all of these elements do not negate the fact that these films are still Romantic Comedies.
One of the conventions of romantic comedy films is the funny parts and contrived encounter of two potential romantic partners in unusual or comic circumstances, which film critics such as
or the Associated Press'
have called a "meet-cute" situation. During a "meet-cute", scriptwriters often create a humorous sense of awkwardness between the two potential partners by depicting an initial
or beliefs, an embarrassing situation, or by introducing a comical misunderstanding or mistaken identity situation. Sometimes the term is used without a hyphen (a "meet cute"), or as a verb ("to meet cute").
Roger Ebert describes the "concept of a Meet Cute" as "when boy meets girl in a cute way." As an example, he cites "The Meet Cute in
[which] has
running their cars into each other in Switzerland. Once recovered, they Meet Cute again when they run into each other while on skis. Eventually,... they fall in love."
In many romantic comedies, the potential couple comprises polar opposites, two people of different temperaments, situations, social statuses, or all three (), who would not meet or talk under normal circumstances, and the meet cute's contrived situation provides the opportunity for these two people to meet.
in , a screwball romantic comedy
Certain movies are entirely driven by the meet-cute situation, and contrived circumstances throw the couple together for much of the screenplay. However, movies in which the contrived situation is the main feature, such as , rather than the romance being the main feature, are not considered "meet-cutes".
The use of the meet-cute is less marked in television series and novels, because these formats have more time to establish and develop romantic relationships. In situation comedies, relationships are static and meet-cute is not necessary, though flashbacks may recall one (, ) and lighter fare may require contrived romantic meetings.
The heyday of "meet cute" in films was during the
in the 1930s;
films made a heavy use of contrived romantic "meet cutes", perhaps because the more rigid
and class divisions of this period made cross-social class romances into tantalizing fantasies.
While film critic
has popularized the term "meet cute" in his reviews of romantic comedies, the term is mostly used in the film and screenwriting industries, where it provides a convenient shorthand for screenwriters who are doing a very compressed
to a film production company.
This article needs additional citations for . Please help
by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (June 2007)
The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms defines romantic comedy as "a general term for comedies that deal mainly with the follies and misunderstandings of young lovers, in a light‐hearted and happily concluded manner which usually avoids serious satire". This reference states that the "best‐known examples are Shakespeare's comedies of the late 1590s, , , and
being the most purely romantic, while
approaches the
is closer to ."
Comedies since
have often incorporated sexual or social elements.
It was not until the creation of
in the western European
period, though, that "romance" came to refer to "romantic love" situations, rather than the heroic adventures of medieval . These adventures, however, often revolved about a knight's feats on behalf of a lady, and so the modern themes of love were quickly woven into them, as in 's .
remain influential. The creation of huge economic social strata in the [], combined with the heightened openness about sex after the [] and the celebration of 's theories, and the birth of the film industry in the early twentieth century, gave birth to the .[] As class consciousness declined and
unified various social orders, the savage screwball comedies of the twenties and thirties, proceeding through –-style comedies, gave way to more innocuous comedies.[] This style faded in the 1960s, and the genre lay mostly dormant until the more sexually charged
had a successful box office run in 1989, paving the way for a rebirth for the Hollywood romantic comedy in the mid-1990s.
went in a completely different direction, with less inhibitions about sex.[] , tired of stories that ended in '' at the beginning of a serious relationship, called
by , with its portrayal of a difficult marriage, "one of the few English novels written for grown-up people."
Bill Johnson. The Art of the Romantic Comedy Available online at:
Accessed June 20, 2011
Romantic comedy: boy meets girl meets genre. Tamar Jeffers McDonald. Wallflower Press, 2007. p.3
Mandell, Zack (). . .
Mernit, Billy. Writing the Romantic Comedy (, 2000)
"She has a Meet-Cute (three, actually) with Prince Charmont (Hugh Dancy)" - Roger Ebert, reviewing "Ella Enchanted". Available at
Review: McGregor, Plummer delight in `Beginners' . Accessed June 20, 2011.
Roger Ebert (28 June 1979). .
Accessed June 20, 2011
C.S Lewis, The Allegory of Love, p 19
- from the 1940s to future releases, with box office performance The Numbers
- year-by-year analysis of box office performance of romantic comedies The Numbers
- Top 290 (1978–present) by
: Hidden categories:On one rainy evening, the boy secludes himself in a soundless, dark drawing-room and gives his feelings for her full release: "I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: O love! O love! many times." This scene is the culmination of the narrator’s increasingly romantic i的翻译:在一个阴雨的夜晚,男孩闻达无声、 黑暗的客厅,让他感觉她充分释放:"我按我的掌心一起直到他们战战兢兢,潺潺: O 爱 !O 爱 !许多倍。"这一幕是妹妹的讲述人越来越多地浪漫理想化的锰的高潮。他其实对她说话的时候,他建立了这种不切实际的想法她勉强可以一起将句子:"当她给我的第一句话是我困惑不解我不知道说什么才好。她问我,是否我要联手。我忘记是否回答 yes 或 no。"讲述人出色的复苏,但是: 当锰的妹妹愁闷地说她不能去联手,他殷勤地提供的东西带回给她。 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
On one rainy evening, the boy secludes himself in a soundless, dark drawing-room and gives his feelings for her full release: "I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: O love! O love! many times." This scene is the culmination of the narrator’s increasingly romantic i
[object Object]
在一个阴雨的夜晚,男孩闻达无声、 黑暗的客厅,让他感觉她充分释放:"我按我的掌心一起直到他们战战兢兢,潺潺: O 爱 !O 爱 !许多倍。"这一幕是妹妹的讲述人越来越多地浪漫理想化的锰的高潮。他其实对她说话的时候,他建立了这种不切实际的想法她勉强可以一起将句子:"当她给我的第一句话是我困惑不解我不知道说什么才好。她问我,是否我要联手。我忘记是否回答 yes 或 no。"讲述人出色的复苏,但是: 当锰的妹妹愁闷地说她不能去联手,他殷勤地提供的东西带回给她。
在一个下雨天晚上,该名男童secludes自己在一个安静、深色客厅和使其对她充分释放:「我按手一起我的手掌直到他们颤抖,喃喃地说:o爱! o爱! 很多倍。”这是现场的高潮“讲述人”的日益浪漫追求曼甘的姐姐。
在一个阴雨的夜晚,男孩闻达无声、 黑暗的客厅,让他感觉她充分释放:"我按我的掌心一起直到他们战战兢兢,潺潺: O 爱 !O 爱 !许多倍。"这一幕是妹妹的讲述人越来越多地浪漫理想化的锰的高潮。他其实对她说话的时候,他建立了这种不切实际的想法她勉强可以一起将句子:"当她给我的第一句话是我困惑不解我不知道说什么才好。她问我,是否我要联手。我忘记是否回答 yes 或 no。"讲述人出色的复苏,但是: 当锰的妹妹愁闷地说她不能去联手,他殷勤地提供的东西带回给她。I Got A Boy Romantic Fantasy中字特效珍藏版
I Got A Boy Romantic Fantasy中字特效珍藏版


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