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How to Learn a Foreign Language | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement
How to Learn a Foreign Language
Note: These guidelines should be rigorously followed, even if you are taking a language course.
Learn a Foreign Language
1) Spend the time!
By far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language. The more time you spend with the language, the faster you will learn. This means listening, reading, writing, speaking, and studying words and phrases. This does not mean sitting in class looking out the window, nor listening to other students who do not speak well, nor getting explanations in your own language about how the language works. This means spending time enjoyably connected to the language you are learning.
2) Listen and read every day!
Listen wherever you are on your MP3 player. Read what you are listening to. Listen to and read things that you like, things that you can mostly understand, or even partly understand. If you keep listening and reading you will get used to the language. One hour of listening or reading is more effective than many hours of class time.
3) Focus on words and phrases!
Build up your vocabulary, you’ll need lots. Start to notice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through your listening and reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists for review. Soon you will run into your new words and phrases elsewhere. Gradually you will be able to use them. Do not worry about how accurately you speak until you have accumulated a plenty of words through listening and reading.
4) Take responsibility for your own learning!
If you do not want to learn the language, you won’t. If you do want to learn the language, take control. Choose content of interest, that you want to listen to and read. Seek out the words and phrases that you need to understand your listening and reading. Do not wait for someone else to show you the language, nor to tell you what to do. Discover the language by yourself, like a child growing up. Talk when you feel like it. Write when you feel like it. A teacher cannot teach you to become fluent, but you can learn to become fluent if you want to.
5) Relax and enjoy yourself!
Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. The language will gradually become clearer in your brain, but this will happen on a schedule that you cannot control. So sit back and enjoy. Just make sure you spend enough time with the language. That is the greatest guarantee of success.
Steve Kaufmann is a former Canadian diplomat, who has had his own company in the international trade of forest products for over 20 years. Steve founded
in 2002 to develop a new approach to language learning using the web. The new
system for learning multiple languages is now available in Beta. Steve speaks nine languages fluently and is currently learning Russian using LingQ. Steve maintains a .
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"Approach neither from the position of hype or hatred for maximum effect. Well-observed storytelling in a highly atmospheric and unconventional setting."
Read the full review .
“Gone Home is the greatest video game love story ever told.”
“I never expected to see myself — or such a strong reflection of myself and my own life — in a video game.”
10/10 –
“Epic, personal and revelatory.”
5/5 –
Commentary Mode now available!
Your copy of Gone Home now includes Developer Commentary Mode! More than an hour and a half of audio commentary from the developers of the game. Find it in the Modifiers menu when starting a new game! Enjoy!!
About This Game
You arrive home after a year abroad. You expect your family to greet you, but the house is empty. Something's not right. Where is everyone? And what's happened here?
Unravel the mystery for yourself in Gone Home, a story exploration game from The Fullbright Company.
Gone Home is an interactive exploration simulator. Interrogate every detail of a seemingly normal house to discover the story of the people who live there. Open any drawer and door. Pick up objects and examine them to discover clues. Uncover the events of one family's lives by investigating what they've left behind.
Go Home Again.
A Personal Story: created by veterans of the BioShock series and the writer behind Minerva's Den, Gone Home offers the rich, nuanced details of one family's struggles to deal with uncertainty, heartache, and change.
An Immersive Place: return to the 1990s by visiting a home where every detail has been carefully recreated, and the sounds of a rainstorm outside wrap you in the experience.
No Combat, No Puzzles: Gone Home is a nonviolent and puzzle-free experience, inviting you to play at your own pace without getting attacked, stuck, or frustrated. This house wants you to explore it.
Fully Interactive Investigation: discover what's happened to the Greenbriars by examining a house full of the family's personal possessions, and the notes and letters they've left behind. Use your powers of observation to piece together a story that unfolds as you explore.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
WindowsXP SP2 or higher
1.80GHz Processor
2GB Memory
Video card with 512MB of VRAM
o (NOTE: Intel HD Graphic 4000 NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED on Windows 8)
2GB HDD space
OS X v10.7 Lion or higher
1.80GHz Processor
2GB Memory
Video card with 512MB of VRAM
2GB HDD space
glibc 2.11 or newer
1.80GHz Processor
2GB Memory
Video card with 512MB of VRAM
2GB HDD space
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1 person found this review funny
1.6 hrs on record
Oh boy, where do I start with this game? How about that it was an astronomically huge bait and switch?
The beginning of this game was interesting, had a great atomosphere, and kept me invested enough to want to solve this &games& so-called mystery. Then the development team decide to do a complete 180 near the end of the game and throw everything straight out the window. The ending did not pay off, plain and simple. So back in the year 2013 this game was getting an incredible amount of praise from various video game review sites, which was my inital reason for playing it and even knowing it existed. After having played it though, I found out how overhyped this game truly was. It didn't even come close to what some of these critics were claiming it was. They acted as if it was something truly revolutionary and worthy of game of the year. It is by no means worthy of such a prestigious title. It's actually an insult to the gaming industry for it to even be considered for game of the year.The only thing you do in this
so-called &game& is walk throughout house finding clues/specific items which when interacted with will then trigger voice recording from your &missing& sister. The voice recordings will give you a very small backstory on your sisters mindset and they will also give you a hint as to where you can find the next clue/item. This is what the entire game consists of and it became repetitious rather quickly. It got so repetitious to the point where the game became a chore to complete. Before I go on to talk about what really bothered me with this game, let me give you a brief premise of the story. You play as Kaitlin Greenbriar who returns home to find her parents house empty. Her mom, dad, and sister are no where to be found. YOU and only YOU must find out what happened to her family. Now that we're all caught up, let's talk about the games completely uninteresting uneventful ending. This is what really made me angry and is the reason I am writting this review. Obvious SPOILERS ahead. So it turns out Kaitlin's mom and dad happen to be on a camping trip while she decides to return home. So it's just a case of she's at the wrong place, at the wrong time. She probably should of called first before returning home unannounced, am I right?. Now what happened to her adorable little sister you may be wondering - Well, let's dive right into it. The entire reason her sister is no where to be found is because she decided to run away while your parents were on their camping trip due to a homosexual relationship in which they didn't approve of. Yes, she ran away with her girlfriend and decided to drop out of high school to live happily ever after in La La Land . What a great life descision. I believe the ending is the entire reason the game got any recognition from the critics. It got the recognition because it tackles a controversial subject like homosexuality. Now I support equality to the fullest, that's not the problem here. The problem is the first half of this game hinted at paranormal themes and seemed as if it were going to go in a completely different direction then it acutally ended up going. It's pretty clear that the paranormal/mystery aspect of the game was used to bait consumers into buying this piece of trash. Had I known it was all a front for love story mumbo jumbo I wouldn't even touched this game. The game even had a damn Ouija board in it at one point for crying out loud. It not only had that but it also had a genuinely erie atmosphere with great ambient sounds that thickned it to the fullest extent. There were creeks, faint voices, and thunderstrkes that would all occur as you would walk throughout the house. I'm just so disappointed about the direction the devolpers decided go because very few video games have as great of an atmosphere as this one did during the first half of the game. This game really could have turned out to be a truly great horror/mystery title. However, the developers decided to throw that great atmosphere out the window with this love story bullcrap. I would also like to point out that just because a game chooses to tackle a controversal subject does not make it revolutionary or something of good quality. I'm talking to you video game criticsI personally believe this game isn't worth buying by any means whatsoever. It definitly isn't worth the $20 price tag that's for damn sure. To be completely blunt, I'm not even sure something like this can even be considered a game. Walking simulator fits it better.TL;DR (Contains spoilers): This game is extremely repetitious, the main characters mom and dad are not actually missing but are on a camping trip, and main characters sister is a full blown lesbian who dropped out of high school to run away and live happily ever after with her girlfriend while their parents were on said camping trip.
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0.7 hrs on record
I know this is a storyline-based game, so I'm going to review it as one (no ''omg there is no gameplay its just walking and listening to ur character 2/10''). The ambiance is quite good. Also lots of nostalgic stuff for 90s kids, i guess.The storyline, however, is thin, and not very interesting.This game would maybe be an okay buy if it was cheaper (5 - 10 euro would be alright). But 20 euros for this? Especially considering the game can be finished in 2 hours, It's best if you skip this one.5/10
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1.5 hrs on record
This game is overpriced, overrated and overhyped. I bought this game because the ratings on various gaming sites are good. There was a 50% off sale. But still, BIG MISTAKE.
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1.4 hrs on record
Gone Home is... okay. There's nothing particularly terrible about it, but it's hardly this amazing, revelatory experience that it's been portrayed as in the media. It's just a very short, straightforward game of exploration, in which a fairly simple story of teenage love and rebellion is fed to you through bits and pieces of notes and spoken journal entries you find while exploring a large, abandoned house. But this game does absolutely nothing innovative, unlike the pre-release hype proclaimed. There have been hundreds of games with more compelling stories, and this game introduces no original mechanics. I took my time and explored the entire house, and I beat the game in three sessions totalling 81 minutes.Again, it's not bad, it's just an utter ripoff for $20. I got it in a large Humble Bundle package, paying about a dollar for it, and it's decent value at that price, but there's no way I'd pay more than five bucks, and even that is stretching it. I'd be ?????? if I'd paid full retail for it. You can find many many games that will be far more engrossing, more entertaining, and just plain longer at this price point.
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1.8 hrs on record
A videogame equivalent of an oscar bait
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Title: Gone Home
Release Date: 15 Aug, 2013
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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